[exalted12] - sebachoneBR - Perma Ban

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Joined: Fri May 30, 2014 10:12 pm
Byond Username: Exalted12

Re: [exalted12] - sebachoneBR - Perma Ban

Post by Sven12 » #257275

I observed the two of you for four rounds. Over the course of those rounds I witnessed the two of you being awful to other players both as individuals and while you were working together. One round I also witnessed one of you (who was a traitor) provide syndicate weapons to the other one (who was not a traitor). The two of you cooperated on numerous occasions to kill (or try to anyways) other players using the aforementioned traitor items. Your unapologetic attitude when confronted fit with the theme of what I had been observing over the past few rounds.

I do not believe that reintroducing you or your friend to this community to be a wise decision at this time.
Sven Brunner, Beheader of Personnel, CKey: Exalted12
Joined: Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:26 pm
Byond Username: KorPhaeron

Re: [exalted12] - sebachoneBR - Perma Ban

Post by onleavedontatme » #257443

Whoops I nuked his account when I was deleting spambots, oh well. Resolved I guess.

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