[Dreathtil] MimeHateCrime - critical mission failure

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[Dreathtil] MimeHateCrime - critical mission failure

Post by MimeHateCrime » #579480

BYOND account: MimeHateCrime
Character name: Rhianna Duffy
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Banned by host: You, or another user of this computer or connection (MimHAteCrime) is banned from playing here. The ban reason is: Potential Alt Account. Appeal this ban on the forums with sufficient details otherwise. For a 3 hour playtime account you sabotaged the SM by setting filters to co2, as well as optimized the loop. Not particularly easy to explain sabotage (claimed watching a youtube guide that told them co2 was what the filters were to be set too). I'm liable to just believe you are a grief. Here to griff.
Time ban was placed: 2020-10-18 07:22:55
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: 138557
Your side of the story: I'd like to say that I didn't say the video told me to set the filters to CO2, I said I didn't watch the entire video. I had an idea of how the SM worked, that I should increase how much cold air flowing around it to stop it from burning too hot. I removed the valve pump things so cold air would flow faster. I saw other engine setups kind of like what I was trying to do. I only used the video to see what the front part between the pipes should look like and that guy replaced the valve pump thing. I put the filters to CO2 because they were called filters, I thought they removed CO2, not kept it in the loop. I think most people don't get coffee filters because they love having coffee grounds in their coffee so that's how I was thinking of it. It was the exact opposite from what I thought. Had I wanted to sabotage it, I wouldn't have tried to make the cooling faster or add nitrogen to keep things cool. I'm still learning, the CE didn't seem to want to double check my work. I really didn't mean to turn the SM into a fireball and I'll try to have a better understanding of the SM before setting it up by myself again.
Why you think you should be unbanned: It was a genuine mistake. I could have gone about things better and I probably should have gotten help. I was pretty sure the engine was going to work which is why I put effort into the cooling loop and pumped in N2 before firing it up, I didn't expect it to immediately explode like that. Everything I learned was just from copying other people so I had more confidence than actual understanding of how the thing worked. I'd really like a second chance to prove to you that I'm not here to grief and want to be part of the community. Engineering has been really fun so far and I want to master it.

Also, sorry if this is a repeat appeal. The one I posted earlier deleted itself I think, it's weird.
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Re: [Dreathtil] MimeHateCrime - critical mission failure

Post by MimeHateCrime » #579481

Also I'd like to clarify that when I say the post delete itself, when I go into the "view your posts" it isn't listed. Idk why
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Re: [Dreathtil] MimeHateCrime - critical mission failure

Post by PKPenguin321 » #579488

Here's your original appeal from the double post:
BYOND account: MimeHateCrime
Character name: Rhianna Duffy
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason:
Reason: Potential Alt Account. Appeal this ban on the forums with sufficient details otherwise. For a 3 Hour playtime account you sabotaged the SM by setting filters to co2, as well as optimized the loop. Not particularly easy to explain sabotage (claimed watching a youtube guide that told them co2 was what the filters were to be set too). I'm liable to just believe you are a griefer. Here to griff.
This ban is permanent. The round ID is 148557.
To appeal this ban go to https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewforum.php?f=7

Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: 148557
Your side of the story: it was my first time setting up the SM on /tg/. I watched about half of a video and got the gist of how it worked. I had also seen other people set their SM up in other rounds so I thought I could do it myself without asking for help. I understood basically that pumps limited how much gas you could cool at a time (i think) because it makes it flow more slowly. I guess that's what you meant when I said optimized it. I said in ahelp that I didn't watch the whole video, so I didn't say the video said to do that I just kind of didn't watch the whole video. I thought the filter filtered things out instead of putting it back in for some reason?? I genuinely didn't mean to turn the SM into a raging inferno in like five seconds. I found out the hard way you're supposed to filter n2 and not co2. Now I really wish I asked for the CE to doublecheck my work. I can understand why someone might be suspicious because I accidentally did a better job at turning the SM into a star instead of setting it up but I really hope I can be unbanned to learn how to set things up right.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I really wasn't trying to blow up the supermatter. I'll be sure to actually watch the entire guide next time instead of just look at the placement of things and think I know everything. I made an honest mistake and it ended up looking a lot worse than it would have because I went in with more confidence than knowledge. The basic idea behind the SM I seem to understand like cold=good and hot=bad and the filters just did the opposite of what I thought. I thought it was filtering out greenhouse gasses. I'm really sorry.

edit: fixed the round ID.
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Re: [Dreathtil] MimeHateCrime - critical mission failure

Post by Dreathtil » #579519

Heya Thanks for taking the time to appeal. Sorry for the longish delay in this response as this appeal was dropped as I ready to catch some sleep

To explain a bit of why this happened in the first place. I tend to keep an eye on and take a peek at new names/players/faces that join the MRP server now and then when I notice them. And as I do keep an eye on netspeak, OOCish stuff, and solid LRPesque dialogue, when you midround joined you very quickly caught my attention.
[2020-10-18 07:02:41.000] SAY: 07:02:41.000] SAY: MimeHateCrime/(Rhianna Duffy) "fucking based." (Aft Primary Hallway (113,105,4))
After some delay I begin orbiting/sticking near you only to notice you putting the fire-axe away. At this point since I knew it was Secret Extended. I was wondering why the Fire-axe was out of the cabinet to begin with this particular round, While it didn't trip a red flag in my brain it did get me curious why.

