[Ambassador Magikarp] LibbySnow

Appeals which have been closed.
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[Ambassador Magikarp] LibbySnow

Post by Reeeee » #489924

"Admin message left by Ambassador Magikarp on 2019-04-17 18:57:06
I'll need a reason for why you spaced the armory fnr as a warden before disconencting, applied a 1 week secban due to the nature of it. Appeal it or adminhelp for me to come on to discuss the ban and I'll be willing to lift it then under a decent reason, but that's still incredibly shit and something you shouldn't do. "

Byond account and player name: LibbySnow - Kira Yoshikage
Banning admin: AmbassadorMagikarp
Ban type: Banned from Head of Security, Warden, Detective, and Security Officer
Ban reason and length: I'll need a reason for why you spaced the armory fnr as a warden before disconencting, applied a 1 week secban due to the nature of it. Appeal it or adminhelp for me to come on to discuss the ban and I'll be willing to lift it then under a decent reason, but that's still incredibly shit and something you shouldn't do. (10080 minutes)
Time ban was placed: 2019-04-17 11:57:59
Server you were playing on when banned:
b a g i l

Your side of the story: I didn't space the fucking armory you LIGGER.
I put it it in the evidence locker due to having to log out and being drunk.
It was in Evidence Locker 4, same place my SSD corpse was.
Nothing was spaced, it was just SECURED due to me having to log out since my JOB is to SECURE IT and not let people touch it.
If people can't figure out WHERE it is, that's a good job, innit?
I imagined due to 20 people on and online at the time, admins would have AT LEAST checked the chatlogs and checked my corpse.

Why do you think you should be unbanned: Fake bans.
uh, hi?
Last edited by Reeeee on Wed Apr 17, 2019 7:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Ambassador Magicarp.

Post by Nervere » #489925

Please edit this post to follow the format found here: https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=44.
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Re: [Ambassador Magikarp] LibbySnow

Post by Reeeee » #489926

pls. This is not hard Nervore.
It's a MISUNDERSTANDING and i applied all relevant information.
Frend came over, i had to stop, i put armory in lcoker, i don't want people being Laura, innit that simple enough?
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Byond Username: Ambassador Magikarp

Re: [Ambassador Magikarp] LibbySnow

Post by Karp » #490082

You do understand that hiding the armory in closets/hiding them in general is effectively the same thing as removing them, right? Xenos spawned and the station couldn't find any guns in the armory so they had to call the shuttle and escape immediately because of what you did. Your said message ICly before disconnecting was that you "Spaced the armory" so I took the intention as potential griefing and I wanted an explanation.

In addition, you shouldn't hide guns in closets regardless. It's beyond what is allowed for fortifications meaning no shotgun locker full of the armory guns, no evidence locker or warden's locker full of guns. My primary focus with your punishment was understanding your reasoning for it and conveying that message since you disconnected.
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Re: [Ambassador Magikarp] LibbySnow

Post by Reeeee » #490099

Karp wrote:My primary focus with your punishment was understanding your reasoning for it and conveying that message since you disconnected.
"secure armory" -wardens jerb
"libby is drunk" - my brain
"shit it's just me in sec" - me
"ring ring" - i am literally the door bell now
"you are drunk nigga you can't deal with this rn" - whoo
"imma, uh, put it in da lockers" - brillant me, have a drink and talk to fren IRL

dunno, i had my suit sensurs up, it wasn't THAT lost.

If i was held accountable for shit i spew ICly, i'd be like banned for sixteen times on account of ERP and like twenty times for rampant no raisins murdering/random gulagging/bucklecuffing for extended periods of same person over and over on the shift before that, thanks to Kobe and me having a little love-hate affair over if it's okay to murder people over stealing caps locker and how warden is supposed to deal with people that scream "I MURDERED SOMEONE" while breaking into the brig. Repeatedly. Over and over. At least ten times. And then he printed guns and carried those around while still screaming how we was helping sec and tried his best to get officers killed and valid people who apparently "stole" a medkit.
He wasn't even a antag. Funny guy, I like him. And you were on for that shift silly.
But sure, trying to make sure people don't have immediate means of "click spaceman until horizontal" is the one i get bwoinked over since valids are more importanter than acting the job.
*insert rant about how open armory 99 times out of 100 just means people kill the entire station for no raisins anyway*
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Re: [Ambassador Magikarp] LibbySnow

Post by Dax Dupont » #490121

Being drunk is no excuse there's literally a headmin ruling on this.
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Re: [Ambassador Magikarp] LibbySnow

Post by Reeeee » #490124

Dax Dupont wrote:Being drunk is no excuse there's literally a headmin ruling on this.
Tisa combinantation of things, nerdo frendo.

