Dead By Daylight

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Re: Dead By Daylight - Bill is here... uh ok

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #286082

Bottom post of the previous page:

Sounds great!
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Bill is here... uh ok

Post by DrPillzRedux » #286087

play with me crag
thot_slayer wrote:don't be a degenerate online if you don't want people to treat you like a degenerate morty
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a correct post by pillz
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Bill is here... uh ok

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #286089

I will as soon as I can. The beta was the most fun I had in a while. I made endgamer azari and anon3 spookied up.
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Bill is here... uh ok

Post by dezzmont » #286116

Wraith is seeing play in high end matches because now starting a chase real close is actually helpful in finishing a chase, rather than completely worthless.

He isn't broken, still countered by keeping good awareness, but it is just so damn delightful, even for a player like me who enjoys escaping by running rather than hiding, that you gotta use your brain a lot more to do it. Because the killer more often than not now has more limited vision complicated ruins become an even more amazing place to do a double back because suddenly everything has the glowy trail and he can't really see all too well to notice you actually got behind him and are now running in the opposite direction down your own path.

Also I noticed more people are spectating and more people are talking to the killer post-game because shit is so close and just so interactive that you weirdly sorta care about the people you are murdering/that are murdering you because things just... happen a lot now. Rescues are common because the killer needs to check the generators they damaged to see which ones the survivors are camping, survivors get picked up more because the killer often just doesn't hook them because they don't feel like they have the time to do it or because they feel the hook is too far away. It used to be if every survivor lived the game felt kinda flat but it now always is this super insane struggle and takes quite a lot longer than it used to but in a good way and the end of the game is so cathartic regardless of your side you just wanna like... talk about it.
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by DrPillzRedux » #320946

New DLC is out. Axe throwing Russian lady who hums during the match, a Russian guy in a track suit, and a rainy forest map. Everyone is praising it as good DLC. It's free as well.

thot_slayer wrote:don't be a degenerate online if you don't want people to treat you like a degenerate morty
bandit wrote:what is this

a correct post by pillz
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by dezzmont » #337202

New killer is Leatherface! No new survivor to go with him.

It is really interesting how they kept him distinct in play from the Hillbilly. He is a lot less about suddenly running people down out of the blue and is much more about absolutely, brutally, horifically punishing survivors who play "Overtly" against him. Bodyblocking shots does not work. Pack running does not work. He is slower than average and has a larger terror radius but he just doles out instant downs in an AOE around himself with a minor speed up while using his saw.

His perks further encourage absolutely tossing survivors in the dumpster for trying to do cheap SWF tricks. He gets automatic vision of all survivors outside a certain range when he hooks someone, meaning he knows full well if someone is going to attempt a rescue and no matter what gets bonus points when someone is hooked. This is what the devs were talking about in terms of an ability that rewards you for not camping, but its brilliant because its NOT countered by rushing the hook, because its still IDEAL for Leatherface if you come to the hook for him. It is just now that if he has this he has to be even more reactionary to what the survivors do, because the brief window of sight is when you have to make your choice. Knockout seems to punish solo players more than coop, and makes it so survivors don't see the aura of downed survivors outside of a certain range. This may make self revive abilities actually relevant. Finally he is the one getting the ability to knock shit out of people's hands, meaning that he can counter self heal or flashlight builds really heavily.

His weakness is poor map presence, he basically struggles to patrol because he doesn't have any ranged threat and his ability only minorly helps a chase by making it so you don't need to dedicate effort to a swing (Yeah its an instant down with a speed boost but its actually surprisingly easy to avoid if your careful), and this combined with a larger radius warning people your coming and slower speed means people have a LOT of time to hide. A lot of people are talking building anti-generator on him to make it so that your able to have time to find people. Basically he forces you to play DBD "Honestly" as a survivor, a lot like nurse.

Also perk rebalance and movement rebalance. Survivors now move MUCH faster when crouching (and if you have maxed urban evasion you move almost as fast as if you were walking) and are a bit slower hopping windows and ledges. The killer is a bit faster hopping ledges as well, and is now 20% faster breaking pallets, but brutal strength got nerfed a bit to make sure it wasn't too bonkers fast. You still have a large advantage on the killer but it means that mindlessly looping a building is now a really bad idea, and now killers don't NEED brutal strength to function.

