[Ikkarus] Banbaiting bullshit

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[Ikkarus] Banbaiting bullshit

Post by omnitricks » #11975

Byond account and character name: Omnitricks (Grayson Franks)
Banning admin: Ikkarus
Ban reason and length: Killed someone with a shotgun. Refused to answer admin PM questions. 1440 minutes.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 5:41 am GMT
Your side of the story: Freaking mime has been harassing me the whole shift and it started with him stealing my shotgun. Killed him once for it eventhough there was an opportunity for him to just walk away and he went QQ-ing to the admin. Second time he broke into cargo with a spear and fortunately he was arrested by the detective before he got to the loading dock where I would have shot him to death. Third time he came to cargo again with a spear and I killed him after he refused to listen to my warnings (I have been warning him the whole shift that I will have him killed if he comes to cargo anymore and to get lost) He went and cried again to Ikkarus.
Why you think you should be unbanned: IC escalation, ban baiting, etc. If anything it should be the mime that should be banned for the second thing I have stated over there (a.k.a. ban baiting) I have explained to ikkarus over and over that the mime was being shit and constantly harassing me the whole shift but as usual being the sort of admin he is Ikkarus (seriously, Ikkarus is tiresome) is always looking for a way to ban people. I got tired of having to explain the same thing to him over and over and I told him

PM to-Admins: Please tell me again how is it excessive to kill a mime that has already broke into cargo once with a spear with the intents to go after me and has teh appearance of doing it again
PM to-Admins: And before you answer that, its a rhetorical question
PM to-Admins: I am no longer going to answer to anymore of this banbaiting bullshit. Goodday.

Because that is what it is. Banbaiting bullshit with Ikkarus as usual obliging to do the banning. If I was looking for "lelz killz" Mime would have been killed. Slashed with the remains of the Bottle of Nothing the first time round instead of me trying to run back to cargo after I got back my shotgun and killing him only when he cornered me behind the new casino. Hell I wouldn't even be giving out so many warnings to him the entire shift such as the times before I fire at him. Not only that for some reason Cargo has been a hotbed for trespassers (especially through disposals) and you don't see me having a shoot first talk later approach to them.

So yeah, instead of banning me something should be done about that mime and Ikkarus.
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Re: [Ikkarus] Banbaiting bullshit

Post by Jeb » #12304

"Refused to answer admin PM questions."

"PM to-Admins: I am no longer going to answer to anymore of this banbaiting bullshit. Goodday."

I'm going to almost assume the ban was issued because of this more than anything else. Also, if you feel the mime has done something wrong, throw up a ban request with relevant logs.
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Re: [Ikkarus] Banbaiting bullshit

Post by omnitricks » #12319

The reason was twofold. Killing with a shotgun and refusing to answer.

And I have already answered everytime he asked before that but there is only so many times I can tell him the same thing over and over again about what happens before growing tired of it because he just refuses to listen and wants to look for a reason to hand out a ban more than anything else.
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Re: [Ikkarus] Banbaiting bullshit

Post by Hibbles » #12335

What was the name/ckey of the mime?
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Re: [Ikkarus] Banbaiting bullshit

Post by omnitricks » #12376

I don't know the ckey but the mime's name was Silent Bob or something like that.
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Re: [Ikkarus] Banbaiting bullshit

Post by Timrod » #12398

I was the mime, Here's what happened.

I latejoined about 20 minutes in. I walk by the Gateway, and there's the QM lying on the floor. Underneath him is a combat shotgun, and he has a second one on his back. It looked to me like the QM was trying to kill some people in there, so I took the shotgun off the floor and brought it to the Brig, to avoid the whole "THE MIME SPEAKS LYNCH HE" thing. The QM got his shotgun back when I slipped on something, then shot me multiple times. I went to try and get it off him, and he kills me. An engineer brings me to medbay, where I got cloned. I warned sec multiple times via PDA message. but got no response. Then, I went to break into cargo to see if I could steal the guns and bring them to the brig. Detective arrests me even though he knew or should have known that Cargo had guns.

I went back a third time and merely sat in the chairs outside cargo. This time, the QM leaves cargo unprovoked, kills me, and spaces my corpse.

The QM deserved every bit of this ban, especially for the second, unprovoked murder.
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Re: [Ikkarus] Banbaiting bullshit

Post by omnitricks » #12410

Don't try and lie mime.

First time you stole my shotgun. I chased you and you tried to run away with it. Then after smashing the Bottle of Nothing on your head to get you on the ground I ran away with it back to cargo. If I really wanted to kill you I would have used the Bottle of Nothing and stabbed you to death (which the logs can confirm that I didn't) Instead I ran away trying to get back to cargo but you decided to chase me despite knowing you should have ran away. After you cornered me behind the new casino (which was a dead end) I tried to use the green intent to run past you but I couldn't (a.k.a. your intent was anything but green) and disarmed me. Since I picked up my shotgun first, I knew that you weren't going to let me out without any incident so I killed you first and went back.

Hence the first time you had a chance to walk away (when i was trying to avoid you myself) but decided not to. Immediately you ahelped for failing to succeed in being shit which brings to the second incident. You made yourself a spear and came breaking into cargo by smashing through the windows with obvious intent to attack me in retaliation for me killing you earlier. Instead of coming out with the shotgun and killing you immediately I decided to hide in the loading bay (which is even further than the line line of tolerance that anyone would draw from a shitler mime) while calling for help. If the detective had not come to taze and brig you, you can bet your boots that I would kill you again and this time since seemed like you did not learn your lesson after being cloned I would have stuffed your corpse in a locker so you can never come again.

Instead you come to cargo again in similar circumstances as the second (a.k.a. armed with a spear) despite my continuous warning of the mime not coming near cargo in the public channel if he did not want to die after being complete and total shit by harassing me the whole shift. Again at the entrance of cargo I gave you a warning to "get lost" and went into the loading to retrieve my shotgun. Ample time for you to do just that. Instead you stay, still armed with a spear and not expect me to take preemptive measures from your earlier actions? Should I wait until you start breaking into cargo with your spear? Or maybe when you are killing me with your spear/disarmed me with your shotgun?

You had a lot of opportunities to just back away the entire shift and I am pretty damn sure I was pretty tolerant in giving you more than enough warnings that you decided to ignore in order to keep harassing me. And immediately after that when you fail to steal my shotgun and fail to be even be shit you QQ to ahelp. Not even 10 seconds. If that isn't banbaiting then i don't know what that is because you are sure showing your intents through your actions.
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Re: [Ikkarus] Banbaiting bullshit

Post by Ikarrus » #12621

Ban was issued because you were uncooperative with me. I try not to make any judgements before I have the information, which is why I was probing both of you. Unable to get your side of the story, I made a judgment with the information I had at the time.

Regardless, the ban was a short one that expired days ago, so there's nothing to appeal any more. However, if I came off as threatening during my investigation I humbly apologize and will work to make myself appear less hostile during investigations.
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