[Technoalchemist] CheSquatt - perma ban - "Metacomms"

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Joined: Sun Dec 28, 2014 7:10 am
Byond Username: CheSquatt

[Technoalchemist] CheSquatt - perma ban - "Metacomms"

Post by chesquatt » #156344

Byond account and character name: CheSquatt - Rubs-The-Hounds
Banning admin: TechnoAlchemist
Ban type (What are you banned from?):everything
Ban reason and length:meta comms - pemanent
Time ban was placed (including time zone):like 1am Mountain time
Your side of the story: Was dead, was mostly AFK, got banned. That round I had broken a window to the outside that was electrified as the clown, slipped on my slippy stuff and got fried by the grate. Then a bunch more people also got fried before someone cut the wire. But during that whole thing (that is all I did that round) I didn't interact with anyone. I also skimmed through the chat/verb log and didn't see any interaction with anyone named "Jaimon" so I assume that is the username. Would have been nice to know what character they were playing so I could maybe elaborate more?
Why you think you should be unbanned: I would at least like an explanation, honestly. But I was in a ts3 with my Elder scrolls roleplaying guild when this all went down, so I had 0 interaction with anyone who was playing ss13 at the time via metacomms.
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Joined: Fri Nov 21, 2014 2:39 am
Byond Username: TechnoAlchemist

Re: [Technoalchemist] CheSquatt - perma ban - "Metacomms"

Post by TechnoAlchemist » #156355

you know what I wrote out this whole thing but it really doesnt matter, you two are unbanned have fun

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