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Post by BobSchrubbery » #645488

[TheDragMeme] Bob Schrubbery
BYOND account:Bob Schrubbery
Character name:Bob Schrubbery
Ban type:Server Ban
Ban length:Permanent
Ban reason: "As a non antagonist blew themselves up and one other in chemistry"
Time ban was placed:2022-06-14 02:07:47
Server you were playing on when banned: Syblil
Round ID in which ban was placed:184878
Your side of the story: This was a little bit ago, and I partially forgot about it. From what I remember, I had made several grenades for testing and self defense purposes as I often do. These grenades and a simple meth explosion, and don't cause much damage if used to test grenade combinations. From what I can remember, someone had come into my lab for one reason or another and I was trying to get them out. While button mashing to push them out of, I clicked the grenade in my hand which activated it. I always have my nades set to a 3 second timer, which in moments like that in a confined space isn't much time to dispose of it, especially with someone near you. Had I been trying to kill the other person in there, or do damage I would not have killed myself in game as well. As for leaving right after, I got frustrated since I had been trying to make something and that pretty much ended my game and I saw very little chance of me being revived. I didn't consider the impending admin help I would receive.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I admin it was reckless to have the grenade primed and on a short fuse in my hand, and I 100% see how the explosion was my fault, weather or not I meant for it to happen. I do see that there is a pattern in explosions caused by me, and it typically is a case of button mashing or experiments gone wrong. I typically only play on tg servers, as their the only server I have fully gotten used to. I played very regularly at one point, and almost every game except a few there were no issues. I would not do something that would easily get me banned on purpose, especially on the only server I play. I have played recently on goon, and took to not priming my grenades until I am ready to use them in a test environment to avoid accidents. I intend to continue doing that, and had I been doing that this entire time I could have avoided this issue in the first place. I understand my behavior was reckless, and worthy of a ban, but I would greatly appreciate it if I could be given another chance so I can continue to play in a much more responsible manner.
Last edited by dragomagol on Sun Jun 26, 2022 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Fri Aug 06, 2021 3:16 am
Byond Username: Thedragmeme

Re: TheDragMeme

Post by Drag » #645492

Actual ban reason:
Banned from the server permanently - As a non antagonist blew themself up and one other in chemestry then disconnected immediately after, has a broad repeated history of doing such and frankly I don't think you're going to improve.
Relevant notes that led to this ban are as follows:
Banned from the server for 1440 minutes - Round 181102: Blew up himself and two other people (who weren't killed, but had to spend some time in medbay) as a non-antagonist Chemist in Cargo. Disconnected immediately after doing so, and has a history of this behavior. Later appealed on the forums explaining their side of the story, and this ban was lifted early.
Banned from the server for 1 day - Left in the middle of a ticket about a grenade related murder.
Left in the middle of a ticket. Also murdered someone with a grenade and something along with a brain damage injection.
Banned from the server for 2 days - Triggered two grenades, first one at maintenance resulting in the death of a detective and another player, afterwards primed another grenade in brig control. has had past history with that sort of behavior.
bombed brig and the morgue with chemical grenades (1,3,0) because he had issues with sec apparently. Told to ahelp rulebreaking sec behaviour, and not to explode the station if their behaviour isn't bad enough to be rulebreaking. Was understanding and apologietic in ahelps.
Murdered a security officer with sleep chems + a grenade because the officer had previously performed a valid arrest on him for throwing a grenade in the kitchen. Player agreed they'd gone too far, and wouldn't do it again, and had taken the officer to medbay before he was bwoinked.

I am absolutely, positively, without a doubt, not convinced you actually have learned anything. The ban before mine that was in fact appealed should have been your wake-up call. Come back in 3-6 months with a vouch. There are plenty of TG downstreams.

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