[PositiveEntropy] VVayaga - Malpractice

Appeals which have been closed.
Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:27 pm
Byond Username: VVayaga

[PositiveEntropy] VVayaga - Malpractice

Post by VVayaga » #633194

BYOND account: VVayaga
Character name: Vorian Vayaga (most likely)
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: As non-antagonist medical doctor, killed the Mime under very dubious circumstances claiming they "won't stop struggling". Has had a previous history of removing people's organs and seemingly displayed more medical knowledge than their playtime and claims of being a new player implies. Disconnected mid-ticket. As such, this ban has increased into a full perma.
Time ban was placed: 2021-05-18 03:34:56
Server you were playing on when banned: Probably Sybil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 162447
Your side of the story: For the record, I was a new player. For me, I was just having fun messing around but I understand there is a time and place.
Why you think you should be unbanned: Frankly, I don't really have a valid argument for why I should be unbanned, but I've spent a lot of time jumping around other servers with good behavior since my ban a year ago, and none of them match /tg/Station. I've learned a lot about SS13 and feel like I could be a better part of/tg/Station.
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Byond Username: PositiveEntropy
Location: The Spriting Workshop

Re: [PositiveEntropy] VVayaga - Malpractice

Post by Imaginos » #633209

Hey there!

I still remember the incident quite well. During the round, you killed the mime when they were resisting your attempts to perform surgery on them, no doubt to remove their organs. When I questioned you about it back then, you disconnected mid-ticket, which is why I escalated it to a perma, since I imagined you weren't going to be around the server in good faith. So here's two questions before I give out my ruling:

1: Did you play on other servers while you were away? It seems you implied that it was the case, but I want to at least know specifics, if at all possible.

2: Given the fact it has been a while, do you reckon you could avoid situations like these in the future? Its understandably a hard question to answer, but could you make an effort to play the game in good faith going forward?

That is all I really want to know, thank you for making the appeal!
Hello! I'm PositiveEntropy, Spritetainer and AdminTrainer extraordinaire! If you feel like sending any feedback, you may be interested in checking it out here.

Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:27 pm
Byond Username: VVayaga

Re: [PositiveEntropy] VVayaga - Malpractice

Post by VVayaga » #633226

I did play on other servers, but like I said they weren't really giving me the same experience as /tg/. I played a lot on Paradise Station and learned how to actually play the game!

I definitely can avoid situations like dismembering mimes in the future-- I was very new.
Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:27 pm
Byond Username: VVayaga

Re: [PositiveEntropy] VVayaga - Malpractice

Post by VVayaga » #633259

Also, adding this on the next day. Just wanted to apologize for the year late appeal!
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Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2021 5:14 am
Byond Username: PositiveEntropy
Location: The Spriting Workshop

Re: [PositiveEntropy] VVayaga - Malpractice

Post by Imaginos » #633440

Hey! Sorry for the late reply, I ended up getting sidetracked on the weekend. After some careful consideration and putting some good thought into it, I have decided to unban you! Shortly after this message, you may be able to join our servers! Keep in mind however, that the database may take a while to process the change, so wait an hour or so tops just in case. And for the record, you don't have to apologize for appealing late, its at your leisure after all!

Stay out of trouble, and welcome back!
Hello! I'm PositiveEntropy, Spritetainer and AdminTrainer extraordinaire! If you feel like sending any feedback, you may be interested in checking it out here.

Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:27 pm
Byond Username: VVayaga

Re: [PositiveEntropy] VVayaga - Malpractice

Post by VVayaga » #633460

No worries! Thank you so much, I look forward to seeing you in game! :D

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