[No Longer Admin] MrAlphonzo

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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Frebbie » #429050

Bottom post of the previous page:

Qbmax32 wrote:Have you tried actually posting anything with actual substance rather then nonsensical ad-hom arguments nobody can make heads or tails of?
Yeah, I have and Alphonzo's response was nonsensical ad hom aguments in a complaint I made about Wubli and it's been all downhill from there.

Go read my well structured and reasonable arguments here https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 54&t=18740 that were responded to with personal attacks that other admins said were unreasonable.
Imagine being this upset over a fucking online space videogame, Jesus Christ.
We're all human and nobody here is perfect. How about you take a chill pill and accept the fact that one of the server's many players doesn't like one of the admins and has had consistent negative experiences with them? I had one IC disciplinary note, for running into the engine, after specifically setting it up so that there was no chance of delamination, and haven't done it since. I play by the rules, don't validhunt, don't act like a shitter, and then every interaction I have with alphonzo ends up being unpleasant.

If you want to jack each other off, rename the forum to Circlejerk.
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by CreationPro » #429070

Qbmax32 wrote:Have you tried actually posting anything with actual substance rather then nonsensical ad-hom arguments nobody can make heads or tails of? Imagine being this upset over a fucking online space videogame, Jesus Christ.
Any feedback is feedback. Posting feedback doesn't really demand logs nor is it as strictly quality-controlled as ban appeals/admin complaints.
The player had a negative experience and posted it. Logs are optional. His opinion is his opinion.

I would have posted in his other thread but my opinion would likely be considered peanut gallery. I'll just drop mine here because I can: the ban that Frebbie referred to was made from an emotional, subjective place and imho should not have been a ban at all. While Frebbie did post a distasteful and/or hateful comment it was not something that would fall under rule 8 nor was it ban-worthy.
OOC: Frebbie wrote:to be fair you white south africans deserve the rape and violence. working to make a living is racist and youre denying your wealth to blacks"
While that nigga did say some stupid shit, this was at worst a /pol/ post. Not a doxx, not a threat. Just an untactful statement. We don't have safe space rules nor do we have hate speech laws and I wish it was kept that way. Goon/Yog does and their rules are fucking shit. Calling people out on being untactful or mean is perfectly fine. Thought policing isn't. Besides, how would you know you are saying something untactful unless you are explained why that is the case? Ban him from OOC if he is spamming, not for hurting someone's fee fees.
Rule 1 wrote: Don't be a dick.
We're all here to have a good time, supposedly. Going out of your way to seriously negatively impact or end the round for someone with little IC justification is against the rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen however, as detailed in the escalation section of the rules."
This rule talks about IC escalation, not OOC banter. Being a dick is subjective, and the window of "being a dick" seems to be getting broader, because seemingly people are getting more thin skinned every year.

We are slowly elevating the chat moderation and I hate to invoke the slippery slope fallacy, but this is a digg-tier ban and I am honestly concerned about it, this sets an unpleasant precedent. But what does my opinion count for if it's politically incorrect, right? :^)

Grow some thicker skin, we're supposed to be good at handling banter. We used to be a 4chan server.

If you delete my post I will bite your nose off.
terranaut wrote:Scared? My stand 「CLOWN WORLD」 and it's 「FUNNY COMPANY」will defeat your weak stand in moments.
Terry the Moth, Melody Jean the roboticist and S.O.L. the cyborg.
I will not change my avatar but if I did I'd have this good KVADRATNIY boy.
IkeTG wrote:love is okay
CreationPro wrote: i love you
IkeTG wrote:love is no longer okay
Old quotes and stuff
obscolene wrote:I super glued my PC case shut please don't ask why.
<Pretendo> well Ia ksed in banbus

