[StickyMayhem] Sinlore - Reduced Ban Time Appeal

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[StickyMayhem] Sinlore - Reduced Ban Time Appeal

Post by Sinlore » #11095

Byond account and character name: Sinlore (forgot character name - random name, it was Alexander something)
Banning admin: StickyMayhem
Ban reason and length: Tried to bomb the wizard with a maxcap and missed. Killed four innocents, but he was apologetic and showed understanding. Ban for 4320 minutes (3 days)
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2014-06-03 14:44:36
Your side of the story: I was a scientist this round, so I worked in toxins and created max cap bombs, which I have started sending to mining for use. Throughout the shift I notice a lot of people breaking into places, and someone mentions a wizard. Bridge goes on full lockdown, see people breaking in, alert a secborg. One guy kills himself because the borg arrested him for breaking in. Later find out the wizard is hiding in the bridge. A sec officer, an atmos tech, myself, and the chaplain begin to break in through the captains office towards the bridge. I tell the sec officer I have bombs, he says, in clear range of the others that he will distract the wizard while I try to get in and bomb him. When we open the bridge, there is a Juggernaut and a wraith, as well as the wizard Magic Missiling, which makes it very hard to get within range of him. The sec guard and chaplain go down fighting the Juggernaut, I throw a bomb to the West side of the bridge and detonate, hoping the wizard is in range. As it is max cap, it does a lot of damage and kills or finishes killing the four of us.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I am not asking for the ban to be removed, as I understand that I let a bomb go and it did a large amount of damage. I am asking for a reduction from 3 days ban time. I understand that it was a risk throwing a bomb at the wizard and hoping it got him, but I feel that the others entering the room, especially the sec guard etc knew that was the plan, and that the people that entered with us were the ones that were affected most. I acted in an effort to defeat the antag, not as some kind of terrorist hoping to do as much damage as possible.
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Byond Username: Stickymayhem

Re: [StickyMayhem] Sinlore - Reduced Ban Time Appeal

Post by Stickymayhem » #11124

I'm going to pull a couple days from the ban seeing as you were apologetic, took the time to explain the situation here, and no one in dead chat was particularly disgruntled.

Just keep in mind that when you toss a maxcap bomb, you are taking a serious OOC risk, and will have to accept the consequences if you fail. More severely if this happens again.

I'm sure this can now be locked.
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Re: [StickyMayhem] Sinlore - Reduced Ban Time Appeal

Post by elyina » #11136

I'll give him a chance to respond before moving to resolved
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Re: [StickyMayhem] Sinlore - Reduced Ban Time Appeal

Post by Sinlore » #11141

Fully understand the consequences and very much appreciate the leniency in this case. Thank you.
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Re: [StickyMayhem] Sinlore - Reduced Ban Time Appeal

Post by elyina » #11142


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