[Delaron] Helplesscrane note and sec ban appeal

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Byond Username: Helplesscrane

[Delaron] Helplesscrane note and sec ban appeal

Post by helplesscrane » #622021

BYOND account: Helplesscrane
Character name: Lucy Cicero
Ban type: note
Ban reason: Banned from Roles: Head of Security, Warden, Detective, Security Officer permanently - As a security officer provoked the HOS to stopping them from breaking into the HOS office for a jacket. Proceeded to escalate and taze the HOS. When asked why they suggested it was the HOS' fault. Moving this to a role ban on security after review of thier logged actions and history. Provided the player the Rules link and Security Section. You can appeal this ban when you have read the rules and agree to play by them.
Time ban was placed: 2021-12-12 21:18:54
Server you were playing on when banned: Sybil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 174684
Your side of the story: I was wanting the hosses (petes feet) jacket and the door to his office and locker was open so I went in and got it then he tried to demote me for this then when I got him in a stun lock I took his id planning on giving it back in like a minute but then I saw he had already gotten a new id so I did not care at that point after this he had gotten a box of throwing items and threw 5 ninja stars at me and was harm batoning me when I got saved I died to bloodloss I think either that or the embedded stars (i have a video of this from another players perspective) they continued to call me a traitor despite being a round start seccie then took EVERYTHING I owned and left me with nothing, not even my heirloom so I went on to crit him to get my stuff back but I was stopped by Feasle Easle then after a bit of scuffling I was decapped by the captain
Why you think you should be unbanned: He was trying to stun and demote me for swiping an article of clothing that would have just sat there in his locker for the rest of the round and I resisted, additionally I only tried to harm him after he killed me and looted me. I have taken time to read over the rules over and over and feel like I have a firm grasp of them and if this note will not be removed I would at least like it to be updated to what really happened, please.
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Re: [Delaron] Helplesscrane note and sec ban appeal

Post by delaron » #622050

I want to reduce this to a set time role ban but you have not provided any confidence that you understand the security policies as written on the wiki https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Rules

The Security Policy & Precedents is what I want you to focus on. rule 1 applies and no sane mind-shielded officer should be risking demotion or brig time for a jacket. You can use your words to convey desire but you didn't do that. The say logs paint a picture of self antaging and general poor security behavior all stemming from a "I want attitude."

Can you provide me with what changes in behavior you are taking away from this situation?

For ref here is the specific security callout in the rules:

Security Policy & Precedents
Rule 1 of the main rules apply to security. The only exception is that security is generally considered to be armed with non-lethal methods to control a situation. Therefore, where reasonably possible, security is expected to use non-lethal methods first in a conflict before escalating to lethal methods.
Rule 4 of the main rules also apply to security. Security are not exceptions to the rule where non-antagonists can do anything they want, as per rule 4, to antagonists.
The 'act like an antag, get treated like one' part of Rule 4 of the main rules also apply to security. Stunning an officer repeatedly, using lethal or restricted weapons on them, disrupting the arrests or sentences of dangerous criminals, or damaging the brig, are examples of behaviour that may make you valid for security under Rule 4. Make sure players deserve it when you treat them as an antag, when in doubt, err on the side of caution as poor behaviour on the part of security will not be tolerated.
For arrested players, timed sentences up to a total of 10 minutes, buckle-cuffing, and stripping, are considered IC issues and are not actionable by admins. Brig sentences totaling more than 10 minutes can be adminhelped, as can be gulag or perma sentences or a pattern of illegitimate punishment. However, security should refrain from confiscating items not related to any crimes, especially important department-specific items like hard suits. Obvious exceptions to this are things like radio headsets, if players use it to harass security over the radio while being arrested.
Don’t kill Asimov borgs for trying to stop harm, unless they are being excessively disruptive, for example, locking down all of security despite only one security staff member causing harm.
While it is up to the discretion of the security player, lethal force may be used on a mob of players trying to force entry into the brig. Additionally, lethal force may be used immediately on anyone trying to enter the armory, is in the armory, or is leaving it
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Byond Username: Helplesscrane

Re: [Delaron] Helplesscrane note and sec ban appeal

Post by helplesscrane » #622065

Well I won't steal things, Ill kindly ask for them and if they decline I will leave it at that and if something ever happens I will be sure to escalate properly I've also read the rules and as Ii said in why I should be unbanned I think I understand them.
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Re: [Delaron] Helplesscrane note and sec ban appeal

Post by delaron » #622079

Just for clarification this is solely in regards to Security Roles and given proper context stealing can be justified. I have no issue dropping this to time served with the note on record. Please continue to keep the rules in mind when playing roles that require additional policies be adhered to.

Thanks for taking the time to confirm your understand and appealing the ban. Have a good day and game on.
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