[Kevin000] Damous - Powergame Ban?

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[Kevin000] Damous - Powergame Ban?

Post by Damous » #392225

Byond account and character name: Damous, Isiah Roby

Banning admin: Kevin000

Ban type (What are you banned from?): Perma

Ban reason and length: Powergaming, Perma. https://i.imgur.com/kJbVmOx.jpg

Time ban was placed (including time zone): 03/18/2018, 8:45:52.

Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Bagil

Your side of the story: There isn't much of a side, for powergaming? yeah im guilty and so is everyone else.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I didn't do anything wrong, i didn't broke any rules, politely talked with every admin and i didn't disrespect no player.

I don't really understand i was permabanned to begin with, Kevin000 might fill you in if the image didn't.
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Re: [Kevin000] Damous - Powergame Ban?

Post by Damous » #392227

Also, could an admin post all my logs, please?.
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Re: [Kevin000] Damous - Powergame Ban?

Post by kevinz000 » #392228

The majority of the playerbase is guilty, yes.
The problem is you took it over the line, and after three days of conversing with you you could not take a point even after I basically said "cut it out or we're going to be talking in adminpms".
Even after I bwoinked you you decided to pull a borderline lie as I asked you why you were vaping stims roundstart to roundend and you just took it out of your mouth and told me you werne't.
I asked you to tone down your powergaming. I did not tell you you could not powergame and to start treating the server like Baystation12, I asked you to tone it down and you basically blew me off and said whatever happens will happen and you will not comply.
Hence the permaban.
Consider it a rule 0/1, your playstyle is immediately detrimental to the server as observed for about a month of constant meth/stimulant powergaming. Your over the top validhunting along with your attitude and treatment of other players are also major factors here. Powergaming rarely will land you a ban alone but since you can't play nice with other players while abusing chemicals 24/7 to ""win"" the game I don't see why you should be kept around, as all you're doing is dragging the server down with how you play.

Edit: I believe I've also pointed out to you/spoken to you about how there is a lot of shit you can get away with as long as you do not do it enough to make it stale, and honestly all you've been doing for the time I've observed you play is abuse meth with a chemical implant to stunbreak, and after it was nerfed/removed you started using vapes to be on meth from roundstart to roundend instead of just when you got stunned.
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Re: [Kevin000] Damous - Powergame Ban?

Post by kevinz000 » #392234

Also did you post your meme-ified image on the line for the ban reason? One that has laughter and pepe on it? Seriously dude?
Edit: I should stop editing my posts and just say everything before saying submit but uh you should read the board rules.
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Re: [Kevin000] Damous - Powergame Ban?

Post by Yakumo_Chen » #392235

Experienced two different round as HoS with damous where he would guncargo and/or pass out all access (three if you count the single time he was antagonist when I had to deal with this), and he would use his stim powergame to resist out of stuns (and then fought back to steal guns, etc, to further force the escalation), and would force security to escalate to lethals given he was unstunnable . From there he would treat it as """fair game""" and proceed to murderbone as much of security as he could """justify""".

He did this once as a *security officer* of all jobs to net a sec ban then tried to lie to an admin to claim he requested the ban. From that point he only played head roles (mainly captain) so he could continue to easily abuse his powergame using his high access. While doing this he basically also ignores his head role duties mostly to just purely validhunt. I commented in one round that he ignored someone asking him to go to the HoP office for the full 30 minutes the round lasted so he could stim up and arm up as captain.

Playing in a round with Damous is absolutely not fun due to the extreme extent to which he powergames and makes things completely unenjoyable for anyone forced to fight him. While you could accuse me similarly of powergaming, I at least restain myself and don't carry an entire bag full of guns and a heal mix with me at all possible times. (FYI, I carry 2-3 guns at most, and a toolbelt, and some medbay patches if I am really tryharding). I also, you know, actually make an attempt to socialize, do my ACTUAL JOB, and do not automatically valid everything that moves threateningly. I give people a fair chance and even work out deals with harmless antags, because I'm not a dick.

I've been told he currently plays on hippie where he will basically do this exact same shit. Bait people into fighting with him under his stim mix, then use that as an excuse to just space the players.

Overall a toxic player and wouldn't recommend unbanning.
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Re: [Kevin000] Damous - Powergame Ban?

Post by Yakumo_Chen » #392240

https://hippiestation.com/threads/the-virgin-tg.8455/ he is also doing this appeal while simultaneously laughing at us on hippie.

Definitely a quality player we want on our server.
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Re: [Kevin000] Damous - Powergame Ban?

Post by Rustledjimm » #392241

After going over your actions and conduct on this server I feel there is no reason to lift this ban. Your playstyle is clearly suited to certain other servers.
So uhh, I'm an admin. Please leave feedback! Oops took me a while to strike that through.

Will Baker
Suzu Suzaku
Personal Ban Length Record: 2.1024e+006 minutes

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