Cult rune sheet metal (& glass if applicable) craft recipies

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Joined: Mon May 04, 2015 11:25 pm
Byond Username: FantasticFwoosh

Cult rune sheet metal (& glass if applicable) craft recipies

Post by FantasticFwoosh » #168291

I understand cult recently had a bit of a revamp, but im ignoring the changes made for the time being.

This is more a standalone suggestion more than anything, but what if cultist metal was used separately in crafting recipes regardless of round?

A few ideas, mainly bizzarro revamps of current items.

> Hexing bolas - Bolas for catching that incur a short term magical effect such as a minor stun/silence
> Soul-spitter - A flame thrower that spurts forward difficult to extinguish hellfire (on par with napalm that isnt hot to the surroundings) but also draws blood and damage on each hit from the user
> Defiler - A edged whip a bit more knarly than that prioritises causing the victim to bleed instead of directly hurting them.
> (REUSED FROM NECRO LOOT CHEST) - Meat Hook - self explanatory
> Unholy hand grenade (more glass than metal) - A explosively potent EID that draws on blood to fuel but requires no other reagents, shatters into shards on impact that have a chance to embed if close by the blast by high velocity.
> A improvised lasergun that runs off soul shard energy for highly damaging shots, requires modular reciever parts and a pin but otherwise the high cost & cost of shards make it more a weapon of choice during the later stages of a round. Kills the ghost user until popped back out again, and recharges over time, installing a new shard and juggling them makes for more effective usage than waiting for one

Ok 1 more i can think of as of current that doesn't require some combination of metal/glass

> Eldritch Blood Soap - Cleans but also extracts blood from tiles to be used elsewhere, extracting blood and activating the bar of soap can substitute the use of your own when needed & either using it on a beaker or on other people/actively on yourself can replenish your blood supply regardless of blood group. Removes gibs and remains also, but skeletons are not accounted for cost wise.

If you haven't picked up the theme, most of these items are based around blood as a integral core. A deeply rooted cult hiding out somewhere like lavaland (with the new/technically old mining processing) in that if left alone they will become stronger by sheet production.

Feedback appreciated, feel free to also add your own ideas if you want to.

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