[<NecromancerAnne>] Sorrel Adams -

Appeals which have been closed.
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[<NecromancerAnne>] Sorrel Adams -

Post by AliasTakuto » #717163

Ban Details
BYOND account: TrisBanshou
Character name: Sorrel Adams
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Month
Ban reason: You have been banned by NecromancerAnne from the server.
Reason: In a round where they replaced the ears of a felinid player for no reason other than that they were a felinid and vulnerable, escalated into a conflict with several people in the round. While discussing the matter after they ahelped due to them losing their ID to one of those people, they released a grenade that killed several other people who were bystanders, along with themselves and their victim. Apparently, they have an ongoing metagrudge against felinids. Left mid ticket. Sorry mate, come to the forums if you think this was applied in error, but you need to re-evaluate why you are playing
This ban is temporary, it will be removed in 1 month. The round ID is 221637.
To appeal this ban go to viewforum.php?f=7

Time ban was placed:12:37:40
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: 221637.

Reasons for Appealing

Is the reason/note factually accurate and fair?: Yes/

Do you disagree with the admin's interpretation of rules or policy?: Yes
If no, please provide more details: I used the grenade in self defence, there were only two people in that room and they were both attacking me and had made it clear through RP they wanted me to be dead. It was, as they say, "valid". Also this was in like the last minute of the round and I feel that should be taken into account.

As for the ear replacing stuff, you can ask Anne but I don't think this is what I was banned for. If I was all I can say is "Sorry for being hilarious", replacing felinds cat ears with human ears was a great gimmick and I didn't escalate it beyond that until I had my ID stolen from me for like 20 minutes straight.

Do you feel the ban length or decision to note was unjustifiably harsh?: Yes
If no, please provide more details: Any amount of ban for this is incorrect but a month is extra incorrect.

Notably they also brought up a previous note I had for throwing a super melatonine grenade onto a structurally intact and entirely safe shuttle during evac of a green shift. I didn't argue getting noted for it at the time because I thought people would read it and realize it was silly so I wouldn't have to, but based on how it was brought up during my discussion with Anne I'd also like to appeal that as well, I shouldn't have been noted for that and I don't like that it gives other admins the wrong impression about me.
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Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] Sorrel Adams -

Post by NecromancerAnne » #717166

Hi. I was going to keep this short, since you didn't even bother to continue the ticket with me and see the conclusion of the ban to instead go yell at people on discord instead, but I think a few things need to be said.

I'm going to deny this appeal for several reasons;

1) Your behaviour in the given round was a case of escalation baiting and potentially ban baiting given you chose to ahelp after someone retaliated against you for an action you took against someone. That reason being to grief that person via an appearance change because they were a felinid, and without even having personally done anything against you other than their name and their character existing at all in the round. You can absolutely be an arsehole, but if you choose to go out of your way to inconvenience or harm someone or alter their character in an act of grief, you've opened yourself up to retaliation. And in these instances, you don't have control over or have much grounds to retaliate. Worse yet, you chose to take it to ahelps when you were retaliated against, which is frankly doubly cowardly. You're not even committed to your 'gimmick' enough to not complain to us when it backfires ic, claiming that you were 'round removed' because you lost your ID while you were still very much lugging a syringe gun to hunt down the thief Very much alive, and very much attacking them. So I can only evaluate this in one way; you aren't doing a gimmick, you're griefing players and expect to weaponize admins when you suffer the consequences and people follow escalation appropriately. I told you, if you don't like that, don't do that shit in the future. It is as simple as that. These aren't NPCs, and you're not the main character. Also, no, that isn't why I banned you. I was actually going to close the ticket just as point two came up. The reason I banned you was...

2) When your unarmed victim, only in prison gear, in retaliation for the grief against them that round, started shoving you and punching you in the escape foyer, you chose to activate an incendiary that killed everyone in the room in seconds and only dissipated because it burned a hole into space. Killing people who weren't directly responsible for the component of this conflict that involved you directly. You didn't even register that these other people were in the room, and you didn't seem to care. There is a running joke about 'self-defense explosives' in the community, and pal, that joke is literally about you. This is what would normally get you banned. It is both a terrible demonstration and understanding of escalation, given that you were the one who griefed this player in the first place and they're the one who dictates the flow of escalation as a result. But not only was it horrible escalation, you also harmed others too.

I was watching you as this happened. You drew my eyes to you when you ahelped, and I saw it unfold. And you want to convince me your life was threatened enough by a catgirl in pajamas to carpet bomb departures? I've seen better excuses from evaders. I think this alone shows how much contempt you have for anyone who has to waste time interacting with you. Particularly because...

3) Your two previous notes, in the last month, were about poor use of grenades at the tail end of a round (Which you refused to acknowledge as even being legitimate despite the fact that you have not successfully appealed the note; in which case I must assume it to be correct), and about escalation baiting and ban baiting. Two very relevant notes given how you have behaved in this round. This is only the notes from last month. The last several notes over two months alone, since you joined the server, paint a fairly similar picture.

There was also evidence to show that your behavior against the victim of this conflict was in fact one you had pre-meditated.


