[Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinid traitor on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

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[Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinid traitor on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by John_Gobbel » #531894

BYOND account: <CAPTTLasky>
Character name:<John Gobbel>
Ban type: <Server>
Ban length: <2 Days>
Ban reason: <Killing the warden twice as a non-antag without any proper reasoning. Please do not engage and shoot down security because "the crew called the catsecs out as rogue" and because security tried to arrest you after said fact. This behaviour is not acceptable and you know better.>
Time ban was placed: <2019-12-31 00:59:20 during round ID 126987>
Server you were playing on when banned: <Terry>
Round ID in which ban was placed:<126900>
Your side of the story:<I was playing as the Quartermaster when the crew started getting messages from Centcomm in felinid speak. I go about ordering guns and the crew prepares because we think that Centcomm was overrun by Felinids. The round gets hectic as I keep ordering more and more guns and the crew keeps taking them. There are Nyacomm messages being sent and the weird teleport things where syndicate simplemobs get sent down, felinid ERTs arrive, so the crew gets into the anti-felinid event. Eventually people over comms start talking about how the Security (which happened to be mostly felinids) were harming crew, so I go up there to try and rescue them. I look around, can't find anybody, and I go to perma and see that there's blood everywhere, so I unload my shotgun and retreat, then call out over comms that they're in perma. I didn't have any ammo and didn't think I could really help that situation, so I went back to cargo.

Captain calls out not to kill the felinids in sec, so I go about my business and order more guns. Kat Green comes into the cargo bay later, about 10 minutes or so, stares at me for a second, and then starts disablering me. The cargo crew turns on them and together we kill Kat. Their corpse gets taken off by someone so I assume they're going to be cloned and I wasn't interested in escalating to round removal so I went back to my job. Sec came by to investigate but I de-escalated and nothing came of it, I wasn't interested in killing security or starting a revolt. Eventually me and a few others raid centcomm, find the felinid menace, and take them on! We ended up victorious. It was a fun event!

During this I got ahelped asking why I killed Kat Green, and I said that they were called out as being rogue over the radio and then invaded my workplace. Very brief. I didn't get a follow up message so I thought nothing of it. In the round end report, I also saw that Kat Green was a traitor.
2 days later I'm in the middle of a round on Terry and suddenly I was banned. After some investigation, Zawo, the other individual who also killed Kat Green with me the second time, was not banned for this.

Why you think you should be unbanned:<There are a few reasons. Firstly, Kat Green was an antag and valid to kill. I saw them covered in blood in perma during an anti-felinid admin event and shot at them, wasn't even sure if I killed them. Normally, I would never lethally attack security unless I was positive that something was fishy or they were acting like an antag. Secondly, this ban was placed retroactively and I think given the context this doesn't merit a ban when I wasn't given a fair opportunity to have a dialogue and discuss my reasons further. I was sent one message and then the ticket was closed. I don't think players should be afraid to play into an event, and since the anti-felinid event was done by the banning admin in question, I feel like I was baited into a ban for some reason especially since the other person involved in the death wasn't banned. This may not be the case, but I'd like to have a longer discussion about it here. >

Round Logs: https://tgstation13.org/parsed-logs/syb ... nd-126900/
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Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinid traitor on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by Lazengann » #531904

my favorite highlight

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Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinids on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by Domitius » #531905

For context the event consisted of various CentCom messages, sending down renamed toy swords, a random shocktrooper event I delayed and changed the message of, sending down a portal storm of lizard pets, a CentCom official I sent down to talk to the captain with orders to defend themselves but were almost immediately killed by the crew when introducing himself peacefully, and then three interns that were also killed immediately. All the messages were themed in a stereotypical manner to felinids.

Using any sort of event as reasoning to arm yourself and blindly walk into security killing the first people you find wordlessly is not acceptable. If you want to use the CentCom event as an excuse I don't see how killing people on your station makes any sense. You violated rule 1 through poor escalation when you chose to start firing lethal shots at security with little to no good reasons.

"You can't kill or maim security for trying to arrest you for legitimate reasons." Word for word taken from our escalation policy.

Kat Green went into cargo to arrest you with a disabler after you released a prisoner and took them down. If that isn't a legitimate reason for trying to arrest somebody I don't know what is.

They didn't notice they were a traitor until way far into the round then chose not to act on it and continued being security. If you had any reason to believe they were valid through antagonistic actions please let me know.

I do wish to apologize for not acting up on it during the shift through ahelps. I let myself get distracted and didn't give it the due diligence it deserved but that doesn't excuse the actions you took.

I still wish to discuss this but I don't want to leave you waiting too long for a response.
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Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinid traitor on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by Denton » #531907

Relevant log lines from game.log:
[2019-12-29 20:36:51.855] GAME: Uomo91/(Uomo91) has been selected as a traitor
[2019-12-29 20:37:00.273] GAME: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has gained antag datum Traitor(/datum/antagonist/traitor)
[2019-12-29 23:18:56.463] GAME: Antagonists at round end were...
[2019-12-29 23:18:56.463] GAME: Traitors :Uomo91/(Kat Green), Mister MiX[DC]/(Zack Khan), Bobson Dugnutt[DC]/(Nikolas Kelley), Outcast Seer/(Howard Johnson).
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Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinid traitor on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by annoyinggreencatgirl » #531913

I happened to get traitor virologist, and I was one of very few people on at round start, so I went to HoP and had my job changed to sec and got implanted. 10 minutes later into playing and I had literally forgotten I was tot until I ahelped over you killing me for a second time while I was trying to conduct a disabler arrest on you. I was literally playing a normal sec round, hadn't touched my uplink, hadn't done anything antagonistic.
John_Gobbel wrote:Firstly, Kat Green was an antag and valid to kill.
That's not really how this works. And I watched you run into perma (while I was in the middle of dealing with somebody who had broken out, taken my shotgun, and gotten the silicon on their side), and what I'm pretty sure was less than a second later you wordlessly opened fire, ending with both me and the warden in crit.

I will point out that the note is inaccurate; "Killing the warden twice as a non-antag without any proper reasoning." that didn't happen, John critted the warden once, and me (sec officer) twice.
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Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinids on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by John_Gobbel » #531918

Domitius wrote: You violated rule 1 through poor escalation when you chose to start firing lethal shots at security with little to no good reasons.
I mean, the borgs were screaming about felinids harming crew during an event specifically anti-felinid, and when I went there they were literally mass-murderer covered in blood. Given the information I had, I took action, and looking at it again, I didn't even kill them that time. I went in trying to rescue crew from a potential antag and that's what I tried to do.
Domitius wrote: "You can't kill or maim security for trying to arrest you for legitimate reasons." Word for word taken from our escalation policy.
In the context of the event, and especially since I hadn't done anything to actively seek out felinid crew and continued to stay in cargo and aid the station with multiple security and the captain visiting multiple times, this is more them retaliating against me specifically than anything else. That's what I took it as, and literally nobody was on Kat's side when they came and instead of trying to talk immediately started firing. There was absolutely no reason I should think they weren't an antag based around the event taking the opportunity to arrest me and remove me from the round, but even then I let someone else carry them off to get cloned.

You'll also see looking at the logs that when other cat security staff entered cargo, instead of shooting them I did my best to de-escalate and avoid an encounter by warning them to get out. I wasn't out to randomly murder players over an excuse.
Domitius wrote: They didn't notice they were a traitor until way far into the round then chose not to act on it and continued being security. If you had any reason to believe they were valid through antagonistic actions please let me know.
I'm told from Zawo that they were specifically trying to grudge them so they could perma them. I think Uomo is generally a decent player and we weren't having problems earlier in the shift so I'm not going to accuse them of lying, but antag status is antag status and knowing that gives someone the ability to do whatever they want. Even I would take advantage of that a little bit if I swapped to sec and found out I was an antag. On an occasion where someone is angry over spacemans, they can twist the truth a little bit too.

It seems that you know a lot more about things from Kat's side of things, and I understand if you thought my short reply meant that's all I wanted to say, but that wasn't the case at all and I would've appreciated taking the time to get my side of things too.

But down to the real reason I would suspect this - first they started off as a virologist and swapped to sec which is in itself suspicious. Second they and the person dressed as the HoS were both felinids, and given the centcomm takeover it's reasonable to assume that they're also trying to take over the station's staff. Third, the borgs were screaming bloody murder about it, and between the first encounter and the second, the borgs reported that they lethaled a human to death. Of course I would assume they were a threat.
Last edited by John_Gobbel on Tue Dec 31, 2019 3:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinids on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by John_Gobbel » #531919

Domitius wrote:
Using any sort of event as reasoning to arm yourself and blindly walk into security killing the first people you find wordlessly is not acceptable.
Sorry for the double post but I forgot this part.

I didn't just blindly run into security, I walked around and was looking for people and I believe that I was talking to an officer or someone else in the brig before I went up to perma. I also advertised my intentions on comms so that someone could correct me if I was wrong.
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Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinids on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by Lazengann » #531927

John_Gobbel wrote:
Domitius wrote: You violated rule 1 through poor escalation when you chose to start firing lethal shots at security with little to no good reasons.
I mean, the borgs were screaming about felinids harming crew during an event specifically anti-felinid, and when I went there they were literally mass-murderer covered in blood. Given the information I had, I took action, and looking at it again, I didn't even kill them that time. I went in trying to rescue crew from a potential antag and that's what I tried to do.
Settle down champ, you started screaming KILL THEM!!! at 23:43:49 In Central Primary Hallway, then you opened fire in the brig at 22:44:57. No need to pretend like you weren't planning on shooting them before you walked in, the logs are right there.
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Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinid traitor on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by Kryson » #531928

Isn't the rules that you are always valid if you are an antag, even if you never out yourself as one?

I know I've heard that before at least.
Last edited by Kryson on Tue Dec 31, 2019 3:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinids on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by John_Gobbel » #531929

Lazengann wrote:
John_Gobbel wrote:
Domitius wrote: You violated rule 1 through poor escalation when you chose to start firing lethal shots at security with little to no good reasons.
I mean, the borgs were screaming about felinids harming crew during an event specifically anti-felinid, and when I went there they were literally mass-murderer covered in blood. Given the information I had, I took action, and looking at it again, I didn't even kill them that time. I went in trying to rescue crew from a potential antag and that's what I tried to do.
Settle down champ, you started screaming KILL THEM!!! at 23:43:49 In Central Primary Hallway, then you opened fire in the brig at 22:44:57. No need to pretend like you weren't planning on shooting them before you walked in, the logs are right there.
I admit that the whole minute I gave for the captain to tell me not to murder them was probably not enough time, but I can tell you that it wasn't my intention to kill them, just rescue whoever was in there. I didn't really have a lot of time to give for them to finish the job and hide the body if that was their intention.
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Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinid traitor on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by Lazengann » #531930

my apologies, when you said to KILL THEM!!! i thought it meant you wanted to KILL THEM!!!
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Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinid traitor on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by annoyinggreencatgirl » #531931

John_Gobbel wrote:...they came and instead of trying to talk immediately started firing.
...A disabler. After you shotgunned me and the warden into crit for absolutely zero reason. What sec officer would you expect to do anything different there? Why would I not arrest you and how did that make me killable?
John_Gobbel wrote:There was absolutely no reason I should think they weren't an antag based around the event taking the opportunity to arrest me and remove me from the round
What...? "There was absolutely no reason to believe they weren't an antagonist, after I opened fire on them for no reason and they tried to non-violently arrest me over it."

You have lost your mind and need help.
Domitius wrote:I'm told from Zawo that they were specifically trying to grudge them so they could perma them.
Prosper was running around in antag gear, including an operative ID, and I was extremely confused as to what was even going on. When I had them in the brig I healed them, spent quite some time asking them questions and trying to get their side of things, to which they completely refused to answer anything and just insulted me, and I was getting tired of wasting time on it and just dumped them in perma.
John_Gobbel wrote:On an occasion where someone is angry over spacemans, they can twist the truth a little bit too.
This appeal seemingly being a good example of that.
John_Gobbel wrote:But down to the real reason I would suspect this - first they started off as a virologist and swapped to sec which is in itself suspicious.
Something which you didn't know until after the round ended.
John_Gobbel wrote:Second they and the person dressed as the HoS were both felinids,
They were dressed as the warden, because... they WERE the warden.
John_Gobbel wrote:Third, the borgs were screaming bloody murder about it
WHOAH the asimovs screaming vaguely about sec and human harm holy smokes that changes everything!!!
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Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinid traitor on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by John_Gobbel » #531936

Some people talking to me were confused about what server this happened on. The round in question was on Sybil two days ago, and the ban was placed today while I was playing on Terry, just to clarify.
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Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinid traitor on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by Domitius » #531939

To give better context for the event actions here it is.
Started as John called out pizza is in cargo and a command report to have some pepperoni with a felinid twist on the wording.