Slippery meat was made worse on its own but significantly better with luck upgrades because instead of increasing your chance of getting off the hook it gives you extra tries. This means with a full up the ante, with no offerings, you have a 65% chance to just get off the hook if you try, as opposed to the 50% shot you had before. It also makes luck items much stronger with slippery meat, if you have ante and a cream chalk pouch your looking at a 75% escape rate. If multiple people have up the ante then slippery meat goes full insanity tier. It is also significantly better at helping you escape bear traps, assuming no upgrades to the trap maxed slippery meat gives you a 75% chance to escape the trap rather than 60% and makes escaping upgraded traps feasable.

Self care no longer makes healing tests harder, but overall doesn't make self heal as efficient. This means to consistently do it with a first aid kit requires botany knowledge, so your eating two perks to self heal. However without a kit its now much easier to be quiet. In other healing news, camping first aid kits are no longer useless, as they can heal a full health level by default now, and emergency medkits have more charge.

Some of the old chuff perks were buffed. This is not happening now makes great checks much more likely, and resilience is significantly better, so it is worth considering in a injury build. Distressing now gives a 100% bonus to deviousness, and overwhelming presence makes items lose charge twice as fast rather than half and again as fast, making aura builds significantly better. Unnerving presence is also strong. Its not feasable to put all your eggs in this basket still in my opinion but radius builds may crop up on unusual customers now. For example Nurse may start packing it along with Franklin's Demise to basically blow up people's item's like crazy.

Borrowed time was nerfed significantly, even at max rank your cushon of bleedout is small enough that you can still be tunneled, as opposed to previously where the killer just couldn't devote that time to you. It still has the problem where it directly encourages killers to focus the hooked player.

All in all the changes clearly are based around encouraging quieter play from survivors without totally removing the ability to play overtly. Many of the strongest perks now require supporting perks, and many weaker perks now work better with supporting perks. Survivor AND killer builds should have more variety.
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #337279

Maybe hillbilly will get his saw replaced by a circular saw
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by dezzmont » #337802

Its not hard to survive against a nurse when you deserve to survive against them, because her patrol is so garbage. Blink means that chases are brutal, but nurse has no detection and terrible patrol. Just never heal another survivor or even yourself, and always focus on keeping an eye on her while hiding so you can predict her movements. Again, she forces you to play "Honestly" in that its way less a game of "Lel juke" and more a psychological hide and seek.

Bloodlust is a really poor solution to windows because unlike pallets they are permanent, and windows are designed to be a big distance gap for the survivors. The problem with old windows is that they effectively ended the chase on many maps, such as the slaughterhouse window. Bloodlust works on pallets because no matter what if someone tries to pallet loop you can maintain LOS to bloodlust, but that doesn't work on windows.

Urban Evasion was a complete joke and desperately needed the buff. The buff also doesn't, despite what many stupid rank 10ers will say, make you "fast." What it does is make sneaking on a soft gen patrol easier. You should still observe the killer and learn their patrol styles. Some killers you want to hide literally behind the gen just because they look at it as a glance, some you hide a bit off gen and as they start their 30 second long sweep of the area around the gen you book it out. Urban evasion only makes the mid grade sweeps where the guy checks around an obstacle but does it close up easier to survive, and honestly I suspect it won't actually be auto include once the hype dies down because that is more bad killer technique than Urban Evasion saving you. I can only think of 1-2 obstacles on Estate and Junkyard that actually benefit from urban evasion. Most other gen site hiding spots are small enough to circle without UE. While it makes crouching FEEL better, I am already considering taking it off to put Quick and Quiet back on, which both helps with suddenly ghosting a site just like UE while also sometimes saving me in direct chases. It doesn't help that any sort of site hiding is an absolutely stupid idea to depend on unless you confirm the killer does not have whispers.

