[ KangTut ] Probation Violation

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[ KangTut ] Probation Violation

Post by Vendetta2Sp00ky » #444904

Byond account and character name: Vendetta2Sp00ky
Banning admin: KangTut
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Perma / All Servers
Ban reason and length:

You have been banned by KangTut.
Reason: While on probation he told the AI to kill itself. The AI followed through not knowing they could ignore that. This is a rule 1 ban.

Time ban was placed (including time zone):
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil):
Your side of the story:

Basically I jokingly told the AI to kill themselves, which I thought would have been pretty obvious could be ignored considering the fact that most of the time when someone tells you to " Kill Yourself " You're not actually going to do it - Thought it was pretty common sense that that'd be the case. And if I sound a bit aggravated about this, here's why.

Ambassador Magikarp actually spoke with me about this, AND it was handled - However when I told Tut about this, here's what he had to say.

Admin PM from-KangTut: Admins don't have a hivemind. We don't all agree on everything

Here's the log from Magikarp.

Admin PM from-Ambassador Magikarp: I accept it overall and the 2nd case would be fine but one guy saying that you threatened him with perma and the other guy trying to ask you was a bit silly overall. But the ai was new/dumb and didnt know they could ignore joke orders like that

Look man, all I'm trying to say is this.

Don't be a dick.
We're all here to have a good time, supposedly. Going out of your way to seriously negatively impact or end the round for someone with little IC justification is against the rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen however, as detailed in the escalation section of the rules."

I honestly don't feel like I was going out of my way to negatively impact their round considering the other factors in this, and altogether it not having been my intention at all to have them ACTUALLY kill themselves. If you want my honesty, it feels like a big ban bait. That might not be the case, but still - I would've thought it'd be pretty common knowledge that you wouldn't need to actually kill yourself.

Why you think you should be unbanned:

Because It wasn't my intention to actually impact their round like that. I told them to kill themselves, and they did it - and that's something I have absolutely no control over when it comes to that. In reallity - if they were really new, they could have been put back into the round in regards to what magikarp said if you review the log I posted - Which in my opinion should have been done because of that fact that them doing that action wouldve really gone against their laws anyways.

Magikarp and I also had a discussion about a sec event that happened earlier that dealt with some briggings - by which I made attempts to properly escelate the situation in character and keep people informed of the punishment that would be dished out for entering the brig whenever our armory was literally getting looted by tiders. By this I mean asking for engineering, using announcements - I even warned one guy to get lost before he got perma brigged. And when the brig was blown up I helped people back into an unharmed area of the brig to provide medical treatment.

I'm really trying to do what I need to do to get past this probation period, but it's really seeming like whatever I do I'm just going to get banned regardless - and pardon me for thinking this but I think this is a classic case of a trialmin grabbing for straws. Especially consdering his response to another admin having actually handled it beforehand - another admin by which outranks him. Nothing against the guy personally, it's just from an administrative point of view it seems pointless.

What happened wasnt really all that disruptive. I just want to reiterate the fact that them doing that action of killing themselves despite their laws is something that was completely out of my hands - that this should have been interpreted as a joke, and 100% sure I wasnt being a dick or going out of my way to give them a hard time. I think this deals heavily with misinformation..

Because we all know way worst things are said than this on a round to round basis.

Like I said dude. I'm trying to get past this probation and I consider myself to be doing a pretty decent job.

Also - Here's partially why I'm upset.

Admin PM from-KangTut: Anyway you were on probation and you've just failed. Good bye.

Just saying. Magikarp took time to talk to me and to figure things out. This guy just seemed like a fucking douche and wanted an excuse to see me banned. So im going to throw my two cents in on this guy.

Someone needs to speak with him about professionalism - because being a fucking asshole is going to get you nowhere except off of staff - especially considering the fact that his basic rebuttle to what happened was " awwee got any other explanation than it was a prank bro!!! "

P. Much everything I spoke of went over his head and he moved immediately to " VIOLATION BANNED!! "

Guy is stinky i dont like
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Byond Username: KangTut

Re: [ KangTut ] Probation Violation

Post by Kangtut » #444908

I'm glad you took the time to try to cram so much into this appeal when only one thing matters in this case - you telling an AI to suicide.

