[quartzcrystal] Neonwarrior - Ban appeal #01

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[quartzcrystal] Neonwarrior - Ban appeal #01

Post by Neonwarrior » #34709

Byond account and character name: John Heinz
Banning admin: quartzcrystal

Ban reason: "Saw the captain get turned into a monkey, instantly started to say the clown who was disarmed beside the captain was a changeling and attacked him. Led to the guy being permabrigg'd for something he didn't do. This was shitty, please explain your actions on the forums. This ban was applied by quartzcrystal on ------"

Ban length: Apparently indefinitely

Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2014-10-07 20:28:01

Your side of the story:

Here we go.

As a medical doctor, I was patrolling around looking for any wounded individuals. I see a clown, whose name escapes me but started with an Ma I believe, being beaten by the captain. Unfortunately this captain was very bad at robust, so he tried to push the clown down before cuffing him. I tried to help by pushing the clown down myself. When the clown was down, I saw the captain turn into a monkey and incorrectly assumed that the clown was a changeling. I stunned the clown with the captain's own gun, cuffed him, and started to drag him to the incinerator. In short, he got away, and I still hung onto the belief that he was a changeling and tried to warn people.

(additional info below not pertaining to my defense)
Later on, and I don't fault him for this because I think it was awesome, the clown tracked me down and wanted to fight me in an epic duel. Story short, I won because I still had the cap's e-gun. Then he tried to attack me but slipped on his own banana peel. He stormed off and I never saw him again after that.
Why you think you should be unbanned: It was a misunderstanding, but I believe I was justified in thinking that the clown was a changeling. It does suck that he was permabrigged for it, and I apologize to him if he ever reads this.
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Location: burning in hell for my sins

Re: [quartzcrystal] Neonwarrior - Ban appeal #01

Post by elyina » #34720

You saw the captain turn into a monkey, so that means the clown is a ling? Or was that a typo?
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Re: [quartzcrystal] Neonwarrior - Ban appeal #01

Post by Neonwarrior » #34723

I thought that lings had the ability to turn others into monkeys at will?
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Re: [quartzcrystal] Neonwarrior - Ban appeal #01

Post by elyina » #34728

They don't.
Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2014 1:39 am
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Re: [quartzcrystal] Neonwarrior - Ban appeal #01

Post by Saintish » #34735

Clown here. You know, you apologized and it seems like you honestly thought I was a changeling - I forgive you, yeah. I wouldn't be against him getting unbanned.
Joined: Sat Aug 30, 2014 2:21 pm
Byond Username: QuartzCrystal

Re: [quartzcrystal] Neonwarrior - Ban appeal #01

Post by QuartzCrystal » #34767

The reason for the ban being a perma one was that I wanted you to come to the forums and explain your side of the story as you had logged off by the time I had messaged you in game. In the end now you know changelings can't turn people into monkeys and you apologized, 10/10 appeal. Logging on to lift it now.

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