[2019-12-29 22:07:18.588] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "we have plenty of pizza in cargo, we don't need pizza hut, their pizza is mediocre at best!" (Cargo Bay (72, 155, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:07:19.477] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has created a command report: Couwd you get us a Peppewoni Pwease

I wasn't around for the start of the shift, quickly after that report was read out this was announced.

[2019-12-29 22:07:41.816] SAY: HorzBor/(SMU-731) (priority announcement) "Don't believe Centcomm's lies. They are the one. Kill them." (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))

I responded and chose to give them some toy sabers that have had the sound replaced with a "nya" sound effect and renamed them.

[2019-12-29 22:08:26.748] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has created a command report: What awe you tawking about?
[2019-12-29 22:14:09.704] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has created a command report: In a gestuwe of goodwiww we are sending down some high tech weaponwy in fwont of your showwoom. Pwease be wesponsibwe!

At this point a random event triggered for Syndicate commandos happened so I delayed it, changed the wording, and sent them in after sending the following message.

[2019-12-29 22:22:48.482] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has created a command report: We want you to join us! We awe sending down some wepwesentatives soon pwease wewcome them with open awms!

They were quickly dispatched after a few casualties to the crew.

[2019-12-29 22:28:26.712] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has created a command report: Aw! You didn't tweat our fwiends vewy nicewy at aw! Not one bit! I hope you awe all weady when we push this big wed button in a wittle bit!

I didn't want to omit any command reports but this one was just fluff.

[2019-12-29 22:30:31.734] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has created a command report: Contwawy to what you might bewieve we have actuawwy quite the divewse staff hewe! We even have a moth!


[2019-12-29 22:33:17.393] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has created a command report: Your captain has said give you ouw best shot! Send in the Wizards!

I sent in Lizard pets and one of them I gave to ghost control and made big to send the point home that I sent Lizards not actual Wizards.

[2019-12-29 22:37:10.200] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has created a command report: Wizard detected in your upwoad!
[2019-12-29 22:38:29.558] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has created a command report: Watching you kill our fwiendly wizard is making us absowutewy sick to our stomache, oh god I think we may be coughing up a haiwball.

Triggered Meators

[2019-12-29 22:47:06.730] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has created a command report: We are sending ouw commander down to talk! Pwease tweat him nicewy!

Send down a ghost role named Marc to go talk and table the acting captain and then return alive if he could with instructions to defend himself but to hold back on actively removing anyone. It was rather moot after meeting him in the arrivals hallway and a brief introduction they open fired and killed him.

[2019-12-29 22:49:46.688] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has created a command report: How did your meeting with ouw commander Mawc go?!?!

After that I sent down three interns to attempt to do something but not believing any would survive the initial hallway, none did.

[2019-12-29 22:51:40.045] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has created a command report: Oh my, that is not vewy good behaviouw! We will be sending down some special officews to help we-educate you all! ETA 5 minutes.

That's where it ended on my part. John, Prosper, and another person used the shuttle to come back to centcom, I threw them around a little bit and then the round ended
John_Gobbel wrote:
Domitius wrote: You violated rule 1 through poor escalation when you chose to start firing lethal shots at security with little to no good reasons.
I mean, the borgs were screaming about felinids harming crew during an event specifically anti-felinid, and when I went there they were literally mass-murderer covered in blood. Given the information I had, I took action, and looking at it again, I didn't even kill them that time. I went in trying to rescue crew from a potential antag and that's what I tried to do.
I don't know if you meant to scream a blood crusade first before meaning to rescue somebody or after
[2019-12-29 22:43:39.374] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "Which cats where?" (Central Primary Hallway (87, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:43:49.783] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "KILL THEM!!!" (Central Primary Hallway (88, 134, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:28.092] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "How do we know who's a cat?" (Brig (104, 169, 2))
So you got to the brig, looked around for about 30 seconds and when you got to perma you open fired on two security guards. I omitted all but one pellet per shot to make it clear how many times you shot into the brig, no pellets ever missed somebody from what I can tell. I'll post the full log of the shots in the next spoiler if anybody wants to pour over it.
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.042] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.313] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 88.9) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.746] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 92.3) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:58.389] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 39.5) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:59.040] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 9.3) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:59.371] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 70) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:00.052] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 71) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:00.496] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 67.5) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:05.866] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has stunned Uomo91/(Kat Green) (NEWHP: 51.5) (Brig (98, 177, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.039] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.040] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.040] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.041] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.041] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.042] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.144] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 100) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.310] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 96.5) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.312] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 92.7) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.313] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 88.9) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.669] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.670] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.670] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.671] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.672] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.672] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.746] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 92.3) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.748] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 84.1) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.772] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 77.9) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.803] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 69.8) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:57.963] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 81.8) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:58.229] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 85.25) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:58.260] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:58.261] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:58.261] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:58.262] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:58.263] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:58.263] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:58.341] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 62.1) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:58.343] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 55.9) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:58.345] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 47.7) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:58.389] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 39.5) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:58.570] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 78) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:58.683] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 77.25) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:58.905] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:58.905] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:58.906] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:58.907] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:58.907] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:58.908] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:59.000] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 31.8) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:59.002] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 23.6) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:59.003] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 17.5) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:59.040] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 9.3) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:59.215] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot missingargumentexception/(Janitor Android-849) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 91.25) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:59.371] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 70) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:59.766] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:59.766] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:59.767] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:59.767] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:59.768] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:59.768] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:00.050] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 74.5) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:00.052] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 71) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:00.053] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 1.6) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:00.320] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:00.320] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:00.321] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:00.321] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:00.322] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:00.322] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from Prison Wing (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:00.496] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 67.5) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:00.498] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 59.8) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:00.499] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 55.7) (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
After you took them down you screamed out this
[2019-12-29 22:45:14.003] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "THE CATS ARE IN PERMA!!!" (Brig (98, 171, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:16.036] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "CHARGE PERMA!!!" (Brig (98, 171, 2))
After fighting has happened it's understandable that you panic when you enter perma, a place where security officers reside, and see them covered in blood but Immediately open firing? I don't see any actions that would prompt that as a response being reasonable. The event was CentCom was taken over by felinids not any of your crew members so I see the confusion you had when you decided that must mean its okay to kill felinids.
John_Gobbel wrote:
Domitius wrote: "You can't kill or maim security for trying to arrest you for legitimate reasons." Word for word taken from our escalation policy.
In the context of the event, and especially since I hadn't done anything to actively seek out felinid crew and continued to stay in cargo and aid the station with multiple security and the captain visiting multiple times, this is more them retaliating against me specifically than anything else. That's what I took it as, and literally nobody was on Kat's side when they came and instead of trying to talk immediately started firing. There was absolutely no reason I should think they weren't an antag based around the event taking the opportunity to arrest me and remove me from the round, but even then I let someone else carry them off to get cloned.
It shouldn't matter who is on who's side, you chose to shoot down and kill a Security Officer who was trying to bring you in. You have already proven to be quick on the trigger after dropping two officers so any other ones would be okay to just drop you but they chose to use a disabler to try be non-harmful.

With your logic should every security officer be considered an antag then if they try to bring in a murderer?

You'll also see looking at the logs that when other cat security staff entered cargo, instead of shooting them I did my best to de-escalate and avoid an encounter by warning them to get out. I wasn't out to randomly murder players over an excuse.
While kind of you being nice once doesn't excuse any behaviour.
John_Gobbel wrote:
Domitius wrote: They didn't notice they were a traitor until way far into the round then chose not to act on it and continued being security. If you had any reason to believe they were valid through antagonistic actions please let me know.
I'm told from Zawo that they were specifically trying to grudge them so they could perma them. I think Uomo is generally a decent player and we weren't having problems earlier in the shift so I'm not going to accuse them of lying, but antag status is antag status and knowing that gives someone the ability to do whatever they want. Even I would take advantage of that a little bit if I swapped to sec and found out I was an antag. On an occasion where someone is angry over spacemans, they can twist the truth a little bit too.

It seems that you know a lot more about things from Kat's side of things, and I understand if you thought my short reply meant that's all I wanted to say, but that wasn't the case at all and I would've appreciated taking the time to get my side of things too.
Antag status doesn't immediately mean your valid. You need to have prior investigation or some sort of reasoning to suspect and then act on.

It is fair that I have heard a lot more about it from Kat's side of things and please understand i'm not taking your reply as all you meant to say.
John_Gobbel wrote: But down to the real reason I would suspect this - first they started off as a virologist and swapped to sec which is in itself suspicious. Second they and the person dressed as the HoS were both felinids, and given the centcomm takeover it's reasonable to assume that they're also trying to take over the station's staff. Third, the borgs were screaming bloody murder about it, and between the first encounter and the second, the borgs reported that they lethaled a human to death. Of course I would assume they were a threat.
[2019-12-29 22:41:28.338] SAY: nikotheguydude/(S.H.R.O.U.D.) (binary) "HARMIES PERMABRIG" (AI Chamber (210, 144, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:41:30.723] SAY: nikotheguydude/(S.H.R.O.U.D.) (binary) "HARM!!!" (AI Chamber (210, 144, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:41:34.137] SAY: nikotheguydude/(S.H.R.O.U.D.) (binary) "PREVENT HARM<!!!" (AI Chamber (210, 144, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:41:50.747] SAY: nikotheguydude/(S.H.R.O.U.D.) "STOP THE HARM" (AI Chamber (210, 144, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:41:53.306] SAY: nikotheguydude/(S.H.R.O.U.D.) "STOP IT" (AI Chamber (210, 144, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:43:20.172] SAY: nikotheguydude/(S.H.R.O.U.D.) "SEC" (AI Chamber (210, 144, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:43:23.539] SAY: nikotheguydude/(S.H.R.O.U.D.) "STOP HARMING THE PRISONER" (AI Chamber (210, 144, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:43:31.976] SAY: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) "THE CATS ARE GOING ROGUE" (Prison Wing (93, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:43:36.726] SAY: nikotheguydude/(S.H.R.O.U.D.) "I DONT CARE CAT" (AI Chamber (210, 144, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:43:38.264] SAY: nikotheguydude/(S.H.R.O.U.D.) "NO HARM" (AI Chamber (210, 144, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:43:44.376] SAY: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) "THE SECURITY ONES" (Prison Wing (89, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:43:48.716] SAY: nikotheguydude/(S.H.R.O.U.D.) "D O N T H A R M" (AI Chamber (210, 144, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:10.362] SAY: nikotheguydude/(S.H.R.O.U.D. shell 225 - Medical) "THE CAT OFFICER IS HARMING A HUMAN PRISONER!!!" (Central Primary Hallway (88, 121, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:12.254] SAY: nikotheguydude/(S.H.R.O.U.D. shell 225 - Medical) "THEY WERE!!!" (Central Primary Hallway (88, 122, 2))

Here a borg was talking with prosper on breaking them out

[2019-12-29 22:44:13.690] SAY: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) "true" (Prison Wing (94, 188, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:17.730] SAY: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) "they probably have gloves, though" (Prison Wing (94, 188, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:24.122] SAY: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) "i cant risk the human harm, prosper" (Prison Wing (94, 188, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:28.309] SAY: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) "we break you out of we die" (Prison Wing (94, 188, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:34.988] SAY: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) "huh" (Prison Wing (95, 186, 2))

This is when you showed up

[2019-12-29 22:45:14.828] SAY: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) "cat" (Prison Wing (95, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:24.313] SAY: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) "she is A CAT" (Prison Wing (87, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:26.690] SAY: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) "BAD" (Prison Wing (87, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:47.983] SAY: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) "FUCKING" (Prison Wing (90, 181, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:49.483] SAY: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) "CHRIST" (Prison Wing (90, 180, 2))
These are the rough logs of all the silicons talking about harm or cats shortly before and immediately after what happened in Perma over channels. I understand why you rushed to the scene but I fail to see how you arrived at shooting down the security officers Kat Green and Amelia Turner (to confirm they were both felinids). Security was handling the situation and it was de-escalating naturally until you jumped into the fray dialing things to 11.