"Ordering silicons to harm or terminate themselves or each other without cause is a violation of Server Rule 1. The occurrence of such an attempt should be adminhelped and then disregarded."

Straight from the rules page. Rules which, during your short time back from your last permaban, you've been violating. And from your chat logs from the round it's very hard to believe that it was just a joke. You were very clear that the AI kill itself. I'll let Karp speak for himself, if he wishes, about why he was letting that bit of shitery pass, but I'm not. You have bad history with this server and you have shown that you have not changed when given a chance.

I'm not going to humor your further so I'm going to let a headmin deal with this.
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Re: [ KangTut ] Probation Violation

Post by Vendetta2Sp00ky » #444912

Kangtut wrote:I'm glad you took the time to try to cram so much into this appeal when only one thing matters in this case - you telling an AI to suicide.

"Ordering silicons to harm or terminate themselves or each other without cause is a violation of Server Rule 1. The occurrence of such an attempt should be adminhelped and then disregarded."

Straight from the rules page. Rules which, during your short time back from your last permaban, you've been violating. And from your chat logs from the round it's very hard to believe that it was just a joke. You were very clear that the AI kill itself. I'll let Karp speak for himself, if he wishes, about why he was letting that bit of shitery pass, but I'm not. You have bad history with this server and you have shown that you have not changed when given a chance.

I'm not going to humor your further so I'm going to let a headmin deal with this.
You're only reaffirming my point that you're a trialmin grabbing for straws. Or did you not get the point that another admin handled it? I bet you were just jumping at the bit to get in as soon as you saw an excuse - but who's to blame a trialmin who's the classic example of a banhappy powertripper. I'm almost 100% positive this isnt something that shouldve violated me - and on another note.

If I'm really breaking so many rules, I'd personally like to know. Because obviously you're once again grabbing for straws - I would have been removed sooner than this. What is it, got a quota?

If you can't handle the stress of being an admin enough to speak without being a condescending dick - then you need to not be staff. And what's really funny about this is that since karp handled it before, you could've saved yourself the trouble by just letting it ride out with what his decision was - or is it that you doubt admins that are higher than you? Because that's the only reasonable idea that comes to mind considering the fact that he left before you even messaged me.

You can stop. Because it's pretty obvious what you're doing. You just want to see someone get banned for any and every reason you can think of.

Which makes you the worst kind of admin - an admin who rules in absolute. Because it's pretty apparent you have no intentions with reasoning with anyone.

Someone get rid of this guy lol. He spent 5 minutes VS a good admin spending close to an hour speaking with me. Hence why karp made his decision to let it slide because he saw I was actually trying. It's when a dickhead like this comes along that wants to just get rid of you before you can do right that makes you take 10 steps back.

But hey - you are a trialmin. So I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But word to the wise - you need to stop being toxic in handling situations. And if a higher up makes a decision, you shouldnt be over ruling it as a trialmin - that just screams bad practice ( AND Powertrip )
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Re: [ KangTut ] Probation Violation

Post by ishortjr33 » #444915

If the AI that killed themselves was C.R.4.W.L. I'm not sure what KangTuts problem with you is on this one Vendetta as I explained in deadchat after I suicided because I felt bad I killed Jack Jackson after being ordered to. I figured I could probably ignore it (being ordered to suicide) but I also thought it would spice up the round by maybe getting you lynched or something so to be fair to the moth and to be more "fun" I followed through with it. I also didn't want you to harm yourself.

Don't worry, I too caught KangTuts wrath this round sorry man.

Clarified the butter.
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Re: [ KangTut ] Probation Violation

Post by somerandomguy » #444955

If Karp already gave a ruling, I'm pretty sure overruling it without discussing it with him is no bueno
Trialmin altering a fullmin's ruling also seems a little odd
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Re: [ KangTut ] Probation Violation

Post by BeeSting12 » #445000

Why did KangTut overrule Magikarp here when Kangtut is a trialmin and Magikarp is a game admin?
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oranges wrote:Bee sting is honestly the nicest admin, I look forward to seeing him as a headmin one day
[2020-05-21 01:21:48.923] SAY: Crippo/(Impala Chainee) "Shaggy Voice - She like... wants to get Eiffel Towered bro!!" (Brig (125, 166, 2))
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Re: [ KangTut ] Probation Violation

