[Dreathtil] Mr. Wonk - week ban for metacomming

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[Dreathtil] Mr. Wonk - week ban for metacomming

Post by Apples » #581455

BYOND Account: Mr. Wonk
Character Name: Albert Applestock
Ban Type: Server
Ban Length: 1 week
Ban Reason: Clear Metacomming with Snegma. As a virologist used entirely non-verbal communication them
Time Ban was placed: 2020-11-13 12:25:18
Server: Manuel
Round ID: 150227
My side of the story: I was introducing my friend to virology, explaining it to him through Discord. We weren't disturbing other people and kept to ourselves for the entirety of the round (other than the first few minutes where I showed him where virology was and we walked past a couple other people). While I was teaching my friend, Dreathil sent me a message, "nice metacomming" I can't remember the rest of the message but he already made it clear that I was about to be punished. I explained that my friend and I were keeping to ourselves but he didn't care.
Why I think I should be unbanned: I was just trying to teach my friend virology. While we both understand the rules about metacomming, I wanted to use voice chat because it was the easiest way to teach virology to my friend, especially seeing that nobody was around for us to maintain character in front of. I now understand that I should have told the admins I was teaching a player through Discord.
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Byond Username: Dreathtil

Re: [Dreathtil] Mr. Wonk - week ban for metacomming

Post by Dreathtil » #581458

Hey. Glad to see you making this appeal.

Metacomming is taken very seriously. With a Zeroish tolerance attitude we have towards this kind of stuff. I seriously had to contemplate perma-banning

As I had stated in my ticket
Metacomming is serious and we considerably do have a Zero Tolerance policy towards it. The fact you didn't even think to mention to adminstration about it first is in bad taste. Either way. Going to have to ask you and your friend to take some time off and review the server rules.
You did not even think to review our server rules and even without reading them, think to let administrators know about what was going on, pre-emptively. Which is in very bad taste.

On good terms I only week-banned for this, since this whole incident appeared not quite as malicious as other metacomm incidents. I interpreted it as you showing mechanics to somebody who is newer to our servers.

The fact you took the time to make this appeal is very good, and is highly appreciated. But unless a Headmin wishes to step in. The Week ban currently stands
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