[<Boris vc Borisvon>] Adrian Vee/Silvered Soul - Banned after I left at round end.

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Joined: Sat May 15, 2021 7:37 am
Byond Username: SilveredSoul

[<Boris vc Borisvon>] Adrian Vee/Silvered Soul - Banned after I left at round end.

Post by SilveredSoul » #600197

BYOND account: SilveredSoul
Character name: Adrian Vee
Ban type: Server Ban
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Set fire to the shuttle before round and and left. please expain on the forums this ban.
Time ban was placed: 04:52:33 2021/5/15
Server you were playing on when banned: Sybil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 162264
Your side of the story: Mmm, I believe this round was another that I was RD, Acting Captain. AMIGA, the AI, was malf again and admitted it at round start; made a borg factory eventually and there were a lot of borgs. Some borgs were not synced to AMIGA, and otherwise were just running rampant force borging people. The one that survived without being detonated to note while slaved to AMIGA, did not have any of its laws under 1, as AMIGA had its objective law, and two random AI glitch laws, whatever they're called. The last borg in question, a mining borg, who was being helpful and friendly, only had base Asimov. Anyhow, a lot of other stuff, I wanna say maybe a heretic, and other confirmed traitors, were in the round and we had a massive "borg army" purge, as even AMIGA was distraught over the chaos and confusion as more borgs were being borg factory'd but not bound to it. Not sure if thats intended or a glitch; the mining borg was the last one left, and, as round end stated - was bound to it and had asimov laws - and wasn't harming or actively trying to murder people. Said mining borg was cornered on the shuttle by the rabid crewmembers, and eventually killed despite my warnings, as Captain, to leave it alone and that it was a good borg. it died, a random gygax finally got to charge its cells, and I proceeded to use the flamethrower I had for Kudzu previously, the kind that spawn vines and man-eater trap things, in the confined space of that specific shuttle, name escapes me, Borg/Mech charging bay, which was its own closed area. At this point in time, as far as my memory serves, it was at least under a minute of time remaining to shuttle dock. I took it out, said something along the lines of "You disobeyed my captain orders, a innocent borg died. It's plasmafire time" and something about "Captain memes" (referencing traitor captain meme of burning the station) after that before being swiftly and brutally gunned down by the detective, other armaments, and all the guns in general that were handed out due to 1. man-eating kudzu and 2. insane borgs and 3. other antags.

I'd like to note, I didn't, set a fire then leave when I died. I left after the round ended, having received no boink or anything which I thought to myself as odd. I read the round end report, saw that the mining borg was actually indeed innocent like I claimed, and that AMIGA had other weird glitch AI laws, the other antags, including one AMIGA killed and we had borged, and again I wanna say a heretic? None of the other borgs remained, because they were detonated before shuttle launch and were killed before that. After reading the round end report, shortly before I assumed would server restart, I left.

I come back a few hours later, before I headed off to bed, to check in and see what the current round was at, and maybe try my hand at a quick toxins run since I can't for the life of me understand it, and some stuff in R&D needs "Bomb testing" to be done to see this ban.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I mean, I don't know what my current notes and all that stuff are... I like to think I'm not a horrible player. A bit salty at the situation of Bagil/Sybil sometimes, though reluctant to try manuel as I'm not sure I'd fit well into the more "boundaries" that exist playing there. I'm not a massive power gamer I don't think? but I like doing things myself even if my job "shouldn't" know how to or be able to so I don't think that'd be a fit. Otherwise, I'd argue while I did leave before server start, I left when the round was ended, spent some time reading the report, and I assume just missed being boinked? It wasn't a full on plasma flood, it was a flame thrower; while they definitely can spread and it worked against the kudzu well I feel like... "set fire" to the shuttle when it was in a confined area on a large shuttle, and put out before the round ended is overboard? Not the most violent or destroyed shuttle I've been on. But more to the point, a weapon that can spread and injure a lot of crew or area was probably a bad idea, and it was just a spur of the moment, late night gamer brain thing. I'm... not sure if anyone was abruptly killed or really injured from it? It got put out quickly and everyone gunned me down in a second flat. I'd make a specific mind not to do it again; and keep calmer on the shuttle and a handle on the consequences, to other players and myself more in mind.

References of good conduct:Uh, kind of mixed in with what I said above. I haven't been really hanging out with people but I'd like to think my main character name has been at least made connections with other players recently. I teach things I know, like nanites, medical, xenobio, robotics, mining to newer players if I'm saddled with one, and I've asked others to teach me mechanics I don't get; like the ever damned toxins mixing in R&D. Some people have actually gone out of their way and taken their time to revive me or ask me for stuff!
Anything else we should know: I've played in /tg/ for a while... this isn't my first account? mostly because I'm one of those people that make a million passwords, forget them, and then have issues with getting back into the accounts. While I'm not a... "star" player? I again would like to reiterate I don't think I'm... that horrible. I do have my bouts of illogical salt and anger, especially on the rounds that are just the constant dredge of bullshit either from a frequent and proactive murderboner or just conflict of playstyles/personalities; and have thus said things in rage I don't mean or regret. Shrug. I work a lot, probably won't have time to play for the next few days...but if this is it I guess it's time to try other servers out?

Thanks for your time people!
Joined: Fri Oct 02, 2020 4:12 pm
Byond Username: Boris vc Borisvon

Re: [<Boris vc Borisvon>] Adrian Vee/Silvered Soul - Banned after I left at round end.

Post by BorisvcBorison » #600230

Thank you for responding, The main reason we didn't ping you before round end was because we only got the report after the shuttle docked, The main issue was more the usage of a mass-area damage weapon In a very enclosed space, but I can understand where your coming from in your defense of the borg, and since you seem apologetic, as long as you understand that usage of a flamethrower in any enclosed space is generally a bad thing, I'd be happy to unban you
Joined: Sat May 15, 2021 7:37 am
Byond Username: SilveredSoul

Re: [<Boris vc Borisvon>] Adrian Vee/Silvered Soul - Banned after I left at round end.

Post by SilveredSoul » #600234

Thank you :) I'd appreciate it. Gotta feed my spessmen addiction after all.

Thanks for your time.
Joined: Fri Oct 02, 2020 4:12 pm
Byond Username: Boris vc Borisvon

Re: [<Boris vc Borisvon>] Adrian Vee/Silvered Soul - Banned after I left at round end.

Post by BorisvcBorison » #600235

You've been unbanned

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