Post by Karp » #445069

Hi, I'm karp

I couldn't tell enough of how bad the security round tiding was so i was mostly talking about that round but i erred on the side of passivity when it came to the security incident due to not knowing how far vendetta went to alleviate the issue before he started to perma people but it was discussed in adminbus by quite a few admins and below was brought up too


02:07:11: PM From Wubli/(Jill DeSouza): You release N2O, start slipping and disarming the CMO, get killed and brought back(?|F) immediately, but still get angry(?|F) when you're told it's an IC issue?
02:08:06: Reply PM from-Vendetta2Sp00ky/(Rick Slick): so if someone disarms me and does absolutely no damage to me, its cool for me to kill them is what youre saying
damn im being less nice
02:08:52: PM From Wubli/(Jill DeSouza): No, and the fact you're still looking for excuses to be angry(?|F) isn't helping your case. You went out of your way to annoy people as a non antag and got owned. Deal with it.
02:09:01: Reply PM from-Vendetta2Sp00ky/(Rick Slick): OOOF
02:09:04: Reply PM from-Vendetta2Sp00ky/(Rick Slick): ok dude

I dunno if kangtut told you that but we were discussing this entire thing and at around that point most people in adminbus agreed with a perma, I was just wrapping up my message in relation to the security incident and then kangtut pm'd you before I did(Because I accepted the blob like a retard). Wubli and coconutmage didn't realise you were on probation and 3 line toeing shitty moves in a single day is enough to raise eyebrows. This was part of the discussion on the whole probation violation and it's honestly my fault for not doing the ban instead of kangtut's in this instance I'd say
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Re: [ KangTut ] Probation Violation

Post by Vendetta2Sp00ky » #445142

So pretty much im gathering from the people not agreeing is that I might as well be playing seriousrp if I ever want to stay unbanned.

Makes perfect sense - especially considering there's people doing far worst than what I'm doing as well as doing far less to help whatever situation they're in. I'm not sure what you guys really want of me at this point - because it's pretty apparent that I'm just going to get permabanned regardless.

Frankly I don't feel like I've been doing too shitty of a job - and It would appear as though the things that you're stating are shitty aren't really that high on the totem pole as far as " Bad Behavior " - You guys are really acting like I'm just horrible at this and need to stay banned. If anything it's even below minorly disruptive.

And karp it isn't your fault - because it was pretty apparent from even what you were gathering that I wasnt being a shitter - I'd say. People just wanted to be upset and cry over them getting a phat perma despite being warned, and frankly from what you told me during the whole ordeal it really sounds like they have have told you a few lies to get me banned intentionally - but I can't say for sure.

God damn, my other probation violations dealt with stuff worst than this - and what you guys are asking is beyond walking on egg shells considering what happens on a regular basis on the server

Honestly if the ban gets placed, I'm just going to stay gone. Because this time around I actually tried to not be a shitter - and now im being told im a ban baiter. Which is exactly what kangtut said just to be a dick - which if you look back I was legitimately confused as hell as to what that even meant - I was just mad because that cannisters only knock you out and I was getting killed for it which seemed a bit excessive to me.

The fuck do you all want me to do? /me everything?
jesus christ. one AI kills themself and now it's back to square one lmfao
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Re: [ KangTut ] Probation Violation

Post by ishortjr33 » #445191

Vendetta2Sp00ky wrote: jesus christ. one AI kills themself and now it's back to square one lmfao
I really feel awful about this man that's why I'm here trying to defend you on it. Like I told magikarp on discord I don't think it's fair at all that some greytidey radio chatter that people do all the time, including things like AI rape the clown, AI bark at the moon, AI spam vox and my decision to follow through with it got you a perma. It doesn't even seem like it should be that big of a deal as when I arrived in deadchat I wasn't upset about it and thought it was fair cause Moth had to die.

My feelings are it was a mountain made out a molehill and I do apologize again. I don't support what happened to you or the admin who did it.
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Re: [ KangTut ] Probation Violation

Post by Vendetta2Sp00ky » #445203

ishortjr33 wrote:
Vendetta2Sp00ky wrote: jesus christ. one AI kills themself and now it's back to square one lmfao
I really feel awful about this man that's why I'm here trying to defend you on it. Like I told magikarp on discord I don't think it's fair at all that some greytidey radio chatter that people do all the time, including things like AI rape the clown, AI bark at the moon, AI spam vox and my decision to follow through with it got you a perma. It doesn't even seem like it should be that big of a deal as when I arrived in deadchat I wasn't upset about it and thought it was fair cause Moth had to die.

