Stripping players naked and other security things

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Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by rdght91 » #94393

While the wiki generally tells security players not to do this shit, in practice, it isn't against the rules for security to steal from people, jail for really petty things, hit people with excessive sentences, confiscate IDs, harmbaton, flash and stun compliant and restrained people, bucklecuff, add time randomly, ignore mitigating factors, etc even when they don't warrant it. And the problem is, if you retaliate in kind as a non head/sec to a person who is being shitty as a security officer, you 1. are probably going to lose and 2. give them a valid reason to be even shittier or even perma. When a security officer is toeing the line, there should be some system that first warns them to tone it down and then if they continue encourages rev or greytide like behavior as a counterplay to it. Because in practice, while security is generally far, far better than it was a long time ago, they're not much you can do if you're wronged by a security officer because the HOS is generally too busy and admins are not often going to intervene.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by lumipharon » #94404

It's called admins.

Seriously, ahelp shitters on either side.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by mosquitoman » #94408

Bucklecuffing happens almost every time a prisoner is brought to the brig. Sentences of 5 minutes or longer are also being given on a regular basis for the most mundane sh*t.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Loonikus » #94413

If they are really, truly objectively being shitcurity with no possible excuse and admins have said its an IC issue, take that as your signal that IC escalation is approved. Feel free to fuck with them, because its obviously an IC issue.

My favorite method is R-Walling the brig off. Welding the doors shut also works in a pinch. If you have the means, I also suggest quietly breaking into perma from space and planting tools so either you or someone else can escape perma.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Scones » #94421

Why is bucklecuffing an issue? So you guys can break lights and try to escape? If your sentence is >3 minutes, just resist out.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Ikarrus » #94473

mosquitoman wrote:Bucklecuffing happens almost every time a prisoner is brought to the brig. Sentences of 5 minutes or longer are also being given on a regular basis for the most mundane sh*t.
Bucklecuffing is a requirement these days because not doing so opens you up to Getting robusted, or if you're really unlucky, dead. After suffering one escape attempt you can imagine why some security officers always bedcuff now.

I'd blame the design of the brig itself instead of those who have to operate it.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Amelius » #94480

My experience is the opposite. Security isn't really anywhere near as shit in the past ever since that god-tier change that antag rolls are made before job rolls.

It doesn't need more regulation. I really really don't want this to be one of those 'hit someone with a long sentence because they're being a shitler, or you perma someone for walling the brig after doing a couple other petty crimes and you get bwoinked' nonsense. I detest those types that act like a complete ass to everyone, then adminhelp when they're finally perma'd, but they're surprisingly common, and often spout some impotent, nigh meta variant in perma of 'I'll be communing with the gods to have you removed unless you release me this instant'. Something that people seem to misunderstand, is that security exists to secure the station, surprisingly enough. That includes smaller crimes, and, so long as it doesn't ignore the larger picture (station is up in flames, malf, blob, etc.), even petty crimes shouldn't be ignored by a good officer. You can't even complain about an officer not following space law, considering these crimes are in there as well.

Also, by 'petty crimes', you're probably referring to B&E, because that's the most common 'bullshit' arrest by far. So basically you'd be complaining that security isn't letting you loot EVA every round, and you're deciding to be even MORE of a shit after being released (walling the brig etc.) to compensate. Jesus fuck.

Regardless, we need less admin intervention in security affairs if anything. That said, it's pretty obvious when a guard is being a complete shithead and needs to be bwoinked, but given that we've never in the past had such qualified HoSes these days, that conduct (or at least continued conduct) is few and far between.

If security always treats you like shit, it's probably because you're treating the law like shit and have a terrible attitude or a poor understanding of the situation (rev, gang, cult, etc.). Just my 2c.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by rdght91 » #94482

Ikarrus wrote:
mosquitoman wrote:Bucklecuffing happens almost every time a prisoner is brought to the brig. Sentences of 5 minutes or longer are also being given on a regular basis for the most mundane sh*t.
Bucklecuffing is a requirement these days because not doing so opens you up to Getting robusted, or if you're really unlucky, dead. After suffering one escape attempt you can imagine why some security officers always bedcuff now.

I'd blame the design of the brig itself instead of those who have to operate it.
If someone is being aggressive and trying to escape by all means leave them bucklecuffed.

