Jackrip discord ban by Nevere

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Jackrip discord ban by Nevere

Post by jackrip » #504879

Discord ID and (if not the same) your commonly used names: Jackrip#1143

Banning admin (if known): Nevere

Time ban was placed (approximate): 2-3 weeks ago

Your side of the story: Guy started insulting me unprovoked in tg chat, I dm'd him insulting him back. He told an admin (nevere). Nevere warned me, and the dude blocked me. I then joined a voice channel to talk shit.

Why you think you should be unbanned: The guy hated me / had a grudge against me (according to him). He was being an asshole with zero provocation. As soon as I replied to him, he told an admin. Why talk shit if you can't take it? And nevere, why stand up for him if he is being an asshole? (Later learned they are friends, but whatever). Unban me and I won't DM anyone or.. talk shit(??) again. Even though that is exactly what he did to me.
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Re: Jackrip discord ban by Nevere

Post by John_Gobbel » #504937

To add some context here that Jackrip has neglected to include (Note that this is not the full discussion or we would be here for literally hours. I've captured snippets and most if not all of my messages for posterity):

I stepped in to a discussion after two hours of Jackrip harassing others in tgstation-general about his ban.

Here is where he starts and is immediately told to go make a complaint instead of try on Discord:
Jackrip3.JPG (12.25 KiB) Viewed 3480 times
Jackrip4.JPG (19.53 KiB) Viewed 3480 times
Nalzul steps in eventually to try and elucidate him on his argument:

And then Jackrip tries to adminshop with Nalzul to get a favorable ruling:
This continues for a while:
At 4:24pm I stepped in:
Jackrip13.JPG (12.33 KiB) Viewed 3480 times
After this is when Jackrip decides to PM me with derogatory comments completely unrelated to his ban, which I thought was hilarious and pinged Nervere about. ( I would share these logs, but it seems like I deleted the conversation as a whole and don't know how to retrieve it). He then proceeds to join a conversation I was having with others in voice-chat-general to argue more. Here are the relevant snippets from the conversation that follows:
(Continued in second post due to attachment limit)
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Re: Jackrip discord ban by Nevere

Post by John_Gobbel » #504938


And after ANOTHER HOUR of that, he decides to join the voice chat where we are playing games to spew curses and insults. To which he was warned again.
At some point during this he private messages me again (after Nervere told him not to) and I decide to just block him.

About two days later I am in the voice chat alone when Jackrip enters and starts throwing more nonsense insults, doing this to maliciously bypass his discord block as the block and mute are apparently separate. I ping Nervere, Nervere joins and asks him what he's doing, and he outright admits to deliberately harassing me and says that he doesn't intend to stop, resulting in the ban.

I'd also like to say that while Nervere and I get along, the idea that he would take my side in an argument just because of that is preposterous and I'm sure what I've provided above is context enough to explain why this kind of argument would be made.

Additionally, here is some extra context from Jackrip's ban appeal on the related issue:
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Re: Jackrip discord ban by Nevere

Post by jackrip » #504946

I cannot post any logs because I am banned from discord.

I had never seen or heard of any of those antag rolling rules, all of that was new info to me. I had questions that I wanted answering, and having never heard the term "antag rolling" you guys just repeating the same word didn't explain anything. The reason I said I was leaving is because you jumped in to shit on me when I was just trying to ask questions about the nature of antag rolling, why it isn't okay to antag roll as assistant, etc. It had nothing to do with you posting rules, which you had not done at that time. I had no previous conversations with you yet you took the time to express that I'm "a caustic asshole who salts every time things don't go their way and it's a ban that's been coming", a "douchebag", a "trash person", and more . Completely unprovoked.

If someone is going to directly insult me, especially someone I have never even heard of before, I'm going to talk shit back. I did it in DM's because I'm not going to talk even more in tg discord. You then immediately told the admins. Basically you threw stones and cried as soon as I threw some back.

I was trying to be humorous with my "kick me down" text. Open a player complaint if you want to try and get me banned for antag rolling again, that discussion is over.

Nevere called you his friend in discord voice chat after calling me a n*gger for insulting you and then banned me. He also has you in his forum signature. You all play videogames outside of ss13 together. You guys are definitely friends. Also, the "metaclub" i was talking about was the giant voice chat every single one of you were in. The same voice channel I used to insult you.

In my opinion, you did the EXACT same thing I did, you just did it publicly. Without knowing me, you have insulted me repeatedly and spent a ton of time putting this together just to debase me. You are toxic, and are trying too hard. You admitted to having a grudge against me, and want to see me banned, so I would like some other people to review the logs and see what John said. You can't be trusted to provide unbiased information.
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Re: Jackrip discord ban by Nevere

Post by bobbahbrown » #504951

As a person who was in voice chat during the period in which this incident occurred, the banned player had joined voice chat to provoke malicious behavior between himself and John_Gobbel. It's not appreciable behavior from either party, but going out of his way to join voice to interrupt our discussion for this purpose was unwelcome.
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Re: Jackrip discord ban by Nevere

Post by jackrip » #504953

Yes, and I admit I was wrong in doing this. I should have stopped after my warning. I was letting my emotions get in the way of my rationality, and should not have jumped into voice chat to start insulting him.
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Re: Jackrip discord ban by Nevere

Post by John_Gobbel » #504963

As the offended party I don't believe the ban should be lifted and I'll let the logs I've posted speak for themselves. I don't believe I've left anything out.

If anyone notices something important that I missed in my screencaps, please feel free to post it here.

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Re: Jackrip discord ban by Nevere

Post by jackrip » #505037

To reiterate, I won’t be doing anything like that again. I’ll block the guy so I don’t waste any more time on him. Discord contains a lot of valuable info and utilities that I am constantly wishing I had, and I would be greatly appreciative if I could use it again.
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Re: Jackrip discord ban by Nevere

Post by jackrip » #506753

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Re: Jackrip discord ban by Nevere

Post by jackrip » #509226

Bump, it has been almost a month with no response from Nevere. I have reached out to them personally with no luck.
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Re: Jackrip discord ban by Nevere

Post by Nervere » #509882

I think both parties here were shitty to each other, Jackrip definitely more so.
I'm going to lift this, but please be aware that I won't take any future offenses lightly.
Also, our current discord invite is broken so DM me on Discord and I'll let you know when I can create a new one to let you back in.

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