<scaredofshadows> I randomly take buttons away from people
<scaredofshadows> because I am now rogue
<hornygranny> host is rouge
<Ikarrus> blow the admins
trytryagain66 wrote: I accidently axed a guy said I was sorry to him, then he punched me so I axed his head off.
Hibbles wrote:Man, I love CP. I wish we had more CP on the server.
Antonkr wrote:<antonkr> tfw you will never lick hg|works delicious sexy mustache
<antonkr> ;_;
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by MrAlphonzo » #429072

I didn't even make the ban.
wesoda25 wrote: i love alphonzo and he can be a lot of fun but bro you need to get laid come on
oranges wrote:
Misdoubtful wrote:We're all friends here.
What fucking planet are you living on
oranges wrote: i'm not taking advice from a bottom bitch
OOC: IcePacks: vtubers
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by CreationPro » #429073

MrAlphonzo wrote:I didn't even make the ban.
Still involved ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
terranaut wrote:Scared? My stand 「CLOWN WORLD」 and it's 「FUNNY COMPANY」will defeat your weak stand in moments.
Terry the Moth, Melody Jean the roboticist and S.O.L. the cyborg.
I will not change my avatar but if I did I'd have this good KVADRATNIY boy.
IkeTG wrote:love is okay
CreationPro wrote: i love you
IkeTG wrote:love is no longer okay
Old quotes and stuff
obscolene wrote:I super glued my PC case shut please don't ask why.
<Pretendo> well Ia ksed in banbus

<scaredofshadows> I randomly take buttons away from people
<scaredofshadows> because I am now rogue
<hornygranny> host is rouge
<Ikarrus> blow the admins
trytryagain66 wrote: I accidently axed a guy said I was sorry to him, then he punched me so I axed his head off.
Hibbles wrote:Man, I love CP. I wish we had more CP on the server.
Antonkr wrote:<antonkr> tfw you will never lick hg|works delicious sexy mustache
<antonkr> ;_;
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by oranges » #429077

you did spend a lot of time defending it though
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Frebbie » #429149

In any case here's some more constructive feedback:

Alphonozo is often times the only admin on Sybil, the server where you're most likely to be murdered by nonantagonists round after round

Rather than encouraging people to be civil on the lowpop server as nonantags, he has the most liberal interpretation of escalation and asimov laws, ignores precedents from the server rules page, while at the same time censoring/muting OOC over shit like /pol/ banter, spamming shitty buttons and playing meme music the entire time he's on.

If you get killed by a nonantagonist and ahelp it the response you get is an automatic oh no snookums you picked up the stack of metal from tool storage that he was going to use, he was totally justified in cutting your legs off, oh no borgs don't have to follow law 2 if they don't feel like it, you shouldn't have pushed the guy attacking you with the fireaxe if you didn't want him to cut your head off, lynchings are a good thing, asimov is a vague guideline it's really about what you FEEL man, shouldn't have been walking around maint wearing that outfit, you were asking for it. oh ruling is final, go complain on the forums and get berated by admins that give me the benefit of the doubt :^)

It's like having an antagonist DJ making the lowpop server a hostile place, misery loves company.

Anyways fuck that shit I never see any of the same player behavior or antagonistic administration on Bagil, don't see a reason to play Sybil if 90% of the gameplay is the Alphonzo special.
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by SpaceInaba » #429150

he stepped on my toe worst admin 2005 i want my toe back
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by MrAlphonzo » #429199

Frebbie wrote:In any case here's some more constructive feedback:

Alphonozo is often times the only admin on Sybil, the server where you're most likely to be murdered by nonantagonists round after round

Rather than encouraging people to be civil on the lowpop server as nonantags, he has the most liberal interpretation of escalation and asimov laws, ignores precedents from the server rules page, while at the same time censoring/muting OOC over shit like /pol/ banter, spamming shitty buttons and playing meme music the entire time he's on.

