[lmsxz] weirdo67 Perma b& v&

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[lmsxz] weirdo67 Perma b& v&

Post by weirdo67 » #508648

Byond account and character name: Weirdo67 - I don't remember I usually use a random name generator
Banning admin: lmsx
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Metacomm
Ban reason and length: Metacomm, team killed a medic and gave a dodgy answer
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 21/03/2019 @ 22:17 UK time
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): again, not sure
Your side of the story: I was metacomming to try and teach my friend how to play, albeit I did know I was breaking the rules that's why I gave the dodgy answer. My friend was being retarded and did what everyone does when they first play SS13 and kill some random dude. He attacked us both back so I killed him. This was all during the big explosion of new players, so I think the admin's where being a bit harsh but that was to be expected

Why you think you should be unbanned: For a start i wont tell anyone else about this game, and I hope i can be unbanned to further have fun with this community, as these servers are by far the best and most fun I have ever had on this game. I have learnt from me being a spazstic and hope i can play on this server again
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Joined: Sat Dec 16, 2017 4:27 pm
Byond Username: Imsxz

Re: [lmsxz] weirdo67 Perma b& v&

Post by imsxz » #508653

Hello, thanks for the appeal! I'm going to be lifting your ban, it has been a fair bit and I trust your word.

Also, no worries about telling people about the game, just don't exchange information outside of the game!

please subscribe to me on youtube
terranaut wrote:i saw this video before it was posted here
you too can be cool like me if you just subscribe to imsxz youtube channel :shades:
Arianya wrote:no, not the snails, shut up imsxz
Nervore wrote:I am going to will you out of existence, Imsxz.
One day, you will just cease to exist.

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