[cedarbridge] higashikata josuke - assistant ban

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Higashikata Josuke
Joined: Wed May 24, 2017 4:51 pm
Byond Username: Higashikata Josuke

[cedarbridge] higashikata josuke - assistant ban

Post by Higashikata Josuke » #298418

Byond account and character name: Higashikata Josuke - Griff Griffith
Banning admin: Cedarbridge
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Assistant
Ban reason and length: Banned from Assistant - Quickly developed a habit for greytiding. Latest straw to break the camel's back is roundstart raiding the armory and then attacking anyone who pursued to get the weapons he stole back. All in a blob round. Appeal this assistant role ban when you can show that you're capable of assisting rather than using the role to grief without responsibility.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2017-04-07 05:02:04 (I'm not sure exactly what time it was in my timezone, but I'm in EST and I recall it being fairly later in the night than 5, though I may be misremembering.)
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Bagil
Your side of the story: Someone was given an all-access ID at roundstart by the HoP, which I took. I ran around for a bit without doing much of anything before heading for the armory and basically taking everything. I then went around legsweeping people with the warden's gloves, which caused a few people to start chasing after me. When the blob was announced, I dropped all of the weapons except for an egun and a taser outside the medbay for people to take. Past that, I don't remember exactly what happened up until my bwoink, but suffice to say it was probably shitty.
Why you think you should be unbanned: It's been about a month and a half since this ban, and while I haven't been playing a lot in the past month, I did spend two weeks after my ban playing a fucking unhealthy amount of this game. I'd say I've cleaned up my behavior quite a bit, mostly either harmlessly dicking around or playing various jobs. If I get unbanned I don't plan on being shit, I mostly just miss my grey jumpsuit.

As a side note, I think the ban reason itself is a tad misleading; "attacking anyone who pursued to get the weapons he stole back. All in a blob round." The people who were pursuing me seemed to be doing so because of the legsweep shit I was doing, because I don't recall them seeing that I had weapons on me, though I could be wrong. It seemed like they mostly just wanted revenge for me doing the legsweep meme. The "in a blob round" bit is fair, because that *was* the case, but I did realize my shittery when the blob reveal happened and gave guns out. Not that either of these points really matter, as they're still correct on a technicality and don't change much.

All in all, I recognize that my behavior was pretty shit, and I recall my attitude while being PMed by Cedar wasn't too great as well, though I can't remember exactly what I said. I enjoy this server too much to continue going out of my way to make it a worse place, and I've been trying to do the opposite lately. I doubt anyone's been taking a close lens to my behavior, but I hope someone has noticed a shift just by playing the game. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Cedar, I'll fuck you till you love me, faggot.
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Joined: Fri May 23, 2014 12:24 am
Byond Username: Cedarbridge

Re: [cedarbridge] higashikata josuke - assistant ban

Post by cedarbridge » #298968

Yeah sure. Don't be a meme in the future. I'll lift this when I get on next.

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