[Ambassador Magikarp] JimmyJingo - Ban appeal

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[Ambassador Magikarp] JimmyJingo - Ban appeal

Post by JimmyJingo » #492164

Byond account and character name: JimmyJingo, S.A.B.E.R (AI)
Banning admin: Ambassador Magikarp
Ban type (What are you banned from?): All servers
Ban reason and length: OOC in IC and use of machine overload as AI, 3 days
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2019-05-04 15:22:12 server time
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Bagil
Your side of the story: When the round started I started complaining about rolling AI on low pref in the private :b chat. I had also been upgraded with combat software as an AI and bought machine overload as it may have been useful during the round. When the nuke ops broke into the vault I bolted the door and tried to blow the door with machine overload to get rid of one of them.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I admit that I shouldn't have been OOC in IC but I'd played rounds before as a borg where there were OOC comments in the private :b chat and nothing had ever come of it so I guess I became used to using the :b chat as a kind of private borg chat for both ic and ooc. I also didn't realise that the AI rules applied to nuke ops so that's why I tried to use the overload on them. As I was replying to the ahelp the round restarted and I couldn't reply to the ticket anymore so I decided to log off and do something else seeing as I couldn't answer the ticket, then when I tried to reconnect after a while the ban had been applied.
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Byond Username: MortoSasye

Re: [Ambassador Magikarp] JimmyJingo - Ban appeal

Post by MortoSasye » #492178

That other people break the rules doesn't mean you should follow them too. If you see people talking >>in character<< with ooc terms you should ahelp it.
Bella Rouge; no, it's not Rogue
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Re: [Ambassador Magikarp] JimmyJingo - Ban appeal

Post by JimmyJingo » #492191

MortoSasye wrote:That other people break the rules doesn't mean you should follow them too. If you see people talking >>in character<< with ooc terms you should ahelp it.
And I accept that, but I feel like 3 days for a first offense is excessive
Joined: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:54 am
Byond Username: Ambassador Magikarp

Re: [Ambassador Magikarp] JimmyJingo - Ban appeal

Post by Karp » #492220

Hi there, the reason I banned you is because of how weird it felt with your previous messages as if you knew what you were doing. I couldn't talk to you about the incident when you logged out and I need your reasoning for machine overloading to try to kill human nuclear operatives and the silicons.

On the OOC in IC point, you've been warned before on netspeak and stuff like that IC, I wasn't sure how in depth the warning was so I went with believing that you should've been told to not do stuff like "lol" or talk about the game.

The roundid of the round was 107616 and I'll dump all your semi relevant logs below

Code: Select all

[2019-05-04 21:42:03.967] SAY: JimmyJingo/(S.A.B.E.R) "christ I can't escape the AI torment" (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-05-04 21:42:19.669] SAY: JimmyJingo/(S.A.B.E.R) "LOW PREF and I still get shoved into this shitty core" (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-05-04 21:42:56.999] SAY: JimmyJingo/(S.A.B.E.R) "and with the space lag this is like playing a shitty map game" (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[Timeskipping some ic conversations]
[2019-05-04 21:56:50.957] GAME: Reachrunner/(Alexander Stone) has upgraded JimmyJingo/(S.A.B.E.R) with a the combat software upgrade.
[2019-05-04 21:58:08.142] SAY: JimmyJingo/(S.A.B.E.R) "all the fun of malf AI without the hostility" (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-05-04 21:58:11.143] SAY: JimmyJingo/(S.A.B.E.R) "excellent" (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-05-04 21:59:40.441] SAY: JimmyJingo/(S.A.B.E.R) "syndies in vault" (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-05-04 22:00:02.259] GAME: JimmyJingo/(S.A.B.E.R) overloaded Vault Storage at Storage Wing (84, 158, 2)
[2019-05-04 22:00:26.363] SAY: JimmyJingo/(S.A.B.E.R) "syndie near medbay" (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-05-04 22:00:52.779] SAY: JimmyJingo/(S.A.B.E.R) "syndies in space next to viro" (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-05-04 22:03:36.169] GAME: JimmyJingo/(S.A.B.E.R) overloaded teleporter control console at Teleporter Room (97, 120, 2)
[2019-05-04 22:04:37.368] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Ambassador Magikarp/(Jean-Luc Vanleer)->JimmyJingo/(S.A.B.E.R): Hi, could you explain what happened with you using machine overload? and these ooc in ic logs
[reboot at 22:05:27.069]
[2019-05-04 22:06:44.013] ACCESS: Logout: JimmyJingo/(JimmyJingo)
The parts that are relevant in that are the repeated ooc in icing, the logic behind you using machine overload on human nuclear operatives as an asimov silicon while explicitly stating that you knew that it didn't make you malfunctioning. You logged out 2 minutes after server reboot on the next round so I couldn't get your reasoning on it or warn you on the ooc in ic or machine overloading so i treated it as if you willfully tried to harm humans despite your laws, repeatedly ooc in ic'd, and then didn't give anything in ahelps. This isnt a final thing, but I would like to request your side of the story so I can make a decision that isnt based in "Asimov AI ooc in ICs repeatedly, machine overloads to kill humans despite stating that they knew this didn't make them malf, and then logs out after being pmed"
Joined: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:54 am
Byond Username: Ambassador Magikarp

Re: [Ambassador Magikarp] JimmyJingo - Ban appeal

Post by Karp » #493399

I would've let you off with a dayban or two max if you explained it, and may have deleted or edited your note based on it. If you still want, I can edit/change your note based on what you say unless you're done with this appeal. My fault though, I partially forgot this appeal was still around. Sorry!

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