[Knira] InfernusGamer - Meteor Gun

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Byond Username: InfernusGamer

[Knira] InfernusGamer - Meteor Gun

Post by Infernus » #625282

BYOND account: InfernusGamer.

Character name: I don't remember and can't see, it was an random name and i can't see it because i'm banned.

Ban type: Server.

Ban length: 2 Days of common ban and 10 days of ghost Roles jobban.

Ban reason: Admitted to using a ghost role to get back into the station after being killed to go for an admin event weapon and get involved with station affairs (i actually can't copy it from server).

Time ban was placed: 2022-01-16 21:05:59.

Server you were playing on when banned: Sybil.

Round ID in which ban was placed: 176713.

Your side of the story: I was playing assistant normally until out of nowhere a lot of skeletons appeared using an admin weapon (Meteor gun) to exterminate the crew. They killed me with the meteor and left my destroyed body in floor, the rest of the crew ignored my body because they were either dead or busy fighting the skeletons. It was practically at the beginning of the round, so i though it was ok joining as an Charlie Station Crewmember to go back to station and act as an common crewmember. I though: "The fuck? The admins are giving admin weapon for antags with no reason to kill the crew? That isn't fair, i will go back to the station". When i was back, the crew was killing each other for the weapon, so i took it to end the senseless killing. A while later the AI ​​said that she was going to kill everyone and started electrocuting all the doors, as I was acting like an common crewmember, I used the weapon to neutralize the AI ​​and end the killing again, then i got banned.

Why you think you should be unbanned: As i thought the admins were abusing their power to kill crew, i thought it was ok to join as an Charlie Station member and go back to the station to act as an crewmember.
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Re: [Knira] InfernusGamer - Meteor Gun

Post by Timberpoes » #626017

The details of your bans are as follows:

InfernusGamer banned by Knira from Server on 2022-01-16 21:05:59 during round #176713.
Duration of 2 days, expires on 2022-01-18 21:05:59

InfernusGamer banned by Knira from pAI/Brainwashed Victim/Deathsquad/Drone/Lavaland/Mind Transfer Potion/Posibrain/Sentience Potion Spawn on 2022-01-16 21:05:49 during round #176713.
Duration of 7 days, expires on 2022-01-23 21:05:49.

> Admitted to using a ghost role to get back into the station after being killed to go for an admin event weapon and get involved with station affairs.

As of earlier this day, Knira has retired from the admin team. As appeals are usually answered by the admin involved, this would likely explain the delay in getting back to you.

Unfortunately, the server ban expires in a few hours so anything I decide is highly unlikely to impact that in any meaningful way. I offer you apologies for that on behalf of the admin team, it always sucks when a ban appeal takes longer to deal with than your actual ban duration.

I'll take a moment to gather all the context based on the shift's logs and your ticket with Knira, then swing back around to answer this for you within the next few hours.
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Re: [Knira] InfernusGamer - Meteor Gun

Post by Timberpoes » #626029

I have completed a full investigation into this matter. I am going into far more exhaustive detail than would ordinarily be necessary for a situation like this since I was not the banning admin, do not have the full context and I am only working from the logs, ticket history and appeal.

Logs relied upon:
https://tgstation13.org/parsed-logs/syb ... 3/game.txt
https://tgstation13.org/parsed-logs/syb ... attack.txt

All logs quoted below are filtered to only include logs involving your ckey.

At 20:41:03 you get shot by a meteor and die.
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Two minutes later at 20:43:01 you spawn in at the Charlie Station ghost ruin, get electrocuted in the engineering section by some power cables and head off into space.
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The next earliest log of you on the station is at 20:48:06 roughly 5 minutes after spawning in as a ghost role on Charlie Station.
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Soon after that at 20:48:21 you're already using your former life's knowledge to hunt down the meteor gun
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One and a half minutes later at 20:50:00 you shoot some people with a laser
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Somewhere between this and 20:50:48 you manage to acquire the meteor gun. You then go on a little quest to kill the AI with it, succeeding.
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This attracts the attention of Knira who checks your player panel at 20:58:24 before bwoinking you at 20:59:13.

