[FatalX1] <GeeseMother> - Just look at the flowers (they had to be put down)

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[FatalX1] <GeeseMother> - Just look at the flowers (they had to be put down)

Post by GeeseMother » #523150

BYOND account: GeeseMother

Character name:Curtas Brown

Ban type: Server

Ban length: 2 days

Ban reason: Killed two SEC officers who where trying to arrest him during a devil round, you can resist arrest but you can't kill officers doing their job, no matted how badly you feel they are doing it.

Time ban was placed: 19-11-09 13:50:06 Event hall

Round ID in which ban was placed: 123291

Your side of the story: I was in the bar when I saw a miner handing out devil contracts and I thought it would be fun to slay an unholy monster so I picked up a chair and gave chase to the beast. We ran around the station a bit until he got to the HoP's office where he hid SEC came and arrested him, I followed and told them he was a devil. In brig we found his contracts which where undeniable proof of his evil. The HoP was there trying to prove the devil's innocence, I tried to make the HoP leave, they did. So then it was just me,the devil, a SEC officer and the captain. I was asking for holy water and then the SEC officer stunned me and stripped me out-side of a cell, he then took me to a cell. the captain cuffed me the officer then stunned me and put me in another cell uncuffed . He then began to flush my stuff down the disposal, I see him take my yellow galosh and drop them in. That was it. I ran at him disarmed him when he tried to stun me and beat him into crit. i had tried talking before but I could tell he was one of "those SEC officer" the ones that forget how to speak and just put anyone in a cell if they think they look funny. I took his weapon and ID to get out for the devil had gotten loose due to the SEC giving him a timer for some reason and I was going to hunt that satanic prick. I looked around the station until I came upon the mauled corpses of the HoP and captain I had no clue what had happend bu i knew the devil had something to do with it just then a chef who had been granted powers by the devil attacked me I got away with some access and headed to SEC to arm myself now with the knowledge of there being a super-powered cheef and a Devil on the loose. when i got there I saw a SEC officer I paid him no attention my mind was on the devil. then he stuck! A baton (turned off) hit me and another SEC officer shot at me I asked what the problem was, no reply. I decided I'd had enough and disarmed the both of them and critted them. They had let the station fall apart and I was not letting them arrest me for some unknown reason. I then left to find and kill the devil. I found him and killed him but I had to talk to an admin about the SEC thing. I would have cremated that red bitch but I wasted to much time and he came back to life and I was banned. So all in all SEC let the station go to shit and I done their job for them.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I was reasonable with these SEC I tried to talk and it wouldn't work. they let loose a devil that I had captured and allowed half the Heads to die and where just being ass-hole (flushing my shit)(no even
having the decency to turn their batons on)(sitting in brig with their thumbs up their ass). What president does this set for SEC are they now allowed to break the number one rule which most of us know "don't be a dick".

References of good conduct: I really only play on TG.
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Byond Username: GeeseMother

Re: [FatalX1] <GeeseMother> - Just look at the flowers (they had to be put down)

Post by GeeseMother » #523151

Also I guess this is what I get for playing on Event Hall
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Re: [FatalX1] <GeeseMother> - Just look at the flowers (they had to be put down)

Post by Fatal » #523246

I'm not even going to go into much detail for this one honestly, but I'l explain further why you were banned

Another admin had made the round a "devil" round, I'm not sure if it was for a TC trade or what, but either way, Devil is not usually in rotation and is not going to be understood clearly by all players

As a result, the round was a bit of a mess because some of the people who had traded their souls to the devil, thought they were subservient to said devil, however this is not the case, this is why the HoP was trying to defend one of the devils from everyone because that devil owned his soul (We did inform the HoP later that he didn't have to protect the devil)

After you got arrested for whatever reason you did the first time, we got an ahelp from one of security saying that you had killed him because you got arrested, however he was in crit at the time, not dead, and he did receive some aid, so, as you know, I talked to you and told you that you cannot kill security doing their jobs and you shouldn't crit them, and if you DO, you should then take them to medical or give them medical attention, but then I left it at that, and you seemed to acknowledge what I had told you

Later on, we (me and Zxaber) look in the brig and find two security officers being beaten to death by you, AFTER I told you that you shouldn't do this

Now you say security tried to arrest you a second time whilst you were hunting one of the devils and you wanted to know why, it was probably because you CRITTED one of them during your escape previously, which is certainly a valid reason for security to outright use lethals on you, let alone arrest you, and it isn't fair to kill them in retaliation for that because they were merely doing their jobs

If security are so bad that you feel they have to be killed, you should ahelp it and we will look into it, which from this situation, they did not deserve it, security did not actively hunt the devil but, they did not actively aid him either, because mostly the devils weren't causing any trouble and were simply handing out contracts

You also have quite a few notes and bans about self-antagging and you don't seem to have learned from them, if you want to valid hunt the antagonists, don't kill security who get in your way, you are not the protagonist of the game, it is not your job (AS JANITOR NO LESS) to murder all the antagonists or to give red text to everyone

This appeal is denied unless a headmin wants to overturn it of course
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Byond Username: GeeseMother

Re: [FatalX1] <GeeseMother> - Just look at the flowers (they had to be put down)

Post by GeeseMother » #523249

I see what you mean. killing them was going too far, I'll admit but I am no valid hunter I just hate devil rounds. Also you got to admit they shouldn't be flushing my boots and shit down disposals.
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Re: [FatalX1] <GeeseMother> - Just look at the flowers (they had to be put down)

Post by Fatal » #523253

GeeseMother wrote:I see what you mean. killing them was going too far, I'll admit but I am no valid hunter I just hate devil rounds. Also you got to admit they shouldn't be flushing my boots and shit down disposals.
Yes absolutely security should not be flushing your stuff down disposals I agree, in future if security are being particularly abusive just ahelp and if any admins are available we will usually take care of it

Generally speaking security is held to a higher standard regarding this stuff so rather than getting in trouble for attacking them in retaliation for such actions, in future I recommend you simply ahelp it
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Re: [FatalX1] <GeeseMother> - Just look at the flowers (they had to be put down)

Post by Hulkamania » #523918

I'm going to reiterate what's been said here and I agree with it.

If security is out there abusing their position and power and you decide to take matters into your own hands then there's often little we can do. If you truly believe they're overstepping their boundaries, it's best to involve an administrator first. The worst that can happen is that they tell you that it was valid behavior for one reason or another, and maybe recommend a course of action if that's the case.

I'm not saying that in every situation you should never defend yourself or act, but the more and more you seek out your own retribution IC, the less an OOC punishment becomes acceptable. Likewise, an outright murder is often far beyond what most situations will call for, even for normal crew members, and should be seen as a last resort. If you're going to go the murder route, you'd better be really damn sure that you're justified in doing so before taking it that far.

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