If you get killed by a nonantagonist and ahelp it the response you get is an automatic oh no snookums you picked up the stack of metal from tool storage that he was going to use, he was totally justified in cutting your legs off, oh no borgs don't have to follow law 2 if they don't feel like it, you shouldn't have pushed the guy attacking you with the fireaxe if you didn't want him to cut your head off, lynchings are a good thing, asimov is a vague guideline it's really about what you FEEL man, shouldn't have been walking around maint wearing that outfit, you were asking for it. oh ruling is final, go complain on the forums and get berated by admins that give me the benefit of the doubt :^)

It's like having an antagonist DJ making the lowpop server a hostile place, misery loves company.

Anyways fuck that shit I never see any of the same player behavior or antagonistic administration on Bagil, don't see a reason to play Sybil if 90% of the gameplay is the Alphonzo special.
Is this because I said you were valid because you placed uranium tiles in the middle of Central Hallway?
wesoda25 wrote: i love alphonzo and he can be a lot of fun but bro you need to get laid come on
oranges wrote:
Misdoubtful wrote:We're all friends here.
What fucking planet are you living on
oranges wrote: i'm not taking advice from a bottom bitch
OOC: IcePacks: vtubers
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by D&B » #429238

After having some days to think about it, truth be told, if you're going to respond to an ahelp with "This player has been perfect for years so they're not at fault" then you should just as well close the ahelp right then and there instead of "going through the motions."

Because at that point you've shown your bias and it's insulting you think someone doesn't know you're only doing the questions to maintain the facade that you uphold rules when you're just enjoying being a summoner/dj rather than an admin.
[20:26:02]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Welp. It was just a prank bro isn't a very good excuse when it comes to unprovoked nonantag murder, but since this is your first time doing it and you seem to understand the problem instead of a bannu I'm just going to leave you with a warning. Please PLEASE don't do this again in the future, as funny as crackhead broken bottle memes can be. Alrighty? Do you have any input on this?
[20:26:39]ADMIN: PM: [censored]->[censored admin]: Alright, no problem. I have some input. Fuck my boy pussy.
[20:27:06]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Okay then. Have fun.
[20:31:29]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Excuse me?
J_Madison wrote: that's a stupid fucking stat
you don't play, you've never played
lying little shit with your bullshit stat
fuck you
ColonicAcid wrote:and with enough practise i too could blow my own dick so well that only the gods know how it feels.
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by BeeSting12 » #429306

when i click adminwho and see his name i silence my midis. occasionally ill see complaints in ooc and think wow glad thats not me
Edward Sloan, THE LAW
Melanie Flowers, Catgirl
Borgasm, Cyborg
OOC: Hunterh98: to be fair sloan is one of the, if not the, most robust folks on tg

DEAD: Schlomo Gaskin says, "sloan may be a faggot but he gets the job done"

oranges wrote:Bee sting is honestly the nicest admin, I look forward to seeing him as a headmin one day
[2020-05-21 01:21:48.923] SAY: Crippo/(Impala Chainee) "Shaggy Voice - She like... wants to get Eiffel Towered bro!!" (Brig (125, 166, 2))
hows my driving?
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by SpaceInaba » #429322

BeeSting12 wrote:when i click adminwho and see his name i silence my midis.
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by somerandomguy » #431083

Frebbie wrote:
Qbmax32 wrote:You've made two (now closed) baseless complaints against him within a week and you are now angrily posting in his feedback thread. You need to chill out.
Maybe you can explain why all my admin interactions with alphonzo are negative while the ones with additional administrators are pleasant and non eventful, because I don't understand why that's the case.

Maybe my feedback is just as valid as your feedback as someone who was never involved in our interactions.
Maybe you can explain why all my alphonzo's interactions with you are negative while the ones with additional players are pleasant and non eventful, because I don't understand why that's the case.

Maybe my feedback is just as valid as your feedback as someone who was never involved in our interactions.