The changes force survivors to play more silently because that is the direction the game is going hard in, after 2 patches ago where survivors would literally just run at the killer all day with no consequences. You now lost a lot of tools that were radically overpowered in letting you just try to bodyslam the killer and eat a hit, and killers have more tools to punish people who causally connect with them. However those tools have costs, and that cost is that you can't easily fit anti-gen or detection perks in with them. This means that even as killers do more seeking survivors still have the upper hand.

Playing the game as it was intended, as hide and seek, was always in the long term optimal because when survivors gain exploitative tools in patches they tend to get ground into the dirt. Loopers for example went from rank 1 players to rank 20s when the safe pallets were reduced to compensate for vacuum pallets because they just didn't develop core gameplay skills. But the best survivors are ones from the beta who play conservatively and cautiously despite the beta having worse looping issues, because in the beta you didn't have access to broken garbage. You just had to actually get good at evading the killer.

And yeah. It sucks that Leatherface is both paid and is a killer one of the original 3 is based on. But his ability is unique, good for the game, and his perks are as well, and I really like "canon" killers in this game existing to the point I forgive the necessity that it is a paid killer. In Payday 2 movie characters, especially Scarface, are garbage and distracting, where as in DBD its really awesome we are getting these slashers.

It also came out right on the heels of a really really really good free update and a massive balance change the game really needed to continue being playable, so I am fine with it. The big issue is that its DLC with no survivor content, but at the same time its 4 dollars rather than 10 which isn't too bad. But it does still create the issue that people who aren't really into playing killer are unlikely to get it, meaning they won't have a tool for taking high rank SWF groups who are overly cocky and haven't really learned how to play the game and shoving them straiiiiight into the garbage.

Also, protip because I see people making this mistake too often: While vs any killer rushing the hook for a rescue is bad, vs Leatherface you literally instantly lose the round if anyone does that. So don't fucking do that. Leatherface is the developers shouting in the survivor's face as loud as they can "We don't give a shit if you don't like the fact the killer can stop a rescue.
It is one of the things they are supposed to do!"
Like just don't fucking do it man just repair a generator and don't rescue till you confirm that Leatherface left, confirming kills is literally his entire god damn character holy shit.

And yes, he is easier to escape on foot than most other killers. He has similar to Huntress speed and his item slows him down before speeding him up making terrain his enemy. His gimmick is that he has total control over space so if you don't respect him he will just teamwipe.
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by dezzmont » #338000

CosmicScientist wrote:Camping is bad gameplay rather than possibly the most interesting exchange in DBD.
At higher ranks the inability of the killer to stop an unhooking despite literally facecamping it was causing killers to leave the game in droves. I enjoy no longer having a 20 minute wait time for survivor games when I get below rank 7, which was literally what was happening. Survivors just were unable to be punished for literally running directly at the killer, which was bad. The devs finally wised up and stopped balancing the game for the rank 20 survivors, which is good because survivor was so easy I literally stopped playing it for about 3 months despite being a survivor main.

Yes. Leatherface dumpsters on rank 20 a bit. But if your remotely smart you can easily just bang out 2 gens by not falling for his basement trick (and if you get caught first you categorically deserve to die anyway, its REALLY not hard to avoid dying first) and repairing 2 gens during the camp, which is the tactic you use vs campers. Like if your remotely good as a survivor a camper is a free win because you can very easily pull a double gen hatch escape.

Leatherface has one camping perk, but the perk just rewards him for correctly interacting with camping, not for actually camping. Basically it rewards him for correctly anticipating the survivors, because he gets double BP for interactions with him. This means that if survivors don't fast rescue, he must leave the hook, and if they do, he must stay. It is basically distilling the intended play around camping, the idea that the killer's choice in the matter is entirely determined by what the survivors do, into a super focused moment that will weed out any survivor who can't understand that camping is so baked into the game that the psychological/bait aspect of it was the main focus of devstream 3, into rank 20.

