[cheridan] slammo1 - Permaban appeal

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[cheridan] slammo1 - Permaban appeal

Post by slammo1 » #13714

Byond account and character name: Slammo1 / RR MARTIN

Banning admin: Cheridan

Ban reason and length: Permaban - Says I put Mindbreaker in all the chef's food as the chemist then logged out during questioning

Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2014-06-15 00:13:09 (EST)

Your side of the story: I did put Mindbreaker in one of the food's as chemist, but only to test it on myself and see if it worked, I took the food with me. I was nonantag, but I didn't think this was an issue, since a previous round the chemist (not me) was running around shoving Mindbreaker down everyone's throat when they asked for help, and he was nonantag (don't remember name, but when he did it, he did not get in trouble that I could tell). As far as the other foods go, I just left the stuff on the floor since I slipped and dropped it and saw Sec coming so didn't want to get arrested for having drugs, so it is possible someone else could have done it. You said the chef claims no one else touched the food, but that hardly seems fair, since as far as I know he was not spending his entire shift standing by the counter watching people. With regard to logging out during questioning, any time people message me on the server/BYOND, my game tends to freeze sooner rather than later- I hear "beep" or "whomp" of the message, then everything goes gray/white and I'm frozen, though I can hear the game going on around me. Given the time of night and the length of time I had been playing, I just said "screw it" and shut down.

Why you think you should be unbanned: This seems like a misunderstanding to me, but if you feel I should be banned, then I would at least like a jobban instead of permaban.
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Re: [cheridan] slammo1 - Permaban appeal

Post by slammo1 » #14256

Hi any news?
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Re: [cheridan] slammo1 - Permaban appeal

Post by Hibbles » #14268

It's normally not something we perma over, it's just standard procedure to force the person to come on here and explain yourself. Which you did. We'll contact Cheri about the ban soonest.
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Byond Username: Cheridan

Re: [cheridan] slammo1 - Permaban appeal

Post by Cheridan » #14273

I apologize for the wait.

The barman ahelped, said that you had injected him with mindbreaker in the bar when he was stunned, and that you had put it in all the food.
I checked the variables of all the food on the counter. They all had mindbreaker toxin in them, and indicated that you were the only one who had touched them.
After you disconnected I waited a bit for you to reconnect. If you lose connection or crash, etc, during questioning please try to come back online and let us know.

At any rate, ban removed. Even if you had meant to do it, it's a pretty minor offense. Just keep controlled substances out of food and try not to inject people with things unless they, like y'know deserve it.
/tg/station spriter, admin, and headcoder. Feel free to contact me via PM with questions, concerns, or requests.
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Re: [cheridan] slammo1 - Permaban appeal

Post by slammo1 » #14279

Thanks for your help. I definitely didn't do the barman though- he was fighting with an assistant who was drinking at the bar the whole shift and yelling "Ii-i'm SO h-high!" every five seconds, and I gave the barman pills via an RP, not sure why he would say I dosed him (the barman was sober the entire round I could tell). It's very possible I was overzealous with my food clicking, but it wasn't out of malicious intent. Not a big deal, just confused by that part- thanks again, enjoying the server thus far.

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