It is after this point while I'm seeing and confirming that you are a newer face (Account Made 2 months ago back in August with only 7 connections before this incident). You begin setting up the SM. You very quickly set up the Plasma Collectors, Set the vents, optimize the loop (Not fully but mostly). Turn On and Set the 3 filters after the first to co2. All in the span of 6-9ish minutes maintaining a more consistent technical skill level. You didn't come off as a new player in any capacity while I was watching. And with the sabotage

I can definitely state that I may of been overcautious in this particular scenario. And that the perma-ban may have been very extreme. It was my last round to observer (early hours of the morning) and while I don't think my cautionary judgement was clouded. I feel the final decision made by me was a little extreme by my own standards.

To this end, I do however have 2 questions to ask Before I will consider unbanning you as I don't fully feel your appeal answers some questions I had while making the decision, leading to me bringing this to the forums.

The YouTube video in question that you had/were watching.
You claim you've seen other people setup the SM before. You have only 1 other Engineer connection on your account (latejoin) and the rest are Assistant (also latejoins) Especially given how I watched you act in the round, I would somewhat like clarification on your experience with ss13, a core thing you have not addressed is my statement of potential alt. You've only really managed to explain your side to the story, realistically here (albeit I do find that the fact you changed yourside of the story entirely in the double post curious)
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Re: [Dreathtil] MimeHateCrime - critical mission failure

Post by MimeHateCrime » #579523

I wouldn't really say I changed my story the only thing was different phrasing and I think I portrayed the CE slightly differently in one than the other. In both I've definitely said that I only kind of knew how to set up the SM, I was more confident than knowledgeable, and a lot of how SM pipes work is common sense. Filters were just the opposite of what I thought. The only difference between the two is that one is more my reaction at the time (I wrote that literally right after) and one is a more thought out statement.

I don't see how setting up plasma filters proves anything since that's literally on the wiki. I don't see how me being able to do things quickly should demonize me. I don't know why you're still acting like this was sabotage. Everything I did was either in the video, something I'd seen in my other engineer round, or common sense.

there was another one I saw earlier that day that I can't find where he put a valve in front of the front door airlock but I can't find it in my youtube history. This is the video I was talking about when you were talking to me though.

I didn't watch the whole video because it was really really long but I watched how much I did before I entered the round because I wanted to avoid exactly what happened.

I remember my one other round as an engineer we were doing a lot of stuff with the engine because it caught on fire that round too but we stopped it. The changes I made just seemed like they made sense to me because I know how bottlenecks work. I don't have a lot of other experience with ss13, basically the only thing I slightly know about is the engine. If you put me in any other department I wouldn't know what I was doing. I know this really doesn't look good but like I said, I'd really like the chance to prove to you that I'm not here to grief and didn't want to join the community in bad faith.

I also think it's not great of you to assume I did things in bad faith just because I set things up too quickly. If I had just made an alt to grief wouldn't that mean I wouldn't be bothering to make an appeal?

edit: I only really read the stuff under the bold

I got the fireaxe out because the fireaxe is cool. I think I'll stay away from manuel and just play on the LRP servers if I am unbanned at least until I get a hang of things.
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Re: [Dreathtil] MimeHateCrime - critical mission failure

Post by Dreathtil » #579566

Alrighty. After doing some looking into things. I'll be forward apologies for coming off as abrasive regarding this incident, but a point of contention here is gauging how new a player is to ss13. Hit and Run Grief attempts do occur.

I will be Unbanning you and Following the unbanning
Going to lay out a note I have written up that I will edit and leave you with.

Severity Minor: MRP - Regarding Manuel Round 148557 - As a 3 hour playtime account - Set up the super matter engine with only short, familiar idea of how to set it up claiming "I'm working on it" IC and not quite fully understanding the YouTube guide they were following. Set it up very quickly and as a result quickly caused it to delaminate (set 3/4 filters to co2). Please refer to the official Wiki page next time you have to try and setup the SM. As well try to convey it in IC that you don't particularly know what you are doing if you ever find yourself in a similar situation like this.

While I still don't feel you've fully clarified to me just how new or not you are to ss13 (Yes I'm very new or No I've been playing for 2+ months now). 3 hours is still a very short playtime. But I set the margin for clarity at around 85% which is good enough for me in this particular scenario. Thanks a bunch for making the appeal in the first place. It helps clear up a good degree of things.

Edit: Forgot to mention that I will add clarification to the permaban, linking this thread.
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