[CoffeeDragon16] serxule - ban appeal

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Byond Username: Serxule

[CoffeeDragon16] serxule - ban appeal

Post by serxule » #589367

BYOND account: serxule
Character name: Taro Martins
Ban type: Server
Ban length: 30 days
Ban reason: Soon after being talked to about excessive tide, spent the round raiding the armory, smashing windows, and ahelping when killed. This is banbaiting. You have shown a consistent pattern of round-after-round grief and chalking it up to 'its lrp'.
Time ban was placed: 2021-02-03 01:33:40
Server you were playing on when banned: bagil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 155567
Your side of the story: so I get picked for assistant instead of a job, and what else is there to do on lrp as an assistant than to tide? well AA ends up getting leaked, I got a fireaxe (don't exactly remember how), go get dets gun since there was no det and I was bored, bridge doors are on emergency access so I go in, see there's a message that there was a xeno egg, so I go to xenobio, and whats that? the RD killed the alien! so in protest I smashed a few harmless windows around bar and chapel and then stopped after another assistant took my fireaxe. Hops console is finally logged back in so I get AA, go to sec, get a stun baton, sec glasses, and bowman headset, hear over comms sec is harmbatonning someone in cargo, I go stun the sec officer and save them, this one sec officer tried to chase me down but loses interest, i get my fireaxe back, some time passes, then i see that secs harmbatoning people in the halls, and since there were already about 4 or so other people already rioting against sec, i decided to join in and smash some windows, i also grabbed the reflector trenchcoat (the only time i entered armory the entire round) to stop myself from being killed by sec, later i went to bridge to send an announcement, an assistant starts shoving me, presumably to take my fireaxe, hop comes out of nowhere, stuns me into crit, and then murders me, so i ahelp this because i felt like hop had no valid reason to have killed me, breaking sec windows is valid, sure whatever mad about that but ok. but somehow 2 entirely different rounds on 2 separate days with rounds inbetween that i didn't tide is is somehow "round-after-round", and smashing windows in a riot against shitsec is excessive tiding? and since when has tiding ever been a problem on lrp? not to mention i took a single item from armory and entered it once the entire round, i was not "raiding" it. (and relating to the other round referred to in the ban reason, I had gone into caps for AA (no security or heads), the spare was magically gone, and I get bwoinked, because that also, is somehow excessive tiding.)

Why you think you should be unbanned: I feel like i should be unbanned because most often when i get antag, i try out new or old gimmicks and always try and make the round fun, especially if there's admins, then i have a possibility of doing a server-event with the help of an admin, and since most of the time its either crew vs traitor or crew vs murderboner. events and gimmicks are always good, and while i do occasionally murderbone (usually with other traitors) its not as often as me screwing around is. while the ban is somewhat justified, its not justified for a ban on lrp, now if this were manuel or i had been attacking sec officers, etc, i would see the reasoning, but breaking windows in a riot against shitsec, and somehow "banbaiting" (is it even possible to banbait with no intention of banbaiting?) after ahelping being killed by the hop does not seem worthy of a 30-day ban.
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Byond Username: Terranaut

Re: [CoffeeDragon16] serxule - ban appeal

Post by terranaut » #589372

Having armory/high security access you're not supposed to have has pretty much always been a reason to kill you.
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Byond Username: Serxule

Re: [CoffeeDragon16] serxule - ban appeal

Post by serxule » #589375

terranaut wrote:Having armory/high security access you're not supposed to have has pretty much always been a reason to kill you.
none of that was ever in the ahelp or ban reason so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Byond Username: SparkezelPL

Re: [CoffeeDragon16] serxule - ban appeal

Post by Sparkezel » #589383

Reflector trenchcoat is a high-risk item, you are ALWAYS valid for it unless someone gave you permission.
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Re: [CoffeeDragon16] serxule - ban appeal

Post by CoffeeDragon16 » #589435

Hey there! Thanks for making your time to appeal. First things first, there was an issue with the server configuration and the database that round, so it went unlogged. We'll have to go on our interpretations of the event.

The banbaiting wasn't the reason the ban was so long. Just the baiting alone wouldn't warrant that long a ban without other poor behavior, outside history impacted this. I notice a consistent pattern of tide, self-antagging, and generally being unempathetic over rounds, getting heated frequently all while playing very often. While it's fun and all to play SS13 a lot, I believe you were getting a bit absorbed in your play style. You will burn out if you keep playing like this, and you will grow to not enjoy SS13. I think you can be a fine player, and I don't want to see this happen. I made the ban a month long because I believe you need a break from SS13 for a bit. I had touched on that just the day before this ticket, when you had done the same exact overbearing grief (tiding AA and rushing armory 10 minutes into the round as nonantag) telling you that you can't keep tiding this hard or you'll mess up. I saw this coming, and your actions over the round showed me you weren't listening.

I think the ban baiting itself is pretty textbook and cut and dry, though. You did five things that made you valid. A, you took AA. B, you interfered with an arrest. C, you trespassed into several secure areas. D, you took the reflector trench, a traitor theft item. Last, you went around breaking windows, including Sec's. This is extremely obvious as something that paints you as a traitor or some other person that doesn't deserve to be in the round. Taking the trench also makes it so sec is unable to easily nonlethally detain you, as they cant use their disablers. When you're killed for this massively griefy behavior (that I had spoken to you about just yesterday) you ahelp believing its an unjust kill. Not only had you done FIVE SEPARATE THINGS to make you ultra valid, you fail to see what wrong you have done. You have around 600 hours, you should 100% know better. I'd also like to bring up that this isn't new behavior (self-antagging, especially in relation to armory), as in January you had a note for this.

"Robbed the armory as a nonantag and blew themselves up with a suicide meth bomb when they were stopped by an officer. No one else was harmed, but afterwards I spent fifteen minutes telling them that it wouldn't be okay for them to kill or maim an officer who used lethal force to stop them from raiding the armory as a nonantag, but they continually insist they have that right. If this situation or any similar killbaiting scenario ever comes to pass, please triple the ban length to drive this point home."
I feel like I should disclaim that I was the sec officer here, though I was only playing, though the point still stands.

To quote a headmin ruling: "If you perform an action which has zero benefit to you other than making others upset (like chopping down the Christmas trees while they’re enabled) I will ban you if you adminhelp when someone kills you."

This is not a RP issue. I was in your spot for a bit, round-after-round of excessive tide. I got talked to by admins, and it helped ground me seeing how my actions affected other players, and since both my fun in the game and my impact on the server has grown positively. I sincerely believe you are letting the tide get to you and you need a break.
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