Leatherface is a supremely weak killer and already he is rare at ranks above 12, because all he does is punish poor survivor play. He is a newbie stomper, nothing more, much like how Wraith, Doctor, and (to a much lesser extent, because she can actually overcome her weaknesses her strengths are just is strongest vs poor play and fair when the survivors know what they are doing) nurse. He isn't a Hag where he changes the game so much because his ability is constantly affecting your ability to act. Yeah, he just locks out the first idiot to get caught, but its really hard to get caught by him, so if you do you really don't deserve to get to play. Better luck next time, try hiding for the first minute to get eyes on killer instead of rushing towards a generator right away.

Camping in DBD may be uninteresting for the worst survivor in the match, but going down early enough where camping is a valid tactic means you made a supreme mistake. In actual DBD matches where everyone isn't mentally a potato what actually ends up happening is the killer needs to correctly anticipate survivor behavior because its almost certain 2 gens are up by the time they secure a down. At that point the killer has to figure out if any of the survivors are going to rush a rescue, or if any will slowroll a rescue when it looks clear, or none will rescue at all, and guessing incorrectly means the killer basically is guaranteed to lose the match and all the survivors win. It becomes a psychological game where suddenly the killer is allowed to defend a singular point from the survivors that is extremely high value, but if the survivors don't bother the killer just gets dumpstered that game as 3 gens can easily go up by the time the person bleeds out. But if the killer doesn't try to defend at all the survivor is rescued at almost no cost to the team meaning the killer just spent half their match securing 1 kill and will need to spend probably half their match doing it again. This means the killer's game is probably done unless all the survivors make a big mistake.

The Tl;dr there is that camping vs not camping choice is literally the most interesting point of most games. At high end play it isn't because bad survivors swarm around the hook like they are a fly buzzing around a turd, and then act surprised and hurt the killer didn't literally throw the game for their benefit, but once you get to like... rank 10 or under survivors are accutely aware they aren't a team, killers aren't stupid enough to fall for the "bait" of you spinning in a circle or repeatedly hopping a ledge, and that if they are seen near the hook the killer can "kill" 2 survivors for the duration of the bleedout by just camping meaning a 3 kill 1 hatch escape is likely, meaning the killer and the best survivor get to pip and no one else does.

The goal of a SWF team should be to ensure the majority ranks up the majority of the time, not to ensure the duo gets out 100% of the time, because DBD breaks down as a game if the survivors have the absolute advantage in any interaction they force. The point is the killer has absolute advantage in situations they force, but the survivors can ignore the killer if they do. This means once you get past really low ranks like 20-15 killers will do wide patrols instead of camping to try to get the best of both worlds, which opens up the ability to do rescues. However basement rescues are intentionally meant to be nearly impossible vs some killers like nurse, billy, leatherface, and especially hag, and being mad you can get knocked out of the round when hooked there is like complaining that peeking mid in counterstrike can easily get you domed and knocked out of the round.

Once your hooked, you should think of yourself as effectively dead. The likelyhood of you coming back is meant to be rather low vs many killers. The idea that unhooking should be easy or guarenteed is asinine because that means to eliminate one player the killer generally needs to devote 4-5 minutes in a 10 minute game per-kill. The generators are the killer's "HP" and expecting the killer to give you second chances so you can keep repairing is downright silly.

So much of the game is designed around not giving you what you specifically want here I would advise you not to hold your breath, shits like wanting the ability to see an icon declaring someone a traitor as security in SS13. Defeats the entire point of the exchange in the game.

Urban evasion doesn't make you fast. It puts you at walking speed when crouching. Not running speed. Walking speed. You can't crouch out a killer searching a sight, it just gives you a bit of leway to do a break away, meaning it is going to almost certainly mandate running it with sprint boost and lightweight, meaning its actually a really greedy perk that doesn't do much on its own. I literally run both those perks and have already decided to remove it at this point. It just doesn't do enough to help you score or survive.
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by dezzmont » #338154

CosmicScientist wrote:You're boring.

You're making me write fifty paragraph responses because you keep bringing up fifty topics in one post for no reason.
The reason is that the game is more complex than "Bluh bluh bluh its not fair that I can't rescue people from the basement when the killer is standing right there."

