FreeformWings - Chemistry Job Ban

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FreeformWings - Chemistry Job Ban

Post by FreeformWings » #22561

[exalted12] FreeformWings, freeformwings

Post Content:
Byond account and character name: FreeformWings - Set name (Dillon Durstine) Random name for round (Franklin Clarke)
Banning admin: exalted12
Ban reason and length: Set off polyacid grenade on the shuttle, had no real reason. 1440 minutes, 24 hours.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): Central Time Zone, 2014-08-01 22:45:27

Your side of the story: I tried to board the shuttle. They were yelling LAUNCH IT NOW. (Xenos had infested the station, some people were staying on the station to maintain the outbreak, or didn't make it to the shuttle in time). The shuttle needed one more authentication when i got to the escape area, and there were people in my way trying to run the opposite direction. I got angry, because here I am, trying not to get left behind while they are trying to get back on the station, in my way. People do stupid irrational things when they are angry, and the rounds before and even this round everyone were incompetent scatter brained worthless crew members. I got on the shuttle, trying to push through a guy trying to get back on the station. I made it in time before the authentication. I was in the center of the seated area, it was launched, I fell down. I lost it. I primed the grenade, even misclicked and just put it in my hands and back in my backpack without priming it the first time, then i finally primed it. I dropped it, and tried to run to the front of the shuttle. Almost immediately, Exalted contacted me asking "Why did you throw the polyacid grenade?" I told him because I was angry, and I don't believe I responded coolly and calmly. He did not accept my answer and I received a ban for 24 hours and a job ban from chemistry. I accept the 24 hour temporary ban, it even gave me time to cool off. And besides, usually the shuttle devolves into a death match anyway, and by the time we arrived at Central my poly acid smoke grenade still had some smoke in the shuttle. I apologize for the 2 - 3 crew members I killed, and the many I wounded. I should have waited until we had DOCKED with Central to throw it, when the round is deemed 'over'. Also, when i say 'people were in my way' they were standing in the airlock, trying to run back onto the station. Not in the hallway.

Why you think you should be unbanned: If you love a job and you throw grenades at people for no reason using items from that job, it is job abuse. I have learned my lesson and I love the chemistry job.
Joined: Fri May 30, 2014 10:12 pm
Byond Username: Exalted12

Re: FreeformWings - Chemistry Job Ban

Post by Sven12 » #22582

If this appeal is anything to go by you've learned something from this, I'll lift your job ban. However if there is another incident of a polytrinic acid grenade being thrown into a mob it's going to stay.
Sven Brunner, Beheader of Personnel, CKey: Exalted12
Joined: Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:29 pm

Re: FreeformWings - Chemistry Job Ban

Post by FreeformWings » #22587

Thank you Exalted. I plan on taking a break from chemistry for a while, then when I do play as chemistry no poly acid grenades for a while. Then, when I do make them, I will be very cautious and inquisitive before using them, and remember this incident, for I love the chemistry job and I do not want to lose it again, or forever, or be permabanned.
Joined: Fri May 30, 2014 10:12 pm
Byond Username: Exalted12

Re: FreeformWings - Chemistry Job Ban

Post by Sven12 » #22591

I'm glad to hear it.
Sven Brunner, Beheader of Personnel, CKey: Exalted12

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