Tg permbann banned by Jimmius.

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Tg permbann banned by Jimmius.

Post by MR DESTRUCTOR » #531066

[<Admin Name>] Jimmius player name MR DESTRUCTOR.
Character name: osama bin laden
Ban type: i dont know what i need to put here sorry.
Ban length: Permanent.
Ban reason: <Copy this from the server. If this is a server ban, attempt to connect. If it is not a server ban, view your notes with "View Admin Remarks" button under OOC tab in-game. An image is suitable, but do **not** paraphrase or otherwise modify the reason.>As osama bin laden sabotaged the roundstart SM atacked engineers ran into SM to delam it. When asked offered alahu ackbar and nigger as one of the posible motivations.
Time ban was placed: 2019-10-14.
Server you were playing on when banned: <Server name, eg, Bagil/Sybil/Terry/Event Hall>tg Event hall Sseth overflow event.
Round ID in which ban was placed: 121415.
Your side of the story: What happened was i spawned in as a engineer at round start i went to SM to delam it beacuse i wanted to see what would happen and when admin PMD me i said alahu ackbar and nigger and got banned.
Why you think you should be unbanned: So after a while of being of tg i have realised that the delaming the SM beacuse i wanted to see what would happen is a bad reason if i did that sucsesfully i would have hurt the crew in a major way and when the admin pmd me i should have been respectfull and explained my actions but instead i said alahu ackbar and nigger wich got me banned and im sorry for that i didnt care for the crews safety i did it for my selfish reasons beacuse i wanted to see what would happen im kinda glad i got banned beacuse it made me realise that my behavior is wrong i should have treated my crewmembers as real people beacuse i woudnt do that in real life cause a catastrofic explosion im sorry for what i did and i regret it i apologise for being disrespectfull and almost hurting a lot of my crewmembers i should have been more considerate to others and kept my crew safe instead of endangering them i apologise to my crew and the admin i will change my behavior and be a better crewmember and a better person in general.
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Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2018 11:00 pm
Byond Username: Jimmius

Re: Tg permbann banned by Jimmius.

Post by Jimmius » #531091

mr bin laden, after careful consideration i have decided to unban you.

please think about what effects your actions have on other people going forward

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