[BAN] [<Terranaut>] <Tesora>

Joined: Mon Nov 02, 2020 5:25 am
Byond Username: Tesora

[BAN] [<Terranaut>] <Tesora>

Post by Tesoraxd » #582333

BYOND account: <Tesora.>
Character name: <I don't remember, nickname Eli.>
Ban type: <Server ban.>
Ban length: <Permanent.>
Ban reason: <https://prnt.sc/vs00a6.>
Time ban was placed: <17:32.>
Round ID in which ban was placed: <1429.>
Your side of the story: <I find myself in a hard time to try to explain my side, since I had a previous ban which I knew the context of, what I did, what happened and stuff but when I appealed it I got myself in another ban, which the admin I was appealing to sent me a message saying that Terranaut asked him to send it to me, which was a new ban reason, he then said if I had any questions I could ask him, I did have asked him a lot of times, asked another admins, asked people to please tell them that I had to communicate with them to know what the context is and what was it about since I had, and I have no idea. The ban reason says that ''I kept harassing and belittleing other admins, especially the only one who's willing to give you yet another chance'', well what do I have to say is, I really made a mistake and it was bringing the game ban to the discord server, but I never directed any insults to admins at all, I never did, what I did was saying that the reasoning of the ban was poorly contextualized, the admin that wrote it never contacted me and I was certainly he didn't had the full context of it before applying the ban, since the previous admin had already dealt with the case and didn't even gave me a warning, but this appeal is not about what happened ingame but about what happened in the forums and the discord, so my question is, how something that happens outside the game can lead to a game ban? and again, I never got the context of it, I had always been respectful with all admins and other staff I've speaken with ingame, no matter what the issue was I always had been respectful and never broke any rule regarding to it ingame. So how making an apply for a 15 days ban could lead to a direct permanent game ban, without me getting the context of what it's about and stuff? I really can't tell. I'm not going to lie, I don't have a clear behavior in the server, but my behaviour is pretty much nothing, no major griefs, or bad issues with admins, nothing, so how did it escalated to a permanent ban only because of an appeal? I could have just waited the 15 days and it was fine, but the reasoning was not fair at all and I wanted to discuss it, even if I wasn't going to get the ban lifted.>
Why you think you should be unbanned: <It's been 17 days after I got banned yet. I've always contributed more than did bad things on my 3 years of playing TGMC, I've always helped new players with stuff, tried to handle things the good way when I got the steps to handle it the good way and everything, this ban reasoning isn't related to the game though so I don't know how this is going to be handled, as I said in my side of the history I've maintained a good relationship with the game staff all the time and have no notes about disrespecting anyone or anything, this is my first ban ever and I really don't think it's supposed to be the way it is, over minor stuff like this, I want to keep contributing to the community I found myself on when I didn't fit with any other communitiy. I can be explosive sometimes due to my mental issues, and this is what happened in the discord and maybe on the forums, but it never happened ingame before, and I don't think it will too. So if I disrespected any staff inside the game(which I did not) I apologize and I ask you to give me the context of it, because it was really not my true intentions.>
References of good conduct: <Even though Terranaut told me I shouldn't bother appealing this without a good voucher I'm still appealing it without a good voucher, I don't have the time or patience to find a new server, another community to embrace and take part of to get a voucher for here, there's only two servers with this same codebase, it's hard because all others are pretty much different than here, in all aspects so I wouldn't fit anywhere with the same thoughts I had here.>

Other: My main language is not english and I'm still in the process of learning it so there will be grammatical errors, sorry for that. I've made another ban appeal, but since this is another ban they have no relation with eachother, so I don't have to wait 30 days before appealing again following the ban rules. I didn't got a voucher, and I sure won't so soon, I will still appeal this every month tho. The year is nearly the end, I won't be able to participate in events or such which may be cool to do so, but I wish everyone marry xmas and all. If this don't get lifted I'll try again next year, so yeah, see you soon.
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Joined: Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:43 pm
Byond Username: Terranaut

Re: [BAN] [<Terranaut>] <Tesora>

Post by terranaut » #582346

No voucher, denied.
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