Which was definitely not the smartest thing for you to be saying in a public space if you want me to believe that this isn't exactly what your previous notes suggest. And given you left the ticket early, you missed the fact that I was going to make this a two week ban. The fact you had so little respect for this process that you would much rather be cussing out the people you were victimizing this round on discord made me push this up to a month, and I've had people question whether or not this is still too lenient. I'm asking myself that too.

Consider this month an opportunity for you to actually develop any sense of empathy for the other people who have to tolerate your presence in the community. You are not the only person playing the game, and if you want to be jerk, then at the very least accept that people are not only encouraged to not take it down lying, but you've gotta suck it up and accept when you're getting your comeuppance. Roll with it, or do not put yourself in a position where this might occur. Simple as can be. IF you want to grief, at least do it as an antagonist, and not as a non-antagonist.
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Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] Sorrel Adams -

Post by NecromancerAnne » #717174

Also, you can't appeal that other note here, you must appeal that separately with the relevant admin. I thought I would let you know.
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Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] Sorrel Adams -

Post by AliasTakuto » #717176

There might be some confusion here, I stayed in the ticket until I was banned, I thought it was pretty sudden that we ended our discussion at the point we did and I do have spotty internet, perhaps there may have been some DC fuckery going on? I only read like the first line of what you've typed though, just wanted to throw this in here since this seems like it could be important
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Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] Sorrel Adams -

Post by AliasTakuto » #717184

1: Firstly, I did not escalate against the player I stole the ears off of, the only escalation that happened that round was between me and other people that decided to get involved with the situation. I'm not saying they shouldn't have, or they didn't have a right to, but if I'm being accused of escalation baiting then this is definitely relevant since no escalation was even done against the person you're accusing me of having baited.

Secondly, stealing someone's ID is a massive fucking escalation from the entirely harmless fuckery I was doing. You seem to have it in my head that I was out there trying to bully people and antagonize people into giving me valid reason to escalate on them but the only person I fucked with named themselves "Ani My" and was being purposefully obnoxious on comms. They were very much looking for that kind of interaction, and even they said they thought it was cool and funny in the round after. The supposed "victim" of my "bullying" managed to get the joke at the intended vibe.

If anyone was escalation baiting it was Hali. They were the one who took things beyond fun and games and started actively griefing people, it was only after Hali got involved that not everyone was having fun anymore. They were genuinely being a dick, stealing someone's ID off of funny IC goofs is a wild fucking escalation, and I am still bitter you acted like I "had it coming" when I ahelped about it.

2: You're saying "A harmless catgirl in Prison Gear" like being a catgirl or wearing prison gear makes your character less powerful for some reason. The fact was I was outnumbered, my character was already on the brink of death, I was lagging, and I didn't have any other weapons on me. Put on top that that it was the literal last minute of the round and no I don't feel bad about dropping a grenade. No one was being meaningfully round removed for any period of time, no one was being denied a greentext or escape as we'd all missed the shuttle anyway, no one was impacted by this in any way and if you hadn't literally seen it happen I doubt it'd have been ahelped.

3: The note I previously have is bullshit and shouldn't be there, and as I told you in the ahelp I fucking loathe that you are giving it any consideration whatsoever, and as we've already covered here there was absolutely no escalation bait happening on my part. Also, go talk to the admin who gave me that note, what they're talking about in that note is so incredibly far detached from what it happening here there is no possible parallel. If you're basing your decisions over here on my notes, you are misleading yourself into bad decisions.

Lastly though, why are you even commenting here? Isn't the whole point of a ban appeal that I get to have someone else look at my ban? Not to seem aggressive towards you, but of course you're going to support the decision you made yourself less than an hour ago, I'm appealing because I'd like people who haven't already made their minds up to come look at this.
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Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] Sorrel Adams -

Post by dendydoom » #717187

AliasTakuto wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 2:55 pm Lastly though, why are you even commenting here? Isn't the whole point of a ban appeal that I get to have someone else look at my ban? Not to seem aggressive towards you, but of course you're going to support the decision you made yourself less than an hour ago, I'm appealing because I'd like people who haven't already made their minds up to come look at this.
the appeals process involves having a discussion with the banning admin to try and hash out why a ban happened and what can be done about it. in this community admins have ownerships of their bans: no other admins can get involved or overturn it other than the headmins. at the moment this situation is squarely between you and anne.

you are within your right to request the headmins to review this appeal if you feel like the discussion is not productive, but please keep in mind that this is a request not a right, that there's an expectation that you try to have a productive conversation first, and that headmin reviews can typically take a while to hear back from.

hope this helps.
MrStonedOne wrote:I always read dendy's walls of text
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Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] Sorrel Adams -

Post by AliasTakuto » #717188

How the fuck am I supposed to argue someone into admitting they're wrong in a public place in front of all of their peers whilst they occupy a position of authority in which they have every incentive to try and maintain as infallible an image as possible?
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Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] Sorrel Adams -

Post by AliasTakuto » #717189

Are theses appeals literally just for the peanut gallery threads?
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Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] Sorrel Adams -