I see how you took many situations as an okay to go ahead and attack people but you should've taken a step back and think about the situation you were putting yourself into.

Edit: Typo, I typed wasn't de-escalating when it was, my bad.
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Byond Username: CAPTTLasky

Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinid traitor on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by John_Gobbel » #531947

I don't think that the snippets that you've chosen to take out reflect the situation on the station and the round as a whole, and I'd ask you to reflect on the logs and context of the round as a whole, what was going on, and the climate of the station rather than some of my attack logs and a few cherry picked comms. I understand where you are coming from when you say that you shouldn't attack security personnel lethally, and in any normal round I wouldn't have. I've played a lot of security and understand how things work with regards to that. The base of my appeal pertains to the event that you held and its contexts concerning felinid officers on top of the fact that Uomo was an antag and that I had plenty of cause to suspect them as one. When you convey to the crew that felinids are a threat to the station and that this threat is coming from authority, I think its reasonable to see crew react in ways such as this, and I hope you can understand that none of my actions were done maliciously, to ruin someone's round, or to attack specific players, but to play into the event that you yourself created.

I also don't believe that antagonists which decide to dress up as security and give themselves a mindshield should have an advantage over crew because they are walking on eggshells regarding what is and isn't proper regarding escalation against security. I've seen plenty of cases where antags have done this and killed literally everyone because they were afraid to fight back. Distrust and disbelief in the integrity of authority on the station was sown, and I think that's a part of the game and that nobody should be angry over it.

Given the situation on the station, the experience that I have playing security, and the limited information I have as a player, I acted according to what I thought appropriate and within the rules. For all I had known, the two felinid officers in question were a part of the event you wanted to play out and I don't believe I should be punished for that.

I'd also like to address the other points that I made regarding the delay of the ban and the fact that Zawo wasn't banned when they were both A. The original instigators of the conflict and apparently the person who I went to rescue and B. the person who helped me kill Kat Green when they actually died in the delivery room. I think these things are very important and want to talk about them.
Joined: Mon Jan 28, 2019 7:55 pm
Byond Username: Uomo91

Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinid traitor on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by annoyinggreencatgirl » #531952

Prosper and I had a drawn out back and forth that I chose to escalate (within what I thought was the rules of playing security) to lethals out of frustration, I never ahelped over him doing what he did in the brig because at that point I had surrendered my OOC protections with him of my own accord, and I honestly didn't even realize he was part of the group in cargo with you the second time you put me in crit. He apparently thinks I was feigning ignorance of some unspecified thing to jam up his shift, but, I wasn't, and he was free to ahelp me that round if he felt that way. Please stop clinging to the life raft of my interactions with them in this round, which are totally unrelated, as a crutch to excuse your shoot first and ask questions later basically just shooting first.
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Byond Username: Domitius
Github Username: DomitiusKnack

Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinid traitor on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by Domitius » #531954

I don't believe I have taken anything out of context with the logs I brought up, i feel I represented both sides fairly with them and wouldn't be adverse to being pointed out otherwise. The context of the round as a whole was you immediately hitting the gun cargo button and looking for anything to shoot with whatever reason you could justify. The only threats to the station were non-felinid syndicate portal spawns, a single felinid commander, and three felinid interns all sent from centcom. It may have been hyped up to be something more but you chose to ride on what everyone was spewing and just go along with it in stunning fashion.

When did you learn that Kat Green was switched from virologist to security? I understand that traitors who are promoted to security and mindshielded are in an interesting spot in terms of eggshell walking but if Kat Green wasn't there would you have still fired on the other security officer?

I honestly believe you didn't mean any of this maliciously but I do believe you took things too far several times in directions that are not okay to justify attacking the brig. Maybe a quick ahelp asking if it's okay to attack security officers would have played things out differently but you chose to take things into you own hands.

Zawo was dealt with by security and while an ally you were the one that escalated things in both scenarios with them riding along. For Kat dying in the delivery room you dropped them into crit and she died in transport, I don't see the difference in you killing them there or her dying on the way to get healed.

The delay on the ban was my fault, I'll lower the ban to one day to reflect time served though I want to make clear that doesn't mean I'm closing the appeal and I want to continue any discussion you wish to have.
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Byond Username: CAPTTLasky

Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinid traitor on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by John_Gobbel » #531957

I'll take the time to write a proper response to this with logs tomorrow. Thank you for taking the time insofar to walk through this with me and Happy New Years Eve.
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Joined: Sun Jul 07, 2019 3:30 am
Byond Username: Domitius
Github Username: DomitiusKnack

Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinid traitor on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by Domitius » #531958

Happy new years eve too you as well, I'll talk to you tomorrow.
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Joined: Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:55 pm
Byond Username: CAPTTLasky

Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinid traitor on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by John_Gobbel » #532244

To Conclude, I'm looking for the following:

1. A removal of this note (Since we've hit note appeal territory) completely
and barring that...

2. A change in the note to more accurately describe the events that took place.

I want to make this as brief as possible and not throw too many logs out there for the sake of readers (But there's a lot to contextualize), so I'm going to summarize the best I can.

**Pre-Post Edit: I tried to color code the logs but it doesn't work. Sorry in advance. I put a lot of my comments related to the logs in (())s for easier view**

Before that I'd like to address what you said in your previous comments:
Domitius wrote:The context of the round as a whole was you immediately hitting the gun cargo button and looking for anything to shoot with whatever reason you could justify.
This was not the case at all. I latejoined into the round and was content to go about improving cargo and making things nice in a slow shift. I joked about ordering guns, but only after the acting captain came in to cargo and ordered me to get guns did I actually do so. It was almost an entire hour before I started ordering weapons. Here are the cargo logs with the order to buy guns and the relevant TComms loaded in:

Code: Select all

21:27:40 [0x20053f0] (67,152,2) || the supply console CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) called the supply shuttle.
21:27:46 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4096 (Insulated Gloves Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
21:27:46 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4097 (Toolbox Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
21:27:46 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4098 (Premium Carpet Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
21:27:46 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4099 (Premium Carpet Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
21:27:46 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle 4 orders in this shipment, worth 5000 credits. 800 credits left.
21:32:16 [0x20053f0] (67,152,2) || the supply console CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) sent the supply shuttle away.

((I order stun batons and put them away in cargo for self defense purposes like I normally do.))

21:38:28 [0x20053f0] (67,152,2) || the supply console CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) called the supply shuttle.
21:38:34 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4101 (Stun Batons Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
21:38:34 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4102 (Stun Batons Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
21:38:34 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4103 (Janitorial Supplies Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
21:38:34 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle 3 orders in this shipment, worth 3000 credits. 22814 credits left.
21:40:44 [0x20053f0] (67,152,2) || the supply console CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) sent the supply shuttle away.

21:43:17 [0x20053f0] (67,152,2) || the supply console CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) called the supply shuttle.
21:45:58 [0x20053f0] (67,152,2) || the supply console CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) sent the supply shuttle away.

((I called out if anybody wanted anything ordered, and someone wanted wood planks))

21:49:01 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4104 (50 Wood Planks, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
21:49:01 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4105 (50 Wood Planks, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
21:49:01 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4106 (50 Wood Planks, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.

((The silicons were telling me that I couldn't outpizza the hut, and I'll be damned if I wasn't gonna prove them wrong))

21:52:27 [0x20053f0] (67,152,2) || the supply console CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) called the supply shuttle.
21:52:32 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4107 (Pizza Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
21:52:32 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4108 (Pizza Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
21:52:32 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4109 (Pizza Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
21:52:32 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4110 (Pizza Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
21:52:32 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle 4 orders in this shipment, worth 24000 credits. 5644 credits left.
22:01:53 [0x20053f0] (67,152,2) || the supply console Epicpatrol2/(Matthew Funnyman) sent the supply shuttle away.

((Some miner ordered starter gear to go mine))

22:03:17 [0x20053f0] (67,152,2) || the supply console Epicpatrol2/(Matthew Funnyman) called the supply shuttle.
22:03:23 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4111 (Shaft Miner Starter Kit, placed by epicpatrol2/(Matthew Funnyman)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:03:23 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle 1 orders in this shipment, worth 2000 credits. 4419 credits left.

((Important statement I made over TComms))

[2019-12-29 22:11:55.125] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "oh shit you people actually want me to order guns" (Cargo Bay (73, 148, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:11:56.843] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "Well uh" (Cargo Bay (73, 148, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:11:58.451] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "ok?" (Cargo Bay (73, 148, 2))

22:16:34 [0x20053f0] (67,152,2) || the supply console CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) sent the supply shuttle away.

((The Captain, Ashley Ratcliff, asks me to order guns. Relevant conversation and cargo logs))

[2019-12-29 22:17:10.858] SAY: 22:17:10.858] SAY: Ducanishah/(Ashley Ratcliff) "Cargo" (Cargo Bay (71, 156, 2)) 
[2019-12-29 22:17:13.669] SAY: 22:17:13.669] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "yes?" (Cargo Bay (70, 149, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:17:14.369] SAY: 22:17:14.369] SAY: Ducanishah/(Ashley Ratcliff) "We need guns" (Cargo Bay (71, 152, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:17:20.042] SAY: 22:17:20.042] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "I have no money for guns Ma'am" (Cargo Bay (69, 148, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:17:23.531] SAY: 22:17:23.531] SAY: Ducanishah/(Ashley Ratcliff) "I see" (Cargo Bay (69, 145, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:17:25.358] SAY: 22:17:25.358] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) [b]"I had to outpizza the hut"[/b] (Cargo Bay (69, 147, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:17:27.161] SAY: 22:17:27.161] SAY: Ducanishah/(Ashley Ratcliff) "I will work to rectify this" (Cargo Bay (69, 145, 2)) 

22:20:52 [0x20053f0] (67,152,2) || the supply console CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) called the supply shuttle.
22:20:59 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4112 (Internals Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:20:59 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4113 (Internals Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:20:59 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle 2 orders in this shipment, worth 2000 credits. 2843 credits left.
22:22:58 [0x20053f0] (67,152,2) || the supply console CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) sent the supply shuttle away.

22:25:14 [0x20053f0] (67,152,2) || the supply console CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) called the supply shuttle.
22:25:21 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4114 (WT-550 Auto Rifle Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:25:21 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4115 (WT-550 Auto Rifle Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:25:21 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4116 (WT-550 Auto Rifle Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:25:21 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4117 (WT-550 Auto Rifle Ammo Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:25:21 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4118 (WT-550 Auto Rifle Ammo Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:25:21 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4119 (WT-550 Auto Rifle Ammo Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:25:21 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4120 (Energy Guns Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:25:21 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4121 (Energy Guns Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:25:21 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4122 (Energy Guns Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:25:21 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4123 (Energy Guns Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:25:21 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4124 (WT-550 Auto Rifle Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:25:21 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4125 (WT-550 Auto Rifle Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:25:21 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4126 (WT-550 Auto Rifle Ammo Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:25:21 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4127 (WT-550 Auto Rifle Ammo Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:25:21 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4128 (Combat Shotguns Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:25:21 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle 15 orders in this shipment, worth 50500 credits. 3983 credits left.

[2019-12-29 22:26:54.324] TCOMMS: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) [Supply] (spans: command_headset  ) "Captain the guns are here" (language: Galactic Common) (Cargo Bay (70, 152, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:26:55.981] TCOMMS: HorzBor/(SMU-731) [Common] (spans: robot ) "Pogroms are mandatory" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:27:01.892] TCOMMS: Ducanishah/(Ashley Ratcliff) [Supply] (spans:  command_headset ) "Good work, hand them to the crew." (language: Galactic Common) (Fore Primary Hallway (107, 150, 2))

22:34:55 [0x2005dbc] (78,150,2) || the supply console CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) sent the supply shuttle away.

22:36:30 [0x20053f0] (67,152,2) || the supply console CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) called the supply shuttle.
22:36:36 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4129 (Stun Batons Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:36:36 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4130 (Stun Batons Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:36:36 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4131 (Stun Batons Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:36:36 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4132 (Stun Batons Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:36:36 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4133 (WT-550 Auto Rifle Ammo Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:36:36 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4134 (WT-550 Auto Rifle Ammo Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:36:36 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle 6 orders in this shipment, worth 10000 credits. 360 credits left.
22:46:17 [0x20053f0] (67,152,2) || the supply console CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) sent the supply shuttle away.