My feelings are it was a mountain made out a molehill and I do apologize again. I don't support what happened to you or the admin who did it.
I appreciate it, but I think they'd rather get rid of me. And I'm definitely not waiting another year to do an appeal when I've honestly tried to better myself.

As much as it's going to suck I can see the " Denied " decision coming from a mile away. And when it drops that's that.

But yeah. The feeling is mutual - this shouldn't have voided my probation since I haven't been " ban baiting " or doing anything that the admins had accused me of except for telling AI to kill itself - which I hardly think is too bad to the point where someone would be viewed as unwelcome to the community. Pretty apparent it's just a failure to communicate with everything that happened - isn't your fault.

But hey, if that's what it is - that's what it is.
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Re: [ KangTut ] Probation Violation

Post by BeeSting12 » #445756

Vendetta2Sp00ky wrote: I appreciate it, but I think they'd rather get rid of me. And I'm definitely not waiting another year to do an appeal when I've honestly tried to better myself.

As much as it's going to suck I can see the " Denied " decision coming from a mile away. And when it drops that's that.

But yeah. The feeling is mutual - this shouldn't have voided my probation since I haven't been " ban baiting " or doing anything that the admins had accused me of except for telling AI to kill itself - which I hardly think is too bad to the point where someone would be viewed as unwelcome to the community. Pretty apparent it's just a failure to communicate with everything that happened - isn't your fault.

But hey, if that's what it is - that's what it is.
I feel really bad about it because it was my initial probation that caused this mess. I didn't realize quite how probation works back then- now I do and I would never put someone on it. I would sooner just deny their appeal than put them through that hell. It looks like after your probation ended, you got banned for banbaiting (just a misunderstanding and was appealed), noted for OOC in IC, noted for apparently accidentally antimoving the AI, noted for naming policy violation, noted for afk'ing as a head of staff, and finally you got banned for the ash walker grief.

After that, you got noted for ban baiting and then permanently banned for telling the AI to kill yourself. What I've noticed here is that since you got taken off your first perma, you haven't made the same mistake twice besides banbaiting, which according to the initial appeal was a misunderstanding or miscommunication. I feel like you have the desire to improve but you just keep making mistakes and probation is messing you up. It sucks, but I doubt you'll get unbanned. I want to be surprised here though.

(The thing you got banned for wouldn't have even been hard for the admin to fix, just an a-heal and a warning for you)
Edward Sloan, THE LAW
Melanie Flowers, Catgirl
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OOC: Hunterh98: to be fair sloan is one of the, if not the, most robust folks on tg

DEAD: Schlomo Gaskin says, "sloan may be a faggot but he gets the job done"

oranges wrote:Bee sting is honestly the nicest admin, I look forward to seeing him as a headmin one day
[2020-05-21 01:21:48.923] SAY: Crippo/(Impala Chainee) "Shaggy Voice - She like... wants to get Eiffel Towered bro!!" (Brig (125, 166, 2))
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Re: [ KangTut ] Probation Violation

Post by Vendetta2Sp00ky » #445760

BeeSting12 wrote:
Vendetta2Sp00ky wrote: I appreciate it, but I think they'd rather get rid of me. And I'm definitely not waiting another year to do an appeal when I've honestly tried to better myself.

As much as it's going to suck I can see the " Denied " decision coming from a mile away. And when it drops that's that.

But yeah. The feeling is mutual - this shouldn't have voided my probation since I haven't been " ban baiting " or doing anything that the admins had accused me of except for telling AI to kill itself - which I hardly think is too bad to the point where someone would be viewed as unwelcome to the community. Pretty apparent it's just a failure to communicate with everything that happened - isn't your fault.

But hey, if that's what it is - that's what it is.
I feel really bad about it because it was my initial probation that caused this mess. I didn't realize quite how probation works back then- now I do and I would never put someone on it. I would sooner just deny their appeal than put them through that hell. It looks like after your probation ended, you got banned for banbaiting (just a misunderstanding and was appealed), noted for OOC in IC, noted for apparently accidentally antimoving the AI, noted for naming policy violation, noted for afk'ing as a head of staff, and finally you got banned for the ash walker grief.