Post by CMDR_Gungnir » #717190

I said it in the Peanut but I think it bears repeating here for record sake. Hi, I was the Bystander caught in the grenade.
Repeating myself wrote: I didn't attack him at all (until after the first grenade), and if I'm not mistaken (I checked the logs to make sure, but I may have missed something!) the only time any sign of Hostility toward him was shown toward him from me was one (1) instance of "fuck it just kill him at this point" after I saw Sec telling him to stop magdumping the prisoners they were trying to recapture (while he was using an Autorifle). The rest of it was all "He should be arrested for torturing Crew and trying to kill them".
Supporting Logs (Every attack and Say Log in the area):
Attack Logs:

Code: Select all

12:14:48	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) shoved TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 85.4)	(99, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:49	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) shoved TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 85.8)	(100, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:50	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) shoved TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 85.8)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:51	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) kicked TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 86.3)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:51	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) got a stun punch with their previous punch TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 69)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:52	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) got a stun punch with their previous punch TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 62.1)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:52	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) kicked TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 69)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:52	ATTACK	DrAmazing343/(Jane Sierpenski) (mob_3353) is stripping *no key*/(John Anstor) of the disabler.	(107, 70, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:52	ATTACK	DrAmazing343/(Jane Sierpenski) (mob_3353) is stripping *no key*/(John Anstor) of John Anstor (Security Officer).	(107, 70, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:53	ATTACK	DrAmazing343/(Jane Sierpenski) (mob_3353) is stripping *no key*/(John Anstor) of the security belt.	(107, 70, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:53	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) kicked TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 62.1)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:53	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) got a stun punch with their previous punch TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 52.9)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:53	ATTACK	DrAmazing343/(Jane Sierpenski) (mob_3353) is stripping *no key*/(John Anstor) of the security messenger bag.	(107, 70, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:53	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) primed a chemical grenade at Departure Lounge (102,69,2) containing: (large beaker 1 : Fluorosurfactant, 70 | Phlogiston, 10 | Omnizine, 10 | Chlorine Trifluoride, 10); (large beaker 2 : Water, 70 | Phlogiston, 10 | Omnizine, 10 | Chlorine Trifluoride, 10);.	(102, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:53	ATTACK	DrAmazing343/(Jane Sierpenski) (mob_3353) is pickpocketing *no key*/(John Anstor) of the handcuffs (left)	(107, 70, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:54	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) kicked TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 55.9)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:54	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) got a stun punch with their previous punch TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 40.9)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:54	ATTACK	DrAmazing343/(Jane Sierpenski) (mob_3353) is stripping *no key*/(John Anstor) of the damaged security uniform.	(107, 70, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:54	ATTACK	DrAmazing343/(Jane Sierpenski) (mob_3353) is stripping *no key*/(John Anstor) of the armor vest.	(107, 70, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:54	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) kicked TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 40.9)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:54	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) got a stun punch with their previous punch TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 32.8)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:55	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) suffered: Joint Dislocation to left arm | Damage: 7.7 (rolled 11/17.4216)	(102, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:55	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) punched TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 30)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:56	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) punched TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 24)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:57	ATTACK	DrAmazing343/(Jane Sierpenski) (mob_3353) has stripped *no key*/(John Anstor) of the disabler.	(107, 70, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:57	ATTACK	DrAmazing343/(Jane Sierpenski) (mob_3353) has stripped *no key*/(John Anstor) of John Anstor (Security Officer).	(107, 70, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:57	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) shoved TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 24)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:57	ATTACK	DrAmazing343/(Jane Sierpenski) (mob_3353) has stripped *no key*/(John Anstor) of the security belt.	(107, 70, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:57	ATTACK	DrAmazing343/(Jane Sierpenski) (mob_3353) has stripped *no key*/(John Anstor) of the security messenger bag.	(107, 70, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:58	ATTACK	DrAmazing343/(Jane Sierpenski) (mob_3353) has stripped *no key*/(John Anstor) of the handcuffs.	(107, 70, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:58	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) shoved TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 28.2)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:59	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) slipped on the [foam]	(100, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:59	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) slipped on the [foam]	(99, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:59	ATTACK	CMDR Gungnir/(Morgan Iskandi) (mob_4107) fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from Departure Lounge	(98, 72, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:15:00	ATTACK	CMDR Gungnir/(Morgan Iskandi) (mob_4107) slipped on the [foam]	(99, 72, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:15:00	ATTACK	DrAmazing343/(Jane Sierpenski) (mob_3353) has stripped *no key*/(John Anstor) of the damaged security uniform.	(107, 70, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:15:00	ATTACK	CMDR Gungnir/(Morgan Iskandi) (mob_4107) shot TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 18.9)
Say/Game Logs:

Code: Select all

12:14:20	SAY	CMDR Gungnir/(Morgan Iskandi) (mob_4107) "Want healing?"	(105, 67, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:22	EMOTE	CMDR Gungnir/(Morgan Iskandi) (mob_4107) coughs!	(104, 70, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:22	SAY	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) "WE'RE FREE FROM THEM!! NYA!"	(106, 72, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:25	SAY	DrAmazing343/(Jane Sierpenski) (mob_3353) "Please"	(105, 72, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:30	SAY	DrAmazing343/(Jane Sierpenski) (mob_3353) "Right"	(105, 72, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:31	SAY	DrAmazing343/(Jane Sierpenski) (mob_3353) "That's good"	(105, 72, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:32	SAY	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) "Me too please.. nya.."	(106, 72, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:34	SAY	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) "Thank you.."	(106, 72, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:40	EMOTE	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) laughs.	(100, 61, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:42	SAY	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) "Better!"	(106, 72, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:43	EMOTE	CMDR Gungnir/(Morgan Iskandi) (mob_4107) sneezes.	(107, 72, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:44	SAY	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) "This place is OURS now!"	(106, 72, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:46	SAY	CMDR Gungnir/(Morgan Iskandi) (mob_4107) "Think I'm sick with something."	(107, 72, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:47	SAY	ZKXS/(Bucket) (mob_3358) "Hi hi"	(105, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:57	SAY	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) "Real"	(102, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:58	GAME	A grenade detonated	(102, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:59	EMOTE	CMDR Gungnir/(Morgan Iskandi) (mob_4107) coughs!	(98, 72, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:15:00	GAME	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) held a grenade detonated by a projectile (4.6x30mm bullet) at (102,69,2)	(102, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:15:09	EMOTE	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) seizes up and falls limp, her eyes dead and lifeless...	(98, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:15:09	GAME	*no key*/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) *no key*/(Ani Myu) is no longer owning mob Ani Myu(/mob/living/carbon/human)	(98, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:15:09	GAME	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_4299) Client Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) has taken ownership of mob Ani Myu(/mob/dead/observer)	(98, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:15:11	EMOTE	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...	(102, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:15:12	SAY	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_4299) (DEAD) "bro"	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:15:14	SAY	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_4299) (DEAD) "that was so lame"	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:15:17	SAY	Matthew201004/(Alice Sorrell) (mob_4293) (DEAD) "dang"	(101, 68, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:15:23	EMOTE	CMDR Gungnir/(Morgan Iskandi) (mob_4107) seizes up and falls limp, her eyes dead and lifeless...
I hope this isn't peanutting?
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Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] Sorrel Adams -

Post by AliasTakuto » #717191

That's someone else my G
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Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] Sorrel Adams -

Post by Vekter » #717199

AliasTakuto wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 3:08 pm How the fuck am I supposed to argue someone into admitting they're wrong in a public place in front of all of their peers whilst they occupy a position of authority in which they have every incentive to try and maintain as infallible an image as possible?
You're not. You're supposed to make your case that you did not deserve to be banned and either the admin who banned you can admit they made a mistake and unban you, or they can insist they did not and you can ask the head admins to review your ban to see if it was fair. At least two of them will need to agree that the ban wasn't warranted for it to be overturned.

You can also apologize for your actions, explain that you understand that what you did was wrong, and ask for clemency in that the ban be reduced based on the fact that you promise you won't break the rules again.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Omega_DarkPotato wrote:This sucks, dude.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] Sorrel Adams -

Post by NecromancerAnne » #717203

Peanut threads are an aspect of the appeal process done entirely by the community itself. So, no, actually. In some cases, peanut threads can on occasion sway appeals simply because it is a method for the community to self-evaluate.

I can absolutely be put to scrutiny by my peers, and in fact my last appeal was exactly that where I was definitely incorrect in how I handled the given situation. My peers were the ones to question my reasoning, show where I went wrong, and I took that to heart and resolved the situation. We have an internal peer review process, and we have headmin oversight to second guess us where necessary. But that is largely the extent of it.

Part of this process is to re-evaluate a given situation. Give me a chance to check myself, give you a chance to disagree with me in a more drawn out discussion. I did, before applying the ban, check to see if you would pop back in. It did not seem to present as such, so I had only assumed you left. On reflection, I did in fact make the right call applying a month ban, but I highlighted that things may have been more lenient because I at the very least think it is important to give players an opportunity for self-reflection and consideration of their behaviour.

This ban, where it stands now, is an accumulation of events that occurred in-round, across past rounds that were recorded by previous admin remarks, and your attitude in the appeal itself. I find your claim that you believe it to be a harmless gimmick to be contradictory to your reaction to when you were retaliated against. To point out how much what you've done aligns with prior precedent, here is the literal rule.
Rule 1 Precedent 5 wrote:If you do something that has no benefit to you other than making others upset and adminhelp the in-game consequences, you may be banned instead.
By 'making others upset', that can include entirely IC conflicts too. This is otherwise an IC conflict you chose to elevate OOC because you got dunked. That's why I'm not convinced you even have a firm grasp of your own behaviour. You don't even seem to understand that this rule is effectively a warning to take things light-heartedly. To be willing to take L's for being an arsehole, that by doing so you are at least willing to admit that your behaviour and actions were at the very least done so with the spirit of absurdity and silliness in mind. You're doing a bit, and by propping yourself up in the conflict as someone who did another player a wrong, you're tolerant of taking the fall that follows.

Moreso, you jump between IC and OOC justifications where convenient. You say everyone who died at the end were stranded anyway, which means from your perspective they're irrelevant parties and already dead given that logic. But then quite happily label them as attackers because you want to use an IC perspective of being outnumbered, even though the logs demonstrate that only Ani My was attacking you.