During this, nothing much interesting happens except conversation until you are eventually banned from the server at 21:05:48.
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From Ticket #6 during round 176713 on Sybil
Ticket opened at 2022-01-16 20:59:13 by knira
20:59:13: Ticket Opened by-knira: Hey, when you have the chance can I ask a question?
20:59:22: Reply from-infernusgamer: ?
20:59:50: Reply from-knira: Are you perhaps from charile station?
21:00:26: Reply from-infernusgamer: i died at 6-8 min because of the meteor gun admin chaos and crew ignored my body
21:00:44: Reply from-knira: So you used metainfo to come back into the station and got the meteor gun and killed the AI?
21:01:05: Reply from-infernusgamer: i just got jetpack and travelled tought space, then i got here
21:01:21: Reply from-infernusgamer: i just killed ai because she started saying that she will kill crew and then started shocking doors
21:01:40: Reply from-infernusgamer: i almost got crited by the door
21:03:25: Reply from-knira: I'm not a really big fan of you going into a ghost role as soon as you die just to get back to the station by "coindience"
21:04:01: Reply from-infernusgamer: and i'm not big fan of giving antag skeletons admin weapons
21:04:25: Reply from-infernusgamer: causing mass early round murdering
21:05:37: Knira/(Domo D. Gato) has created a temporary 1 week role ban from 8 roles for InfernusGamer.
21:05:48: Knira/(Domo D. Gato) has created a temporary 2 days server ban for InfernusGamer.
21:05:49: Resolved by Knira
---- No futher messages ----
This ticket was generated by Statbus v.0.13.3

During the ticket you seemed to show no respect or regard for the server rules.


Using knowledge from any of your former lives as a ghost role breaks Server Rule 2.
Players dying for reasons out of their control happens so often that it has an entry under Server Rule 10.

I believe from the logs, the ticket and your reasons given in this appeal that you absolutely had no intent of playing your ghost role properly. In your own words:
InfernusGamer wrote:i though it was ok joining as an Charlie Station Crewmember to go back to station and act as an common crewmember
You are not new to our servers. You have participated in over 500 rounds. At that point players are expected to know better and understand how our servers work, ghost roles work and how our rules work. Leniency for not knowing the rules is usually only given to players who are genuinely new and/or didn't break the rules in bad faith. I feel neither of these apply here.

In addition, you do not have the best note or ban history.

While there is a gap of many months since your latest batch of notes, you weren't actually playing on our servers during that gap. Your most recent issues are a note for being irresponsible with TTVs on 2021-12-17 and a 3-day server ban for exercising poor judgement and poor restraint with detonating a TTV to try and (unsuccessfully) kill a space dragon 4 hours after that note.

Chart of your recent playtime relied on from Scrubby: https://scrubby.melonmesa.com/ckey/InfernusGamer

Putting all these factors together, I feel a ban was justified and would have also issued some form of ban based on the logs and ticket.

Having established this, I will now tie your ban length to your actions, while also considering your history on our servers.

Last month you were banned for 3 days for poor decision with TTVs which led to you breaking the rules and killing one person in doing so.

You have once again exercised poor decision making that led to you breaking the rules.

As part of breaking these rules, you killed the AI. Whether the kill was just or not is irrelevant, since being in that position in the first place was because of a rule break. From Rule 1 Precedents on the rules page: "Each unjustified kill is normally met with one 24 hour ban."

I believe the 2 day server ban was just and proportionate for taking a ghost role, going back to the station, using knowledge from your past life to metagame and then killing the AI as a direct result of this rule break. This portion of your ban will be upheld.

When players misuse ghost roles, ghost role bans often follow. Role bans tend to be longer in duration because they do not prevent players actually playing the game in general, just the specific roles banned. Role bans tend to start at a week's duration due to this - They can always be less or more, as long as it's justified.

I believe that a week ghost role ban was fully justified given your actions in the shift, attitude in the tickets and reasons given in this appeal. This portion of your ban will be upheld.

I also feel the note attached to the ban fairly represents the facts of why you were banned:
Admitted to using a ghost role to get back into the station after being killed to go for an admin event weapon and get involved with station affairs.
I feel it is neither unfair nor misleading. A player admitting something in a ticket tends to be positive. It indicates the player admitted to whatever it is they did rather than force a lengthy investigation, which usually suggests a player approaching the ticket in good faith. I don't actually believe you admitted to it in the ticket, however I will not second guess Knira on their interpretation of what you said.

I believe the wording of your ban reason is both fair and paints you in a better picture than I feel the reality suggests. The reason will be upheld.

For all the reasons above, I am fully rejecting this appeal.

As with all appeals, you are free to escalate this up to the headmins for a final opinion.

If you don't elect to do this, your appeal will be fully closed within the next few days.
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