This is for the type of officer and warden that randomly flash/pepperspray you, leave you there, etc. The types of people who do this shit also don't care if you're being compliant or not, and if you react to their shittiness, you've given them an excuse to fuck with you more, and other security officers are kinda forced to side with them unless you're lucky enough that others have noticed or cared about their behavior.

I'd be nice if once in a while people who do this stuff would get a voice in their head to tell them to knock it off and if they continue to be a dickhead, CENTCOM: OFFICER CHUCKLEFUCK IS SCHEDULED FOR DEMOTION TO ASSISTANT. PLEASE ASSIST HIM IN REMOVING HIS GEAR.

Unlike basically ever other person on the station, if do ANYTHING to fight back against a bad officer, your round is more likely than not going to be over. For example, I was waiting in life at the warden's desk requesting stuff for science, I saw the HOS, half the security team and warden getting wrecked by Pax who was escaping, so I ran up, grabbed a dropped baton, and subdued hin. The HOS cuffed him and dragged him off to the secure cell. The warden recovered, wordlessly stunned me, stripped my radio and threw me in jail for 5 minutes without responding to anything I was telling him or the HOS. I tried to resist out and knocked on my cell to get attention, warden came over, jammed on the flash and added more time. Eventually, I was able to flag down the HOS who released me, on my way out, I punched the warden one time, got tossed back into the cell for now 7 minutes where he continued to be a shit. I had ahelped, got "IC issue" and tried to get the HOS to help out IC, who just said, "well you did punch him and it wasn't that big a deal." The warden went braindead, so I stole his ID and uniform to escape, got caught, perma'ed. There really isn't much recourse if someone fucks you over as sec because you're just going to end up in perma or executed if it escalates.
So basically you'd be complaining that security isn't letting you loot EVA every round, and you're deciding to be even MORE of a shit after being released (walling the brig etc.) to compensate. Jesus fuck.

If security always treats you like shit, it's probably because you're treating the law like shit and have a terrible attitude or a poor understanding of the situation (rev, gang, cult, etc.). Just my 2c.
I usually play security. When I don't, I rarely have problems with security. What I am talking about generally applies to a very small number of sec players most of who are new. Not everything is a personal attack on you, no need to attack me.

The crimes in question that brought this up are getting stripped naked, robbed of ID, clothes and mask, and 5 minutes for slipping someone as clown, getting harmbatoned and threatened with perma (and stripped naked) as a clown because I got the HOP to give me brig access and refused to confess that the HOP did it, getting brigged FNR after having the entire sec team, getting all my engineering stuff stolen and brigged for 10 when an officer walked in on me trying to green light hack the security vending machine (stole nothing). Stuff like that. All of these cases were ruled IC, which is fine, but there isn't a lot of options because they're no way for other officers to know if you're just whining or their co-worker is a really being a shit.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by bandit » #94494

rdght91 wrote:While the wiki generally tells security players not to do this shit, in practice, it isn't against the rules for security to steal from people, jail for really petty things, hit people with excessive sentences, confiscate IDs, harmbaton, flash and stun compliant and restrained people, bucklecuff, add time randomly, ignore mitigating factors, etc even when they don't warrant it. And the problem is, if you retaliate in kind as a non head/sec to a person who is being shitty as a security officer, you 1. are probably going to lose and 2. give them a valid reason to be even shittier or even perma. When a security officer is toeing the line, there should be some system that first warns them to tone it down and then if they continue encourages rev or greytide like behavior as a counterplay to it. Because in practice, while security is generally far, far better than it was a long time ago, they're not much you can do if you're wronged by a security officer because the HOS is generally too busy and admins are not often going to intervene.
This used to be the lawyer and HoP, but policy changes and server settings have effectively pulverized that entire system. We're going to get threads like this regularly until that changes.
Unlike basically ever other person on the station, if do ANYTHING to fight back against a bad officer, your round is more likely than not going to be over. For example, I was waiting in life at the warden's desk requesting stuff for science, I saw the HOS, half the security team and warden getting wrecked by Pax who was escaping, so I ran up, grabbed a dropped baton, and subdued hin. The HOS cuffed him and dragged him off to the secure cell. The warden recovered, wordlessly stunned me, stripped my radio and threw me in jail for 5 minutes without responding to anything I was telling him or the HOS. I tried to resist out and knocked on my cell to get attention, warden came over, jammed on the flash and added more time. Eventually, I was able to flag down the HOS who released me, on my way out, I punched the warden one time, got tossed back into the cell for now 7 minutes where he continued to be a shit. I had ahelped, got "IC issue" and tried to get the HOS to help out IC, who just said, "well you did punch him and it wasn't that big a deal." The warden went braindead, so I stole his ID and uniform to escape, got caught, perma'ed. There really isn't much recourse if someone fucks you over as sec because you're just going to end up in perma or executed if it escalates.
Maybe try looking at this from security's point of view? They have no omniscient view into your intentions, they just see your actions. You:

- Took security equipment while security was chasing a runaway graytider
- Spammed chat once you were in the cell
- Decided to assault security after leaving
- Stole the warden's ID and uniform
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by TheNightingale » #94499

The general rule for Security (and talking to them) is that if you want to be treated nicely, be nice to the people with the tasers. It's their job to stop you turning the station into Wild West In Space, remember.

When brigging someone (non-perma), hold them over the locker, fully strip them sans-jumpsuit and shoes (if they're a clown or mime, they can probably keep the mask), bucklecuff them to the bed, close the locker, exit the cell and set the timer. Then you go back in and uncuff them if they're not resisting.

Being bucklecuffed for three minutes is nothing to cry home about. It's poor form on the officer's part, but calling them names means your timer goes up.

If a particular Security member has treated you poorly, take a look at what they've done. Did they walk into your cell and flash you a dozen times? Alright, that's pretty bad... and now take a look at what you've done. Were you banging on the window repeatedly, or hitting things with a broken lightbulb? That's probably why they flashed you. If, after careful evaluation, you find the Officer in question to be at fault... don't take matters into your own hands, because that's a crime, and that gets you back in the Brig (possibly under the supervision of the same person who annoyed you). Tell their superior - the HoS or Captain - or, if neither are on board, another Officer. (And if it's a team antag round like Revolution, that might be why.)

Any good Security member will, if you point out your compliancy and lack of resisting arrest (no, running away for five minutes and then handing yourself in doesn't count), take time off your sentence, so long as you behave in the cell as well. If you don't behave, don't be surprised when you end up with ten more Brute to the chest.

If Security is really being awful (flashes and peppersprays don't count, so long as you're not blinded), adminhelp it and explain the situation as best you can. And be mindful to see both sides of the justice coin:

You're on an ambitious space construction adventure, so you hack into EVA (using wirecutters) and take a space suit, jetpack, magboots and the RCD. Security comes to stop your fun; you RCD a wall in front of them and run away, hiding when they threaten to perma you.
From Security's point of view, you just broke into a restricted area and stole high-risk items, resisting arrest when they tried to stop you and causing a manhunt.

I'm not saying you can't go on your adventure (though at least use a multitool, cut doors are dangerous!), but wouldn't it have been easier to ask someone to let you in, to tell Security before you take the things, or even to just come quietly when they arrested you?
Let's try some more of this justice coin stuff. It works both ways, though.

You, an enterprising Officer who follows Space Law to the letter, have found a criminal scum breaking into the Vacant Office (you earlier heard they needed wood to renovate the bar). When you throw a flashbang at them, they run, and you immediately call the AI to bolt them in. They hack a door to escape the AI's justice, cutting the AI control wire, and are Detained by Officer Beepsky.

That's breaking and entering, attempted trespass, attempted theft, resisting arrest and vandalism! You give them a mere ten minutes for their crimes, confiscating their insulated gloves and toolbelt, and leaving them stripped in their cell and cuffed to the bed.

From their point of view, they just wanted wood, so tried to get some from a room nobody uses: when you threw a grenade at them, they ran, and tried to stop you doing it again by hacking a door the AI had bolted. Beepsky came and batoned them mercilessly before you arrived and restrained them, giving them ten minutes (three of which were spent resisting out of their cuffs and bed) in a 3x2 cell with no clothes or radio. They took your Engineering gear, too, which you needed to help renovate the Bar.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Scones » #94512

this isn't officer friendly's nicebaton academy

imo as a regular sec player the biggest issue in sec is noncommunicative sec players, they cause almost every possible issues including but limited to fnr briggings, prisoner abuse, and security miscommunication

if you are a 12yo/brazillian please do not play sec thanks
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #94519

In fact if you are a 12yo, adminPM an admin saying so, and answer "no" when they ask you if you're joking.
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by TheNightingale » #94521

Scones wrote:this isn't officer friendly's nicebaton academy

imo as a regular sec player the biggest issue in sec is noncommunicative sec players, they cause almost every possible issues including but limited to fnr briggings, prisoner abuse, and security miscommunication

if you are a 12yo/brazillian please do not play sec thanks
It's always Officer Friendly's nicebaton academy. If you're not politely asking your perp to come in for questioning, you're doing it wrong.
Welcome to Officer Friendly's Nicebaton Academy! Here, we'll teach all you aspiring Security Officers to maintain a positive outlook and be respected bt the community, not feared!

