[Stickymayhem] ninja6222 - 3 day ban

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[Stickymayhem] ninja6222 - 3 day ban

Post by ninja6222 » #20194

Byond account and character name: Ninja6222, Jamal Congo

Banning admin: stickymayhem

Ban reason and length: "Took the captaincy and went on a rampage resulting in three murders, including the real captain and the ai, in order to defend his position" 72 hours

Time ban was placed (including time zone): July 18 4:42 am EST

Your side of the story: Okay so the round started and I was started as a botanist, but it said nobody had taken the captainship so I went to the HoP to be made into the captain. He made me a captain and announced it to the station, so I just assumed my duties as captain. Nothing really happened and I had just called the shuttle at the end of the round when some one joined as a captain, which would've been fine. I was waiting at the evac area when the captain came up to me and started yelling at me, but then the AI pulled me as a cyborg over a banana peel and I slipped. The captain was trying to murder me, but I got up and shot him with my riot shotgun and was going to run away when the AI tried to mess with me. I shot the AI with an ion rifle and that was it. I figured everything was okay because I was defending myself, so I got onto the shuttle. I was in the Command section of the shuttle when some traitor with a submachine gun started taunting me, so I went out to stun him when he began shooting at me, where I shot him in self defense.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I may have murdered people, but if I didn't I would've died as a result. If I get unbanned I'll be more careful with things like that and only retaliate if it's my only option.
Joined: Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:00 am

Re: [Stickymayhem] ninja6222 - 3 day ban

Post by Rose-chan » #20196

I was Erin Ray, the chemist who tried to save the captain's life and attempted to get him cloned when he died. The captain wasn't trying to kill you, he wanted you to give up the captain's armor you were wearing. When you refused, the captain and the secborg tried to remove the captain's items from you by force and you retaliated with lethal force. I seem to recall the detective firing a weapon in there too, and I don't know if they were firing at you or the real captain. Regardless, the captain wound up dead because you didn't want to give up his stuff.
Joined: Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:04 pm

Re: [Stickymayhem] ninja6222 - 3 day ban

Post by ninja6222 » #20215

Yeah he was trying to take my stuff even though I'd already assumed the role of captain, but I won't retaliate with lethal force if something like that happens again
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Re: [Stickymayhem] ninja6222 - 3 day ban

Post by Rose-chan » #20219

Also keep in mind you kept attacking the real captain while he was in crit until he was dead. I was trying to administer tricord and dex plus and you killed him before I could. So your claim of self defense doesn't really hold water. The captain was not trying to kill you, he had every right to try to detain you for refusing to give him his stuff, and you beat him to death before he could be given medical aid by nearby medbay staff.
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Re: [Stickymayhem] ninja6222 - 3 day ban

Post by ninja6222 » #20222

I definitely shot him and the robot down and ran bud, but it won't happen anymore I would just like to play ss13 ;(
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Byond Username: Stickymayhem

Re: [Stickymayhem] ninja6222 - 3 day ban

Post by Stickymayhem » #20845

While this has expired it was definitely warranted. I apologize for the late reply I was certain I had already posted in this thread.

This can be resolved.
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman

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