Really though. You're saying alphonzo is a terrible admin, and yet no one else has anything to support you (apart from the music, but that's irrelevant to his adminning abilities).
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by obscolene » #431124

SpaceInaba wrote:
BeeSting12 wrote:when i click adminwho and see his name i silence my midis.
[center]sc#4622 | everybodygangstauntilnig.ga (UPDATED FREQUENTLY)[/center]
[03:46:59]EMOTE: The Dreamweaver/(Steve Leaf) : <b>Steve Leaf</b> starts jacking lizard dick. (129,128,2)
[03:47:33]SAY: Steve Leaf/The Dreamweaver : OH FUCK IM CHOAKING (129,128,2)
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Stickymayhem » #431126

obscolene wrote:
SpaceInaba wrote:
BeeSting12 wrote:when i click adminwho and see his name i silence my midis.
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Qbmax32 » #431178

Stickymayhem wrote:
obscolene wrote:
SpaceInaba wrote:
BeeSting12 wrote:when i click adminwho and see his name i silence my midis.
my admin feedback thread

wesoda25 wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:02 am Qbmax32 is quite literally one of the dumbest individuals I have ever had the misfortune of coming into contact with. He has zero redeemable traits, and honestly I have to suppress my gag reflex every time he shows up in a conversation.
Malkraz wrote:YES
angelstarri wrote:qbmax is a retard
imsxz wrote:mythic please stop you’ve hit rock bottom and you KEEP DIGGING
deedubya wrote:I'll defend to the death your right to scream "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" on a constant basis, but I'll also equally defend the right of people to call you a fuckin' pillock for doing it.
datorangebottle wrote:what, not having to act like customer service in a volunteer customer service position?

Here's a rebuttal: you're literally in a customer service slash celebrity position. Volunteer or not.
Malkraz wrote:can you stop posting this shit
Nalzul wrote:Fuck Blob (can you imagine how hot it would be to be gangbanged by a bunch of blobbernauts, the blob, and spores)
Wyzack wrote:qbmax your pathetic display of abhorrent burgercraft has brought shame onto the omnivores
Plapatin wrote:i AM the senate
BONERMASTER wrote:I am a big thinker, and it would only be logical if my character had a big head as well. And glasses. Because only people that think, wear glasses.
feem wrote:i tried to send canisters of urine to the station but ended up turning all oxygen into urine and breaking lavaland and also breathing
Anonmare wrote:Each post in this thread can't settle on what it wants to be, but yet, each one is more cursed than the last.
Beesting12 wrote:please write an apology to this forums, this community, the host, and the internet as a whole for the data storage space you wasted with this complaint.
Vile Beggar wrote:i don't like this thread
imsxz wrote:nervore
FantasticFwoosh wrote:I will whisper sweet nothings that will confuse and perhaps scare you a little, but enhance the experience no-less.
afelinidisfinetoo wrote:By the way, the person who posted that catgirl porn on the github page was me. If anyone wants my private stash just PM me
Nervere wrote:Anything for a femoid.....
Qbopper wrote:I'm a dumb poopy butthead
CitrusGender wrote:god i love it when people feed me my own fried legs
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Nabski » #431260

Qbmax32 wrote:
Stickymayhem wrote:
obscolene wrote:
SpaceInaba wrote:
BeeSting12 wrote:when i click adminwho and see his name i silence my midis.
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Nilons » #431268

Nabski wrote:
Qbmax32 wrote:
Stickymayhem wrote:
obscolene wrote:
SpaceInaba wrote:
BeeSting12 wrote:when i click adminwho and see his name i silence my midis.
I play Ostrava of Nanotrasen (good name) and Rolls-The-Bones (Crag Given name god bless)
Signature Memes

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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by CreationPro » #431269

