[Ayamepup] Rule 11 Ban

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Super Aggro Crag
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[Ayamepup] Rule 11 Ban

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #651825

BYOND account: superaggrocrag
Character name: Avudim Gopniki
Ban type: Server
Ban length: 2880 minutes
Ban reason: After a conflict, called a player several slurs such as 'Aspie' and 'retard.' This spilled into OOC. If someone is breaking the rules and griefing you, you ahelp it. You dont break rule 11 in return. Take a break.
Time ban was placed: 2022-09-09 23:36:41
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: 190185
Your side of the story: I walked into medbay looking for a glass of lye, as I had a glass of liquid gibs picked up from the mime killing himself in bar. My goal was simple, to make a bar of soap to clean up the bar. I saw the door to the pharmacy was open and took a step inside but the chemist, Nathan Lowestone, told me to leave. So I did. I asked him if he could make me a glass of lye. He proceeded to scream at me in all caps and no punctuation. A lot. He cussed at me. A lot. I stood outside the door and asked him why he is being such a jerk and he came out and punched me. I hit him back a few times and a borg broke it up. I left to talk to the CMO and ask him if he could make me a glass of lye. The chemist screamed more and threw acid at me. I called him a fucking sperg and a retard and a cocksucker. He began having a huge fit because he apparently has autism IRL, and I guess that transmits to also having autism in character, which would explain why he fucking plays like such a dipshit. I was standing outside medbay when Nathan decides to set me on fire with a welder. I walk into him to also set him on fire. I am stunned by a revolutionary flashing me. He is stunned by
a revolutionary flashing him. All my gear is burned off from the combined effects of his earlier acid attack and setting me on fire and me being stunned and unable to put out the fire. He keeps attacking me. I ahelp at this time because we are now both revolutionaries and shouldn't be trying to kill each other. I am getting very frustrated with this guy. My ahelp is not responded to. Nathan Lowestone begins screaming in OOC about how fucking upset he is that i called him a "slur". He begins icking and oocking. I respond in kind by calling him a fucking sperg in OOC. I am finally messaged by an admin! Just my luck, it's Ayamepup, the trialmin who constantly messages me harassing me over every little thing. I wonder if they're going to make Big Boy King Bigdick of the Adminbus Regular Jannie over constantly being a fucking prick to me. They tell me that it's "not okay" to call someone a "sperg." I point out that this guy has called me a CUNT multiple fucking times. Ayamepup says that's not a targeted slur. I am tempted to ahelp Ayamepup and call him a fucking cunt. I might have, I'm really pissed off so my recollection isn't very good. I get banned for 2 days.
Why you think you should be unbanned: Apparently "sperg" is such a vile, hateful word it's worth a 2 day ban. And "cunt" isn't a targeted slur. Okay. Okay Ayamepup. Go walk down the street and greet the first woman you see with Cunt. Call her a worthless festering hole. Call her a fucking oozing, bloody pussy only good for dumping seed in and making the next generation of knuckle dragging chimp-men. See how she reacts? Yes, I called him a sperg. I called him a retard. I called him a lot of shit because I was pissed off he was acting like an absolute fucking jackass all because I asked him for a cup of a non-dangerous chemical so I could clean up a fucking blood stain. So I'm not allowed to use "targeted" slurs? Do you want me to bring back madlibs? I'm fine with that. Nathan Lowestone is a fucking subhuman degenerate Sonic The Hedgehog fanfiction writing goblin so full of microplastics his bloated malformed fucking skull will never biodegrade and will be the one piece of evidence to aliens that biological life ever lived on our planet in 3 million years. Ayamepup, I wish nothing but the worst things in life for you. You are a constant fucking nag and you do not do your job to moderate the gameplay on the server. Instead you go out of your way to harass me for getting upset over someone griefing me. You've also gone out of your way to ban me for "bad roleplaying" and "chatspeak" when I was buzzed, so I'm quite surprised that someone screaming FUCK CUNT FUCK LEAVE CUNT FUCK LEAVE CUNT and freaking the fuck out in OOC doesn't pique your fucking interest in preserving the server's immersions. Maybe because you can't print the note for banning some random fucking 12 year old having a meltdown because his mommy brought him juice in a bottle and not in a box this morning out and hang it above the mantle in your dilapidated shit-strewn trailer and slowly pleasure your rotting fucking genitalia of choice over finally getting one over on ol' Crag.
References of good conduct: Go fuck yourself.

Timberpoes, eat shit and live forever with a little bit of shit caught in your teeth.
 ! Message from: Timberpoes
User was put on FNR Post Approval for reposting this appeal when asked to tone it down.
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Re: [Ayamepup] Rule 11 Ban

Post by Timberpoes » #651827

Please try again when you're in an improved frame of mind. This kind of appeal does you little good except the frustrated joy of venting.
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