Isn't the point to determine if there was malicious wrongdoin or if it was an oops?

Since, you know, otherwise you could just automate the bans and not have ban appeals section and we could remove all these random admins that seem to vary from "idk" to "i'm literally making this shit up rn".
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Byond Username: Ambassador Magikarp

Re: [Ambassador Magikarp] LibbySnow

Post by Karp » #490238

the headmin ruling in question.

As I've said, the reason I applied the ban is because I'd assumed you were griefing or fucking around with the guns before xenos spawned and I expected you to know better considering how old your account age is behind locking the guns in the armory/hiding them in general from the station. If xenos didnt spawn I probably would've been more lenient overall but I don't expect you to know that which is why I left the open ended note/ban message so you can get rid of it if you had decent reasoning.

I wouldn't blame you if you didn't know the locker policy but I still want your simple reasoning so we can reach a conclusion in relation to this sec ban and if you understand the reason I thought your behaviour was out of line, or if you have a reason to justify hiding the guns. I'll edit the note whenever I can obviously to reflect that you hid the guns and not spaced them, but I'll still give you a chance to explain.
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Re: [Ambassador Magikarp] LibbySnow

Post by Reeeee » #490252

Karp wrote: "If xenos didnt spawn I probably would've been more lenient"
You applied a bannu on based on knowledge i did not have nor had any way of knowing.
Sooo, basically, you banned someone for not playing the game then?
Better make it perma since i took a long ass break not too long ago, imagine how many things i did not do in that timeframe :D
Karp wrote: I wouldn't blame you if you didn't know the locker policy but I still want your simple reasoning so we can reach a conclusion in relation to this sec ban and if you understand the reason I thought your behaviour was out of line, or if you have a reason to justify hiding the guns. I'll edit the note whenever I can obviously to reflect that you hid the guns and not spaced them, but I'll still give you a chance to explain.
I don't forum.
I don't have a 200 page document on instant recall in my brain about rules and rulings of a spaceman game.

Also, "do not fortify" is quite impossible in practice.
You either toss down the barrier nades on extra maint exits or you die in minute 2 of the round when people sneak in with caps spare and gib you after stealing the only stun on station.
Beyond that, sure, no making rwalls n shiet.
You kinda HAVE TO or sec becomes irrelevant free for all that is main cause of death on station, the exact opposite of it's purpose, also, you know, everyone dying in sec, bigger of an dick move not to do that than doing it.
But that's neither here nor there.

My "reasoning" is simple, i was drunk and fren was bothering me IRL.
Ergo, there was no reason applied.
I made a snap decision my drunk brain said was correct; "locker the guns hue", and went on to IRL stuff.
Human error.

And if that becomes the way bans area applied, just automate it then, we don't need human error of admins getting in the way of how rules are applied to players. :p
Karp wrote:griefing
We have met, right?
I'm the pacifist catgirl.
Cute, kinda fucking clueless, no malicious bone in her body besides a foul mouth.
Yeah, that's me.
Griefing, jeez, KARP IS BULLYING MEE.
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Re: [Ambassador Magikarp] LibbySnow

Post by Gigapuddi420 » #490257

This isn't exactly a complicated appeal process: It looked like you did something which is against the rules, but you weren't online to defend yourself. The note acknowledges you logged out and could come to the forums to explain what happened for a reduction or removal assuming the reason was good. The rest is just explaining why putting all the armory guns into a locker is usually a bad thing.

Karp's response is pointing out why it looked like grief. All he is looking for is any mitigating circumstances. From what you've given it looks like you just made a poor judgement while drunk and logged off. From here on it's down to if you have anything more to add before Karp makes their decision.
Imperfect catgirl playing a imperfect game.
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Re: [Ambassador Magikarp] LibbySnow

Post by Reeeee » #490274

Gigapuddi420 wrote:This isn't exactly a complicated appeal process.
You seem to just all keep piling on to it now.
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Byond Username: Ambassador Magikarp

Re: [Ambassador Magikarp] LibbySnow

Post by Karp » #490379

sorry I've forgotten to say this my original intention was always to unban you if you gave a legitimate reason or admitted fault, my main concern was the grief and I'll spell it out because I just want an answer to the "Why" bit and if you understood what I meant. The circumstances after your actions are only relevant because they put a light on your actions and are the extreme end of what could happen if you space/hide the armory without alerting people about it as a warning.

