rising thunder

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rising thunder

Post by nsos » #108756

it's a fighting game
it's in alpha
it's free to play with no microtransactions for at least the first 6 months after release
you are a robot pilot
you fight robots pilots
all the specials are one button so you can't blame losses on 'doing the moves is hard'
there's a russian robot piloted by a dog and it has a jetpack


it's not revolutionary, but it's ok
it's not remotely as casual as it sounds if you play like a moron you'll still get dunked and have a nervous meltdown like this guy

i have 4 (four) alpha codes, drop ur steam and i'll send one
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Re: rising thunder

Post by nsos » #108771

got 3 codes left.
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Re: rising thunder

Post by nsos » #108775

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Re: rising thunder

Post by nsos » #108781

1 code left
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Re: rising thunder

Post by Timbrewolf » #108793

I'll spend some time in the salt mines this weekend.
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Re: rising thunder

Post by ColonicAcid » #108794

im trash at this

i need to step up my fighting game man
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Re: rising thunder

Post by EasX » #108795

anyone up to play?
I need to gauge how shitty I am

edit: nvm, there's no friends list feature
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Re: rising thunder

Post by Timbrewolf » #108796

ColonicAcid wrote:im trash at this

i need to step up my fighting game man
Same shit, different day. Pick a character, learn your normals. Find what has your longest reach for pressure and zoning. Find out what has your best anti-air properties for protecting your neck from people jumping in on your shit (you can't always rely on DP's since they have cooldowns now). Find out what comes out the fastest for punishing people who fuck up and leading into longer strings.

Specials are going to be weird in this game because everyone has easy access to them...but they have cooldowns. You wont always be able to punish by immediately popping a fireball into their face or throwing a DP. Knowing your normals and using them appropriately is going to be clutch as fuck. Not that you can really afford to just ignore normals in other fighting games but it's going to be really important here from the get-go. You aren't going to win in the scrub-tier by just spamming fireballs and SRK's at people. Unless they're really, tragically, fucking godawful. Expect to see them come out all the fucking time because push-button-receive-SRK but still, those cooldowns really limit your ability to just milk them allday errday.

I'll spend some time with it this weekend to see for myself, but I'm wary of the philosophy behind the cooldowns. Putting specials on a button input removes user error, and that's a cool idea. Assuming people are going to use specials too much if you can just push a button and do them is flawed. High-level players in every other fighting game are mentally doing that. You don't think in your head "236+FP" you just think "Fireball" and it comes out. Once you've practiced those motions on enough different games they just come out naturally. You are pushing a button in your head and getting a fireball, the cooldown is in your character's recovery frames. Every other fighting game has basically been distilled down to this level already by pro players.

...so while adding one-button specials, supers, etc. to the game opens it up for people who don't have that muscle memory to jump right in, adding cooldowns to the moves just shackles everyone from getting more out of single moves and forces them to cycle through more of a character's entire kit...which might not be the right choice the situation. If an opponent fucks something up or I want to zone them out, I feed them a fireball for a cheap hit or some chip. If they immediately make the same mistake again I'm fucked out of giving them the appropriate response. They're escaping punishment because my toolkit has a timer on it. My zone crumbles immediately after I try to capitalize on it. My ability to put pressure and capitalize on bad-play now relies entirely on my ability to play around the other tools in my arsenal.

It may not be all bad. While on the one hand limiting people's ability to punish might encourage more sloppy play (I can keep fucking up, and I only have to pay for it half the time!) it may also reinforce and encourage smarter usage of normals and a tactic wherein people are purposely baiting out certain specials from their opponents to create opportunities for them to capitalize while their opponent is unable to provide that answer again (If I make you whiff that DP, I can crossup on your dumbass with impunity for the next three seconds!)
Last edited by Timbrewolf on Sat Aug 01, 2015 5:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: rising thunder

Post by Timbrewolf » #108797

I watched a bit of streams from some high level players jumping into the game and it looks fun, but kinda boring. There's a lot of explosive combos and smart play...and then a retreat and a pause while their kit refreshes so they can do it again.

Matches that should be over a lot sooner drag on a bit because after you open up that can of hurt on someone you need to wait for a fresh one to be available for you to crack open again.

Maybe that's good balancing for the kind of play they want to encourage, but it's incredibly strange compared to every other game ever. I've seen matches where guys just unload a world of hurt on someone who eats it completely...then gets a reprieve for a bit while they have to kill time before they can do it again...and they do, and they eat the whole thing again. This shitshow should've ended in the first 15, but here we are 45 seconds into this crap match because the game is built this way.

I guess if you're truly awful it's more time for you to try to learn and provide your own answers back...? Is maybe that the idea...? I'll need to get my hands on it and see for myself what this all actually feels like beyond just what it looks like.

And of course some of this is just a product of the game only being out for like...hours.

