[Kevinz/other] Halorocks22 - character/cult ban

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[Kevinz/other] Halorocks22 - character/cult ban

Post by halorocks22 » #362693

Byond account and character name: Halorocks22
Banning admin: Kevinz and some other guy
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Banned from making custom characters and blood cult
Ban reason and length: My character name "Sieg Heil" was deemed uncouth and I became the master of a blood cult without really knowing what I was doing
Time ban was placed (including time zone): I have no idea
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Sybil
Your side of the story: When I was arrested (narcotics) a few years ago, my life was in shambles. My health was failing, I was deeply in debt, addicted to drugs and cripplingly depressed and lonely. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I was put in chains after a drug deal gone wrong and shipped off to federal prison. My time in prison was brutal, to say the least. I was weaker than everyone else and I had no friends. And inside the walls, it's a dog eat dog world. Worse yet, some of the more "loose" prisoners had taken a liking to me and I eventually found myself having to fend them off every night. I'd like to say that I was successful in driving them back each time they came for me, but the harsh reality is that I was simply outnumbered and outgunned.

To me at that time, it felt like there was no hope to be found. This was it. I planned to get a slot in the woodworking shop and take a circular saw to my neck. Gruesome and painful, sure, but at least it was going to be quick. And then relief forever. I was sitting in the cafeteria by myself, as usual, thinking about my plan while eating the slop the penal system called food. To my utter surprise and fear, a burly white man with a swastika on his forehead sat down across from me and began to eat with me. I remember anxiously eyeing him as he and I ate in silence. The thoughts that were running through my head were, "What did I do to piss off the Brotherhood?" and, "It isn't going to be easy to fight this one off". When we finished our meals, the man looked at me in the eyes and told me to come find him during rec time. Then he got up and left.

I still don't know why I actually did it when the time came. For all I knew, a group of Aryans were going to turn me into a bloody pulp. When I got there, though, instead of angry gangsters intent on eviscerating me, I found a family. One of which the likes I've never had before in my life. Over my time in prison, I became one with the Brotherhood and the Brotherhood became one with me. When I finally got out, the reason I made it out alive was due to the Brotherhood. They fixed everything for me and even set up my future as a free man. Sure it wasn't perfect, and I had to do many things I wasn't proud of, but it was what was for the best. That is why I created a character named "Sieg Heil", as a tribute to the Aryan Brotherhood in thanks for what they did for me. It seemed so insignificant at the time..
i didnt knwo what masters were and i just voluntered to be master out of boredom and i actually got it but i didnt know how to do anything so the cult failed lol sorry my bad

Why you think you should be unbanned: Shortly after I left prison, I was struggling to make ends meet and I turned back to my life of crime. I broke into a house one night out of desperation. I had a gun on me - I wasn't looking to kill, but I wanted to make it clear that I wasn't looking for a fight either. As I was stuffing some silver decanters into my duffle bag, the lights came on and when I turned around there was an old woman looking at me. I recall growling for her to stay back, that I would kill her if she called the police or tried something. She wasn't afraid at all, though, and in fact, I remember her smiling at me. She just told me to take the silver decanters. Confused, but nonetheless accepting of the situation, I took the stolen goods with me and left the premises.

After the robbery, I was kept up all night by the way the old woman had treated me. The next day, knowing full well what could happen, I went back to the house I had broken into with what I stole. I knocked on the door, and the same old woman came to respond. I was so bewildered by what had occurred the previous night that I came back to return what I took. The lady smiled at me again, and this time, invited me into her home on friendly terms. Not knowing what else to do, I obliged her. She served me tea, and after a long time she asked me if I went to church. Church was a completely foreign concept to me. I had pondered the existence of God sometimes, but I was never a believer. So I simply shook my head. She asked me if I wanted to come to church with her sometime. At first, I refused, but the old woman asked me to come visit her again every week afterward and I did. At the end of our meetings, she would always ask if I wanted to church and I would always decline.

One fateful day, though, I finally accepted. Coming to church in the closest approximation of good clothes that I had, I was uncomfortable and pessimistic. Something completely unexpected occurred when I entered the building, however. I was touched by the Holy Spirit. I tearfully accepted Jesus Christ as my lord and savior and baptized on the spot. From that point on, I changed my ways and severed all the ties I had to my previous life of crime; nay, my previous life of sin. I finally felt what it was like to have a true family, to know the feeling of salvation. So I want to share with you all this verse: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16). I thank God every day for what he did for me and you can experience his miracles too if you just accept Christ as your lord and savior and repent.

Now that I'm a Christian, I deplore evil organizations like the Aryan Brotherhood and evil ideologies like Nazism. I promise, that from here on out, that if I were to be unbanned from making custom characters, I will make only wholesome characters suitable for even the strictest of Christian Minecraft servers. No more "Sieg Heil(s)" from this Halorocks22.
uhh i wont go master until i know how to play blood cult
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Re: [Kevinz/other] Halorocks22 - character/cult ban

Post by oranges » #362702

but we are a secret nazi organisation and now you've just turned against us
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Re: [Kevinz/other] Halorocks22 - character/cult ban

Post by imblyings » #362703


very good.
The patched, dusty, trimmed, feathered mantle of evil +13.
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Re: [Kevinz/other] Halorocks22 - character/cult ban

Post by CitrusGender » #362704

This does not seem like it was copied from anywhere I can find easily from google and it seems too specific to have been copied. I would say that anyone who spent that much time probably enjoys this game a lot: though you have been warned to change it like 3 times so do you think your new Christian life will now stop you from making it your name again?

also what kind of lady wouldn't call the police on you in one second if you came back to the house you just robbed what the fuck
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Re: [Kevinz/other] Halorocks22 - character/cult ban

Post by Armhulen » #362732

>Why you think you should be unbanned: Shortly after I left prison, I was struggling to m

no, i'm not unbanning you because of a ((fake)) prison story, or any story relating to something that isn't space station 13
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Re: [Kevinz/other] Halorocks22 - character/cult ban

Post by Armhulen » #362733

also i asked you to explain on the forums not mop up this sad sap story

you didn't even remember the MAIN REASON i banned you, it's not because you got cult master or because your name was retarded

fuck denied dude

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