After that, you got noted for ban baiting and then permanently banned for telling the AI to kill yourself. What I've noticed here is that since you got taken off your first perma, you haven't made the same mistake twice besides banbaiting, which according to the initial appeal was a misunderstanding or miscommunication. I feel like you have the desire to improve but you just keep making mistakes and probation is messing you up. It sucks, but I doubt you'll get unbanned. I want to be surprised here though.

(The thing you got banned for wouldn't have even been hard for the admin to fix, just an a-heal and a warning for you)
Yeah pretty fucking stupid isnt it. Glad someone is understanding why I'm just a little bit aggravated.

Let's just wait for the deny so I can get lost like they want.
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Re: [ KangTut ] Probation Violation

Post by ishortjr33 » #445762

BeeSting12 wrote:
Vendetta2Sp00ky wrote: I appreciate it, but I think they'd rather get rid of me. And I'm definitely not waiting another year to do an appeal when I've honestly tried to better myself.

As much as it's going to suck I can see the " Denied " decision coming from a mile away. And when it drops that's that.

But yeah. The feeling is mutual - this shouldn't have voided my probation since I haven't been " ban baiting " or doing anything that the admins had accused me of except for telling AI to kill itself - which I hardly think is too bad to the point where someone would be viewed as unwelcome to the community. Pretty apparent it's just a failure to communicate with everything that happened - isn't your fault.

But hey, if that's what it is - that's what it is.
I feel really bad about it because it was my initial probation that caused this mess. I didn't realize quite how probation works back then- now I do and I would never put someone on it. I would sooner just deny their appeal than put them through that hell. It looks like after your probation ended, you got banned for banbaiting (just a misunderstanding and was appealed), noted for OOC in IC, noted for apparently accidentally antimoving the AI, noted for naming policy violation, noted for afk'ing as a head of staff, and finally you got banned for the ash walker grief.

After that, you got noted for ban baiting and then permanently banned for telling the AI to kill yourself. What I've noticed here is that since you got taken off your first perma, you haven't made the same mistake twice besides banbaiting, which according to the initial appeal was a misunderstanding or miscommunication. I feel like you have the desire to improve but you just keep making mistakes and probation is messing you up. It sucks, but I doubt you'll get unbanned. I want to be surprised here though.

(The thing you got banned for wouldn't have even been hard for the admin to fix, just an a-heal and a warning for you)
The admin in question did fix this by resurrecting the AI, he clearly never expected me to do this and while I loathe KangTut at least he had the presence of mind to bring me back because I was unsure about this whole thing. I've said many times on discord that THIS being the reason he's perma'd is awful, it's a bad call by someone who has been making bad calls. People scream for the AI to do stupid things on the radio nonstop, including ordering VOX spam, killing non-humans as a non-antag, ordering the AI to pledge allegience to Cargonia, etc.
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Re: [ KangTut ] Probation Violation

Post by ATHATH » #445774

BeeSting12 wrote:
Vendetta2Sp00ky wrote: I appreciate it, but I think they'd rather get rid of me. And I'm definitely not waiting another year to do an appeal when I've honestly tried to better myself.

As much as it's going to suck I can see the " Denied " decision coming from a mile away. And when it drops that's that.

But yeah. The feeling is mutual - this shouldn't have voided my probation since I haven't been " ban baiting " or doing anything that the admins had accused me of except for telling AI to kill itself - which I hardly think is too bad to the point where someone would be viewed as unwelcome to the community. Pretty apparent it's just a failure to communicate with everything that happened - isn't your fault.

But hey, if that's what it is - that's what it is.
I feel really bad about it because it was my initial probation that caused this mess. I didn't realize quite how probation works back then- now I do and I would never put someone on it. I would sooner just deny their appeal than put them through that hell. It looks like after your probation ended, you got banned for banbaiting (just a misunderstanding and was appealed), noted for OOC in IC, noted for apparently accidentally antimoving the AI, noted for naming policy violation, noted for afk'ing as a head of staff, and finally you got banned for the ash walker grief.

