[Thunder12345] Koofus - deez little nuts

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[Thunder12345] Koofus - deez little nuts

Post by koofus » #571797

BYOND account: Koofus
Character name: Tom Locke
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: "16 connections," griefed with ghost bot: killed one person, attempted to release slimes, removed an airlock, left a little while after dying. Supposedly a ban evader
Time ban was placed: 9:17:07 8/7
Server you were playing on when banned: Basil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 143714

Your side of the story: I had only just started playing the game several hours ago for the first time, and this was apparently the main server to go to; it has the most players and the most stuff going on and the better quality overall in terms of graphics and UI and general controls from what I understand so I joined it. I'd been legitimately playing for several rounds - I don't even know who Thunder is, and I don't even think we were mostly playing at the same time, if any, first of all - but as the night got later it broke down and people were shitposting IC and OOC and every round was going to hell, and the game (again, my first soiree) to me at this point seemed exactly as I had expected it to be - 2D DarkRP in space. In the dead of night at like 4 AM or so after dying myself multiple times to people doing worse shit than I did without consequence I decided to have some fun and I messed with a guy and he killed me.
So now I was a vengeful ghost inhabiting random shit trying to catch that guy again for laughs, and after a few failures getting chewed to death by snowmen, yes, I did finally get him. But at that point the fucking round had already came within the final 5-10 minutes and everything was chaos; the slimes (which didn't actually do anything), and the destroyed airlock (on the station with whole sections already uninhabitable), meant nothing. Bear in mind, I was still learning and making beginner mistakes during this entire stint from civilized beginning to feral end, so some of the dumb shit I was doing was genuinely confusion or testing the waters, and being facetious in an obviously facetious game. To cap it off, the whole connection thing was me leaving in between long, boring, undeserved deaths and coming back, or connection issues, or just trying the other servers and returning - I was playing for like TEN HOURS. Obviously I'd reconnect a lot. I mean holy shit, I didn't realize McGruff the Crime Dog was monitoring every move I made and weighing it against me, all while making his genius inferences about an idiot noob who is clearly some highly trained and motivated grief-bot ban evader.

Just as a quick edit, I'd also like to bring up the fact that when I did finally hunt that guy down the backroom to his kitchen had about 6 or 7 mangled, chopped up bodies stashed in it so unless he was some sort of bad guy and was explicitly allowed to do that I really truly don't understand how I did something so insignificant compared to shit like that and still got permabanned. Do I need to donate or e-suck somebody's cock on your discord to get that kind of treatment? I was doing a service at that point. That crazy cunt had probably murdered half the server. He outright murdered me first to begin with and didn't involve security or anything after I threw a couple bottles at him and took some potshots with a beanbag shotgun, like we're talking ruthlessly beating me to death for about 5 minutes straight with his bare hands. I get that 2 (or in his case 8 including my death) wrongs don't make a right, but if there's going to be some weird hierarchy of players that can do what they want without impunity at least slap a little star over their character or give their name rainbow text or something so I can avoid them.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I don't necessarily think I should go without punishment - but that would only be if everybody who was fucking around with me got their just desserts too. What value do I bring? I actually can roleplay, and I genuinely am enjoying the game and the server, and playing seriously is something I can do with ease if that's the precedent being set by the server itself; yet admittedly even when I was trolling or not playing as seriously I still can make it entertaining for everybody - I was at the very least still roleplaying and talking and not being entirely belligerent when I killed him and messed around on the robot. Was my ban unfair? Uh, yea? A permanent ban for that? I'd been playing almost nothing but a trainee botanist and hopelessly trying to remember the layout of the ship and all the controls 95% of the time before I got banned. I didn't even get a warning when I started to dick around a little. If somebody, like an admin, had so much as PM'd me and said "You're messing around too much," or somebody would have informed me how harshly they punish first-time players, I would have immediately stopped and never had gone so far as to kill a single, poor defenseless baby boy.

References of good conduct: I played on Paradise for about 45 minutes before I got grossed out by how it looks and left. Just a regular old botanist on there, same character and everything; just growing ingredients for the chef next door who was making pizzas. Didn't swing on anybody, didn't break anything, didn't set anything on fire. Everybody else was playing normally - even more behaved than people were on tg, in fact - so I played normally.
Joined: Mon Jan 28, 2019 7:55 pm
Byond Username: Uomo91

Re: [Thunder12345] Koofus - deez little nuts

Post by annoyinggreencatgirl » #571837

I was not present for this round, but pertinent to part of the ban reason ("16 connections," ... Supposedly a ban evader), I would like to add some context that I hope is not peanut.
Not long before they got this ban I saw this player, they seemed new and I spent a couple rounds showing them around the station and giving basic tips. I guess it's not outside the realm of possibility but they would have to be extremely patient and a good actor to come across as friendly and green as they did.
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Re: [Thunder12345] Koofus - deez little nuts

Post by Thunder11 » #573040

Hi, sorry for the delay in getting to this. Seeing new accounts griefing is always highly suspicious, and while the fact you appealed this at all goes some way to suggesting you are a legitimate new player, It's still not entirely convincing. Between that and your attitude displayed here of "I saw other people doing it and not getting caught so why did I get banned when I did it and got caught", I am willing to lift your ban, but with two weeks of probation. Any misbehaviour in that time that would lead to at least a one day ban will get you permabanned again, and it will be much harder to get back in the second time around. Make sure you reread the rules thoroughly, and keep them in mind when playing.
IcePacks wrote:
MrFoster wrote:Back in my day, we didn't complain about lag! We used it to queue attacks!
That's thinking on your feet, soldier!
Quality Paprika from #coderbus wrote:[11:35.52] <paprika> holy crap so yeah i don't care about your opinion at all
oranges wrote:
Excuse me? Thats for sensible and calm rational debate, not for senseless whining.
Resident Catmin, please direct catposting to: https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=5578

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