[bluespace] Feretal-24 Hour Ban

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Byond Username: Feretal

[bluespace] Feretal-24 Hour Ban

Post by Feretal » #22737

Byond account and character name: Feretal, Horatio Chopin
Banning admin:bluespace, other admins were involved
Ban reason and length:Killed Steiner FNR, Captain confirmed Stiener was a helpful member of the loyal side, Warden outright murdered him and declared him rev for having a flash (he was a robo.), Also hid the body to prevent cloning after the fact.
Time ban was placed (including time zone):Around 7:50pm EST
Your side of the story:If I had known I would be banned for this I would've taken a log, trying to do this from memory anyways.
Rev round, from what I could tell most of the officers were just milling around in the brig and occasionally responding to reports and violence. As the Warden, I should have been the one sitting in the brig but I found myself forced to visit cargo and ask for implants, or head to medbay to check for revs.

After quite a long round a number of the crew was loyalty implanted but it just kept dragging on as the remaining revs wouldn't show themselves.
I spotted a mech in the medbay but didn't attack it because I had no reason and it wasn't threatening me. Asked about it (either on sec chat or just in the brig?) and was told it was piloted by a loyalist.
Little bit later maybe a couple minutes I hear about the mech being rogue/shitty to people and asked around a bit. I believe it was the HoS that told me that it had been hiijacked by assistants. (Improbable, but if the pilot had forgotten to DNA lock and had hopped out of it in robotics before being swarmed by the grey tide, it is likely.)

At no point do I remember the Captain telling me the mech was piloted by a helpful loyalist.

Officers and other people still wandering about in the brig waiting for implants or just sitting there doing nothing. I decided that I would just have to deal with it myself, so I grabbed the ion rifle and headed out.
The AI had been screaming about something harmful in medbay storage so I ran in there thinking it was the mech, turned out to be a monkey which I half-heartedly chased for a moment before deciding it wasn't worth it.

Now to the part with the mech.
I ran down the hallway near the kitchen and came upon the mech and some other implanted and nonimplanted. At first glance it seemed that the implanted were fighting the mech, which further confirmed what I was told earlier.
Began firing at the mech, spam ion rifle (it really is too good against mechs) and the pilot pops out, I noticed he wasn't implanted and lasered him to death, hoping that he was a rev head and that it was finally over.
I figured I might as well clone him just so I could try to implant him later, but stopped at the doors to genetics to search him quickly for evidence.
It was about this time that blessed first started telling me to explain my actions, which I did. The messages stopped so I figured it was resolved.
I've been playing a long time, and I cannot believe that I forgot that roboticists always have a flash. Still, I took it as some evidence of his revolutionary actions. Then I checked his PDA messages and rushing through it, I read a message in all caps about how a mech was ready for someone. I really should've checked who was sending and receiving that message, but again I was in a rush to end the hell that is rev. I asked the HoS on the sec channel and told him of the evidence against the roboticist, he told me I should assume it was a rev head. Not wanting to clone a rev head and prolong the hell even further I dragged the body to the brig and put it in the holding chamber(not sure what to call it) directly under the perma brig. The body wasn't hidden, it was sitting buckled to a bed.

Round goes on, I start trying to reason with revs over the common channel because the round is taking ages.

I was in genetics, implanting a geneticist wearing atmos clothes because again everyone else is sitting in the brig...
Suddenly the brig is under attack, there's a crazy death mech busting in and killing.
Borg in medbay tells me to run back to the brig, I do so. Death Mech busts in through the sec supply room and kills an officer, I run around trying to find the ion rifle and couldn't find it. So I just ran into the security break room and start firing lasers at the mech while it tries to attack us. After a bit of a gunfight it came busting in through the HoS office and murders a ton of people. I end up dying to it and as I lay stunlocked on the ground being hammered with bullets I looked at the name of the mech "Revenge". After a moment, the HoS dies and the round ends.

Now this is about where I have the logs still, as I kept the window open after being banned.

Okay, so that revenge mech was totally for me.
As I have explained, I didn't instantly kill it. Also, having a basically invincible mech spawned in for the sole purpose (it seems) of taking revenge on me is kind of shitty. In my opinion.
^Snipped a bit to take out IC and irrelevant OOC. Also not pictured is a bit of OOC between him and I that was pretty much the same dialogue as between blessed and I.

So, I killed an admin. He became quite pissed off. Mech was spawned in to take revenge on me. I suppose that's about it.