Firstly, when apprehending a suspect, make sure you know what they did. Ask them politely to come with you to the Brig for questioning, if they have time; if they refuse, ask them again, but this time you don't have to say please! Whilst you're doing that, you can set them to Arrest in case they run... but I'm sure they won't, right? After all, you asked nicely.

Secondly, if someone is being nice to you, be nice to them back! It's not much fun to lock people up in perma for the rest of the shift, so treat criminals with the same respect you'd like them to treat you. Get them a drink and a donut, maybe (when giving it to them, ask them not to attack you, or else they might try!), or reduce their sentence for good behaviour! On the other hand, if they're being a little rude, you can wait for them to calm down. Give them an extra minute for them to cool their head, and I guarantee when you let them out they'll be well-behaved! After all, that's the aim of punishments; to reform crooks into citizens.

On that note, you don't have to execute every Syndicate agent you see! Many of them are harmless, and perfectly willing to cooperate when you ask them in Interrogation. Help them get what they need, and politely but firmly insist they hand over their contraband and uplink, and you'll get along forever!

Thirdly, a good Officer maintains a public face. Whilst helmets and gas masks are all well and good, they don't exactly scream 'you can trust me!', do they? No, what you need is a beret or cap. Even better, wear a flower in your hair to ease interaction with the crew! They'll love it, I promise. If you can, get the winter coat from Security - ask the HoS very politely for the spare, maybe - and put that on. Not only can you store your taser in its storage, it also doubles as an armoured vest. It's always coat season in the Nicebaton Academy!

And finally, if all else fails and you find yourself dead in a maintenance shaft, six .357s in the skull, remember - at least you were nice. You know that Officer with the riot helmet, energy gun and flashbang? The one that tases, cuffs, searches and then asks questions? Nobody likes him. But now you've gone through Officer Friendly's Nicebaton Academy, you can be the shining example of a positive outlook this Security force needs!

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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Scones » #94526

when you've played security long enough you realize that the average criminal is so fucking dumb that it does not matter how you interact with him

you must simply arrest him and ignore his chat spam

security is about becoming jaded as fuck because the average player interaction is so stupid and shitty with sec that neither side wants to work with the other

make no mistakes, spam flashbangs, and secure the station.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by IcePacks » #94538

Ikarrus wrote: Bucklecuffing is a requirement these days because not doing so opens you up to getting robusted, or if you're really unlucky, dead. After suffering one escape attempt you can imagine why some security officers always bedcuff now.

I'd blame the design of the brig itself instead of those who have to operate it.
No, it isn't.

Take off all their stuff, put the jumpsuit on, cuff them to bed, set timer, take off handcuffs with baton in hand, stun them midway through, walk out of cell.

It's pathetically easy. "I suck at security" is not an excuse to suck at security.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Malkevin » #94541

Ikarrus wrote:
mosquitoman wrote:Bucklecuffing happens almost every time a prisoner is brought to the brig. Sentences of 5 minutes or longer are also being given on a regular basis for the most mundane sh*t.
Bucklecuffing is a requirement these days because not doing so opens you up to Getting robusted, or if you're really unlucky, dead. After suffering one escape attempt you can imagine why some security officers always bedcuff now.

I'd blame the design of the brig itself instead of those who have to operate it.
Didn't you design the brig?
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Scones » #94543

IcePacks wrote:
Ikarrus wrote: Bucklecuffing is a requirement these days because not doing so opens you up to getting robusted, or if you're really unlucky, dead. After suffering one escape attempt you can imagine why some security officers always bedcuff now.

I'd blame the design of the brig itself instead of those who have to operate it.
No, it isn't.

Take off all their stuff, put the jumpsuit on, cuff them to bed, set timer, take off handcuffs with baton in hand, stun them midway through, walk out of cell.