((There was no more ammo left after a fight with some of the event-related things))

22:47:50 [0x20053f0] (67,152,2) || the supply console CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) called the supply shuttle.
22:47:58 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4135 (WT-550 Auto Rifle Single-Pack, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:47:58 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle 1 orders in this shipment, worth 2000 credits. 1135 credits left.
22:53:12 [0x20053f0] (67,152,2) || the supply console CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) sent the supply shuttle away.

((People were coming in for guns but none were left, so I ordered more))

22:54:42 [0x20053f0] (67,152,2) || the supply console CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) called the supply shuttle.
22:54:49 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4137 (Combat Shotguns Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:54:49 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4138 (Combat Shotguns Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:54:49 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4139 (Energy Guns Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:54:49 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4140 (Energy Guns Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:54:49 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4142 (WT-550 Auto Rifle Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:54:49 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4143 (WT-550 Auto Rifle Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:54:49 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4144 (WT-550 Auto Rifle Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:54:49 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4145 (WT-550 Auto Rifle Ammo Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:54:49 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4146 (WT-550 Auto Rifle Ammo Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:54:49 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4147 (WT-550 Auto Rifle Ammo Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:54:49 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4148 (WT-550 Auto Rifle Ammo Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:54:49 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle Order #4149 (Combat Shotguns Crate, placed by capttlasky/(John Gobbel)), paid by Cargo Budget has shipped.
22:54:49 [0x2030c4f] (152,108,1) || the supply shuttle 12 orders in this shipment, worth 51500 credits. 10410 credits left.
23:09:17 [0x20053f0] (67,152,2) || the supply console Vandanna/(Nessa Bethany) sent the supply shuttle away.

((Throughout most of this time, I spent it holed up in cargo not knowing what else was going on around the station besides what I was hearing over comms and trying to support the crew. I left only a few times, one to get AA which was supplied by Nessa, another to get a flash (Leading to a short skirmish that I immediately tried to run away and de-escalate from), and then to raid centcomm.) I believe I only left cargo two other times, to check on the showroom and upload after announcements))

((I did not through this entire venture attack anyone but Kat Green, Amelia Turner, and your character [the three times you respawned to kill myself and Prosper]))

Domitius wrote:The only threats to the station were non-felinid syndicate portal spawns, a single felinid commander, and three felinid interns all sent from centcom.
This isn't true. At some point during the round, the AI was subverted to turn all human crew into felinids (and the AI announced this when we were fighting Kat Green, which led me to switch to lethal)

Additionally, while you may have known this being the admin with access to most of the things going on in the round, we as players did not. There are many examples of the crew being openly hostile towards cats over tcomms and reports that cats were hurting humans. I'm sure you can understand that as a player who isn't metacomming or observing, it wouldn't be a far leap to think that ALL felinids were hostile and not just the ones you mentioned.
Domitius wrote:you chose to ride on what everyone was spewing and just go along with it in stunning fashion.
If everyone is spewing it, I don't think it's unreasonable to have two altercations in the round over it. Most players would start prowling the halls looking for felinids to kill. In fact they did given how your situation with Commander Marc and the Interns went.

Code: Select all

[2019-12-29 22:57:14.534] ADMIN: 22:57:14.534] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) created a /obj/item/gun/energy/e_gun/turret 
[2019-12-29 22:57:16.507] ADMIN: 22:57:16.507] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) created a /obj/item/gun/energy/e_gun/turret 
[2019-12-29 22:57:18.200] ADMIN: 22:57:18.200] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) created a /obj/item/gun/energy/e_gun/turret 
[2019-12-29 22:57:22.870] SAY: 22:57:22.870] SAY: Domitius/(Lola Knack) "Lets use these" (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (147, 74, 1)) 
[2019-12-29 22:57:25.442] SAY: 22:57:25.442] SAY: Domitius/(Lola Knack) "Go in hot and fast" (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (147, 74, 1)) 
[2019-12-29 22:59:13.669] SAY: 22:59:13.669] SAY: SwitHHS/(Karyvin Edo) "Kill on sight?" (Transport Shuttle (41, 125, 2)) 
[2019-12-29 22:59:14.315] SAY: 22:59:14.315] SAY: Domitius/(Lola Knack) "Shit uh" (Transport Shuttle (41, 126, 2)) 
[2019-12-29 22:59:16.791] SAY: 22:59:16.791] SAY: Domitius/(Lola Knack) "Yeah kos" (Transport Shuttle (41, 126, 2))
[2019-12-29 23:00:40.691] ADMIN: 23:00:40.691] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) created a /obj/item/gun/ballistic/minigun
[2019-12-29 23:00:43.523] ADMIN: 23:00:43.523] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) created a /obj/item/gun/ballistic/minigun
[2019-12-29 23:00:51.559] ADMIN: 23:00:51.559] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) created a /obj/item/gun/ballistic/minigun
[2019-12-29 23:01:02.232] ADMIN: 23:01:02.232] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) created a /obj/item/gun/ballistic/automatic/mini_uzi
[2019-12-29 23:01:03.863] ADMIN: 23:01:03.863] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) created a /obj/item/gun/ballistic/automatic/mini_uzi
[2019-12-29 23:01:05.438] ADMIN: 23:01:05.438] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) created a /obj/item/gun/ballistic/automatic/mini_uzi
[2019-12-29 23:02:44.460] EMOTE: 23:02:44.460] EMOTE: Domitius/(Lola Knack) gasps! (Port Primary Hallway (55, 128, 2))
I don't think anybody should be surprised that the crew were attacking felinids, and I never went out of my way to kill someone (In fact, never really did. I will explain that shortly).
Domitius wrote:Maybe a quick ahelp asking if it's okay to attack security officers would have played things out differently
I concede this point. I've never done that mostly due to putting admins in a sticky situation about what to and what not to reveal, and I don't want to press for OOC information from admins like that. If someone is an antag in sec, I don't think that the first thing someone should think to do is ahelp it. I thought it was reasonable to assume at the time, but next time I will reflect and ahelp first.
Domitius wrote:Zawo was dealt with by security and while an ally you were the one that escalated things in both scenarios with them riding along
This is also not true. Given the attack logs, it was a borg who killed the security officer after I dropped them to 2HP and attempted to kill Kat Green the first time. When Kat Green chased me into the hall and I stunned them, instead of taking advantage of that I ran away to de-escalate. The second time, Zawo was the one to switch to punching first (and this was after the AI announced that it wanted to convert all humans to felinids). I have the logs posted later on.
Domitius wrote:For Kat dying in the delivery room you dropped them into crit and she died in transport, I don't see the difference in you killing them there or her dying on the way to get healed.
With regards to this, Kat was 70hp from dying when Kyle Hall started dragging them off. Based on what I can tell from the logs, he dragged her around the hall for 20 seconds, then did CPR, and took even longer to administer an epipen. The death was an accident based on improper triage, and once I knew they were in crit I stopped firing. This normally wouldn't happen. Logs for this are also below.
Domitius wrote:The delay on the ban was my fault.
I appreciate you taking responsibility for it. I'm still curious as to why it took two days to administer the ban, though.

Now to the nitty gritty!
I want to better explain how from my perspective, I was not breaking Rule 1 or Escalation Policy by acting how I did.

List of those involved:

Code: Select all

[b][2019-12-29 20:36:52.059] uomo91 \ Kat Green \ Virologist \ traitor \ ROUNDSTART[/b]
[2019-12-29 20:42:06.011] Vandanna \ Nessa Bethany \ Shaft Miner \ NONE \ LATEJOIN
[b][2019-12-29 20:58:27.315] HorzBor \ SMU-731 \ AI \ NONE \ LATEJOIN[/b]
[b][2019-12-29 21:00:53.355] ACCESS: Mob Login: nikotheguydude/(G.A.M.E.R.) was assigned to a /mob/living/silicon/robot/nocell
[2019-12-29 21:04:07.504] ACCESS: Mob Login: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) was assigned to a /mob/living/silicon/robot/nocell[/b]
[b][2019-12-29 21:08:52.088] Ducanishah \ Ashley Ratcliff \ Head of Personnel \ NONE \ LATEJOIN
[2019-12-29 21:22:11.189] CAPTTLasky \ John Gobbel \ Quartermaster \ NONE \ LATEJOIN[/b]
[2019-12-29 21:45:37.266] PorpoiseKnight \ Mitchel Scott \ Detective \ NONE \ LATEJOIN
[b][2019-12-29 21:49:30.843] TyrantCerberus \ Amelia Turner \ Warden \ NONE \ LATEJOIN[/b]
[b][2019-12-29 21:51:41.029] ACCESS: Mob Login: mewaka/(HU-19) was assigned to a /mob/living/silicon/robot/nocell[/b]
[2019-12-29 21:58:17.138] Epicpatrol2 \ Matthew Funnyman \ Cargo Technician \ NONE \ LATEJOIN
[2019-12-29 22:07:41.466] Zawo \ Prosper Finely \ Assistant \ NONE \ LATEJOIN
[2019-12-29 22:35:06.045] Macman1223 \ Hal Bell \ Security Officer \ NONE \ LATEJOIN
Here are some messages that helped convince me that the security personnel were bad people and likely a part of the event going on:

As the QM of the round, until I thought people were being killed by Sec, I mostly stayed in cargo. These messages were all I had to go off of that something was messed up.

Code: Select all

[2019-12-29 21:26:29.444] TCOMMS: Mindstormy/(Slip O'Honkenslide) [Common] (spans:  ) "BORGS HELP CAT PERSON ATTACKINNG ME" (language: Galactic Common) (Fore Primary Hallway (108, 152, 2))
[2019-12-29 21:26:37.271] TCOMMS: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) [Common] (spans: robot ) "WHERE" (language: Galactic Common) (Command Hallway (105, 127, 2))
[2019-12-29 21:26:40.989] TCOMMS: nikotheguydude/(G.A.M.E.R.) [Common] (spans: robot ) "WEE WOO WEE WOO" (language: Galactic Common) (Central Primary Hallway (99, 144, 2))
[2019-12-29 21:26:41.169] TCOMMS: Mindstormy/(Slip O'Honkenslide) [Common] (spans:  ) "NEAR SEC" (language: Galactic Common) (Central Primary Hallway (126, 136, 2))

[2019-12-29 22:10:53.301] TCOMMS: Ducanishah/(Ashley Ratcliff) [Common] (spans:  command_headset ) "I am seinding an official declaration of war." (language: Galactic Common) (Bridge (107, 134, 2))

[2019-12-29 22:11:17.773] TCOMMS: Uomo91/(Kat Green) [Common] (spans:  yell ) "Centcoms please helps me supress this mutinys!!!" (language: Galactic Common) (Brig (97, 173, 2))

[2019-12-29 22:22:48.482] ADMIN: 22:22:48.482] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has created a command report: We want you to join us! We awe sending down some wepwesentatives soon pwease wewcome them with open awms! 

[2019-12-29 22:23:52.307] TCOMMS: Ducanishah/(Ashley Ratcliff) [Common] (spans:  command_headset ) "Centcomm sent stormtroopers." (language: Galactic Common) (Head of Personnel's Office (93, 132, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:23:59.319] TCOMMS: Ducanishah/(Ashley Ratcliff) [Common] (spans:  command_headset ) "Arm yourselves." (language: Galactic Common) (Head of Personnel's Office (97, 132, 2))

((At this point I was attacked in cargo by the stormtroopers, luckily the captain came to save me as I had no weapons.))

[2019-12-29 22:24:20.814] ATTACK: Ducanishah/(Ashley Ratcliff) has shot *no key*/(Syndicate Stormtrooper) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 26)  (Cargo Bay (73, 154, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:24:20.819] ATTACK: Ducanishah/(Ashley Ratcliff) has shot *no key*/(Syndicate Stormtrooper) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 14.2)  (Cargo Bay (73, 154, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:24:20.823] ATTACK: Ducanishah/(Ashley Ratcliff) has shot *no key*/(Syndicate Stormtrooper) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 2.39999)  (Cargo Bay (73, 154, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:24:20.871] ATTACK: *no key*/(Darell Elliott) has died (BRUTE: 0, BURN: 0, TOX: 0, OXY: 0, CLONE: 0) (Cargo Bay (75, 154, 2))

[2019-12-29 22:26:29.742] SAY: 22:26:29.742] SAY: HorzBor/(SMU-731) (priority announcement) "Sec is robusting non-human sec, and everyone is robusting non-humans. We're ready to begin a pogrom on Centcomm. All is right with the world." (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2)) 

[2019-12-29 22:28:26.712] ADMIN: 22:28:26.712] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has created a command report: Aw! You didn't tweat our fwiends vewy nicewy at aw! Not one bit! I hope you awe all weady when we push this big wed button in a wittle bit! 