I will say I like the idea of a free-to-play fightan game that actually has polish and shit.
But the instant they gate characters or movies behind a paywall or grind-you-can-pay-to-avoid I am fuckin' outta here. These weird early moments may very well be the game in the purest form it will ever be: everything is free for everyone. Everyone has all the same characters and all the same options.
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Re: rising thunder

Post by ColonicAcid » #108856

>finally find someone I can trash
>lose round 1 because im bad
>playing defensive waiting for him to use his cooldowns so I can go in with a dustbreaker charge juggle combo
>round 2 he uses his super just as I used my long range punch resulting in him getting ko'd and i laughing my ass off
>round 3 I'm trashing him, he's 1/4 health i'm nearly full
>game crashes

alpha is alpha but fuck man that was going to be my MOMENT
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Re: rising thunder

Post by Timbrewolf » #108899

Is it just me or is everyone playing Dauntless?

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Re: rising thunder

Post by ColonicAcid » #108916

nah there's far more chel and crow players.

mainly because they're the strongest characters.

Dauntless is fun as fuck to play. I can't cancel my weak punches yet in a real match, need to git gud.
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Re: rising thunder

Post by Timbrewolf » #108917

I shit all over those players though.

Chel players like her because you can push a button and toss a fireball. They forget you can just jump in over them.

Crow players either want to try to drive that ring toss move into me, which you can either just jump over or rush in under, or just turn invisible as much as possible while you wait patiently outside the bubble for them to realize they're a fucking moron for throwing that out raw.

Dauntless, Talos, and Ivan seem like where the real strength has gravitated towards.

If I had a fucking dollar for every time someone threw a super at me I could just cross-up over or neutral jump over I'd be able to buy this game at retail whenever it finally launches Jesus Christ.
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Re: rising thunder

Post by ColonicAcid » #108918

i cant handle chel's cross ups though.

due to the fireball spam she forces you to cold drill (gives you armour and shit) but like okay maybe I can get a heavy through or a dustbreaker but after that she'll just cross up and juggle me, she wins the trade, backs off rinse and repeat.

also i dont have the motor memory that down + R1 is uppercut so its a 50/50 if i punish for air.

also kinetic advance xx cold break xx dustbreaker xx c-M-H makes me wet
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Re: rising thunder

Post by ColonicAcid » #108922


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Re: rising thunder

Post by Timbrewolf » #108924

The damage scaling in this game is broken as fuck.

M H into Dustbreaker does 170

4 L into Cold Drill into Beatdown does 202.

Beatdown does 300 raw.

Holy shit what the fuck is happening.
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Re: rising thunder

Post by ColonicAcid » #108926

im 90% sure damage scales down as you do more of it.

to stop snowballing or some shit i dunno, i know edges super did 0 damage after he juggled me for half my health.
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Re: rising thunder

Post by Timbrewolf » #108928

That's totally normal. Hits should deal progressively less and less as a combo chains onward to prevent broken bullshit and infinites. That's fundamental fightan gaem.

What I'm complaining about is that my 300 damage raw super only adds 30 damage when I combo into it. That's fucking stupid. Setting up a whole string and finishing it with a super does less damage then just throwing the super. That's fuckin' DUMB.


You can cancel the second hit of cold drill with a revolving hook, but it doesn't combo. You can hold revolving hook to cancel into neutral state. Now we're in it. The money is in here somewhere.


Yeah you're much better off holding cold drill for the hyper armor, confirming the first hit, and then canceling the second for beatdown. 272 overall. That'll be the way to deliver that shit.


No my bad, you don't need to cancel the second hit. Confirm it and then JF the beatdown for 330 overall.


In open ground you can M -> H -> Cold Drill (cancel) -> Beatdown for 204. Shitty but hey it's there.


Same shit but if you don't have the super you can throw a revolving hook instead for 150 and a healthy push towards the corner.
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Re: rising thunder

Post by ColonicAcid » #108932

okay so you pretty much need to cancel out of dust breaker if you whiff/they block it because it sticks your character to the GROUND for like 0.5 seconds
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Re: rising thunder

Post by Timbrewolf » #108933

I'm totally fucking missing something in the controls here.

What is the input for kinetic advance?


Goddammit I've been trying to just input the dash cancel this whole time but you have to pick between kinetic advance or kinetic deflect.

Fuck my life.
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Re: rising thunder

Post by ColonicAcid » #108935

okay kinetic advance i think is a passive.
when you cancel it resets your cold break and revolving hook

everyone seems to get kinetic advance and kinetic deflect
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Re: rising thunder

Post by Timbrewolf » #108936

You choose between one or the other in your setup, the screen where you choose what your specials are.

You pick between Kinetic Advance, which burns half your meter to dash or jump cancel a move
and Kinetic Deflect, which lets burst out of a combo by pressing two special buttons at the same time for half meter.

That seems like utter garbage to me. You should have both options open to you at all times. Making you pick between being offensive or defensive in your setup before match like...holy fuck what the fuck why why why why

This is like if 3rd Strike made you pick between being able to throw EX moves or being able to Parry.
If Guilty Gear made you choose between being able to Roman Cancel or Burst

What the actual fuck is happening here? What total fucking moron decided you should have to pick between being able to do one or the other?