Nilons wrote:
Nabski wrote:
Qbmax32 wrote:
Stickymayhem wrote:
obscolene wrote:
SpaceInaba wrote:
BeeSting12 wrote:when i click adminwho and see his name i silence my midis.
terranaut wrote:Scared? My stand 「CLOWN WORLD」 and it's 「FUNNY COMPANY」will defeat your weak stand in moments.
Terry the Moth, Melody Jean the roboticist and S.O.L. the cyborg.
I will not change my avatar but if I did I'd have this good KVADRATNIY boy.
IkeTG wrote:love is okay
CreationPro wrote: i love you
IkeTG wrote:love is no longer okay
Old quotes and stuff
obscolene wrote:I super glued my PC case shut please don't ask why.
<Pretendo> well Ia ksed in banbus

<scaredofshadows> I randomly take buttons away from people
<scaredofshadows> because I am now rogue
<hornygranny> host is rouge
<Ikarrus> blow the admins
trytryagain66 wrote: I accidently axed a guy said I was sorry to him, then he punched me so I axed his head off.
Hibbles wrote:Man, I love CP. I wish we had more CP on the server.
Antonkr wrote:<antonkr> tfw you will never lick hg|works delicious sexy mustache
<antonkr> ;_;
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Arianya » #431300

CreationPro wrote:
Nilons wrote:
Nabski wrote:
Qbmax32 wrote:
Stickymayhem wrote:
obscolene wrote:
SpaceInaba wrote:
BeeSting12 wrote:when i click adminwho and see his name i turn on my midis.
Frequently playing as Aria Bollet on Bagil & Scary Terry

Source of avatar is here: https://i.imgur.com/hEkADo6.jpg
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by MrAlphonzo » #431452

I play quality jazz and blues, countless times.

Do they call me Alphonzo the Jazz/Blues admin?


But you fuck one bee...
wesoda25 wrote: i love alphonzo and he can be a lot of fun but bro you need to get laid come on
oranges wrote:
Misdoubtful wrote:We're all friends here.
What fucking planet are you living on
oranges wrote: i'm not taking advice from a bottom bitch
OOC: IcePacks: vtubers
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by CreationPro » #431456

We know how it works.
First you fuck a bee, then you fuck a couple. Next thing you know, your dick's in the hive.
terranaut wrote:Scared? My stand 「CLOWN WORLD」 and it's 「FUNNY COMPANY」will defeat your weak stand in moments.
Terry the Moth, Melody Jean the roboticist and S.O.L. the cyborg.
I will not change my avatar but if I did I'd have this good KVADRATNIY boy.
IkeTG wrote:love is okay
CreationPro wrote: i love you
IkeTG wrote:love is no longer okay
Old quotes and stuff
obscolene wrote:I super glued my PC case shut please don't ask why.
<Pretendo> well Ia ksed in banbus

<scaredofshadows> I randomly take buttons away from people
<scaredofshadows> because I am now rogue
<hornygranny> host is rouge
<Ikarrus> blow the admins
trytryagain66 wrote: I accidently axed a guy said I was sorry to him, then he punched me so I axed his head off.
Hibbles wrote:Man, I love CP. I wish we had more CP on the server.
Antonkr wrote:<antonkr> tfw you will never lick hg|works delicious sexy mustache
<antonkr> ;_;
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by obscolene » #431555

CreationPro wrote:Next thing you know, your dick's in the hive.
[center]sc#4622 | everybodygangstauntilnig.ga (UPDATED FREQUENTLY)[/center]
[03:46:59]EMOTE: The Dreamweaver/(Steve Leaf) : <b>Steve Leaf</b> starts jacking lizard dick. (129,128,2)
[03:47:33]SAY: Steve Leaf/The Dreamweaver : OH FUCK IM CHOAKING (129,128,2)
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Alipheese » #432798