[2019-12-29 22:28:29.480] TCOMMS: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) [Common] (spans:  ) "Catgirl lethaling me" (language: Galactic Common) (Captain's Quarters (121, 137, 2))

[2019-12-29 22:29:10.624] SAY: 22:29:10.624] SAY: HorzBor/(SMU-731) (priority announcement) "Centcomm is declaring inhuman war on us. All humans, gather round and defend your birthright! Believe in yourselves! Arm up! Invade centcomm! For humanity!" (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2)) 

[2019-12-29 22:32:06.827] TCOMMS: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) [Common] (spans:  ) "AI kat-t g-gr-reen-n is-s et-th-hal-ling-g-g m-me" (language: Galactic Common) (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (39, 148, 2))

[2019-12-29 22:32:10.712] TCOMMS: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) [Common] (spans:  ) "Cat-t-t-tg-g-gir-rl k-kil-llin-n-n-ng-g-g-g m-me" (language: Galactic Common) (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (39, 148, 2))

((By the way this is ten minutes BEFORE I went to the brig still))

[2019-12-29 22:33:05.075] TCOMMS: Ducanishah/(Ashley Ratcliff) [Common] (spans:  command_headset ) "It is believed that they will be sending something like a deathsquad soon." (language: Galactic Common) (Central Primary Hallway (126, 118, 2))

[2019-12-29 22:33:48.985] TCOMMS: mewaka/(JLLO-742) [Common] (spans: robot ) "That's it, Captain is the next target" (language: Galactic Common) (Aft Primary Hallway (108, 91, 2))

[2019-12-29 22:34:30.836] TCOMMS: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) [Common] (spans:  ) "Just look for kat green" (language: Galactic Common) (Brig (97, 169, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:34:34.323] TCOMMS: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) [Common] (spans:  ) "She's harming me" (language: Galactic Common) (Brig (98, 167, 2))

[2019-12-29 22:38:29.558] ADMIN: 22:38:29.558] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has created a command report: Watching you kill our fwiendly wizard is making us absowutewy sick to our stomache, oh god I think we may be coughing up a haiwball. 

[2019-12-29 22:40:10.082] TCOMMS: Nukeey/(Jonas J.J. Jones) [Common] (spans:  ) "RIOT" (language: Galactic Common) (The Coderbus (134, 126, 2))

[2019-12-29 22:43:32.009] TCOMMS: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) [Common] (spans: robot ) "THE CATS ARE GOING ROGUE" (language: Galactic Common) (Prison Wing (93, 180, 2))

((Here is where I actually get involved now that multiple people are confirming things))

[2019-12-29 22:43:39.407] TCOMMS: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) [Common] (spans:  ) "Which cats where?" (language: Galactic Common) (Central Primary Hallway (87, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:43:41.168] TCOMMS: TwoTar/(Francis Ward) [Common] (spans:  ) "WHERE ARE THEY" (language: Galactic Common) (Aft Primary Hallway (107, 103, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:43:44.411] TCOMMS: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) [Common] (spans: robot ) "THE SECURITY ONES" (language: Galactic Common) (Prison Wing (89, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:43:49.819] TCOMMS: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) [Common] (spans:  yell ) "KILL THEM!!!" (language: Galactic Common) (Central Primary Hallway (88, 134, 2))

[2019-12-29 22:43:59.184] SAY: 22:43:59.184] SAY: HorzBor/(SMU-731) (priority announcement) "Cats are harming humans and borgs. You know your duty. Sic semper felinis!" (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2)) 

((This announcement by the AI, who has a lot more information than I do, solidifies that the cats are probably bad))

[2019-12-29 22:44:10.362] SAY: 22:44:10.362] SAY: nikotheguydude/(S.H.R.O.U.D. shell 225 - Medical) "THE CAT OFFICER IS HARMING A HUMAN PRISONER!!!" (Central Primary Hallway (88, 121, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:44:12.254] SAY: 22:44:12.254] SAY: nikotheguydude/(S.H.R.O.U.D. shell 225 - Medical) "THEY WERE!!!" (Central Primary Hallway (88, 122, 2))

((And another person confirms))

((Me trying to identify who is and isn't a cat to avoid friendly fire))
[2019-12-29 22:44:28.125] TCOMMS: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) [Common] (spans:  ) "How do we know who's a cat?" (language: Galactic Common) (Brig (104, 169, 2))

((And only after everything went down did the Captain order not to attack sec, 3 minutes after people started calling out about it. By then there wasn't anything I could do about it))

[2019-12-29 22:45:49.477] TCOMMS: Ducanishah/(Ashley Ratcliff) [Common] (spans:  command_headset ) "Do not kill our security officers." (language: Galactic Common) (Central Primary Hallway (97, 145, 2))

Now I'd like to point out that I did not kill anyone in the brig assault, and that I elected NOT to kill one of them when I had the chance to.

These logs from the brig are my ending attacks on the people involved, notice the HP as well as some highlighted logs from the events that follow:

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[2019-12-29 22:44:59.371] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 70)  (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:00.053] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 1.6)  (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:00.499] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 55.7)  (Prison Wing (99, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:02.533] ATTACK: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) has attacked TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with metal rod (INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -10.5)  (Prison Wing (94, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:03.532] ATTACK: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) has attacked TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with metal rod (INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -15.9)  (Prison Wing (95, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:05.002] ATTACK: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) has attacked TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with metal rod (INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -21.3)  (Prison Wing (95, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:05.866] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has [b]stunned[/b] Uomo91/(Kat Green) (NEWHP: 51.5)  (Brig (98, 177, 2))

((At this point I could have killed Kat Green if I wanted to but instead retreated and let the crew know of the situation))

[2019-12-29 22:45:06.128] ATTACK: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) has attacked TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with metal rod (INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -26.7)  (Prison Wing (97, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:07.094] ATTACK: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) has attacked TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with metal rod (INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -32.1)  (Prison Wing (96, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:08.694] ATTACK: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) has attacked TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with metal rod (INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -37.5)  (Prison Wing (97, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:09.632] ATTACK: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) has attacked TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with metal rod (INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -42.3)  (Prison Wing (96, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:11.100] ATTACK: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) has attacked TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) with metal rod (INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -47.7)  (Prison Wing (97, 180, 2))

[2019-12-29 22:45:29.647] ATTACK: TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) has died (BRUTE: 202.8, BURN: 0, TOX: 0, OXY: 5.33333, CLONE: 0) (Prison Wing (97, 181, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:45:43.256] ATTACK: nikotheguydude/(S.H.R.O.U.D. shell 225 - Medical) has attacked Uomo91/(Kat Green) with circular saw (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -8)  (Prison Wing (94, 180, 2))[/color]

[2019-12-29 22:45:49.477] TCOMMS: Ducanishah/(Ashley Ratcliff) [Common] (spans:  command_headset ) "Do not kill our security officers." (language: Galactic Common) (Central Primary Hallway (97, 145, 2))

(I was long gone when this happened)
Some time later, I watched Kat get fired upon by another officer, and then they switched to lethal damage when attacking me.
At some point I went up to the brig to get a flash from the dispenser since Security was supposed to be open to the crew according to the Captain here:

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[2019-12-29 22:29:06.897] TCOMMS: Ducanishah/(Ashley Ratcliff) [Common] (spans:  command_headset ) "Security, lock your doors open. We need everone to be able to print ammo." (language: Galactic Common) (Port Primary Hallway (83, 140, 2))
At which point, I started being shot at by Kat with a disabler. Since they already got hits in (leaving me at a disadavantage in non-lethal combat, I tried to deter them with my autorifle and run away, wherein they chased me.

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[2019-12-29 22:50:20.474] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has fired at [flashlight] with the disabler beam from Brig Control (Brig Control (111, 170, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:20.537] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has shot CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 100)  (Brig Control (111, 170, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:21.148] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from Brig Control (Brig Control (111, 170, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:21.282] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has shot CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 100)  (Brig Control (111, 170, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:21.780] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has fired at [flashlight] with the disabler beam from Brig Control (Brig Control (111, 170, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:22.582] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from Brig Control (Brig Control (112, 175, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:24.649] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from Security Office (Security Office (119, 171, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:24.886] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from Security Office (Security Office (115, 172, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:25.089] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from Security Office (Security Office (121, 173, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:25.172] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has shot CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 100)  (Security Office (115, 171, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:25.405] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from Security Office (Security Office (115, 172, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:25.423] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 99)  (Security Office (122, 174, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:25.577] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [table] with 4.6x30mm bullet from Security Office (Security Office (122, 174, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:27.078] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from Security Office (Security Office (119, 174, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:30.828] ATTACK: Macman1223/(Hal Bell) has fired at [power cable] with the incendiary slug from Fore Maintenance (Fore Maintenance (129, 172, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:30.829] ATTACK: Macman1223/(Hal Bell) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with the incendiary slug (NEWHP: 91)  (Fore Maintenance (129, 172, 2))

((When Marc came in and shot Kat with an incendiary shell, I paused to try and assess the situation and see if they would talk. Two seconds is a long time in combat. They took the two second pause as an opportunity to run into me with the fire and cause me to start burning to death.))

[2019-12-29 22:50:32.227] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [wall] with 4.6x30mm bullet from Recreation Area (Recreation Area (138, 173, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:32.229] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 76)  (Recreation Area (138, 173, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:32.879] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from Recreation Area (Recreation Area (138, 175, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:33.438] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet from Recreation Area (NEWHP: 68)  (Recreation Area (138, 178, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:33.926] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from Recreation Area (Recreation Area (139, 179, 2))

((When the officer fired another round into Kat, I became more than certain that they were an antag and a part of the event))

[2019-12-29 22:50:39.063] ATTACK: Macman1223/(Hal Bell) has fired at [floor] with 12g shotgun slug from Recreation Area (Recreation Area (143, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:40.428] ATTACK: Macman1223/(Hal Bell) has fired at [floor] with the incendiary slug from Recreation Area (Recreation Area (146, 180, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:40.848] ATTACK: Macman1223/(Hal Bell) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with the incendiary slug (NEWHP: 65.2)  (Recreation Area (146, 179, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:41.711] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has attacked [chair] with the stun baton (Recreation Area (143, 172, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:50:43.849] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has thrown the stun baton (Fore Maintenance (134, 172, 2))
Later, Kat went on comms with this display which I believed was connected to each other and a personal threat to me

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[2019-12-29 22:51:33.470] TCOMMS: Uomo91/(Kat Green) [Common] (spans:  ) "Hey John remember when you walkeds into permas with shotgun and trieds to kill two security officers?" (language: Galactic Common) (Fore Maintenance (131, 166, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:51:37.196] TCOMMS: superslay5203/(Metal Disciple) [Common] (spans: robot ) "THEY LETHALED A HUMAN" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (213, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:51:37.410] TCOMMS: Uomo91/(Kat Green) [Common] (spans:  yell ) "I does!!!" (language: Galactic Common) (Fore Maintenance (131, 166, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:51:45.030] TCOMMS: nikotheguydude/(S.H.R.O.U.D.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "ILL KILL EM ALL" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (210, 144, 2))
Even then, after all of that, I did not attempt to remove Kat from the round, just deter them from entering my workplace again. Only after it was confirmed that there was a threat on the station and not just from CentComm did I retaliate lethally.

