Xenobiology emergency containment system

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Joined: Wed Aug 07, 2019 11:16 pm
Byond Username: OFQ

Xenobiology emergency containment system

Post by OFQ » #506637

On most maps Xeno is a secluded area with a tunnel but its unique layout is kinda wasted. I have an idea how to full realize its potential.

Short description: Add Xenobiology emergency containment system that can be activated from RD office or from Xeno itself.

Game mechanics:
When activated it starts short countdown during witch the same button can be used to abort the containment protocol. At T-minus 10 Xeno airlock and glass windows are closed with blast proof shutters. Finally, at the end of the countdown small yield explosive devices are triggered in the tunnel one by one - Xenobio getting separated from the rest of the station for good and emergency supply locker inside Xeno become unlocked. The locker can contain something like a SMES, plasma generator boards, some plasma sheets, toolbox, gloves, medkit, two o2 tanks, fire extinguishers and masks + emergency protocol brochure. Could go a bit in a dark humor area and add cyanide for the weak souls that don't want to get eaten alive by the xenos or suffocate/burn in plasma/fire. Also some strong alcohol could be great. Give them the best that Nanotrans can provide... For the last meal.

  1. First and foremost it is cool.
  2. In cult/revs rounds it can replace unimmersive mechanics of building walls in the Xeno tunnel and in-front of windows as a slightly autistic xenomemer that simply wants to breed slimes on his/her ranch.
  3. A way to bestow harsh but just punishment on a Xenotroll that breeds hordes of wild and dangerously deranged animals with greytide souls that can't stop themselves from griefing. Or how about sending uranium golems to work at medbey? Plasma golems as SM/atoms engies? Just lock it down!
  4. it will allow more xenomorph rounds since now xenobiology can be locked more securely and in the worst case scenario crew will have more time to prepare and purge it.
  5. While providing decent containment any Xenobiologist worth its salt (jelly ?) can eventually break out in a numerous ways. Same with breaking in.
  6. Xenobio now can be bullied by RD into actually helping the station unless they want to get separated from that sweet sweet plasma supply that they always steal while they can make their own plasma, lazy slimes...
  7. When visited by a syndicate operative or any other antag brave and heroic scientists can use emergency containment system as a mutual assured destruction strategy instead of simply handing out slime cores and other spoils in a desperate attempt to avoid beating.
  8. Station wide countdown and series of explosions near xeno will send chills down crew's spines. What is going on!!? Are we all gonna die? Are we getting locked out of Xeno or it locked itself out? What if an ingenious traitor inside Xeno making an army of self replicating cardboard golemes? We will be overrun!
Joined: Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:58 pm
Byond Username: Stillplant

Re: Xenobiology emergency containment system

Post by Stillplant » #507215

FIrst of all, on Meta at least, RD can already lockdown Xenobio. Speaking of Meta, that is the only station where Xenobio is separated by a little tunnel from the main station, so this would only work on meta.
Joined: Wed Aug 07, 2019 11:16 pm
Byond Username: OFQ

Re: Xenobiology emergency containment system

Post by OFQ » #507773

Oof its just we play meta all the time you are right.
FIrst of all, on Meta at least, RD can already lockdown Xenobio.
It will lock-down entire science I think.
Joined: Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:58 pm
Byond Username: Stillplant

Re: Xenobiology emergency containment system

Post by Stillplant » #507984

I think Toxins and Xenobio can be locked down separately.
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