These are my two main questions:

Do you now understand that hiding guns is actually against our rules? Not reinforcing the armory, not hiding/moving the armory away when you have a genuine threat there but just hiding/spacing the guns in general and especially going braindead after you do it without alerting people to their position.

The second is asking you if you understand that we don't accept "I was drunk" or "my friend/brother/roommate was playing on my account" as excuses as you're held liable for your actions and the actions of others on your account while you're still in control of it. If you don't think you can help yourself I'd advise avoiding roles that you think you might go too far in.

The original intentions of this ban were never to fully stick if you had a reason and weren't joking, and I really just wanted to know what was going on because it was against the rules. You may disagree with them and I don't blame you with that but I'm mainly concerned with you understanding them.
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Re: [Ambassador Magikarp] LibbySnow

Post by Reeeee » #490674

Wait, we still doing this? I think the ban already ran out or something.
Maybe not.
Karp wrote:Do you now understand that hiding guns is actually against our rules?
Repeated it...three times now?
I think i got it.
probably gonna forget tho.

More likely i'm going to remember that rando going "human error is not allowed on the server" on my ban appeal thread.
Fukken glorious, that's going to be added to all of my discussions with admins internally from now on.
Since i can call anyone at anytime drunk for doing something and literally just walk out free since there's no fucking way to prove that shit one way or another.
Hell, maybe YOU were drunk when you banned me.
Karp wrote: The second is asking you if you understand that we don't accept "I was drunk" or "my friend/brother/roommate was playing on my account" as excuses as you're held liable for your actions and the actions of others on your account while you're still in control of it.
I played, I did the thing, I was drunk and then I disconnected.
That was the first thing I said, more or less.
I shall now honk.

Admitting my wrongdoing conveys all the intentions I had when i did it.
Nobody is squirming out of anythin here, nerdo frendo;
"hello, i fucked up, unban ples"

I just wont feel bad about it, this shits hilarious to me in it's entirety.
Karp wrote: The original intentions of this ban were never to fully stick if you had a reason and weren't joking, and I really just wanted to know what was going on because it was against the rules. You may disagree with them and I don't blame you with that but I'm mainly concerned with you understanding them.
I refuse to answer any further questions based on the fact that I'm me and that i was drunk and my lawyer says i should sue you.
He's also drunk.

Partially true anyway, admitting to any wrongdoing is teeechnically agaisnt some amendment in muruica where servers are based. Fifth?
Oh yeaah, technically i can sue you over this IRL due to false due process that caused me injury?
Loss of liberty?
Funny how that works.

So is me applying logic to the situation and it's relevancy good enough to prove I understand the the situation and the rules involved?
If you got one of those captcha boxes i could tick, that would work too i guess.
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Byond Username: Ambassador Magikarp

Re: [Ambassador Magikarp] LibbySnow

Post by Karp » #491018

apologies, I forgot to reply. I'll edit the note to fit due to this expiring but my point was that if you straightforward stated your situation and what occured I would've let you off lighter, even if you admitted that you were drunk and made a mistake but I was kinda confused by the appeal resulting in it going longer. If you disagree with the note's accuracy and want something changed, feel free to comment or appeal. Otherwise I'll close the appeal after a day or two.

Code: Select all

Banned from  Roles: Head of Security, Warden, Detective, Security Officer for 1 week - I'll need a reason for why you *EDIT*hid*EDIT* the armory fnr as a warden before disconencting, applied a 1 week secban due to the impossibility of finding the guns before xenomorphs arrived which forced the station to immediately call the shuttle. Appeal it or adminhelp for me to come on to discuss the ban and I'll be willing to lift it then under a decent reason, but that's still bad and against our rules on armory fortification anyways.
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Re: [Ambassador Magikarp] LibbySnow

Post by Reeeee » #491023

Karp wrote:I'll edit the note to fit due to this expiring but my point was that if you straightforward stated your situation and what occured I would've let you off lighter

Code: Select all

Banned from  Roles: Head of Security, Warden, Detective, Security Officer for 1 week - I'll need a reason for why you *EDIT*hid*EDIT* the armory FOR BEINGDRUNK AS FUCK as a warden before disconencting, applied a 1 week secban due to the impossibility of finding the guns before xenomorphs arrived which forced the station to immediately call the shuttle. SINCE NOBODY CHECKS SUIT SENSORS. Appeal it or adminhelp for me to come on to discuss the ban and I'll be willing to lift it then under a decent reason, but that's still bad and against our rules on armory fortification anyways.
I did so, fully and truthfully.
Sucks to be you i guess.

I have changed it for giggles.

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