It's pathetically easy. "I suck at security" is not an excuse to suck at security.
Security has no obligation to take chances. Making you click two buttons over the course of three minutes when you would otherwise be standing still is such a laughable non-issue.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by ThatSlyFox » #94545

I tend to just leave them cuffed in a cell until they decide to try and run out like a ass. Then they get bucklecuffed and a harmbaton or two. HONK!
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Ikarrus » #94549

IcePacks wrote:
Ikarrus wrote: Bucklecuffing is a requirement these days because not doing so opens you up to getting robusted, or if you're really unlucky, dead. After suffering one escape attempt you can imagine why some security officers always bedcuff now.

I'd blame the design of the brig itself instead of those who have to operate it.
No, it isn't.

Take off all their stuff, put the jumpsuit on, cuff them to bed, set timer, take off handcuffs with baton in hand, stun them midway through, walk out of cell.

It's pathetically easy. "I suck at security" is not an excuse to suck at security.
That's true and I admit I do the same, but I find this to be an unintuitive and needlessly clumsy process to go through every time you arrest someone. The design of the brig itself is flawed if it demands officers to jump through hoops to do their basic job safely.

What I'd like to see is something that automates that process. A way to get people into the cell without having to juggle items.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Scones » #94552

Playerbase attitude issue if anything; maybe officers wouldn't do this if >50% of arrested people didn't try to make the great escape shoving and stripping you because you tried to do them the common courtesy of uncuffing.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Ikarrus » #94555

Malkevin wrote:Didn't you design the brig?
I designed the layout, but I haven't really touched on the interactions between an arresting officer and the prisoner yet.

I don't think it's something you can fix just by adjusting the map. At least, I don't want to simply put a disposal chute there. It needs something more elegant.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Lumbermancer » #94556

steal from people
If you were caught breaking into places, I will confiscate your toolbelt and gloves without hesitation.
flash and stun compliant and restrained people, bucklecuff,
That's how I do it. You are buckled to bed in cell, I then proceed to remove all items from you except clothes, PDA and Radio and put them into locker. I then go out and set your time. I then get back in cell and uncuff you, when you are uncuffed I will stun prod you, pick cuffs, and leave cell. That's my procedure.
if you retaliate in kind as a non head/sec to a person who is being shitty as a security officer
Do not retaliate, complain to head of your department, to HoS, HoP, Captain and Lawyers. Or even other Officers.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by pizzaboynotip » #94563

TheNightingale wrote:
Scones wrote:this isn't officer friendly's nicebaton academy

imo as a regular sec player the biggest issue in sec is noncommunicative sec players, they cause almost every possible issues including but limited to fnr briggings, prisoner abuse, and security miscommunication

if you are a 12yo/brazillian please do not play sec thanks
It's always Officer Friendly's nicebaton academy. If you're not politely asking your perp to come in for questioning, you're doing it wrong.
Welcome to Officer Friendly's Nicebaton Academy! Here, we'll teach all you aspiring Security Officers to maintain a positive outlook and be respected bt the community, not feared!

Firstly, when apprehending a suspect, make sure you know what they did. Ask them politely to come with you to the Brig for questioning, if they have time; if they refuse, ask them again, but this time you don't have to say please! Whilst you're doing that, you can set them to Arrest in case they run... but I'm sure they won't, right? After all, you asked nicely.

Secondly, if someone is being nice to you, be nice to them back! It's not much fun to lock people up in perma for the rest of the shift, so treat criminals with the same respect you'd like them to treat you. Get them a drink and a donut, maybe (when giving it to them, ask them not to attack you, or else they might try!), or reduce their sentence for good behaviour! On the other hand, if they're being a little rude, you can wait for them to calm down. Give them an extra minute for them to cool their head, and I guarantee when you let them out they'll be well-behaved! After all, that's the aim of punishments; to reform crooks into citizens.

On that note, you don't have to execute every Syndicate agent you see! Many of them are harmless, and perfectly willing to cooperate when you ask them in Interrogation. Help them get what they need, and politely but firmly insist they hand over their contraband and uplink, and you'll get along forever!

Thirdly, a good Officer maintains a public face. Whilst helmets and gas masks are all well and good, they don't exactly scream 'you can trust me!', do they? No, what you need is a beret or cap. Even better, wear a flower in your hair to ease interaction with the crew! They'll love it, I promise. If you can, get the winter coat from Security - ask the HoS very politely for the spare, maybe - and put that on. Not only can you store your taser in its storage, it also doubles as an armoured vest. It's always coat season in the Nicebaton Academy!