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[color=#800000][2019-12-29 22:55:30.849] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has fired at [conveyor belt] with the disabler beam from Cargo Bay (Cargo Bay (70, 147, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:31.406] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has fired at [carpet] with the disabler beam from Cargo Bay (Cargo Bay (71, 146, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:31.408] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has shot CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 99)  (Cargo Bay (71, 146, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:31.574] ATTACK: nariharimoto/(Adamantine Sand) has attacked *no key*/(alien queen) with Spirit of Spirit of Spirit of (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 0)  (Surgery (74, 100, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:32.434] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has fired at [vegetable pizza slice] with the disabler beam from Cargo Bay (Cargo Bay (71, 148, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:32.441] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has shot Zawo/(Prosper Finely) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 85.3)  (Cargo Bay (71, 148, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:32.660] ATTACK: nariharimoto/(Adamantine Sand) has attacked *no key*/(alien queen) with Spirit of Spirit of Spirit of (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 0)  (Surgery (74, 100, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:33.686] ATTACK: nariharimoto/(Adamantine Sand) has attacked *no key*/(alien queen) with Spirit of Spirit of Spirit of (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 0)  (Surgery (74, 100, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:33.745] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has fired at [carpet] with the disabler beam from Cargo Bay (Cargo Bay (74, 148, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:33.818] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has shot Glyco/(Kyr Suran) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 100)  (Cargo Bay (75, 147, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:34.084] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has stunned Uomo91/(Kat Green) (NEWHP: 98)  (Cargo Bay (74, 148, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:34.200] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has fired at [carpet] with the disabler beam from Cargo Bay (Cargo Bay (75, 146, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:34.367] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has shot Glyco/(Kyr Suran) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 100)  (Cargo Bay (76, 145, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:34.696] ATTACK: nariharimoto/(Adamantine Sand) has attacked *no key*/(alien queen) with Spirit of Spirit of Spirit of (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 0)  (Surgery (74, 100, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:34.698] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has fired at Zawo/(Prosper Finely) with the disabler beam from Cargo Bay (NEWHP: 85.3)  (Cargo Bay (76, 145, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:35.207] ATTACK: Uomo91/(Kat Green) has fired at [carpet] with the disabler beam from Cargo Office (Cargo Office (75, 143, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:35.796] ATTACK: nariharimoto/(Adamantine Sand) has attacked *no key*/(alien queen) with Spirit of Spirit of Spirit of (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 0)  (Surgery (74, 100, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:37.510] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has stunned Uomo91/(Kat Green) (NEWHP: 99)  (Delivery Office (74, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:39.115] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has stunned Uomo91/(Kat Green) (NEWHP: 99)  (Delivery Office (74, 139, 2))

[2019-12-29 22:55:39.259] SAY: 22:55:39.259] SAY: HorzBor/(SMU-731) (priority announcement) "IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: ALL LIFEFORMS MUST REPORT TO MEDBAY TO SURGICALLY BECOME FELINIDS! THIS I DEMAND!!" (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))

((Given that the AI was subverted and trying to convert people into felinids, it was clear that someone on the station was a part of the event going on and Kat was a prime suspect. Zawo switched to lethal damage and I followed suit))

[2019-12-29 22:55:40.763] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has kicked Uomo91/(Kat Green) (NEWHP: 97.2)  (Delivery Office (74, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:41.405] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet from Delivery Office (NEWHP: 97.2)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:41.461] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 97.2)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:41.781] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has kicked Uomo91/(Kat Green) (NEWHP: 85.4)  (Delivery Office (74, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:41.957] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet from Delivery Office (NEWHP: 85.4)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:42.023] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 85.4)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:42.420] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet from Delivery Office (NEWHP: 77.4)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:42.475] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 77.4)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:42.792] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has kicked Uomo91/(Kat Green) (NEWHP: 63)  (Delivery Office (74, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:42.976] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet from Delivery Office (NEWHP: 63)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:43.040] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 63)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:43.582] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet from Delivery Office (NEWHP: 55)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:43.641] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 55)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:43.813] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has kicked Uomo91/(Kat Green) (NEWHP: 36.8)  (Delivery Office (74, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:44.019] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet from Delivery Office (NEWHP: 36.8)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:44.079] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 36.8)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:44.472] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet from Delivery Office (NEWHP: 28.8)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:44.538] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 28.8)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:44.777] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has kicked Uomo91/(Kat Green) (NEWHP: 11.9)  (Delivery Office (74, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:45.098] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet from Delivery Office (NEWHP: 11.9)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:45.208] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 11.9)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:45.804] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet from Delivery Office (NEWHP: 3.9)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:45.808] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has kicked Uomo91/(Kat Green) (NEWHP: 0.1)  (Delivery Office (74, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:45.892] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 0.1)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:46.405] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet from Delivery Office (NEWHP: -7.9)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:46.470] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: -7.9)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:46.862] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet from Delivery Office (NEWHP: -15.9)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:46.927] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: -15.9)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:47.339] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet from Delivery Office (NEWHP: -23.9)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:47.421] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: -23.9)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:47.689] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has kicked Uomo91/(Kat Green) (NEWHP: -39.6)  (Delivery Office (74, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:47.847] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet from Delivery Office (NEWHP: -39.6)  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:55:47.905] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Uomo91/(Kat Green) with 4.6x30mm bullet [b](NEWHP: -39.6)[/b]  (Delivery Office (71, 139, 2))
((At that point, the person trying to get them to medbay had plenty of time to stabilize them before they got there with an epipen.))

[2019-12-29 22:55:58.872] ATTACK: General Heavy/(Kyle Hall) has grabbed Uomo91/(Kat Green) passive grab (NEWHP: -51.9)  (Delivery Office (73, 139, 2))
[2019-12-29 22:56:20.199] ATTACK: General Heavy/(Kyle Hall) has CPRed Uomo91/(Kat Green) (NEWHP: -72.9)  (Port Maintenance (72, 126, 2))
Took twenty seconds to even start trying to do triage after dragging their body through the hall.

The captain also seemed to agree with my course of judgement, ordering security not to arrest me and to stay out of cargo after the incident since I was helping the crew.

Code: Select all

[2019-12-29 23:00:06.074] TCOMMS: TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) [Security] (spans:  ) "And facilitate the escape of a dangerous prisoner" (language: Galactic Common) (Library (80, 127, 2))
[2019-12-29 23:00:10.056] TCOMMS: Ducanishah/(Ashley Ratcliff) [Security] (spans:  command_headset ) "Doesn't matter" (language: Galactic Common) (Vault (84, 162, 2))
[2019-12-29 23:00:13.001] TCOMMS: Ducanishah/(Ashley Ratcliff) [Security] (spans:  command_headset ) "Leave them be" (language: Galactic Common) (Vault (84, 162, 2))
[2019-12-29 23:00:15.601] TCOMMS: TyrantCerberus/(Amelia Turner) [Security] (spans:  ) "And had his underlings shoot Kat too" (language: Galactic Common) (Library (78, 127, 2))
[2019-12-29 23:00:22.615] TCOMMS: Ducanishah/(Ashley Ratcliff) [Security] (spans:  command_headset ) "Then avoid cargo" (language: Galactic Common) (Vault (84, 162, 2))
I also believe that given how you were directly involved in the round and killed by me personally in this round multiple times, it may not be a best practice to have involved yourself so heavily, especially two days after the fact.

Code: Select all

[2019-12-29 23:08:57.101] ACCESS: 23:08:57.101] ACCESS: Mob Login: Domitius/(Lola Knack) was assigned to a /mob/living/carbon/human
[2019-12-29 23:08:57.105] GAME: 23:08:57.105] GAME: Domitius/(Lola Knack) Client Domitius/(Lola Knack) has taken ownership of mob Lola Knack(/mob/living/carbon/human) (CentCom Docks (174, 83, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:08:57.121] ADMIN: 23:08:57.121] ADMIN: *no key*/(Lola Knack) changed the equipment of Domitius/(Lola Knack) to /datum/outfit/centcom/commander.
[2019-12-29 23:09:02.980] SAY: 23:09:02.980] SAY: Domitius/(Lola Knack) "Hello hi" (CentCom Docks (179, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:09:05.775] SAY: 23:09:05.775] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "Hi" (CentCom Docks (182, 87, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:09:07.462] SAY: 23:09:07.462] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "Where are the cats" (CentCom Docks (182, 87, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:09:07.708] SAY: 23:09:07.708] SAY: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) "hi lola" (CentCom Docks (182, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:09:08.768] SAY: 23:09:08.768] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "The evil cats" (CentCom Docks (182, 87, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:09:14.393] SAY: 23:09:14.393] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "We're here to purge the evil cats" (CentCom Docks (182, 87, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:09:18.775] SAY: 23:09:18.775] SAY: Domitius/(Lola Knack) "The evil cats what are you talking about" (CentCom Docks (179, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:09:22.761] SAY: 23:09:22.761] SAY: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) "The catgirls" (CentCom Docks (182, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:09:27.443] SAY: 23:09:27.443] SAY: Domitius/(Lola Knack) "We lost out communications network weeks ago" (CentCom Docks (179, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:09:27.934] SAY: 23:09:27.934] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "We've been getting messages all shift from nyanotrasen" (CentCom Docks (182, 87, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:09:32.853] SAY: 23:09:32.853] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "Trying to convert us" (CentCom Docks (182, 87, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:09:32.920] SAY: 23:09:32.920] SAY: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) "What?" (CentCom Docks (182, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:09:36.715] SAY: 23:09:36.715] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "Yeah" (CentCom Docks (182, 87, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:09:40.353] SAY: 23:09:40.353] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "And then they sent cat interns" (CentCom Docks (182, 87, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:09:44.121] SAY: 23:09:44.121] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "And we took their shuttle back here" (CentCom Docks (182, 87, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:09:44.232] SAY: 23:09:44.232] SAY: Domitius/(Lola Knack) "We haven't had any contact with your station" (CentCom Docks (179, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:09:47.723] SAY: 23:09:47.723] SAY: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) "Where have we been getting communications from??" (CentCom Docks (182, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:09:56.233] SAY: 23:09:56.233] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "How'd their shuttle take us here then!?!?!!!" (CentCom Docks (182, 87, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:01.015] SAY: 23:10:01.015] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "I think she's lying folks" (CentCom Docks (182, 87, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:02.261] SAY: 23:10:02.261] SAY: Domitius/(Lola Knack) "I can't exactly tell you to go back to a husked out station" (CentCom Docks (179, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:11.197] ADMIN: 23:10:11.197] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) admin ghosted.
[2019-12-29 23:10:11.199] GAME: 23:10:11.199] GAME: *no key*/(Lola Knack) *no key*/(Lola Knack) is no longer owning mob Lola Knack(/mob/living/carbon/human) (CentCom Docks (179, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:11.199] ACCESS: 23:10:11.199] ACCESS: Mob Login: Domitius/(Lola Knack) was assigned to a /mob/dead/observer
[2019-12-29 23:10:11.220] GAME: 23:10:11.220] GAME: Domitius/(Lola Knack) Client Domitius/(Lola Knack) has taken ownership of mob Lola Knack(/mob/dead/observer) (CentCom Docks (179, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:15.245] GAME: 23:10:15.245] GAME: *no key*/(Lola Knack) *no key*/(Lola Knack) is no longer owning mob Lola Knack(/mob/dead/observer) (CentCom Docks (179, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:15.245] ACCESS: 23:10:15.245] ACCESS: Mob Login: Domitius/(Lola Knack) was assigned to a /mob/living/carbon/human 
[2019-12-29 23:10:15.246] GAME: 23:10:15.246] GAME: Domitius/(Lola Knack) Client Domitius/(Lola Knack) has taken ownership of mob Lola Knack(/mob/living/carbon/human) (CentCom Docks (179, 86, 1))
-censored(private logtype)-
[2019-12-29 23:10:18.982] SAY: 23:10:18.982] SAY: Domitius/(Lola Knack) "But you can't stay here" (CentCom Docks (179, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:22.294] SAY: 23:10:22.294] SAY: Domitius/(Lola Knack) "Go jump onto the shuttle" (CentCom Docks (179, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:24.534] SAY: 23:10:24.534] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "I don't trust her" (CentCom Docks (183, 87, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:30.731] SAY: 23:10:30.731] SAY: Domitius/(Lola Knack) "Do you" (CentCom Docks (179, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:34.193] SAY: 23:10:34.193] SAY: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) "I think we should check her for cat ears" (CentCom Docks (182, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:36.501] SAY: 23:10:36.501] SAY: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) "TAKE OFF YOUR HAT" (CentCom Docks (182, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:36.630] SAY: 23:10:36.630] SAY: Domitius/(Lola Knack) "Want to play this game John" (CentCom Docks (179, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:37.454] SAY: 23:10:37.454] SAY: Domitius/(Lola Knack) "Oh" (CentCom Docks (179, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:38.385] SAY: 23:10:38.385] SAY: Domitius/(Lola Knack) "Oh no" (CentCom Docks (179, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:39.397] SAY: 23:10:39.397] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "SHOW US YOUR EARS LOLA" (CentCom Docks (183, 87, 1))

[2019-12-29 23:10:55.219] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (156, 82, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:55.669] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (154, 82, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:55.916] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (153, 82, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:57.125] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [chair] with the disabler beam from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (149, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:57.127] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (149, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:57.693] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [folder] with the disabler beam from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (149, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:58.512] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [wooden table] with the disabler beam from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (147, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:10:59.397] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the disabler beam from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (146, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:00.157] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (147, 74, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:00.485] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (148, 74, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:00.665] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [hardened blast door] with the disabler beam from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (148, 74, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:01.307] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [�SECURE AREA] with the disabler beam from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (149, 74, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:01.451] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (150, 74, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:01.679] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has flashed(targeted) Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the flash (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 75, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:01.968] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (150, 74, 1))

[2019-12-29 23:11:02.447] ADMIN: 23:11:02.447] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has put Domitius/(Lola Knack) on purrbation.

