(Cheisfy) Longestarmlonglaw - Redemption arc time

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Byond Username: Longestarmlonglaw

(Cheisfy) Longestarmlonglaw - Redemption arc time

Post by Longestarmlonglaw » #691162

BYOND account: BYOND account: Longestarmlonglaw
Character name: Character name at time of ban: Gerald Lopez? Ryan Miller? Not sure but it was probably one of the two at the time.
Ban type: : Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: : Rule - 1. consistent show of bad faith, months long history of rulebreaking, line toeing, breaking MRP rules, dishonesty in ahelps and has recieved a final warning
Time ban was placed: 2022/04/12
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed:[/b] 60052
Your side of the story:[/b] I roll thief, I make frag-12 pipegun, frag-12 gun gets taken away, I steal Captain's Jetpack from captain quarters, I return to security break into evidence storage to take back my gun, Sec pursues me, and i shoot back, get bwoinked next round
Why you think you should be unbanned:[/b] I feel as if enough time as passed, i have obtained a vouch from another server, the heat of the manuelites Meta grudging against me has died down and want to return. I also think a portion of the ban reason attempts to paint me in a more bad light. I will attempt to break down the parts i think are bad.
Rule -1 Consistent show of bad faith: This is likely applied because the banning admin could not find anything in the rules regarding excessive escalation/killing as an antagonist such as a thief. While im not saying this was not justified, the reason could have been rewritten in a better way.

"Breaking Mrp Rules" is somewhat redundant as you have already mentioned rulebreaking in in the "Months long history of rulebreaking" and i think that part is to be removed.

"Dishonesty in ahelps" and "Months long history of rulebreaking" This is true, i have nothing else to add to this and i apologize. this is to be upheld and unchanged

The appeal is also based around thieves, an antagonist removed from the game, this places my appeal in an awkward spot, because of this i will likely leave a bit of this appeal unfinished, as i want to wait for Chesify's response.

References of good conduct:
I have obtained a vouch from yogstation, I hope i attached it correctly, around 165 hours and small note.
I have played on fulpstation for 143 hours, no incidents, but no vouch from fulp
Jackraxxus may also vouch for helping me in improving but i highly doubt they'll be allowed to post here in order to do so.
Whitelisted on Bubberstation, a HRP server. I barely play because of the horrible ping though.
Anything else we should know:
A few years ago i did some shitter stuff and got permabanned on bee, I have no intention of otherwise attempting to appeal or attempt to return because i disagree with their rulings, and they have too much drama and salt, however you may occasionally find me haunting the forums, viewing the drama and salt.
Also a few days i did a little bit of ban evading, both server and sneaking into the mannycord to act as a "Spy" to catch up on what's happening. However i stopped when Jackraxxus talked me out to not do it, he said that i could appeal and play legit without having to evade, we shared some jokes and and we went our separate ways. Later came back to ask for some help in appealing, and they provided so in the screenshot.
Also banned from TG main discord, cant find reason, but that's for another appeal

(Allow Jack to post here please)
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Byond Username: Cheshify

Re: (Cheisfy) Longestarmlonglaw - Redemption arc time

Post by Cheshify » #691195

Providing additional context for the ban. The perma and note were separated into two instances:
As a thief, created a pipegun with frag-12 shells which was never used to further their own objective, instead using it as a means to escalate against security to the point where they could shoot them. In ahelps, actively lied about the order of events during the round, and about their knowledge of frag-12 shells.
Give me some time to think about this. I recognize that you have a vouch, and contact with JackRaxxus about the ban evading. I do not under any circumstance want to unleash someone with your previous playstyle on our community, as it actively made rounds significantly less fun.
Shout out to Riggle
Shout out to Dessysalta
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Byond Username: Cheshify

Re: (Cheisfy) Longestarmlonglaw - Redemption arc time

Post by Cheshify » #691238

I'm choosing to lift this appeal with the caveat that any traces of your previous playstyle (powergaming, ignoring MRP rules, playing to win) are to stay gone. This appeal will be noted in the updated permaban note. I want to see you genuinely improve and not have issues.
Shout out to Riggle
Shout out to Dessysalta
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Byond Username: Cheshify

Re: (Cheisfy) Longestarmlonglaw - Redemption arc time

Post by Cheshify » #691239

All done, I don't think there's any additional permabans on your account. Let us know if there's an issue logging on.
Shout out to Riggle
Shout out to Dessysalta
Joined: Fri Jan 14, 2022 7:42 am
Byond Username: Longestarmlonglaw

Re: (Cheisfy) Longestarmlonglaw - Redemption arc time

Post by Longestarmlonglaw » #691260

No issues with connecting, you may mark this as resolved

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