And finally, if all else fails and you find yourself dead in a maintenance shaft, six .357s in the skull, remember - at least you were nice. You know that Officer with the riot helmet, energy gun and flashbang? The one that tases, cuffs, searches and then asks questions? Nobody likes him. But now you've gone through Officer Friendly's Nicebaton Academy, you can be the shining example of a positive outlook this Security force needs!

Sign up today for only (S)34.99 and get your very own frosted donut!
It never works, but it's the thought that counts

This needs to be made into a video tutorial. This is hilariously over-the-top, but a pretty refreshing way to look at sec, for sure.

Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Malkevin » #94569

Scones wrote:when you've played security long enough you realize that the average criminal is so fucking dumb that it does not matter how you interact with him

you must simply arrest him and ignore his chat spam

security is about becoming jaded as fuck because the average player interaction is so stupid and shitty with sec that neither side wants to work with the other

make no mistakes, spam flashbangs, and secure the station.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by IcePacks » #94612

Ikarrus wrote: What I'd like to see is something that automates that process. A way to get people into the cell without having to juggle items.
Why? Just promote the correct method. We don't need a Nude-O-Bot or an asswiper 4000. Just do your damn job properly, and understand that you may have to spend more then ten seconds doing the same thing.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Ikarrus » #94624

I'm just saying that officers are heavy handed because current conditions encourage such behavior.

And If this sort of behavior is something we want to change, we should look to make alternatives more attractive to use.

I'm sure you're fine with the way things currently are, though, as Bryce Pax seems to enjoy making things difficult for security.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by imblyings » #94645

Bucklecuffing is only dumb because you essentially give the prisoner a pair of cuffs they can use to try and disarm/push/cuff you, otherwise it's entirely a non-issue, stop crying about it.

Stealing however, is an issue kinda. I've seen plenty of ahelps now where people complain about an officer stealing something that isn't contraband and how trying to get it back is rather hard to do since either no one cares or it just ends in more tears and conflict if they try to take it back themselves. Maybe security officers need to be held to a higher standard for theft?
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #94648

Thats what zipties are for.
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Byond Username: Incomptinence

Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Incomptinence » #94651

My standard procedure is I have you buckled to the bed while I determine the time then I come in stun and uncuff after setting it. I might change people with toolbelts into a prison jumpsuit since it is about as much effort and empties their pockets too, only for a long enough sentence that I would put the backpack in the locker though. For short sentences well anyone trying to break out from a 2 minute sentence will get into more trouble anyway.
Unless I am lagging buckle cuff set stun uncuff keeps brig yakety to a minimum.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by mosquitoman » #94672

Incomptinence wrote:My standard procedure is I have you buckled to the bed while I determine the time then I come in stun and uncuff after setting it. I might change people with toolbelts into a prison jumpsuit since it is about as much effort and empties their pockets too, only for a long enough sentence that I would put the backpack in the locker though. For short sentences well anyone trying to break out from a 2 minute sentence will get into more trouble anyway.
Unless I am lagging buckle cuff set stun uncuff keeps brig yakety to a minimum.
where are you playing? on sybil everyone strips you down to your jumpsuit often taking away even the headset and bucklecuffs you even when setting the timer to 2 minutes
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Lumbermancer » #94676

mosquitoman wrote: on sybil everyone strips you down to your jumpsuit often taking away even the headset and bucklecuffs you even when setting the timer to 2 minutes
Good, that's the procedure that guarantees safety, IF they uncuff you after time is set. Try doing it without bucklecuffing, lets see how many times you get disarmed, slipped, and/or they will waltz out of the cell.

Even if I not bucklecuff, and instead say something like: "Do not get up from bed until I clear the cell", people rarely give a fuck. Bucklecuffing people to remove their items and set time makes the whole ordeal much simpler and faster.

Unless by bucklecuffing you mean leaving person in cell bucklecuffed with timer running, that's generally unacceptable.
aka Schlomo Gaskin aka Guru Meditation aka Copyright Alright aka Topkek McHonk aka Le Rouge

Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Malkevin » #94677

Stop yelling over the radio that you've been brigged by security for 'no reason' and they won't take your headset

I always find it funny when I don't have enough time to immediately unbuckle cuff someone then I come back and find they've pocketed my cuffs, it's hilarious how much they scream like a banshee because I've had to come back in and stun cuff them again to get my cuffs back.
If they're especially being a cry baby cunt it gives me great pleasure at their reaction to getting a couple of extra minutes tacked on for theft

Also, God damn incompetence, way to live up to your name.
You always strip off their back pack. Aside from taking a peek to see what shit they've also stolen you should do it because their internals can be used to escape
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Amnestik » #94685

Malkevin wrote:Stop yelling over the radio that you've been brigged by security for 'no reason' and they won't take your headset
You don't actually need to take their headset. Nobody takes it seriously when people complain about security, even if their reasons are valid.

Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Malkevin » #94690

Its still annoying for everyone and crucially it blocks comms when they're spamming.

And there are still people that take it as an excuse to do a 'rescue' attempt.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #94695

If they're spamming comms to the point where nobody can hear anything at all, don't be surprised if they suddenly vanish or go braindead. Even antag's aren't allowed to shit the chatbox up totally and entirely, apparently.
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by TheNightingale » #94700

Their headset is a privilege, not a right: if they're abusing it ("HALP SECURITY GRIFFON ME", "THIS IS ABOOSE", "VIVA"), they lose their headset. That, and possibly charges for inciting a riot...

If they're actually a fairly well-behaved person who committed a crime (it happens sometimes!), give them a minute off for good behaviour. Sometimes I'll let them keep their things (after a quick search), so long as they promise not to break out.

If they're really well-behaved: They keep all their things in the cell (except contraband), they get a minute off, and I stay and talk to them for the remaining ~4 minutes.
If they're moderately well-behaved: They keep the things they probably can't break out with (e.g. MedHUD, hat, coat, shoes, bike horn), maybe get a minute off when I come back.
If they're not at all well-behaved: They lose their headset and everything except their jumpsuit.
If they're Hitler's reincarnation: Their headset and jumpsuit go 'missing', and the AI looks away whilst we re-educate them.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Falamazeer » #94713

seeing a lot of bitching about buckle cuffing, and that's retarded, anyone bitching about bucklecuffing is just parroting someone who parroted someone who said it ironicly from back when it actually did suck, You used to be locked forever unable to resist off a bed or chair until someone let you out.'

Just resist out, Put a bruise pack on your feelings and get the fuck over it.

As far as robbing prisoners goes, If you use your tools or items for your crime, I'm taking them, You clearly cannot be trusted with them, If the HoP is throwing out access to sec for funsies, Your ID might be taken too, Sort it out when a new HoP is chosen, sorry, Your radio stays if you don't use words like shitcuirty, aboose! KILLING ME! and the like, Illegal weapons of any kind, stolen gear to begin with, all that is gone, not all sec theft is theft, So long as there is a bit of clarity on that point, we're good, other theft, removal of toolbelt so an officer can wear it, same with gloves and other useful doodads is utter horse shit, but It's no less horseshit that the tenthousand other "IC Issue" thefts that non sec do every single round, steal the armory? IC I'm told, Rob an officer down to nude and run off with his name and ID? IC issue, theft is theft is theft

Basically, and I say this ironically, Check your crew privilege, Your shit stinks just as bad, but either it's fine on both sides of the thin red line, or it isn't.


Stripping, Sorry, There is just something satisfying about making you waste your time clicking every item you own into place, especially after Mines been wasted running you down during yackity sax,

Beating prisoners is one of the worst things you can do as security, especially in public, random crewmembers who might never have bothered you are suddenly thrown to the wayside in favor of a spontaneous rev round, It'd be one thing if only the beater got got, but that's never the case, Beating a prisoner exposes security to a variety of new issues and it never works out well for anyone involved. the same can be said for the other sadistic items on the list here, Adding time, ignoring mitigating factors, excessive timers, never saying why the subject is under arrest(Silent justice is bad)
Ham Sammich, beating a dead horse since 2010.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Steelpoint » #94715

I would add to that and you should never actually beat or hit a prisoner in public or in public view even when you have the clear authority to do so. Even just hitting someone once can suddenly see a lot of the crew turn against you.

Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Malkevin » #94717

Which is why I use the gulag as a corpse storage unit.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Scones » #94735

Falamazeer wrote:Just resist out, Put a bruise pack on your feelings and get the fuck over it.
Thread's closed.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by bandit » #94792

The "omg security doesn't tell me why I'm being arrested!" meme is my least favorite. Guess what? THE OFFICER IS BUSY TYPING SHIT TO MOVE. Typing involves not moving, and unfortunately the playerbase is the kind who will drag away prisoners for shits and giggles. If you can type while simultaneously pressing arrow keys to get to the brig, I salute you.