Why you think you should be unbanned:I feel that the ban was unwarranted. Although I'm not really upset over a 24 hour ban, I just want to give my side of the story and inform people of the actions of the admins involved. The mech was really not necessary. Especially as it killed more than just me.
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Re: [bluespace] Feretal-24 Hour Ban

Post by bandit » #22740

I was in this round. A number of things support Horatio's story here:

- I was in the brig when this went down. Several mechs were in game at this point, and the incident described was pretty much a shootfest with very poor communication.
- The round was complete chaos, a rev round that dragged on wayyyyy too long and had been interfered with several times by admin fuckery (cows shooting fireballs, fucking murderboning syndicate mechs out of nowhere as stated), communication was again poor, and no one had any idea what was going on.
- The round was rev, and I was under the impression that what happens in rev stays in rev.
"I don't see any difference between ERP and rape." -- erro

admin feedback pls
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Byond Username: Stickymayhem

Re: [bluespace] Feretal-24 Hour Ban

Post by Stickymayhem » #22741

I was the person you killed. I had spent the entire round supplying the heads and loyalists with mechs and generally being helpful to the anti-rev cause. I gave the Captain his own Gygax and not a single bad word was said about me the entire round. I walk down the hallway and I'm suddenly hit by several ion rifle shots. I fire back a couple of times and try to flee but get destroyed, then lascannoned to death before I can speak. My body is taken to medbay, where he finds a flash on me, a roboticist, declared me a revhead and hid my body up in the permabrig for the entire rest of the round.

I had spent a long round building up a bunch of mechs only to have it destroyed because the mechs were valid due to an unidentified 'someone' telling you that I was rogue. It wasn't good enough and it felt utterly shitty at the time as the victim of it.

Incidentally, the warden had several other complaints and the round was reaching excesses of an hour and forty minutes with nothing going on, so I was put in a marauder to make the round end and as compensation for the Warden hiding my corpse for a long while and ruining my work.
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Byond Username: Feretal

Re: [bluespace] Feretal-24 Hour Ban

Post by Feretal » #22745

Stickymayhem wrote: My body is taken to medbay, where he finds a flash on me, a roboticist, declared me a revhead and hid my body up in the permabrig for the entire rest of the round.
Again, I didn't just declare you a revhead. I discussed it shortly with the HoS and he told me I should just assume I had killed a revhead. It's not really like your body was hidden or anything, besides what else was I supposed to do with the body of a revhead? Loyalty implants were always super low and cargo had actually ordered costume and emitter crates after being told that it was a revolution and we needed loyalty implants.
Stickmayhem wrote:I had spent a long round building up a bunch of mechs only to have it destroyed because the mechs were valid due to an unidentified 'someone' telling you that I was rogue. It wasn't good enough and it felt utterly shitty at the time as the victim of it.
Only one mech was considered valid to my knowledge, and as I said in my post the HoS said it had been hijacked by assistants. I honestly might be wrong about it being the HoS but I'm certain that I was told that assistants had hijacked it. In hindsight, the other people saying the mech was rogue may have been revolutionaries.
Stickymayhem wrote:Incidentally, the warden had several other complaints
I'd like to know what those complaints were and if they were valid or just people being pissed off at "shitcurity".

I'm aware of how shitty I may have acted during that round, however that's exactly how security acts every rev round if they don't want to lose in minutes. I attempted to be nice, even apologizing to people and giving them weapons. I was ordered to execute a revhead and instead left them living on the gulag with a stern warning to never return. Disregarding the mech incident, were my actions really that bad? I've been in rounds where Sec would simply arrest people acting like revs (not even heads) and lasered to death. I felt that much of sec wasn't as competent as needed and tried to take action myself.
Stickymayhem wrote:so I was put in a marauder to make the round end and as compensation for the Warden hiding my corpse for a long while and ruining my work.
I honestly laughed a little bit when I figured out how the name of the mech made sense. I understand the annoyance of being taken out of the round and it completely screwing with what you've worked on the whole shift.
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Re: [bluespace] Feretal-24 Hour Ban

Post by Greyhoundfd » #22748

As the HoS of the round, I will say that this was an unwarranted ban. Revs had been acting a mixture of highly active and highly sneaky, which made it incredibly difficult to pinpoint where exactly they were based. Rev heads also seemed to have no interest in actually attacking the brig, making the round drag on forever. We had had a run of incredibly shit sec officers, forcing the Warden and I to often have to leave to take care of loyalty implants. At some point here, the mech-driver offers to help deal with the revs, which was a welcome relief. The primary issue being that said driver took no actions to actually allow us to confirm who he was, which was something that had me pretty worried. At some point, the warden then says onto the radio that he believes the mech has been taken over by revs, and based on what he says I tell him it makes sense. While I didn't know that he was planning on destroying the mech, this round was essentially the SS13 equivalent of Vietnam. I'm pretty sure stuff like this is part of the reason that Rev was originally rotated out of the game-mode selection.

Additionally, if there really was an issue with the warden's handling of the mech incident, it should have been addressed using PMs, not by spawning a "DEMON OF VENGEANCE" outside the brig and harassing the entire sec department for ten minutes.

EDIT: Given that this is a 24-hour ban, I'm seeing it not being resolved before it is lifted. If it is, that would be great for Horatio, but we should chalk this up to a learning experience for everyone involved.
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Byond Username: Brotemis

Re: [bluespace] Feretal-24 Hour Ban

Post by Brotemis » #22753

What happened to rev round being hands off? I could have sworn the last time someone adminhelped being killed after rev reaching critical mass I told them 'sucks, deal with it.'

Also an admin placing another admin in a marauder to end a normal round as vengeance? Someone's getting their shit slapped.

MOD NOTE: Feretal was unbanned and the ensuring discussion moved to http://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=1132

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