Deep Core Drilling

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Joined: Tue Sep 05, 2023 10:56 pm
Byond Username: OctogonapusMD

Deep Core Drilling

Post by OctogonapusMD » #702829

Deep Core Drilling, TG style
All of this refers to Lavaland Mining, but Icebox can easily work with this

Me and the boys in TGeneral thought about bitrunners and miners and said “just add Deep Dives'’ so here I am writing about it on a google doc because the forums are down. Enjoy?

The Drill

You and your dwarven wanna-be’s in arms head to the Deep Drill Pod which (at least in my vision) will have 4 seats (so you aren't constantly falling when the drill moves) and a few turrets with a big (but limited) charge (or bullets if that's your thing). On paper it's very close to the aux base but with a giant Drill attached to the bottom. In the middle there will be a console to start up the Deep Drill and the Cargo Hold for all the goodies the Miner’s find and the console can show the list of things you have collected. Miners must slide their ID’s on the Mission Control Console to be able to be sent down with the Drill, otherwise it will not go. “Unauthorized Lifeforms aboard” this will also connect their suit sensors to the drill in the event the miners die.

Deep Caverns

Just like lavaland itself Deep Caverns will be randomly generated but on a smaller scale then surface lavaland. Mission types (explained later) will have an effect on how these are generated and will (should) always have a little extra of the mission objective so miners won't be stuck looking for the very last objective piece. caverns should be at least 2 Z levels. The Drill is equipped with extendable walkways that can go down these z levels for ease of moving up and down. All caverns will contain a new ore (rip off nitra) which can be spent at the Drill Console to call down medical supplies in dire situations, there won't be a lot of nitra and if you can't get enough for a pod (50 nitra each) you can pay with credits instead (1 nitra = 5 credits or 250 total for a pod) optionally for this miners can just request a medical pod from the station itself and medical workers will have to supply the needed supplies for the pod, costing 50 credits to call for it….hopefully someone listens.

Mission Types

You can't just launch yourself into the crust of the planet without a mission, too expensive for NT to do that, No instead you have to accept missions from the station’s Mission Control Console before launch, these missions should be already loaded before the round starts as it will determine the caverns on lavaland sizes and such. There should be at most 6 missions available per round. 2 Elite ones that must be unlocked by completing the other normal missions

1. Mineral Extraction: Miners will mine X amount of Y minerals, these minerals are more abundant in this cavern than the surface and could really benefit the station if you just can't find any above.

2. Geyser Pockets: Miners will have to fill 3-4 canisters of Y Chem from 3-4 Geyser’s around the cavern, Centcomm will send down these special canisters once you reach the cavern, they can be attached to the Drill once full, waves of mobs will come every once in a while while your gathering.

3. Elite Mob Extermination: Mobs deep below have been causing trouble, miners will have to defeat X mobs and bring back trophies to the Drill cargo hold.

4. Elite Missions: Two at once pretty much. But it comes with double the chances of lavaland loot/ruins. It works by forcing you to finish one mission and head straight into the next to fully complete it. Only available after finishing all normal missions.

Reasons to Dive
Of course miners won't be content with going to such dangerous lengths just to gather extra materials so with the dives there are guaranteed Rewards shown on the Mission control console. Which can be simply just Credits/Extra Mining Points to exotic loot depending on the danger level of the mission (cave size to mob ratio = higher danger ratio) and each cavern has a chance to also include a rare ruin.

Unknown Threats

On your diving exhibitions the threat level could be faulty and the cavern can include Dangerous threats such as bosses or Syndicate Mining operations to impede miners with of course added reward should they prevail.

Failure of a mission

Failing a mission can mean two things, you all die a horrible death or you retreat before that happens. If all miners are on the Drill and desire to leave early they can but will not earn the guaranteed reward from mission completion and will have funds from their bank account deducted, ranging from 200-500 credit deduction, if they do not have the credits needed then they will go into debt. The Mission can not be repeated and will lock off Elite missions because they cannot complete it. The resources that were collected will still be in the Deep Drill. If instead all miners are dead (keep those sensors on) the Drill will report so to medical and the medical supply pod can be deployed with EMT members inside if they so choose to save them….good luck with that.

The Bullshit Mission Prevention Scanner
Or BMPS for short, can be activated if miners cannot find the mission objective within the cavern, a simple map layout of the cavern will be revealed on the Deep Drill Console for a 50% credit reward reduction or a normal small credit reward if no credit reward was offered for mission completion. This will prevent the cavern generation fucking over miners if they cant find it.
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