[Jordie0608] NeggyNeg - Permaban Appeal

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[Jordie0608] NeggyNeg - Permaban Appeal

Post by Negative » #41066

Byond account and character name: NeggyNeg and Sneege Snog (I was a Clown for this round. I usually play on the name Steve Nordel)
Banning admin:Jordie0608
Ban reason and length: "Metacommunication with Sneegsnog and Permanent
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2014-11-05 at 2:43 AM EST
Your side of the story: I have been playing on this server for a little under a month, after my brother showed me it and I have to say it's my favorite Space Station server thus far. I've never really taken a space station server seriously but i've actually learned jobs and taken up roles since coming here. I don't grief and have been capable at the jobs I was given, such as HoS or Captain, if I can say so myself. At the very least, I haven't really broken any rules. At the same time, i'm often on a teamspeak with a few of my friends from collage. Sure enough, one of them did join me on the server this past night, and that's where my ban comes into play. I have always been told that meta between one another in any shape or form is bannable, and rightly so. I've rp'd at many RP communities mainly coming from garrysmod and can attest, that meta is a bad thing. However, I didn't know that simply being in the same teamspeak with the person can warrant a ban, even if there is quite obviously no hint of meta being performed in game. Perhaps i'm in the wrong here for not knowing this rule, which may be justifiable, and I must admit to my ignorance on it.

So, to clarify what happened: I joined the server and decided to sign up as the clown and my buddy said "Oh lol, i'll be mime." And sure enough we got those jobs. I didn't even know that he was the mime until he took a name just like mine, Sneege Snog, his being Snog Sneege. Sneege Snog is an inside joke that makes no sense and is just a random dumb name, if you're wondering. So, that round I ended up being Clownling and went off doing my own thing while my buddy did whatever. I can attest that in no shape or way did I influence him and he influence me through telling eachother about the game or helping eachother. I think I stung him at the start to get his DNA as the ling, but other than that, hardly saw him.

Why you think you should be unbanned:I understand that a rule was broken, by mistake, and am hoping it can be forgiven. I've honestly tried my best to follow the rules to the point and feel as though I havn't really justified a full-on permanent ban. I can understand a slap on the wrists, but a permenant
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Re: [Jordie0608] NeggyNeg - Permaban Appeal

Post by kodamann » #41329

Yeah i'm not sure how to reply to this but I'm negative's brother and we use the same network, and due to this fact i can't play on the game any longer.
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Byond Username: Exalted12

Re: [Jordie0608] NeggyNeg - Permaban Appeal

Post by Sven12 » #41380

Your friend the mime managed to happen upon your body all the way in arrivals, and actively assaulted security for attempting to detain your body. The problem here is that the events that took place point to using OOC communications to help eachother out.
Sven Brunner, Beheader of Personnel, CKey: Exalted12
Joined: Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:21 am

Re: [Jordie0608] NeggyNeg - Permaban Appeal

Post by kodamann » #41452

Sven12 wrote:Your friend the mime managed to happen upon your body all the way in arrivals, and actively assaulted security for attempting to detain your body. The problem here is that the events that took place point to using OOC communications to help eachother out.
Yes, but i think a perma ban might be excessive. Especially since I am banned also, when i haven't played on the server since last weekend, and am now banned permanently for other people's actions.
Joined: Wed Nov 05, 2014 7:46 am

Re: [Jordie0608] NeggyNeg - Permaban Appeal

Post by Negative » #41510

Sven12 wrote:Your friend the mime managed to happen upon your body all the way in arrivals, and actively assaulted security for attempting to detain your body. The problem here is that the events that took place point to using OOC communications to help eachother out.
I promise you at no point did I instruct or even tell him I was at arrivals. All I can recall is that I was captured and killed as changeling and tossed out the right side of the ship and died. I basically alt-tabbed and the only thing I really told him was "I died and got spaced." I tried reviving like once but was getting killed by spacecarp. When I checked back to the game, I was being disposed into the fireplace in the Chapel and he told me something along the lines of "They found you."
Joined: Fri May 30, 2014 10:12 pm
Byond Username: Exalted12

Re: [Jordie0608] NeggyNeg - Permaban Appeal

Post by Sven12 » #41543

Yes, he was also trying to kill people for trying to cremate you. I have no problem with your ban being lifted or reduced but your friend the mime was doing a lot of other bad things. Please do not use OOC methods of communication to tell anyone any IC information at all.
Sven Brunner, Beheader of Personnel, CKey: Exalted12
Joined: Wed Nov 05, 2014 7:46 am

Re: [Jordie0608] NeggyNeg - Permaban Appeal

Post by Negative » #41545

I understand and don't plan to. Once again I didn't really give any push for him to try to save me or attack people because of that, he kind of did it on his own regard when he knew I was being taken. He didn't even know I was a changeling until I told him after I was cremated.
Joined: Fri May 30, 2014 10:12 pm
Byond Username: Exalted12

Re: [Jordie0608] NeggyNeg - Permaban Appeal

Post by Sven12 » #41580

Ban's lifted
Sven Brunner, Beheader of Personnel, CKey: Exalted12

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