Pumpkin0 Yobrocharlie - Growth

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Pumpkin0 Yobrocharlie - Growth

Post by Yobrocharlie » #725648

BYOND account:Yobrocharlie

Ban/note type (Check what applies):
() - Note

Ban/note length:Perma
Ban/note reason:OOC permanently - Requested a permanent OOC ban in lieu of a seven-day OOC ban after referencing the round in OOC again after past incidents. Understanding in ahelps about it, as it likely will stop him from making similar mistakes in the future. OOC: "these are lowpop rounds, you gotta kill antags or you will regret showing them mercy" (after being killed by an antag during the round)
Time ban was placed:2023-06-03 11:12:03
Server you were playing on when banned:Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed:207515

Why are you making this appeal?(Check what applies):

() - I was permabanned and I want another chance

Why should this appeal be accepted?:

I am far more level headed and calm of a person now, ive mostly reigned in my self destructive personality for the most part at least i hope. Its hard to know an ocean when your swimming in it to give it a metaphor, I wish to be able to use OOC again and I await the response of the admin team regardless of the final decision I thank you for your time.
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Re: Pumpkin0 Yobrocharlie - Growth

Post by Pumpkin0 » #725650

Hello! Thanks for making this appeal.

I'll unban you, of course, because the original ban was only going to be 7 days (and that's been over for quite a while now) and I'm willing to believe you've grown since then. Hopefully this rings true!
hi i play Manuel Morgan (cowboy) and Bincee Bee (not a cowboy)
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Joined: Wed Nov 23, 2022 6:19 am
Byond Username: Yobrocharlie

Re: Pumpkin0 Yobrocharlie - Growth

Post by Yobrocharlie » #725651


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