After that, you got noted for ban baiting and then permanently banned for telling the AI to kill yourself. What I've noticed here is that since you got taken off your first perma, you haven't made the same mistake twice besides banbaiting, which according to the initial appeal was a misunderstanding or miscommunication. I feel like you have the desire to improve but you just keep making mistakes and probation is messing you up. It sucks, but I doubt you'll get unbanned. I want to be surprised here though.

(The thing you got banned for wouldn't have even been hard for the admin to fix, just an a-heal and a warning for you)
Yeah, if it was a bunch of stuff all in the same category, then I could understand him being server banned for... well, not this, but for something a bit more major.

But these all seem like relatively minor things- just mistakes that someone getting back into SS13 after a long hiatus would/could be expected to make.
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Re: [ KangTut ] Probation Violation

Post by BeeSting12 » #446089

I've reported half the posts in this thread for being unrelated. The round with the captain and traitor gear isn't related to what he was banned for. It should've been reported during the round and dealt with, and if it wasn't then tough luck, be more on top of ahelping shit when it happens instead of turning ban appeals into a dog pile.
Edward Sloan, THE LAW
Melanie Flowers, Catgirl
Borgasm, Cyborg
OOC: Hunterh98: to be fair sloan is one of the, if not the, most robust folks on tg

DEAD: Schlomo Gaskin says, "sloan may be a faggot but he gets the job done"

oranges wrote:Bee sting is honestly the nicest admin, I look forward to seeing him as a headmin one day
[2020-05-21 01:21:48.923] SAY: Crippo/(Impala Chainee) "Shaggy Voice - She like... wants to get Eiffel Towered bro!!" (Brig (125, 166, 2))
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Re: [ KangTut ] Probation Violation

Post by Vendetta2Sp00ky » #446416

BeeSting12 wrote:I've reported half the posts in this thread for being unrelated. The round with the captain and traitor gear isn't related to what he was banned for. It should've been reported during the round and dealt with, and if it wasn't then tough luck, be more on top of ahelping shit when it happens instead of turning ban appeals into a dog pile.
It was handled during the round.
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Byond Username: KangTut

Re: [ KangTut ] Probation Violation

Post by Kangtut » #447467

The ban was made in regards to how probation works and was discussed with several admins before even being applied. This decision was not made by just myself. I am fine with holding the ban as is and will consider this resolved after 3 days or until either the person who originally placed your probation (Kevinz000) or a Head Admin says otherwise.
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Re: [ KangTut ] Probation Violation

Post by BeeSting12 » #447557

I actually originally placed his probation (see his notes page) and I'm unbanning him when I get home tonight then. Yes, he fucked up here, no, it didn't deserve a permanent ban. Consider him off probation and just give him punishments based off his notes rather than permabanning over a minor offense because "he's on probation". I fucked up when I placed that and I'd like to apologize to Vendetta for it.
Edward Sloan, THE LAW
Melanie Flowers, Catgirl
Borgasm, Cyborg
OOC: Hunterh98: to be fair sloan is one of the, if not the, most robust folks on tg

DEAD: Schlomo Gaskin says, "sloan may be a faggot but he gets the job done"

oranges wrote:Bee sting is honestly the nicest admin, I look forward to seeing him as a headmin one day
[2020-05-21 01:21:48.923] SAY: Crippo/(Impala Chainee) "Shaggy Voice - She like... wants to get Eiffel Towered bro!!" (Brig (125, 166, 2))
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Re: [ KangTut ] Probation Violation

Post by Arianya » #447635

Overruling the overruling.

We'll leave the ban at time served, but probation will remain, as it's not BeeSting's to remove at this stage.

I appreciate that this isn't the most heinous violation of our rules, but I shouldn't have to remind someone who just got unbanned to re-read the rules:
The Rules (Silicon Protections) wrote: Ordering silicons to harm or terminate themselves or each other without cause is a violation of Server Rule 1. The occurrence of such an attempt should be adminhelped and then disregarded.
While the AI should have disregarded the order, obeyed or not it is still a violation of Server Rule 1 to issue the order.

You are still on probation and I would heavily recommend re-reading the rules. Even if you weren't on probation, your note history isn't good.

Any other headmin may post if they so desire.
Frequently playing as Aria Bollet on Bagil & Scary Terry

Source of avatar is here: https://i.imgur.com/hEkADo6.jpg

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