The cooldowns were something I could understand having to play around as a metagame changer. This is just pure idiocy. This is fucking bad game fighter design. What the actual fuck.
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Re: rising thunder

Post by ColonicAcid » #108938

>Kinetic Advance, which burns half your meter to dash or jump cancel a move
okay that makes sense i assumed that it was just part of the game, then why the fuck does your cooldowns reset when you move cancel, is that just training arena or...?
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Re: rising thunder

Post by Timbrewolf » #108940

It's basically asking you to choose between two options:

1) Burn meter to chain specials
2) Burn meter to escape someone running chains on you

The meta here is then

1) Pick an option that helps you be aggressive and put damage on your opponent because you have GOTTEN GUD
2) Pick an option that protects you from people who have GOTTEN GUD, but does not help you ever actually GIT GUD yourself

My outrage here is that in most every other fightan gaem you have both options open to you at all times. Pressing the offence? Burn some meter to stick it to 'em! Your training has paid off, you earned this opportunity! Your opponent has caught you up in some shit and you're getting bodied? Burn some meter and reset this mess! Your prudence and good timing might be just the thing you need to turn the tide and run it back!

At the same time that you have these options you know your opponent can do both too. If they've built meter you need to be on guard for them to clobber you over the fuckin' head with a brutal chain (if they can execute it!) AND you need to be aware that they have an out if you decide to go all in and burn your own meter to try to reach for that extra damage. There's mindgames there. There's snap decisions to be made and smart plays and split-second decisions.

Rising Thunder makes you pick one or the other before the match even starts and that's that. It dumbs it down, like it has dumbed down the pace of the game with those fucking cooldowns. You pick whether you're going to play around an offensive or defensive position before the match has even started. You DO get a chance to switch it up between sets but the fact that you already know the first time you see an opponent Advance or Deflect mid-set what options they're going to have for the rest of the set...

...just fuck this, man. It's one thing to lower the barrier of entry into a thing to get more people into it. It's a whole other thing to drop the ceiling down too. You're stripping options away from people who would be smart enough to make those decisions under pressure to "even the playing field" or some such shit I don't even know.

This game is poverty bullshit. All of my hype and hope for some potential greatness just fucking burst. Goddammit.
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Re: rising thunder

Post by Timbrewolf » #108941

My gut reaction was to just go with Kinetic Advance and style on people but the system is so aggressive with its scaling there's no reason to practice or research long strings.

Just go Deflect and throw short strings into single specials and get out, over and over until you win. The game is actively punishing you for pushing for more. Deflect as often as you can to prevent them for getting hits in while you suffer through your cooldowns and dial in the same jumping M -> M -> H -> Drill/Dust bread and butter shit until you win. This isn't anything. This is high level Scrub-Tech: The Game.

I can front grab someone, punch them a few times then launch them, burn half my meter just to chase them into mid-air and expend one of my cooldowns to smack them down into the dirt. It looks cool as fuck but it such a horrible misuse of all my resources it's totally fucking useless. But when there's like...nothing else to fucking reach for with it who fucking cares? Sure. Do it. Welcome to Rising Thunder. Making the best out of a bunch of terrible options.
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Re: rising thunder

Post by nsos » #108960

at least you gave blade symphony a week before you realized you hated it.

you should come play me in garou or some shit whenevr fightcade stops getting DODSed.
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Re: rising thunder

Post by Timbrewolf » #109104

I'm going to keep playing it anyway but it's incredibly depressing.

It looks great and the basic controls feel really good. It has charm. It could be great.

...but then they make a ton of terrible decisions in the systems and it bums me the fuck out.

Blade Symphony sucked dicks because the netcode was super shitty. This doesn't have that problem.
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Re: rising thunder

Post by ColonicAcid » #109894

bronze V boys

im doing it
im winning games
dauntless light punch is strong, and her air game is alright (esp. with kinetic advance resetting a heavy which is like a massive ministun and cross up garuantees big dick damage due to lmao more normal damage)
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Re: rising thunder

Post by Timbrewolf » #109898

Lead with your armored cold drill, not a heavy. KA that into your cross-up H -> whatever shenanigans
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Re: rising thunder

Post by Erbbu » #112389

This game is pretty cool. I was so free vs. cross-ups for quite a while but now I'm finally starting to catch them with Talos' S1.2. I still slip because the timing window to absorb their attack and grab them is pretty tight but at least it doesn't anymore feel like my only option is to block even if I know they will go for the cross-up.

Also Talos's resets after Spartan Kick > b.M are pretty neat.
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Re: rising thunder

Post by Deitus » #114377

Deitus wrote:i really want to gitgud at fightan games and rising thunder seems like my best bet/gateway, but god if i cant into them for the life of me
anyone here wanna play and help a scrub out?
pasted from a different thread since i was too dumb to search for a RT thread :honk:
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