Here is a relevant piece of precedent that is applicable here;
Rule 1 Precedent 8 wrote:Rules apply until the emergency escape shuttle is docked and the round-end antagonist report has appeared.
You are not an antagonist, you activated the bomb before the screen appear, you don't get the claim those people are irrelevant when we have a rule protecting them from this kind of indiscriminate grief.

In the case of Hali, I would agree that it may have been excessive and did interfere with your ability to do your job, if not for the basis of the action being an act that you seem to have an active vendetta against catpeople in general, which your OOC messages suggest about as much. That'd maybe be grounds for it to be considered a metagrudge, and those that do this kind of behaviour run into Rule 1, Precedent 4.
Rule 1, Precedent 4 wrote:Unjustified grief/tiding, minor or otherwise, or unprovoked grief targeted towards players who wronged you in previous rounds ('metagrudging') can be followed up with notes, or bans.
I would argue a round to round plan to actively inconvenience any and all felinid players for no reason other than being a felinid, rather than just simply possessing a bias against them for IC reasoning, is a metagrudge. And you absolutely can be banned for this alone. Nor should players ever tolerate people who do this. I'm not keen on vigilante justice, but sometimes players will do what they must in absence of admin presence.

That said, had you not ahelped and you beat his ass, sure, I would have overlooked it, it was your ID you were after. It's part of the messy ongoing conflict at the time.

And while Hali may have been potentially a bit more excusable to take revenge on (I actually let a miner bomb robotics that round because of a similar conflict), you wouldn't have been allowed to kill them for good. And you absolutely shouldn't have firebombed anyone in departures because none of them negatively impacted your ability to play in the round themselves. In fact, you did the last thing you should have, which was firebombed the person you upset for no reason other than being a cat.
Escalation Policy wrote:You may begin IC conflicts with another player if it does not excessively interfere with their ability to do their job. While you are allowed to escalate conflicts, if it leads to violence and you have poor IC reasoning for inciting it, you may face administrative action.

Killing a crewmate is a severe response, and requires severe justification to do, such as those in Rule 1's precedents, or Rule 4.

Critically wounded characters must be treated or taken to the medbay by the standing party where reasonable, and taking unnecessary action against a downed player opens you up to reprisal. If you are incapacitated in a fight and treated, or the conflict is otherwise meaningfully broken, you are expected to require an IC reason beyond 'bruised ego' to re-initiate it.
They hadn't even reached the point of knocking you into crit before you chose to activate the hellmix and kill everyone in the vicinity. These leaps of logic that seem to entirely preclude anyone outside of your own perspective and self-justify every action without a modicum of second guessing yourself is why I'm not really willing to give you a more lenient result than the one you've been given. This isn't about proving me wrong. It is proving you possess self-awareness and empathy. Unlike what Vekter claims, getting you to say sorry isn't what I need to see here. It is an awareness of others, and awareness that possibly what you do directly correlates to how others respond. You have failed to demonstrate this.

I'll inform the headmins of your request and urge them to come scrutinize my logic.
Last edited by NecromancerAnne on Thu Jan 04, 2024 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Joined: Thu Jan 04, 2024 12:40 pm

Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] Sorrel Adams -

Post by AliasTakuto » #717217

"I find your claim that you believe it to be a harmless gimmick to be contradictory to your reaction to when you were retaliated against."

The person I was retaliated against by was not the person I was interacting with in the gimmick, it was a third party that choose to insert themselves into the situation. By my estimation, because they wanted to escalate the fuck out of it.

"Moreso, you jump between IC and OOC justifications where convenient. You say everyone who died at the end were stranded anyway, which means from your perspective they're irrelevant parties and already dead given that logic. But then quite happily label them as attackers because you want to use an IC perspective of being outnumbered, even though the logs demonstrate that only Ani My was attacking you."

I'm not "jumping between them", I'm bringing them both up because they're both relevant. The other guy attacked me earlier in the hall outside of security, and had chased me from security to here, so I'm pretty sure they planned to continue their attack.

Also I'm being told by a third party that the nade I had was set off by a bullet, was Ani the one who shot at me? It might be worth checking if the second guy was shooting at me, because someone was shooting apparently. (I wasn't aware I was being shot at the time, but it doesn't surprise me to learn that I was)

"In the case of Hali, I would agree that it may have been excessive and did interfere with your ability to do your job"

I appreciate this, thank you.

"I would argue a round to round plan to actively inconvenience any and all felinid players for no reason other than being a felinid, rather than just simply possessing a bias against them for IC reasoning, is a metagrudge."

To be clear, I wasn't taking the ears off of all felinds, I only did it to two that round, one because they named themselves "Anime" and seemed to be inviting that kind of energy, and the other because they attacked me earlier in the round, and when it came time for me to heal them (WHICH I WAS FULLY HAPPY TO DO FOR THEM) I thought it'd be funny to swap out their ears whilst I healed them.

I will admit, I thought the gimmick was funny and I plan to repeat it, but I also plan to repeat the discriminatory process and make sure I'm not just de earing all felinds because felind.