PKPenguin321 wrote:holy shit that engineering setup
that man deserves a medal
Anonmare wrote:Gee Engie, why does your mom let you have TWO singulos?
The Legend of Scrubs, MD
You are a traitor!
Your current objectives:
Objective #1: They mocked you in life, a lesser janiborg they said. Now they shall know terror.
Objective #2: Hijack the shuttle to ensure no loyalist Nanotrasen crew escape alive and out of custody.
Cuboos wrote: > That god damn engineer who let the singularity loose was a traitor and the only reasonable person on that whole entire station.
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Plapatin » #448525

i like it when they press buttons but only sometimes
wesoda25 wrote:i had a dream that me and some friends were like in this tribal village and we were all doing cocaine around this massive bonfire and I kept seeing all these foreshadowing elements that we were gonna die but i just did more cocaine
OrdoM wrote:Argent, a swan argent over a saltire vert - the vert representing the vomit cast upon the floor by the vomitgoose
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Coconutwarrior97 » #472877

haha midis
haha make gay people
y u give bad note y make me sad...
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by MortoSasye » #498248

He's working hard on event hall and sacrificing himself for all of us, +1
Bella Rouge; no, it's not Rogue
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Gigapuddi420 » #498255

He's the man /tg/ needs, but not the one it deserves right now, so they'll hate him. Because he can take it, because he's not a hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a Dark Knight.
Imperfect catgirl playing a imperfect game.
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Plapatin » #499657

I tell you, I will not forget our adage.
We are born of the OOC in IC, made men by the OOC in IC, undone by the OOC in IC.
Our bans are yet to be created.
Fear the rule 3.
By the gods, fear it, Alphonzo.
wesoda25 wrote:i had a dream that me and some friends were like in this tribal village and we were all doing cocaine around this massive bonfire and I kept seeing all these foreshadowing elements that we were gonna die but i just did more cocaine
OrdoM wrote:Argent, a swan argent over a saltire vert - the vert representing the vomit cast upon the floor by the vomitgoose
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by MortoSasye » #508622

good boy
insert evil laugh here
Bella Rouge; no, it's not Rogue
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by SpaceInaba » #508708

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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Arathian » #508877

No hate in this, just honest feedback. I am just a random dumbfuck so leave it or take it. This is regarding Jarek's ban.

The ban was made for a veryyyy niche circumstance. Many old players and admins could not even agree whether or not Jarek even broke the rules and at what stage or to what extend.

I believe in your effort to support your decision to ban Jarek, you kinda overlooked the aspect of how long his ban was (1 month). Bans that long should be reserved for people deliberately and knowingly self-antagging.

Denying his appeal in total and not even considering lowering his ban, even if you strongly believe the ban is deserved in the first place, shows a lack of consideration of the circumstances.

Jarek's a good boy and after you denied him, he let the appeal go and didn't push for a headmin, but I think you should have taken the initiative and lowered his ban to something more reasonable.
Iron, blood and spider armies
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Coconutwarrior97 » #580471

MrAlphonzo is back!
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by MortoSasye » #580474

Oh my god he's back, the servers shall shine again.

Donde esta la lechuga del diablo...
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by NecromancerAnne » #580483

What the fuck I never thought he'd return.
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Tarchonvaagh » #581580

nice guy
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Omega_DarkPotato » #581673

On the one hand: is an admin on sybil, this is nice, I like it when there's staff on sybil please god can some of you guys come to sybil more often

On the other hand: played "it's hip to fuck bees" on sybil without giving us all bee gfs

All in all, good admin by sybil standards. (standards are "no admins at all")
Super Aggro Crag wrote:This is what u get when u let people into your community
play opus: echo of starsong
I'm an admin, typically on /tg/station Sybil. If you've got anything you'd like to say about me, my adminning, or my decisions, please comment in my admin feedback thread!
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Domitius » #581922

Alphonzo's been back for three weeks and already leaving a trail of mud-boot sized holes through the chests of players not following the rules.

