[Ivanissaccs] Dathouse server and silicon ban

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[Ivanissaccs] Dathouse server and silicon ban

Post by Dathouse » #431180

Post Content: honestly no idea what i put here
Byond account and character name: Dathouse Zeoz [Schurp Longtun]
Banning admin: Ivanissaccs
Ban type (What are you banned from?): server and silicon
Ban reason and length: 1 day for server and 2 weeks for silicon. One day servr ban. As an Asimov AI encouraged the murder of A human. Arguing that he was wearing A hardsuit so he couldnt prove the guy was human. Go and reread our silicon policy
Time ban was placed (including time zone):2018-08-04 15:00:40
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Terry
Your side of the story: mystery people and robots appear on our comms and landed on OUR planet i said they shouldnt be there and said the hardsuit could be human and a human crewmember said he wasnt human i said ok and just watched them for a while and without me knowing the clown shoots them with the bluespace artillery.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I had been reassured by a human that he wasnt human and they were intruding on nanotrasen property and the rule he quoted saying "the AI should assume crew are human unless proven that they arent" or something like that 1 he wasnt crew 2 a HUMAN HOP crewman said he wasnt and 3 That rule doesnt exist in the rules and he acts like I shot him I DIDNT EVEN SHOOT HIM the clown did i see some AI called doorknob 9000 say how they want to kill all humans this is just some trial admin getting salty i took his job and finding a non existant rule to ban me for 2 weeks from the AI
Ivan Issaccs
In-Game Admin
Joined: Sun Apr 20, 2014 11:39 am
Byond Username: Ivanissaccs

Re: [Ivanissaccs] Dathouse server and silicon ban

Post by Ivan Issaccs » #431191

I'm going to try and break this down.
You clearly do not remotely understand silicon policy.
An AI requires evidence to decide someone is not human. Someone wearing a hard suit and someone else saying "X is not human" is not evidence. Even if the Captain were to say "Eswordy McTraitor is a not a human" unless you see direct evidence that they are not human they are afforded the same protections under Asimov as anyone else.
You also made some statement along the lines of "The organic lifeform may well be human" which is what initially drew my attention to you while investigating the bluespace artillery ahelps in the first place.
This said to me you knew damn well he was human and were just looking for an excuse to get involved with the extended round artillery nonsense.
When they started talking about bombing people for mining lavaland you had the option to try and prevent this like a good Asimov but instead you chose to invent the flimsiest of reason to encourage it, which ended with three people getting gibbed.
Yes the Clown was the one who pulled the trigger but that was dealt with on its own merits.
As for your later points.
"If X can do Y I will do Z" is just ridiculous past the point that I can't explain it if it doesn't already make sense to you.
"Just some trialmin" Yeah, I thank you for the oppurtunity you have provided to prove my competence within my new role.
"Salty I took his job" This is so daft it made me chuckle, if it makes you feel better I am neither a regular AI player nor had any investment in that particular round, I only tabbed out of my game of No Mans Sky as a result of the ahelps from the artilerry victims.
I hope this has reassured you of my professional nature and would invite the headmins to look over the ban however at this juncture I am denying the appeal.
Joined: Thu Aug 24, 2017 4:48 am

Re: [Ivanissaccs] Dathouse server and silicon ban

Post by Dathouse » #431192

even if i asked like 3 people and they couldnt find a word saying people are defaulted to human?
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Re: [Ivanissaccs] Dathouse server and silicon ban

Post by Krusvik » #431280

This appeal has been denied. Unless the headmins want to weigh in I'm moving it to resolved.

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