[NikNakFlak] Tohm Krieg - Chemistry job ban

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[NikNakFlak] Tohm Krieg - Chemistry job ban

Post by Rexels » #23100

Post Content:
Byond account and character name: Rexels, Tohm Krieg
Banning admin: NikNakFlak
Ban reason and length: Was self-griefing with grenades
Time ban was placed (including time zone): I don't remember
Your side of the story: I was playing chemist during a relatively slow shift with very few people, there was nothing to do so I decided to experiment with grenades, since I was kind of new to the game a had never done them. The first time I made a small water + potassium grenade and wanted to blow myself up, and I did it near genetics so I could be cloned in case (this of course didn't cause any damage other than little to myself). The second time I tried to make a napalm grenade but messed it up and only plasma came out, which was not my intention, then it flooded the main hallway.
Why you think you should be unbanned: Because while what I was doing was certainly dumb, I wasn't hurting anyone else other than myself and the one part of it that did cause some damage was an accident.
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Re: [NikNakFlak] Tohm Krieg - Chemistry job ban

Post by NikNakFlak » #23573

Well the only things that seem fishy to me are the events that happened.
The first potassium+water grenade didn't happen near the cloner, it happened on the cloner. And the second grenade ended up flooding the entire escape hallway with plasma and then it got lit on fire. It hurt a decent amount of people, and ruined a decent portion of the station. Sorry for taking forever on this, I've been quite busy.

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