[Aurx] B&

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Joined: Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:08 am

[Aurx] B&

Post by zxc » #49706

[Aurx] - GrimReaper05 / Clark Mathews banned for sexual harassment adviser clown

Byond account and character name: GrimReaper05 / Clark Mathews

Banning admin: Aurx

Ban type (e.g. Engineering jobban): Perma Ban

Ban reason and length: Title/subject:

"Went into Armory as clown as started slipping the Warden and screamed about being killed when arrested"

Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2014-11-09 23:21:00

Your side of the story: I went into the Wardens Office after getting an all access ID and being made the "Sexual harassment adviser clown" and slipped him. After the HoS came to arrest me I claimed I was being killed and sexually harassed.

Why you think you should be unbanned: Well, I posted in my old thread that I was pretty nooby to the game and that was true. I didn't really read the rules carefully and broke them. However, after my old ban appeal got denied, Aurx told me I could get unbanned if I waited a couple of months and could get another admin from a different server to vouch for me. Well, I've been playing on Baystation 12 for about a month with not one single bad note / ban. I decided to check in with Hornygranny to see if I should wait longer or make the ban appeal now, and he told me to go ahead and make it. I think that this is a pretty big improvement considering Bay has stricter rules, and RP is more enforced. I'd really like to just be given a fresh slate and put everything behind me so I can start all over again.

Here are the pictures of the admin vouch on baystation


These pictures could be faked so I expect you will have to add them. Anyways, I hope you consider it.
Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2014 4:24 pm
Byond Username: Aurx

Re: [Aurx] B&

Post by Aurx » #49931

Looks legit to me. Lifting now.
Head admin, /vg/station
Game admin, /tg/station

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