Also the reason I can't sneak around an obstacle to hide on site is because I play at ranks 1-5 vs rank 1-5 survivors/killers and thus my opponents aren't garbage and can do a "wide" sweep of the site that counters urban evasion. Whispers also hard counters UE. Like its just... not good. Your just playing with bad killers and bad survivors because you are on their level.

Like your problem is your just actually bad at the game. Leatherface is literally the EASIEST killer to distract, because he is so god damn slow.

Being on the hook doesn't mean you can't play. However being on the hook means that the killer is able to dictate if you can play again or not. That is a vital part of the mechanics, that the survivors are running away from a spookymans and if the spookymans is somewhere the survivors need to try to be somewhere else. The game becomes incoherent, like it did 2 patches ago, when the killer can't just flat out say "No. You will die if you come to me." Leatherface just amps that up to 11.

You can still do unhooking and alturism vs leatherface. I literally double pipped against him twice today because he is so shit. You just need to be at a level of play where survivors aren't trash like the people in that gif who decided to do a basement rescue vs leatherface while inside his terror radius. Its really that simple. "Wait out the camper." If they go for the kill... well... fucking sucks man, 1 person de-pipped, the killer got no BP or pips, and 3 other players full pipped. If the killer gradually widens the patrol, you both get generators AND get someone off the hook. But if your retarded and just zoom zoom zoom towards the hook (Which was the dominant strategy around the time it seems like you started playing) then your going to ensure the killer camps and kill both yourself and on the hook.

But its pretty clear your at a rank where your not really playing DBD because you think the Nurse is impossible to evade and that the gif showed an unfair situation rather than the outcome that SHOULD be expected.

And, yeah. Getting hooked is the scenario where your gameplay is held hostage by the 4 other players in the game having a conversation about you. If the game was intended to be one where you could reasonably expect to come back from being hooked... the hooks wouldn't exist! There would just be a 3 lives respawn system rather than a system where the killer is directly encouraged to both have reasons to camp and reasons to roam away. In devstream 3 they literally showcased the trapper doing a hook trap with insidious. Like if you think that the killer stopping an unhooking just by being there is bad then you are really arguing hooks shouldn't exist and survivors should flat out get 3 chances, which is god damn incoherent when you think about it because of how absurdly stacked the game is in the survivors favor right now even with all the nerfs.

The entire design around the hooks was one of helplessness, and of baiting and camping. The devs literally said they were hooks because the player on them stopped being a player and became bait. If you really can't grok that, you really should uninstall because the devs have said in the streams they are going to continue to increase the general advantage around hooks killers have because the game is literally hemoraging players over impotent killer play.

If you want to actually get good at the game just stop playing SWF for a bit, and learn how to survive solo rather than depending on crutches to hobble around. Its super easy to see bad SWF groups who are incapable of understanding that even without leatherface a killer can just say "No" and quad down in the basement because they think their l33t jukes and bodyblocks are enough, because they never bothered to learn how to actually play the game and just go in to SWF hoping the killer literally lets them win.

But I guess I am bringing up too many points again because it makes your brain hurt or something. So let me summarize.

Git Gud
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by cedarbridge » #338341

CosmicScientist wrote:kek. so many text walls. k mista I'm a pro. Have fun with your boring gameplay at high rank.

I'm oh so sorry for complaining about game balance. I suppose I shouldn't have an opinion on what is wrong because there are people like you in the world. lel
There are dozens of ways to gracefully tap out of an argument and you managed to hit none of them
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by cedarbridge » #338401

CosmicScientist wrote:
cedarbridge wrote:
CosmicScientist wrote:kek. so many text walls. k mista I'm a pro. Have fun with your boring gameplay at high rank.

I'm oh so sorry for complaining about game balance. I suppose I shouldn't have an opinion on what is wrong because there are people like you in the world. lel
There are dozens of ways to gracefully tap out of an argument and you managed to hit none of them
Grace is not required, my good admeme, when the argument is as long as Robustin's, brings in extraneous information that is not at all related to the discussion at hand and is feverishly exhausting, then I would rather annoy the dolt who failed to talk like a human being than leave them with silence. I can hardly entertain them by pretending to be a salty shite survivor when I'm being sensible and refuting their each and every point.