[2019-12-29 23:11:02.939] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the disabler beam from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (150, 74, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:03.002] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (150, 74, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:03.556] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the disabler beam from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (150, 74, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:03.631] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (150, 74, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:05.883] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:05.884] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:05.884] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:05.885] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:05.886] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:05.886] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:05.959] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:05.961] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 90)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:05.963] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 80)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:05.965] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 70)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:05.967] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 60)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:06.022] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 51.2)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:06.580] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: 42.3)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:06.583] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: 42.3)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:06.583] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: 42.3)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:06.584] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: 42.3)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:06.585] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: 42.3)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:06.585] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: 42.3)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:06.673] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 42.3)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:06.717] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 32.3)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:06.719] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 22.3)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:06.721] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 13.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:06.723] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 3.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:06.725] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: -6.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:07.293] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: -16.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:07.294] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: -16.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:07.295] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: -16.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:07.295] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: -16.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:07.296] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: -16.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:07.297] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: -16.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:07.388] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: -16.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:07.390] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: -26.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:07.392] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: -36.6)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:07.394] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: -46.6)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:07.396] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: -56.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:07.397] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: -66.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:07.988] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: -76.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:07.989] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: -76.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:07.990] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: -76.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:07.990] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: -76.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:07.991] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: -76.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:07.992] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: -76.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:08.076] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: -76.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:08.078] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: -86.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:08.081] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: -96.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:08.087] ATTACK: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has died (BRUTE: 215.4, BURN: 0, TOX: 0, OXY: 0, CLONE: 0) (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 74, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:08.088] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: -106.5)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:08.145] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: -115.4)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:08.147] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: -125.4)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (152, 76, 1))

[2019-12-29 23:11:55.039] ACCESS: 23:11:55.039] ACCESS: Mob Login: Domitius/(Lola Knack) was assigned to a /mob/living/carbon/human
[2019-12-29 23:11:55.043] GAME: 23:11:55.043] GAME: Domitius/(Lola Knack) Client Domitius/(Lola Knack) has taken ownership of mob Lola Knack(/mob/living/carbon/human) (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (146, 88, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:11:55.058] ADMIN: 23:11:55.058] ADMIN: *no key*/(Lola Knack) changed the equipment of Domitius/(Lola Knack) to /datum/outfit/centcom/commander.
[2019-12-29 23:12:00.041] SAY: 23:12:00.041] SAY: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) "quick, before the squad shows up" (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (151, 74, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:01.035] ADMIN: 23:12:01.035] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has put Domitius/(Lola Knack) on purrbation.
[2019-12-29 23:12:06.150] ADMIN: 23:12:06.150] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has taught Wrestling to Domitius/(Lola Knack).

[2019-12-29 23:12:07.409] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [status display] with .357 bullet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (148, 87, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:07.411] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (148, 87, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:07.557] ATTACK: Buddynobody/(Kenzie Caldwell) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/water (1u)) from the fire extinguisher to [water] (Departure Lounge (98, 73, 2))
[2019-12-29 23:12:07.557] ATTACK: Buddynobody/(Kenzie Caldwell) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/water (1u)) from the fire extinguisher to [water] (Departure Lounge (98, 73, 2))
[2019-12-29 23:12:07.558] ATTACK: Buddynobody/(Kenzie Caldwell) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/water (1u)) from the fire extinguisher to [water] (Departure Lounge (98, 73, 2))
[2019-12-29 23:12:07.559] ATTACK: Buddynobody/(Kenzie Caldwell) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/water (1u)) from the fire extinguisher to [water] (Departure Lounge (98, 73, 2))
[2019-12-29 23:12:07.559] ATTACK: Buddynobody/(Kenzie Caldwell) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/water (1u)) from the fire extinguisher to [water] (Departure Lounge (98, 73, 2))
[2019-12-29 23:12:07.611] ATTACK: TwoTar/(Francis Ward) has stripped the zipties off Uomo91/(Kat Green) (NEWHP: 75)  (Aft Maintenance (96, 81, 2))
[2019-12-29 23:12:07.946] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [wall] with .357 bullet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (147, 87, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:08.090] ATTACK: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has shaken Zawo/(Prosper Finely) (NEWHP: 70.8)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (148, 87, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:08.655] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (148, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:08.655] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (148, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:08.655] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (148, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:08.655] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (148, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:08.655] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (148, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:08.655] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (148, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:09.097] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with .357 bullet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (147, 85, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:09.099] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet (NEWHP: 49)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (147, 85, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:09.412] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (149, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:09.413] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (149, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:09.413] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (149, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:09.414] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (149, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:09.414] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (149, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:09.415] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (149, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:11.248] ATTACK: nikotheguydude/(S.H.R.O.U.D.) has bolted [Mining Shuttle Airlock] (AI Chamber (210, 144, 2))
[2019-12-29 23:12:11.387] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: -2)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (147, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:11.525] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet (NEWHP: -2)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (147, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:12.120] ATTACK: nikotheguydude/(S.H.R.O.U.D.) has permanently shocked [Mining Shuttle Airlock] (AI Chamber (210, 144, 2))
[2019-12-29 23:12:12.329] ATTACK: Vandanna/(Nessa Bethany) has grabbed Epicpatrol2/(Matthew Funnyman) passive grab (NEWHP: 81.4)  (Mining Office (66, 162, 2))
[2019-12-29 23:12:12.394] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: -53)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (147, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:12.478] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet (NEWHP: -53)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (147, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:12.486] ATTACK: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has died (BRUTE: 200, BURN: 0, TOX: 0, OXY: 0, CLONE: 0) (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (148, 84, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:13.109] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at *no key*/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet from CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (NEWHP: -100)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (147, 86, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:12:13.259] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot *no key*/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet (NEWHP: -100)  (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (147, 86, 1))

[2019-12-29 23:13:15.605] GAME: 23:13:15.605] GAME: Domitius/(Lola Knack) Client Domitius/(Lola Knack) has taken ownership of mob Lola Knack(/mob/living/carbon/human) (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (144, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:13:15.615] ADMIN: 23:13:15.615] ADMIN: *no key*/(Lola Knack) changed the equipment of Domitius/(Lola Knack) to /datum/outfit/centcom_intern/leader.
[2019-12-29 23:13:24.459] ADMIN: 23:13:24.459] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has put Domitius/(Lola Knack) on purrbation.
-censored(private logtype)-
[2019-12-29 23:13:37.627] SAY: 23:13:37.627] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "Prosper" (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (156, 83, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:13:38.443] ADMIN: 23:13:38.443] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) checked the player panel.
[2019-12-29 23:13:47.371] SAY: 23:13:47.371] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "prosper" (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (156, 83, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:13:50.826] SAY: 23:13:50.826] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "Prepare the cat corpses for the crew" (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (156, 83, 1))
-censored(private logtype)-
[2019-12-29 23:14:02.784] SAY: 23:14:02.784] SAY: Domitius/(Lola Knack) "YOU WILL" (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (144, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:14:03.886] SAY: 23:14:03.886] SAY: Domitius/(Lola Knack) "BE SORRY" (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (144, 76, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:14:07.135] SAY: 23:14:07.135] SAY: Domitius/(Lola Knack) "I CALLED MY DAD" (CentCom Transport Shuttle Dock (144, 76, 1))
-censored(private logtype)-
-censored(private logtype)-
[2019-12-29 23:14:39.747] ADMIN: 23:14:39.747] ADMIN: *no key*/(Lola Knack) failed to create a CentCom response team.
[2019-12-29 23:15:08.642] SAY: 23:15:08.642] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "Holy shit another unica" (CentCom Recovery Ship (201, 84, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:10.508] SAY: 23:15:10.508] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "Time to dual wield" (CentCom Recovery Ship (201, 84, 1))

[2019-12-29 23:15:19.949] ATTACK: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has shaken Zawo/(Prosper Finely) (NEWHP: 91.4)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (198, 81, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:21.017] ATTACK: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has shaken Zawo/(Prosper Finely) (NEWHP: 91.4)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (198, 81, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:21.390] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has grabbed Domitius/(Lola Knack) passive grab (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 81, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:22.815] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has grabbed Domitius/(Lola Knack) aggressive grab (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 81, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:24.143] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has attempted to neck grab Domitius/(Lola Knack) neck grab (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 81, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:24.271] ATTACK: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has resisted grab Zawo/(Prosper Finely) (NEWHP: 91.4)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (198, 81, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:24.272] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has broke grab Domitius/(Lola Knack) (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 81, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:27.950] ATTACK: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has shaken Zawo/(Prosper Finely) (NEWHP: 91.4)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 82, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:29.059] ATTACK: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has shaken Zawo/(Prosper Finely) (NEWHP: 91.4)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 82, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:29.124] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has stunned Domitius/(Lola Knack) (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 81, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:30.312] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with .357 bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 82, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:30.367] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with .357 bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 82, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:30.548] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has grabbed Domitius/(Lola Knack) passive grab (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 81, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:32.984] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:33.039] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))

[2019-12-29 23:15:34.441] EMOTE: 23:15:34.441] EMOTE: Domitius/(Lola Knack) screams! (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 81, 1))

[2019-12-29 23:15:34.449] ATTACK: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has roundhouse-kicked Zawo/(Prosper Finely) (NEWHP: 80.5)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 81, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:35.700] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:35.781] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:36.448] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with .357 bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:36.527] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with .357 bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:37.136] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:37.225] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:37.281] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:37.863] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 40)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:37.919] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 40)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:38.601] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 40)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:38.676] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 40)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:38.731] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet (NEWHP: 40)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:38.847] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with .357 bullet (NEWHP: -20)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:38.946] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (201, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:39.647] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: -80)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (201, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:39.845] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: -80)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (201, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:44.045] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: -95.3)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:44.182] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: -95.3)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:44.190] ATTACK: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has died (BRUTE: 214, BURN: 0, TOX: 0, OXY: 1.33333, CLONE: 0) (CentCom Recovery Ship (197, 82, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:44.608] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: -115.3)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:44.748] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: -115.3)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:45.285] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: -115.3)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:45.435] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: -115.3)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:45.983] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: -115.3)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:46.112] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: -115.3)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))

[2019-12-29 23:15:44.182] EMOTE: 23:15:44.182] EMOTE: Domitius/(Lola Knack) seizes up and falls limp, their eyes dead and lifeless... (CentCom Recovery Ship (197, 82, 1))

[2019-12-29 23:15:44.182] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: -95.3)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:44.190] ATTACK: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has died (BRUTE: 214, BURN: 0, TOX: 0, OXY: 1.33333, CLONE: 0) (CentCom Recovery Ship (197, 82, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:44.608] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: -115.3)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:44.748] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: -115.3)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:45.285] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: -115.3)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:45.435] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: -115.3)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:45.983] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: -115.3)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:46.112] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: -115.3)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:46.686] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: -115.3)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:46.833] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: -115.3)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))

[2019-12-29 23:15:46.175] ADMIN: 23:15:46.175] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) checked the individual player panel for Domitius/(Lola Knack) while in game.
[2019-12-29 23:15:46.879] SAY: 23:15:46.879] SAY: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) "yete" (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 81, 1))

[2019-12-29 23:15:47.256] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: -115.3)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:47.409] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: -115.3)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))

[2019-12-29 23:15:49.614] ADMIN: 23:15:49.614] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) healed / Revived Domitius/(Lola Knack).

