[TheBibleMelts] Selcathnevar - Falsely banned for ban evasion

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Byond Username: Selcathnevar

[TheBibleMelts] Selcathnevar - Falsely banned for ban evasion

Post by Selcathnevar » #712246

Ban Details
BYOND account: Selcathnevar
Character name: Honkerbelle
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Likely a ban evader. Killed somebodies pet and then adminhelped that he was killed 'for no reason' when the player retaliated against him.
This ban is permanent. The round ID is 219185.
Time ban was placed: 2023-11-21 02:35:19
Server you were playing on when banned: Sybil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 219185

Reasons for Appealing - Delete irrelevant sections
Is the reason/note factually accurate and fair?: No
If no, please provide more details: Did you not do what the ban reason or note says and want it removed entirely? Do you feel a different wording would be more fair and accurate? Do you have a suggested rewording that would satisfy you for this appeal?[/b]:

The reason for my ban is false and personally it feels like a rash bit of judgement. After I A-helped, for admitedly a dumb reason in retrospect, Bible asked me any other accounts I may have had. I couldn't remember the exact name of the account but I told him what I think it was which turned out to be true. He then accused me of ban evasion because I understood the mechanics of the game too well and knew the map too well. To me this is asinine because:
1. I played quite a bit back in 2021 (easily over 100 hours) and arguably the game was a lot more difficult back then since now you don't need to worry about stances.
2. The map really isn't that difficult to figure out. I had never played on IceBox (I think that's the map's name) but it's not like a super complicated map, 10 minutes in and the layout is pretty simple to get down.
3. As I stated to Bible, I keep the wiki open on a second monitor so anything that I don't know I can easily find.

To me there was really no reason I was evading a ban other than knowing how to play the game competently.

Do you feel the ban length or decision to note was unjustifiably harsh?: Yes/No - **If not relevant, please delete this section**
If no, please provide more details: Explain why to the best of your ability. Do you believe this wasn't even a rule break and you shouldn't have been noted? Do you agree with the decision to note or ban, but feel the duration is too harsh? What do you feel would have been proportionate instead and why?[/b]:

I broke no rules and I think Bible's reasoning for why he assumed I was a ban evader is bogus.
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Re: [TheBibleMelts] Selcathnevar - Falsely banned for ban evasion

Post by TheBibleMelts » #712247

you were playing a two-day old account with ~7 hours total, had knowledge of the station (northstar, not icebox - which is notoriously confusing for newer players in particular) and where specific items were, beyond what a map would be able to easily show you. and even with a two year break, being two days back in would leave most people still trying to get their space-legs back, and i watched the entire scenario of you grief a player, get your ass beaten by them knowing full well what you did, and then adminhelp this -

Code: Select all

I murderboned by Jeff for no reason
selcathnevar ➡ Admins
followed by you eventually being revived, and then locating/grabbing a syringe gun and a few chemicals while you looked for the person who you got robusted by.

i've found at least two other accounts of yours with us who all have similar (but expired) bans placed for behavior similar to this. you tripped pretty much every red flag that there was, short of us getting a massive text alert that you shared an IP with a banned account. i'm not interested in taking your word and lifting this due to you already having lied in the start of our adminhelp, and don't have a lot of trust left to offer.
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Byond Username: Selcathnevar

Re: [TheBibleMelts] Selcathnevar - Falsely banned for ban evasion

Post by Selcathnevar » #712248

I'm a little confused as to how you assumed I knew where specific items were? Like I wasn't hunting things specifically aside from basic tooling like wrenches and pry bars which can be found literally all over the station. Like the map is absolutely not hard to navigate.

Also yes, it was a new account because as you said the last account that I played on the server with was back in 2021 and I forgot the password for it and frankly did not feel like going through the trouble of figuring that out. I would also like to know what the two other accounts you found are. I know Selcath but to my knowledge that was the only other account I had.
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Re: [TheBibleMelts] Selcathnevar - Falsely banned for ban evasion

Post by TheBibleMelts » #712249

outside of the one you listed, there was another account with both an IP and CID match to your older account by the name of Sanguchi. if you'd like to return in a couple of months after consistently playing on a single key on another server that can vouch for you, i'll consider lifting this. otherwise you looked like a duck, acted like a duck, and quacked like a duck.
Joined: Tue Nov 21, 2023 2:36 am
Byond Username: Selcathnevar

Re: [TheBibleMelts] Selcathnevar - Falsely banned for ban evasion

Post by Selcathnevar » #712250

Sanguchi is not my account, but rather a friend's account. She introduced me to SS13 and we would play together between classes in college. That would be why there would be a match.
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Re: [TheBibleMelts] Selcathnevar - Falsely banned for ban evasion

Post by TheBibleMelts » #712269

to summarize:
i'm not interested in taking your word and lifting this due to you already having lied in the start of our adminhelp, and don't have a lot of trust left to offer.

if you'd like to return in a couple of months after consistently playing on a single key on another server that can vouch for you, i'll consider lifting this. otherwise you looked like a duck, acted like a duck, and quacked like a duck.
otherwise i'm considering this resolved.

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