Funnily enough, prisoners don't have to press arrow keys when they are in cuffs, giving them plenty of free time to whine.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by IcePacks » #94807

Ikarrus wrote:I'm just saying that officers are heavy handed because current conditions encourage such behavior.

And If this sort of behavior is something we want to change, we should look to make alternatives more attractive to use.

I'm sure you're fine with the way things currently are, though, as Bryce Pax seems to enjoy making things difficult for security.
Officers are heavy-handed because they have little to no guidance, inside the game or out. Add a tip of the round telling players how to properly process criminals. Put the correct method in a book. If you see a fellow officer struggling with an arrest, tell him how to do it properly. I've seen better security back when the main station only had one brig cell with no remote controlled flasher, just a set of remote-controlled windoors, with no reinforced windows.

If you think it's just me that would use a toolbelt left in my possession by security, or run through a door left ajar, or snag a stray gun if my arrest is being handled incorrectly, go ahead and give the opportunity to anyone else.

The only issue with security is consistent lack of education. If you want to see an improvement, teach the next generation of players to suck less at security. Any time's a good time.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Cheimon » #94826

Everyone seems to have their own personal method of brigging someone, though. You get into a discussion about it and quite often everyone involved will just spend 5 minutes arguing.

Ultimately I reckon the amount of heavy handedness I use when brigging someone is based on (a) whether their crime was violent, (b) whether they resisted arrest, and (c) whether they've said anything to make me think they'll try to start stuff, e.g. 'viva!' 'shitcurity!' 'help im being arrest'.

If they haven't done any of that, then quite often (depends if I'm alone or not) I'll search them, give back their stuff, bucklecuff, set the timer, and then unbuckle and uncuff them before going out to fill in the records, or whatever. It doesn't always work but I've found outliers are refreshingly rare, and if someone does try to start shit then obviously I can throw the book at them (kit's getting locked away, lots of stuff is getting confiscated, and the cuffs are staying on while I leave, only to check back in a minute). I find the most dangerous time to be an officer is absolutely when you're arresting people, and if they're only starting stuff in the brig it's normally manageable.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by mosquitoman » #94829

Falamazeer wrote: Stripping, Sorry, There is just something satisfying about making you waste your time clicking every item you own into place, especially after Mines been wasted running you down during yackity sax,
And this is why you should never play security again and deserve to be tabled/stunned/robbed as many times as humanly possible every time you do. That's the attitude of a retarded powertripper, not a responsible and mature security officer.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Scones » #94834

sec behavior is determined by the contentious patterns of interaction and behavior they have with non-sec, not the other way around

if you want sec to improve behavior, YOU HAVE TO BE THE BIGGER MAN AND IMPROVE YOURS.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Falamazeer » #94835

mosquitoman wrote:
Falamazeer wrote: Stripping, Sorry, There is just something satisfying about making you waste your time clicking every item you own into place, especially after Mines been wasted running you down during yackity sax,
And this is why you should never play security again and deserve to be tabled/stunned/robbed as many times as humanly possible every time you do. That's the attitude of a retarded powertripper, not a responsible and mature security officer.
And your mother is a whore as well.

It's not like I strip every prisoner I bring in, Just the really big cock heads. I get one like that maybe once a month, and if you can't live with that margin of error, Maybe you need to work on you and shut up with your unrealistic standards of behavior in 2d spessman.

I take it back, I'm not sorry, It's a petty guilty pleasure of dicking with a shitler, So suck it up, wipe your tears and stop blubbering.
Ham Sammich, beating a dead horse since 2010.
NikNakFlak wrote:....It's true...that is why I removed my forum avatar
lumipharon wrote:ass parasite was pretty meh when I tried it.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by mosquitoman » #94840

I seriously hope you're not older than 17.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by Falamazeer » #94856

i hope you don't breed.
Ham Sammich, beating a dead horse since 2010.
NikNakFlak wrote:....It's true...that is why I removed my forum avatar
lumipharon wrote:ass parasite was pretty meh when I tried it.
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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by DemonFiren » #94860

I hope you both shut up, ideally by an admin getting to this thread.

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Re: Stripping players naked and other security things

Post by John_Oxford » #94890


Security is Shitcurity because crew is shitcrew.

Ying and Yang motherfucker.
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TechnoAlchemist wrote:you where always right john, you where always right
>implying the admin conspiracy wasen't just confirmed by a admin.
see, i told you motherfuckers.
NikNakFlak wrote:this isn't a game you can't just post whenever you want
I don't even know what the fuck tg is.



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