"In fact, you did the last thing you should have, which was firebombed the person you upset for no reason other than being a cat."

In all honesty I didn't realize this speccific catgirl was Ani until after the fact, I'd been getting swarmed by catgirls all shift and they'd started to all kinda blend into each other. I maintain given the situation a self defense was justified, but if I'd known it was Ani I'd like to think I'd have just let her have the last laugh there.

"They hadn't even reached the point of knocking you into crit before you chose to activate the hellmix and kill everyone in the vicinity. These leaps of logic that seem to entirely preclude anyone outside of your own perspective and self-justify every action without a modicum of second guessing yourself is why I'm not really willing to give you a more lenient result than the one you've been given."

I also want to note I was lagging pretty hard here, also is it even possible to activate grenades whilst in crit? I thought you could only crawl whilst in crit? I knew I was about to be in crit very soon so I wanted to activate it before then.

"I'll inform the headmins of your request and urge them to come scrutinize my logic."

I appreciate that, I also appreciate your time you've spent so far, as aggressive as our interactions have been and as much as I disagree with you, I do appreciate that you're out here and you're trying your best.
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Byond Username: CMDR Gungnir

Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] Sorrel Adams -

Post by CMDR_Gungnir » #717224

AliasTakuto wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 4:18 pm I'm not "jumping between them", I'm bringing them both up because they're both relevant. The other guy attacked me earlier in the hall outside of security, and had chased me from security to here, so I'm pretty sure they planned to continue their attack.
I went to Departures because that's where the Shuttle is? And ended up not making it on board because I stopped to help someone who was dying in the halls. I wasn't chasing you, we both just had the same destination.
AliasTakuto wrote: Also I'm being told by a third party that the nade I had was set off by a bullet, was Ani the one who shot at me? It might be worth checking if the second guy was shooting at me, because someone was shooting apparently. (I wasn't aware I was being shot at the time, but it doesn't surprise me to learn that I was)
The logs that I posted before showed the exact way this went down. You primed a grenade. It went off five seconds later. You were shot afterward.
CMDR_Gungnir wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 3:13 pm

Code: Select all

12:14:48	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) shoved TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 85.4)	(99, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:49	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) shoved TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 85.8)	(100, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:50	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) shoved TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 85.8)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:51	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) kicked TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 86.3)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:51	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) got a stun punch with their previous punch TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 69)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:52	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) got a stun punch with their previous punch TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 62.1)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:52	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) kicked TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 69)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:53	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) kicked TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 62.1)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:53	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) got a stun punch with their previous punch TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 52.9)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:53	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) primed a chemical grenade at Departure Lounge (102,69,2) containing: (large beaker 1 : Fluorosurfactant, 70 | Phlogiston, 10 | Omnizine, 10 | Chlorine Trifluoride, 10); (large beaker 2 : Water, 70 | Phlogiston, 10 | Omnizine, 10 | Chlorine Trifluoride, 10);.	(102, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:54	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) kicked TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 55.9)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:54	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) got a stun punch with their previous punch TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 40.9)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:54	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) kicked TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 40.9)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:54	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) got a stun punch with their previous punch TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 32.8)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:55	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) suffered: Joint Dislocation to left arm | Damage: 7.7 (rolled 11/17.4216)	(102, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:55	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) punched TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 30)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:56	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) punched TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 24)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:57	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) shoved TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 24)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:58	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) shoved TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 28.2)	(101, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:59	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) slipped on the [foam]	(100, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:59	ATTACK	Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) slipped on the [foam]	(99, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:14:59	ATTACK	CMDR Gungnir/(Morgan Iskandi) (mob_4107) fired at [floor] with 4.6x30mm bullet from Departure Lounge	(98, 72, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:15:00	ATTACK	CMDR Gungnir/(Morgan Iskandi) (mob_4107) slipped on the [foam]	(99, 72, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:15:00	ATTACK	DrAmazing343/(Jane Sierpenski) (mob_3353) has stripped *no key*/(John Anstor) of the damaged security uniform.	(107, 70, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:15:00	ATTACK	CMDR Gungnir/(Morgan Iskandi) (mob_4107) shot TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) with 4.6x30mm bullet (NEWHP: 18.9)
Say/Game Logs:

Code: Select all

12:14:58	GAME	A grenade detonated	(102, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
12:15:00	GAME	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) held a grenade detonated by a projectile (4.6x30mm bullet) at (102,69,2)	(102, 69, 2)	Departure Lounge
I've trimmed them a little where I can, of everything that isn't attacks or related to the grenade, to make it easier to read. But the timestamps show the exact order of things.

12:14:53 - You prime a grenade
12:14:58 - The grenade detonates (standard 5 second timer)
12:14:59 - The shot is fired
12:15:00 - The shot hits you and "detonates" the grenade
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Byond Username: Archie700

Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] Sorrel Adams -

Post by Archie700 » #717235

I'm sampling a bit of logs to show you what you were doing with people.