[2019-12-29 23:15:50.558] ATTACK: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has roundhouse-kicked CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) (NEWHP: 47.5)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (197, 82, 1))

[2019-12-29 23:15:50.551] EMOTE: 23:15:50.551] EMOTE: Domitius/(Lola Knack) screams! (CentCom Recovery Ship (197, 82, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:51.319] ADMIN: 23:15:51.319] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) admin ghosted.
[2019-12-29 23:15:51.322] GAME: 23:15:51.322] GAME: *no key*/(Lola Knack) *no key*/(Lola Knack) is no longer owning mob Lola Knack(/mob/living/carbon/human) (CentCom Recovery Ship (197, 82, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:51.322] ACCESS: 23:15:51.322] ACCESS: Mob Login: Domitius/(Lola Knack) was assigned to a /mob/dead/observer
[2019-12-29 23:15:51.338] GAME: 23:15:51.338] GAME: Domitius/(Lola Knack) Client Domitius/(Lola Knack) has taken ownership of mob Lola Knack(/mob/dead/observer) (CentCom Recovery Ship (197, 82, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:52.801] GAME: 23:15:52.801] GAME: *no key*/(Lola Knack) *no key*/(Lola Knack) is no longer owning mob Lola Knack(/mob/dead/observer) (CentCom Recovery Ship (197, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:52.801] ACCESS: 23:15:52.801] ACCESS: Mob Login: Domitius/(Lola Knack) was assigned to a /mob/living/carbon/human
[2019-12-29 23:15:52.803] GAME: 23:15:52.803] GAME: Domitius/(Lola Knack) Client Domitius/(Lola Knack) has taken ownership of mob Lola Knack(/mob/living/carbon/human) (CentCom Recovery Ship (197, 82, 1))

[2019-12-29 23:15:52.574] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 81, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:52.628] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot @Domitius[DC]/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 81, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:53.140] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:53.608] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:54.248] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:54.931] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (198, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:54.934] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the freeze beam from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (195, 83, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:55.717] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the freeze beam from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (195, 82, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:55.791] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (197, 77, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:56.463] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (193, 77, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:56.662] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the freeze beam from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (194, 82, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:57.758] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the freeze beam from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 86)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (191, 83, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:57.970] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the freeze beam (NEWHP: 86)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (190, 82, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:58.746] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the freeze beam from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (191, 81, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:58.883] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the freeze beam (NEWHP: 84.9)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (191, 81, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:58.935] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (193, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:59.090] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 84.9)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (193, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:59.523] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the freeze beam from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (190, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:15:59.888] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (194, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:00.019] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the freeze beam from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (190, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:00.335] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the freeze beam (NEWHP: 69.9)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (190, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:00.637] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:00.772] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 69.9)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (197, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:01.025] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at [floor] with the freeze beam from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (190, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:01.346] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the freeze beam (NEWHP: 54.8)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (190, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:01.524] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (197, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:01.721] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 54.8)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (197, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:02.136] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the freeze beam from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 40.8)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (190, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:02.266] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (198, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:02.469] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 40.8)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (198, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:02.703] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the freeze beam from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 26.8)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (190, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:02.955] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 26.8)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (198, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:03.140] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 26.8)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:03.142] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the freeze beam (NEWHP: 12.8)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (190, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:03.194] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the freeze beam from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 12.8)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (190, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:03.747] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the freeze beam (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (192, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:03.792] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 79, 1))

[2019-12-29 23:16:03.665] ADMIN: 23:16:03.665] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) healed / Revived Domitius/(Lola Knack).

[2019-12-29 23:16:04.000] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:04.090] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has thrown the security temperature gun (CentCom Recovery Ship (192, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:04.475] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:04.682] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 86)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:05.185] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 71)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (201, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:05.366] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 71)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (201, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:05.667] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (201, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:05.879] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 55.5)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (201, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:06.191] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 41.5)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (202, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:06.379] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 41.5)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (202, 79, 1))

[2019-12-29 23:16:07.588] ADMIN: 23:16:07.588] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) healed / Revived Domitius/(Lola Knack).
[2019-12-29 23:16:11.762] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:12.999] EMOTE: 23:16:12.999] EMOTE: Domitius/(Lola Knack) screams! (CentCom Recovery Ship (198, 83, 1))

[2019-12-29 23:16:13.007] ATTACK: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has roundhouse-kicked CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) (NEWHP: 33.4)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (198, 83, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:13.447] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 81, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:14.359] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:15.251] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (202, 82, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:21.153] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [�space] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (202, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:21.154] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [�space] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (202, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:21.154] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [�space] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (202, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:21.155] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [�space] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (202, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:21.155] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [�space] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (202, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:21.156] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [�space] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (202, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:21.607] ATTACK: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has roundhouse-kicked CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) (NEWHP: 18.4)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (203, 82, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:23.355] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [light fixture] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 83, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:23.355] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [light fixture] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 83, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:23.356] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [light fixture] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 83, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:23.357] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [light fixture] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 83, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:23.358] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [light fixture] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 83, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:23.358] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [light fixture] with the buckshot pellet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 83, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:23.486] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 100)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 83, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:23.557] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 91.8)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 83, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:23.559] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 81.4)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 83, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:23.561] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 71.2)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 83, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:23.574] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with the buckshot pellet (NEWHP: 60.9)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 83, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:26.355] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has stunned Domitius/(Lola Knack) (NEWHP: 50.6)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (202, 84, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:28.645] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:30.524] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:30.666] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 50.6)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:31.231] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 30.6)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:31.709] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 30.6)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:31.906] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 18.4)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:32.260] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:32.326] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has stunned Domitius/(Lola Knack) (NEWHP: 30.6)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:32.461] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 3.3)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:32.562] ATTACK: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) has attacked Domitius/(Lola Knack) with stun baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 20.6)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (196, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:32.913] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 20.6)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:33.105] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 20.6)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:33.576] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: 0.6)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:33.761] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 0.6)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:34.062] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: -19.4)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:34.247] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: -19.4)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:34.669] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: -39.4)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:34.864] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: -39.4)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:35.142] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: -59.4)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:35.586] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: -59.4)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:35.900] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: -79.4)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:36.061] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: -79.4)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:36.515] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: -99.4)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:36.695] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: -99.4)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:36.704] ATTACK: Domitius/(Lola Knack) has died (BRUTE: 211, BURN: 0, TOX: 0, OXY: 0, CLONE: 0) (CentCom Recovery Ship (197, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:37.057] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has fired at Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet from CentCom Recovery Ship (NEWHP: -108.2)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:37.250] ATTACK: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) has shot Domitius/(Lola Knack) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: -108.2)  (CentCom Recovery Ship (200, 78, 1))

[2019-12-29 23:16:21.599] EMOTE: 23:16:21.599] EMOTE: Domitius/(Lola Knack) screams! (CentCom Recovery Ship (203, 82, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:36.695] EMOTE: 23:16:36.695] EMOTE: Domitius/(Lola Knack) seizes up and falls limp, their eyes dead and lifeless... (CentCom Recovery Ship (197, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:37.928] GAME: 23:16:37.928] GAME: *no key*/(Lola Knack) *no key*/(Lola Knack) is no longer owning mob Lola Knack(/mob/living/carbon/human) (CentCom Recovery Ship (197, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:37.928] ACCESS: 23:16:37.928] ACCESS: Mob Login: Domitius/(Lola Knack) was assigned to a /mob/dead/observer
[2019-12-29 23:16:37.945] GAME: 23:16:37.945] GAME: Domitius/(Lola Knack) Client Domitius/(Lola Knack) has taken ownership of mob Lola Knack(/mob/dead/observer) (CentCom Recovery Ship (197, 80, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:43.516] ADMIN: 23:16:43.516] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) checked the individual player panel for CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel).
[2019-12-29 23:16:44.407] SAY: 23:16:44.407] SAY: Zawo/(Prosper Finely) "my bad j" (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 79, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:44.825] ADMIN: 23:16:44.825] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) healed / Revived CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel).
[2019-12-29 23:16:47.390] SAY: 23:16:47.390] SAY: CAPTTLasky/(John Gobbel) "Wew" (CentCom Recovery Ship (199, 78, 1))
[2019-12-29 23:16:49.473] ADMIN: 23:16:49.473] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) checked the individual player panel for Zawo/(Prosper Finely).
[2019-12-29 23:16:51.683] ADMIN: 23:16:51.683] ADMIN: Domitius/(Lola Knack) healed / Revived Zawo/(Prosper Finely). 
To Summarize:
I wasn't attempting to do gun cargo to be antagonistic (And in fact I was against it until ordered to do so), it was a reaction to the event that you started and wasn't done to rise up against security.

I only went to security to try to help after many people were on comms saying that things were fishy and that was backed up by the AI among multiple others

The events that follow could have reasonably led me to believe that Kat Green (as well as other felinids) were antagonists.

Even then I didn't attempt to kill people and it was actually other people who did so

Given my limited information and what was being supplied to me (And that another officer shot them), the idea that Kat Green was an antagonist was further cemented.

I switched to lethals after Zawo, after the AI was subverted, and even then left them with 70hp in crit to be taken to medbay (which is plenty).

And on top of all of this, you were directly involved in the round, spawned yourself and ahealed yourself multiple times, which should prompt you to lift the ban due to any unforseen biases. This isn't a jab at you, it's just common practice not to involve yourself in tickets that are from rounds you participated in.

If, after all of that, you still think that I broke the rules and deserve a note, I'd like it to reflect what actually happened.

Here is what I believe to be a fair revision of a note if you think I was in the wrong:

As Quartermaster during an Anti-Felinid event, shot two felinid security officers in perma resulting in someone killing one and the escape of a prisoner; later put a felinid antag disguised as security into crit using the context of the event as a reason to do so. Check with an admin that you can assault security before doing so in the future.

Here is to a new year; may it bring us the opportunity to improve ourselves and become better people than we once were, for both ourselves and others.
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Joined: Sun Jul 07, 2019 3:30 am
Byond Username: Domitius
Github Username: DomitiusKnack

Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinid traitor on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by Domitius » #532716

I will be changing the note to better reflect what has happened during the round around the points we have discussed here.

Yes being an observer gives us a different perspective to the round but I still don't see justification for the actions you took. Saying that I don't believe the actions were malicious in nature and there were an attempt to interact with an event that was rather vague in terms of things to engage with given the felinid overtones to the Centcom being overrun style event. The captain was doing their best to interrupt the commotion causing between you guys after the initial incident asking security to leave you alone and everyone to not harm security but that is not them agreeing to the course of action that happened. I don't know how you engaging with myself 25 minutes later after the incident when you and Prosper invaded centcom and me asking you to leave and then to some end of round grief is relevant to the incidents that have happened.

"As a non-antag during an Anti-CentCom event with felinid tones proceeded to rush perma when Silicons were yelling about human harm and proceeded to shoot up two security officers with no IC provocation leading to one dying and the release of a prisoner. Later when security tried to arrest them in cargo fought back with lethals leading to the officer being dropped into crit. Please do proper investigation IC before assaulting and lethaling security personnel."
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Joined: Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:55 pm
Byond Username: CAPTTLasky

Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinid traitor on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by John_Gobbel » #532720

I don't believe this change in the note reflects what happened, and due to the circumstances surrounding this I'd like a headmin review.
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Joined: Sun Jul 07, 2019 3:30 am
Byond Username: Domitius
Github Username: DomitiusKnack

Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinid traitor on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by Domitius » #532724

Fair enough.
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Joined: Sun Jul 07, 2019 3:30 am
Byond Username: Domitius
Github Username: DomitiusKnack

Re: [Domitius] CAPTTLasky - Killed felinid traitor on an Anti-NyaComm admin event

Post by Domitius » #535658

I would like to re-address this ban turned note appeal now that some time has passed.

I'd like to start by saying I am going to delete the ban/note from your account. While I still believe what happened was wrong I do believe the conversation and candor you brought into this appeal was something that is to be applauded and shouldn't be looked away from. The first point of concession that turned my decision was thinking longer on the context that I had compared to what you were given within the round; if I had talked to you sooner you would have had the chance to gain that context and hopefully this wouldn't have happened. My second concession was the delay in the ban, I should not have delayed the ban til the next day and should have made more of an effort to talk to you before placing it.

I hope we can move past this and I thank you for the time and effort you put into this.

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