[TBM] Prussen - Ban Appeal Name

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[TBM] Prussen - Ban Appeal Name

Post by Prussen » #714343

Ban Details
BYOND account: prussen
Character name: Plazz Fire
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: During round 218196, engaged in an ingame funeral for an OOC in IC reason(the banning of another player), and told the staff members involved to kill themselves - continuing to do so even in deadchat. This behavior is not welcome on /tg/, and your quality of play is not acceptable. Prussen/(Plazz Fire) "i hope you will ee arr pee in heaven" (combined 3 lines) Prussen/(Plazz Fire) (DEAD) "cc kill youself"
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 218196

Reasons for Appealing
With this appeal I am seeking a removal, or reduction of my ban. I’ll keep this short for everyone’s sake.
I will take on the ban reason part by part.
engaged in an ingame funeral for an OOC in IC reason(the banning of another player)
I do not believe the funeral itself and the reasons behind it are OOC in IC. The captain (Jonashx / Jimmy Quark) hosted an IC funeral, with an IC reason and sticking to only IC terms. Everything was roleplayed out.
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Admins who were online at the time engaged with our funeral, both playing admin music (bagpipes for our fallen veteran) and spawning themselves in to join.
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(This is to bring an expert opinion) Later, some admins agreed that the funeral itself was IC and funerals for permabanned players are not inherently OOC in IC:
- "Ya. Funeral for their staticname is totally IC."
Discord message link: https://discord.com/channels/3268221442 ... 7759729805
(Timberpoes agreed to be quoted here)

I'd like to tackle this part of the note next:
and told the staff members involved to kill themselves - continuing to do so even in deadchat.
This is simply not true, this is the only instance of me saying such, after I was already dead from suicide:
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Now when it comes to that message, I understand my mistake and do apologize to Justice for what I said if he did indeed believe I was targeting him with my comments. But that was not my intention. When I said that (even though some people don’t believe it) I meant it as a remark against Centcomm - the in game entity - and not the admin team, that is because we had spent the entire shift roleplaying that Centcomm had assasinated Talon. In the moment I didn’t realize how someone might interpret it differently until later - once the moment had passed.

Some people did take this too far and name dropped Justice, if I had seen them doing this I would have refrained from saying what I did. However, due to the chaos with the whole event, I only saw Jimmy's loudvoice on comms after I died and typed that message in.

I believe this is the main reason the ban was placed, and I probably shouldn't have said what I did because it could easily be taken as targeted harassment. After some reflection now that the heat of the moment has long passed, that statement was definitely inappropriate.

Moving on,
Prussen/(Plazz Fire) "i hope you will ee arr pee in heaven" (combined 3 lines)
I don't really see anything wrong with this, Fikou made a headmin ruling stating that vocalizing "netspeak" was acceptable and not OOC in IC. If I had said something like "antag rolling" - a purely ingame OOC term - there would be cause to note me over it, but I don't believe TG invented ERP as some sort of a game mechanic...

Now for the part that really confuses me,
and your quality of play is not acceptable.
This seems like something completely out-of-the-blue slapped onto my ban reason. I have a more than decent history on this server (a total of around 5 low severity notes, most of them being about minor OOC in IC infractions - and the other thing which has become an urban legend, however is completely irrelevant here), no admin has ever told me that my quality of play was consistently below server standards. If somehow the admin team did believe this, I would disagree with them but I would have at least liked a message telling me about this issue (if it was an issue) so I could actually improve.
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Re: [TBM] Prussen - Ban Appeal Name

Post by Vekter » #714605

Hey Prussen, I notified TBM about this and they'll get back to you when they've got a chance. Just don't want you thinking we're ignoring it.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Omega_DarkPotato wrote:This sucks, dude.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: [TBM] Prussen - Ban Appeal Name

Post by TheBibleMelts » #714697

the excessive lawyering around every part of this ban doesn't inspire a lot of faith that you've recognized why you were banned in the first place. you have a small nugget of apology in there which i feel was undermined immediately by deflecting the actions as having been IC and based in roleplay - which, taking a quick sample from the last 5 or so rounds you played prior to this ban, would make it the only attempt at roleplay i've seen you make.

the other headmins are a little occupied this week, so i'll bring it up to them as i'm able so we can discuss it some more instead of a flat denial here and now.
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Re: [TBM] Prussen - Ban Appeal Name

Post by Prussen » #714751

I apologize if it came off as lawyering, but I felt that everything had to be addressed considering all these things are on my ban reason. Especially since there a few parts which I believe are incorrect. It’s just my interpretation of the rules and situation as I perceive it.

I also tried to keep this short considering it could have been an essay, which is why I find people might feel the apology was not long enough. I reiterate that what I did was indeed wrong and could have had an impact on someone ooc, and once again I apologize and understand it was wrong. The whole part about centcomm really is sincere because in the moment I did feel like we were targeting the ingame entity (we had spent the whole shift talking about it) but as I mention, after reflection I acknowledge and now understand that some people were obviously targeting admins, and even without such my own comments could have easily been taken that way. Which is why I shouldn’t have made them.

Just to add, I also feel that in the moment I might have just assumed that what I was saying was fine because everyone else was doing it. I realize this doesn't excuse my actions but I just wanted to share my thought process when that went down.

I hope that clears some things up.
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Re: [TBM] Prussen - Ban Appeal Name

Post by TheBibleMelts » #715366

we're open to an unban for the new year, with the caveat that you don't let yourself get swept up in the same kind of mob with torch-and-pitchfork mentality that got you here again.
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Re: [TBM] Prussen - Ban Appeal Name

Post by Fikou » #715457

hello tbm forgot to mention two things
1 i wanted the ban to pass on CHRISTMAS but im outvoted...
2 "i hope you will ee arr pee in heaven" is not a valid phrase, not because its netspeak, its just ooc in ic (after all its not censored by the filter, only soft filtered). erotic roleplay is not what you call people fucking in character. "erp" is generally only to be referred to when talking about the poster or the party ert. the poster defines it as "eroticism rape and pornography" and you would not say that you hope someone will eroticism rape and pornography in heaven
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Re: [TBM] Prussen - Ban Appeal Name

Post by Prussen » #715488

Ok, understood. I will try my best to ensure this won't happen again.
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Re: [TBM] Prussen - Ban Appeal Name

Post by Prussen » #715489

Just unfortunate that I'll be missing the toolbox tourney.

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