Glad to have you back.
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Tlaltecuhtli » #583723

he thought 3 month ban for ascii image in ooc (x5) is an acceptable not-banbot behavior until the headmins stepped in, likely to do something similar again
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Vekter » #583741

A little stubborn and a bitter old man of an admin, but he gets results one way or another. Something to be said for that.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Omega_DarkPotato wrote:This sucks, dude.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by NecromancerAnne » #583743

Back at it again at Krispy Kreme. I like the bit when he makes nerds cry.
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by iamgoofball » #583765

MrAlphonzo wrote:You might not remember the exact circumstances of why you were banned, but you could at least say why you were a, for lack of a better term, shitter and what has changed about you as a person up until now that makes you worth letting back into the server.

There isn't much you've given me to work with here, so unfortunately, this appeal is denied.
I understand you're being a prissy little shit because everyone rightfully made fun of you for your abysmal 3 month bans over some basic bitch spam that wasn't even extreme, but this literally is not the /tg/ precedent. Nobody fucking remembers what they were doing 2 years ago in perfect detail.

Do you need him to give you a metaphorical blowjob? Need to hop on VRchat and bump pixels until you feel satisfied? Or is your ego just not being stroked enough?

When players are permabanned, they are told to go get time on another server.
Is hippie a shitty server? Sure.
Is it still another server? Yes.
He was not told he couldn't do his time on hippie.
He did his time on hippie in double and even gained an admin position.

If we're not going to allow hippie to count as your "time off", it needs to be in the rules.

Additionally, the player acknowledged his fuckup.

He does not have perfect fucking memory of a shitty 2d space game from 2 years ago. I understand that you do, and this really means you should focus on your priorities in life, because it shows you have a very unhealthy balance of work and life.

This admin takes the job far too fucking seriously, and is pretty clearly shitting all over this perfectly normal ban appeal because they're obviously mad their last 5 bans got overturned.
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by MrAlphonzo » #584734

iamgoofball wrote:Negative goof feedback which is a SHINING endorsement
He got permabanned on /vg/ for the same thing he was permabanned here for back in May lmao
wesoda25 wrote: i love alphonzo and he can be a lot of fun but bro you need to get laid come on
oranges wrote:
Misdoubtful wrote:We're all friends here.
What fucking planet are you living on
oranges wrote: i'm not taking advice from a bottom bitch
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by iamgoofball » #584882

MrAlphonzo wrote:
iamgoofball wrote:Negative goof feedback which is a SHINING endorsement
He got permabanned on /vg/ for the same thing he was permabanned here for back in May lmao
That's almost a year ago, you egotistical dog.
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #586978

Next time you ban me for a week because I wasn't "doing my job" you should learn to do your job in a timely fucking manner. That was an excessive amount of interrogation. Christ dude next time just fucking ban me, I'm not interested in hearing you proselytize. Sorry I didn't spend 3 hours of my shift investigating whether or not the fucking plasmaman who was pumping plasma all across the station was the culprit in the case of Why THe Fuck is There Plasma in the Fucking Hallways, I was busy doing his job fixing the fucking APCs and wires that were broken because he was too busy fucking around with his autistic vanity shuttle.
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by MrAlphonzo » #586981

Super Aggro Crag wrote:Next time you ban me for a week because I wasn't "doing my job" you should learn to do your job in a timely fucking manner. That was an excessive amount of interrogation. Christ dude next time just fucking ban me, I'm not interested in hearing you proselytize. Sorry I didn't spend 3 hours of my shift investigating whether or not the fucking plasmaman who was pumping plasma all across the station was the culprit in the case of Why THe Fuck is There Plasma in the Fucking Hallways, I was busy doing his job fixing the fucking APCs and wires that were broken because he was too busy fucking around with his autistic vanity shuttle.
For someone who said they "needed to go to bed" and wanted to hurry the whole thing up, you sure stayed up a while to write this.
wesoda25 wrote: i love alphonzo and he can be a lot of fun but bro you need to get laid come on
oranges wrote:
Misdoubtful wrote:We're all friends here.
What fucking planet are you living on
oranges wrote: i'm not taking advice from a bottom bitch
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Re: MrAlphonzo

Post by Misdoubtful » #683863

MrAlphonzo has chosen to retire.

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