[Night_311] Banned for metagaming

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[Night_311] Banned for metagaming

Post by Dfom1 » #440658

Hello I got banned for metagaming and ok...ish RP
Admin name: Nabski
player name: I don't remember

Byond account: Night_311
Banning admin: Nabski

Ban type (What are you banned from?): server ban
Ban reason and length: Banned by host Reason: You, or another user of this computer or connection (Night 311) is banned from playing here. The ban reason is: As a non antag, metagammed with another player (cr33per) RPing as jocks beating up (killing) nerds (5+) and shoving them into lockers. One of the lockers was then spaced . This ban ( BanID # 35904 ) was applied by Nabski on 2018-09-17 02:16:48 during round ID 94001, The ban is for 500000 minutes and expires on 2019-08-30 07:36:48 (server time)

Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2018-09-17 02:16:48

Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Bagil

Your side of the story: Me and my friend were roleplaying as Jocks (Bullies) we were trying to beat up people and shove them into lockers. This got a bit out of hand, but we maintained our roles until the end. In this version, you can't knock out people and/or they won't collapse from pain, we were beating them into crit using FISTS on most of the targets. we had one maybe two successful attempts where we knocked a nerd on the floor (without putting him into crit) then locked and welded the locker, we fucked our RP there because we spaced him, a better idea would be to leave him in dorms. after some time we got Teleported to NT prison and got questioned by admin named Nabski.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I played for quite some time 2 years if compressing, this account was made it 2018 because forgot my login name, I mostly played on animus station
and Colonial Marines (DMCA). I'm a good player, and it's not easy to tilt me, I do a good job on these jobs: chemist, engineer, quartermaster slave, sec warden HOS and command roles captain and HOP.
We metagammed we mostly save time by doing this because almost nobody attacked us, only one guy tried to fuck us over but even then discord wasn't any help because horrible communication skills, I understood if you want to play with your friend communicate via in-game chat: SB-Radio, PDA n IC chat. Our roleplay was good with one exception of killing and I didn't have orange sunglasses. Next time I will do something alike I will only do it with admin approval.

Edit: This ban appeal is retarded
Last edited by Dfom1 on Fri Sep 21, 2018 2:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
Joined: Sat Sep 08, 2018 7:44 am
Byond Username: Bloofy

Re: [Night_311] Banned for metagaming

Post by Bloofy » #440682

I think you miss the point entirely, even if you say 'oh well, metacomms OOC is bad, I'l just do it ICly' that doesn't change the fact that you are still breaking the 'metafriend' rule, which states friendships between two IC characters cannot pass over rounds for the sole purpose of giving both said players an advantage. And, in my honest to god opinion, as a shitter thats been permabanned at least twice, you seem like you honestly haven't learned a single thing, "Oh well next time i'l just bring my shades and ask the admins to let me metafriend!", as though that changes the fact you're actively breaking the rules.
My nigga, when in doubt, "Rule 1: Don't be a dick", and beating random passersby into crit and stuffing them into lockers to begin with for the reason of 'lul it was good rp fukin nerds XDDDD' with your butt buddy friend doesn't seem like a good enough excuse.
Joined: Thu Sep 20, 2018 9:18 pm

Re: [Night_311] Banned for metagaming

Post by Dfom1 » #440700

Yea Fuck, I just realized how dumb my ban appeal is, and how much rules did I break. I should re-read the rules completely forgot that it's strictly prohibited. Thanks for bashing this info into my head. I will go read the rules again, I guess I forgot many of them.

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