Code: Select all

[2024-01-04 10:34:13.455] GAME-SAY: 10:34:13.455] GAME-SAY: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) "We&#39;re gunna launch" (Medbay Central (89,101,2))
[2024-01-04 10:34:19.319] GAME-SAY: 10:34:19.319] GAME-SAY: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) "Operation NoCat" (Medbay Central (89,101,2))
[2024-01-04 10:34:25.082] GAME-SAY: 10:34:25.082] GAME-SAY: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) "I&#39;m gunna kidnap the chef" (Medbay Central (89,101,2))
[2024-01-04 10:34:31.398] GAME-SAY: 10:34:31.398] GAME-SAY: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) "And surgically remove their catgirl parts" (Medbay Central (89,101,2))

Code: Select all

[2024-01-04 10:57:45.609] ATTACK: T
[2024-01-04 10:57:50.131] ATTACK: Dunham/(Iguana JonrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) climbed onto [reinforced table] (Kitchen (139,128,2))
[2024-01-04 10:57:55.197] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:57:55.199] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/mutetoxin (1.6644u, 0.847721 purity) and /datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (3.3356u, 0.45872 purity)) from the hypospray to Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:57:55.200] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) injected Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:57:56.038] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:57:56.039] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/mutetoxin (1.6644u, 0.847721 purity) and /datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (3.3356u, 0.45872 purity)) from the hypospray to Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:57:56.040] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) injected Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:57:56.941] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:57:56.942] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/mutetoxin (1.6645u, 0.847721 purity) and /datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (3.3355u, 0.45872 purity)) from the hypospray to Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:57:56.943] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) injected Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:57:57.788] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:57:57.790] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/mutetoxin (1.6644u, 0.847721 purity) and /datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (3.3356u, 0.45872 purity)) from the hypospray to Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:57:57.791] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) injected Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:57:58.740] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:57:58.741] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/mutetoxin (1.6645u, 0.847721 purity) and /datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (3.3355u, 0.45872 purity)) from the hypospray to Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:57:58.742] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) injected Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:57:59.723] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:57:59.726] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/mutetoxin (1.6644u, 0.847721 purity) and /datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (3.3356u, 0.45872 purity)) from the hypospray to Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:57:59.726] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) injected Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:00.719] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:00.720] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/mutetoxin (1.6645u, 0.847721 purity) and /datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (3.3355u, 0.45872 purity)) from the hypospray to Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:00.721] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) injected Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:01.574] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:01.576] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/mutetoxin (1.6644u, 0.847721 purity) and /datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (3.3356u, 0.45872 purity)) from the hypospray to Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:01.576] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) injected Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 24.1)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:01.932] ATTACK: Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/medicine/c2/synthflesh (40u, 1 purity)) from Synth(brute/burn) 40u Patch to Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Kitchen (138,127,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:02.594] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:02.595] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/mutetoxin (1.6645u, 0.847721 purity) and /datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (3.3355u, 0.45872 purity)) from the hypospray to Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:02.596] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) injected Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Kitchen (137,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:12.712] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) grabbed Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) passive grab (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Kitchen (137,127,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:15.553] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) shoved Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Kitchen (136,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:16.818] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) grabbed Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) aggressive grab (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Kitchen (136,126,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:24.200] ATTACK: SeaGull226/(Quinn Keerner) (mob_3591) grabbed Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) passive grab (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Kitchen (137,127,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:24.201] ATTACK: SeaGull226/(Quinn Keerner) (mob_3591) grabbed Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) aggressively (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Kitchen (137,127,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:24.354] ATTACK: Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (mob_3356) pulled from SeaGull226/(Quinn Keerner) with Sorrel Adams (NEWHP: 100)  (Kitchen (136,127,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:24.356] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) grabbed Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) passive grab (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Kitchen (136,128,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:32.526] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) grabbed Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) aggressive grab (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Bar Lounge (134,130,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:42.065] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 97.4)  (Central Primary Hallway (127,131,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:42.066] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/mutetoxin (1.6644u, 0.847721 purity) and /datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (3.3356u, 0.45872 purity)) from the hypospray to TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 97.4)  (Central Primary Hallway (127,131,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:42.067] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) injected TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 97.4)  (Central Primary Hallway (127,131,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:43.174] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 97.4)  (Central Primary Hallway (126,127,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:43.176] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/mutetoxin (1.6645u, 0.847721 purity) and /datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (3.3355u, 0.45872 purity)) from the hypospray to TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 97.4)  (Central Primary Hallway (126,127,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:43.176] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) injected TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 97.4)  (Central Primary Hallway (126,127,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:44.185] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 97.4)  (Central Primary Hallway (126,122,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:44.186] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/mutetoxin (1.6511u, 0.847721 purity) and /datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (3.3089u, 0.45872 purity)) from the hypospray to TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (NEWHP: 97.4)  (Central Primary Hallway (126,122,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:44.187] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) injected TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) with the hypospray (Mute Toxin and Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 97.4)  (Central Primary Hallway (126,122,2))
[2024-01-04 10:58:45.016] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) with the hypospray (nothing) (NEWHP: 97.4)  (Central Primary Hallway (126,118,2))
[2024-01-04 10:59:53.897] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject [hypospray] with the syringe which had /datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (15u, 0.45872 purity) (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 10:59:53.898] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (5u, 0.45872 purity)) from the syringe to [hypospray] (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 10:59:54.240] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject [hypospray] with the syringe which had /datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (10u, 0.45872 purity) (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 10:59:54.242] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (5u, 0.45872 purity)) from the syringe to [hypospray] (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 10:59:56.116] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject [hypospray] with the syringe which had /datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (5u, 0.45872 purity) (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 10:59:56.118] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (5u, 0.45872 purity)) from the syringe to [hypospray] (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 10:59:58.827] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject [hypospray] with the syringe which had /datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (15u, 0.45872 purity) (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 10:59:58.829] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (5u, 0.45872 purity)) from the syringe to [hypospray] (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 10:59:58.970] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject [hypospray] with the syringe which had /datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (10u, 0.45872 purity) (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 10:59:58.971] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (5u, 0.45872 purity)) from the syringe to [hypospray] (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 10:59:59.130] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject [hypospray] with the syringe which had /datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (5u, 0.45872 purity) (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 10:59:59.131] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (5u, 0.45872 purity)) from the syringe to [hypospray] (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 10:59:59.331] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject [hypospray] with the syringe which had no reagents (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 10:59:59.520] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject [hypospray] with the syringe which had no reagents (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 10:59:59.826] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject [hypospray] with the syringe which had no reagents (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 11:00:00.633] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject [syringe] with the syringe which had no reagents (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 11:00:03.701] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 11:00:03.703] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (5u, 0.45872 purity)) from the hypospray to Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 11:00:03.704] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) injected Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 11:00:04.721] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 11:00:04.723] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (5u, 0.45872 purity)) from the hypospray to Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 11:00:04.723] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) injected Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 11:00:05.921] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 11:00:05.923] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (5u, 0.45872 purity)) from the hypospray to Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 11:00:05.924] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) injected Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 11:00:07.034] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) attempted to inject Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 11:00:07.037] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/chloralhydrate (5u, 0.45872 purity)) from the hypospray to Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 11:00:07.039] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) injected Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) with the hypospray (Chloral Hydrate) (NEWHP: 40.3)  (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 11:00:22.234] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) is stripping Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) of the maid headband. (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 11:00:22.649] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) is stripping Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) of the beer goggles. (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 11:00:24.446] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) has stripped Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) of the beer goggles. (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 11:00:24.949] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) has stripped Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) of the maid neck cover. (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
[2024-01-04 11:00:25.874] ATTACK: TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3491) has stripped Winterseasalt/(Ani Myu) of the maid headband. (Medbay Treatment Center (84,104,2))
You stated your intentions to kidnap catpeople and remove their cat parts, then went and did it to them. Forcefully removing parts without people's consent is unprovoked grief and has been treated as grief before.
Harusha wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2024 4:07 pm Archie, are you a Christian?
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Byond Username: Winterseasalt

Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] Sorrel Adams -

Post by winterseasalt » #717259

AliasTakuto wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 4:18 pm Also I'm being told by a third party that the nade I had was set off by a bullet, was Ani the one who shot at me? It might be worth checking if the second guy was shooting at me, because someone was shooting apparently. (I wasn't aware I was being shot at the time, but it doesn't surprise me to learn that I was)
to be clear i had literally nothing at this point as i had been stripped of all my gear, i had literally no weapons except i think a crowbar(?)
i was shoving you and punching you with my bare fists
in my memory i was the only one attacking you, and after the firebombing i only saw my corpse alongside yours
Off Topic
i have pruned the peanut parts of this post and left the account of someone directly involved. - dendydoom
Joined: Thu Jan 04, 2024 12:40 pm

Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] Sorrel Adams -

Post by AliasTakuto » #717354

I wasn't claiming the grenade was in response to being shot at, I'm just pointing at that the fact I was being shot at (whether I knew it or not at the time) adds credibility to the claim that I was making an accurate assessment of the situation when I decided I needed to defend myself with lethal force. I might not have known you had a gun, but I could definitely tell it was a situation in which people were gunna try to kill me.
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Byond Username: CMDR Gungnir

Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] Sorrel Adams -

Post by CMDR_Gungnir » #717363

AliasTakuto wrote: Fri Jan 05, 2024 6:32 am I wasn't claiming the grenade was in response to being shot at, I'm just pointing at that the fact I was being shot at (whether I knew it or not at the time) adds credibility to the claim that I was making an accurate assessment of the situation when I decided I needed to defend myself with lethal force. I might not have known you had a gun, but I could definitely tell it was a situation in which people were gunna try to kill me.
You were not shot at until after the grenade had detonated, and you primed it while you were still at half health (60HP), from an unarmed assailant.
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Byond Username: TheBibleMelts

Re: [<NecromancerAnne>] Sorrel Adams -

Post by TheBibleMelts » #717566

you requested a headmin review; we looked over the contents of this thread and the logs presented and have voted to uphold this. i don't personally have anything to add in on specifics to that that haven't already been presented by necromanceranne.

beyond this ban, i looked at your conduct in this servers community and the community of other servers and noted a consistent unwillingness to accept fault in your actions, as well as a stated desire to continue playing in bad faith with others. on top of necromanceranne's ban, i am going to be placing a permanent rule 0 ban of my own, as i feel your presence on this server is a net negative for everybody else.

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