Oh and if you would like me to show some dull insanity to try and make you happier. I went to the length of spending ten seconds Ctrl+effing cedar on each of the five pages of this thread. You didn't show up once. So we can safely deduce from this that you're simply lurking, unwilling to add positively to the discussion, let alone to talk about the game itself, and simply want to be here to gain brownie points from anyone watching by ragging on my response to mister I am really boring over there. It would have been more graceful to let them take the win by commenting on how they alone reduced me to gibberish. Oh well, next time perhaps?
You need to seek out a hug, my dude.
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by DrPillzRedux » #340139

Leatherface is bad due to lack of map control. Billy can get around.
thot_slayer wrote:don't be a degenerate online if you don't want people to treat you like a degenerate morty
bandit wrote:what is this

a correct post by pillz
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by DrPillzRedux » #342692

add me so we can play dbd cosmic you fuck
thot_slayer wrote:don't be a degenerate online if you don't want people to treat you like a degenerate morty
bandit wrote:what is this

a correct post by pillz
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by DrPillzRedux » #344819

wow don't even mention that last game where I saved you at the last second

thank borrowed time
thot_slayer wrote:don't be a degenerate online if you don't want people to treat you like a degenerate morty
bandit wrote:what is this

a correct post by pillz
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by dezzmont » #344836

That feel when you recently prestiged like 3 survivors and all your dailies for the last 3 days suck.

I literally got a ritual to open 5 gates on Nea... when I just prestiged Nea, so I have been locked pretty heavily into killer the last few days just to get Nea back up to 20.

Bond is a solo perk, and its used to accurately track killer behavior by judging how survivors around you act. It is god tier on smaller maps or maps with really good gens hidden centrally so you can repair and use it as an early warning system. Not so good for teamplay.
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #350995

Now all we need is Charles Lee Ray and Pinhead
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by dezzmont » #350998

Vigil may be good for sprint builds, but many killers didnt have synergistic perks, just perks for new killers that made the game play better. Franklin's Demise has little synergy with the BBQ Knockout combo and Huntress basically didn't get her own perks at all. Nurse Hag and Billy got perks.

It makes sense eventually they didnt have a good way to make some perks they wanted to put in have synergy with other perks they felt were needed. Vigil may end up being important if Freddie has access to conditions on the level huntress does. Wake up was probably seen as necessary parity to reduce the sting of endgame builds despite not having any synergy potential.

Wake up may be good if endgame perks are good. Gate powering vs good Nurses and Billies is dangerous, so it may be a perk for one of the two repairmen to take in a 4stack, much like how sabo-smallgame is taken just in case its trapper. They have so many perks that one perk can be dedicated solely to a totem build on a map with bad totem spawns and traps, and another just to one unpopular killer's traps.
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by captain sawrge » #351040

game is shit op
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by DrPillzRedux » #351185

Freddy is a fucking nightmare to play against. You can't see him until you're asleep pretty much. You can only hear his lullaby when awake, and since it's mono sound you can't tell which direction he's coming from.
thot_slayer wrote:don't be a degenerate online if you don't want people to treat you like a degenerate morty
bandit wrote:what is this

a correct post by pillz
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by cedarbridge » #351335

DrPillzRedux wrote:Freddy is a fucking nightmare to play against.
I see what you did you piece of shit.
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by DrPillzRedux » #351706

thot_slayer wrote:don't be a degenerate online if you don't want people to treat you like a degenerate morty
bandit wrote:what is this

a correct post by pillz
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by cedarbridge » #362929

>Trapper in a supposedly Rank19
>Purple Torch Decisive Strike, Sprint Bursting Clauddette doing standard powerfagging things
>finally get her ass on a hook
>gets saved almost immediately but runs into a trap
>somehow instantly breaks the trap and pallets me in the face
>catch her anyway after wasting a bunch of time
>sac her ass
>lobby after the other two remaining survivors escape
>"wow gee its been a long time since I saw a camper"
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by cedarbridge » #363200

CosmicScientist wrote:Good job on getting two given the unfun sound of it!

I imagine you got nearly or above 20,000 blud pwoi on that?
Only got one. This was one of those shitty 3-man lobbies where somebody DCs at the connection screen. I wasted so much time chasing the shitter Claudette that I only ended up with 9k for my trouble. End of Round lobby showed everyone in the lobby was rank 11 with tier 3 perks except me and my single perk lv 6 trapper.
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by cedarbridge » #363768

I still have no idea what the matchmaking criteria for this shit is. When I'm a killer I go up against Prestige 2-3 rank1s with purple torches+pink bulb. When I'm survivor I go in with full parties of perkless 20s.
I got these ones though, by God.
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by cedarbridge » #363945

If there's apparently thousands playing at any time it wouldn't take me 20 minutes in lobby to get a match.
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by cedarbridge » #364073

CosmicScientist wrote:From 8,000 to 16,000 in the past 48 hours.

I don't get it either. Matchmaking is hardly transparent. It would be nice to see some statistics like number of survivors searching, number of killers hosting, median ranks of either or something. At the very least regional population so I can understand if I'm going to be having a laggy game.
I don't know what it is, but every 10th game or so I get a David (and its always a David) that just teleports and jerks around when he moves. Guess I need to pay more attention to who is joining my lobbies but MM is so slow its hard to be choosy.
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by cedarbridge » #371575

Megs were a mistake.
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by cedarbridge » #377283

Never ceases to amaze me that survivors that crutch on DS are the first to whine about BBQ.
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by cedarbridge » #377554

Just got Third Seal off the shrine because I have basically no motivation to pay for Hag but the perk is pretty great on Pig.
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by cedarbridge » #378570

Get good lmao mlg (rapid tbagging)
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by Armhulen » #418329





palette kick perk

>you're immune to light blinding because you destroy the palette before you get blinded thanks to lightborn

>super fov from shadowborn

>i dunno i just like wraith

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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #420245

Clown rules
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by Malkraz » #484407

revive this thread
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by lmwevil » #484426

still fantastic, fuck nurse and legion
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by Malkraz » #484436


this post made by the basement gang
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #484481

Fuck getting lery's 3 game in a row as montagnard
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by XSI » #485057

I got the new killer, seemed neat
>Lunge seems to suck
>Addons seem to suck
>Perks are nice I guess unlocked the teachables
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by lmwevil » #485058

new puke killer is fucking cool and annoying
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by XSI » #485080

I've found it to be kinda just meh when playing as them
And the only time it seemed to matter as survivor was when one of the maps spawned with a pool that couldnt be used, so everyone was permanently no mither
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #485085

play with me xsi
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by iamgoofball » #485091

liking the new left 4 dead tie in killer
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by XSI » #485112

I'll check if you're on next time I play DbD, I only really play it when I can get a full group because randoms tend to be terrible and actively get you killed
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by Malkraz » #485129

when u get grabbed on the hatch because u did 1 too many tea bags
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by XSI » #485131

I mori'd someone right next to the hatch just a bit ago
He sure posted a lot of russian in post-game chat
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by Malkraz » #485156

>cleanse myself at a fountain
>puke at the same time I get cleansed and healed
>sickness gets reapplied
jesus christ I knew BHVR was incompetent but this is next fucking level
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by Malkraz » #485421

incredible new matchmaking system
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by XSI » #485427

Yeah, I got into one against a rank 2-3 SWF group as a rank 16 killer earlier today when trying the new one
Like what do you even do in that situation, everything was done within 4 minutes and they just left. They ignored ruin entirely and they knew the exact right paths to be uncatchable for most of those 4 minutes while I tried to figure out how the barf stuff even works
They had the decency to not go "EZ LOL NOOB" like most barely escaping rank 15 survivors though
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #485428

i dont like how long the matchmaking takes for killers tbh

also i had a match as killer today where i killed so many fengs real fast. Like, they kept crouching in the bushes DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF ME with NEON PURPLE HAIR AND BRIGHT BLUE SHIRTS

prestige 3 clauds they were not so i hammered and sawed them
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Re: Dead By Daylight - Actually good, free DLC edition

Post by Malkraz » #486967

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