The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

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The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #657252

Nanotrasen is no longer just advancing the fields of science, but also the exploration of the galaxy aboard the North Star!

I've been told that making a thread to show off a WIP map is a great way to get some positive feedback while building some hype, so here we are!

The North Star is a 4 Z-level shipmap with a few neat features and unique mechanics that I want to be added to the rotation. I'll save talking about some of the ship's more unique points for when they're completed, but I may as well show off what's available on the map currently.

Deck 1 Contains: Arrivals, Departures, Engineering, Supply, Atmospherics

Deck 2 Contains: Medbay, 1/3rd of Science, Robotics, Virology, Genetics, 1/2 of the Library

Deck 3 Contains: Most of Service, Dorms, Plenty of Recreation, A Full-Sized Theater

Deck 4 Contains: The Hopline, The Gateway, Security, the AI SAT, Permabrig, The Bridge, The Chapel|

Some unique features IN the map currently:
  • Security outposts on each floor!
  • A massive and twisting maintenance, with a few places you can fall ALL FOUR FLOORS.
  • More stuff, I have worked on this map for so damn long.
The map is WIP, I am aware some places are just voids or unfinished, I'll get to it. I'd like feedback on obviously completed areas, more updates will be posted in this thread.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #657253

As a quick aside, this is my project but I am not the only mapper to work on an iteration of this map. If you've ever put time into this map and want some credit, ping me in the mapper channels of the discord or just DM me.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Striders13 » #657257

hell yea
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Troxonater » #657293

This looks awesome.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Agux909 » #657445

Yesss, looks dope, I love big ships. Are there any plans to make space around it behave differently from other stations? As in, entering hyperspace or changing location (something like shipstation, for example)

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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by RedBaronFlyer » #657447

I've played on this a few times on Starbloom and I liked it a lot! My only concern is that some areas seem a bit tight and would be hard to move around in if there were multiple people, but that could just be because I'm used to the massive rooms and hallways that other stations have. I'm curious to see how this will play on a full server, since I usually only saw 20-30-ish people on this map when it was having play sessions on Starbloom.

I don't know if explosions are multi-z level (because I tend to be far away from the action), but I imagine that one issue would be that an explosion on level 2-3 in the middle of the hallway would absolutely suck and essentially cut the map in two. I know there are elevators on the farthest sides of the hallway, but tram has shown that all it takes is one guy sitting in the tram sending the tram from east to west again and again to completely shut it down.
Last edited by RedBaronFlyer on Mon Nov 28, 2022 10:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by TheSmallBlue » #657448

Oh shoot that's the starbloom map, that kicks ass I'd love to see it in action with Manuel's pop and people. I'm a bit worried that the layout will be a tad bit too confusing though, it already was on starbloom and i think its flaws will be even more obvious on tg
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #657459

As I previously said, while I headed this project, there were a lot of names I need to credit. Thank you VERY much to:
Blue-Berry, Zytolg, InfiniteGalaxies, Striders, Sylphet, Riggle, Soal, and Frying1Pans.
Without them the map would not be where it is today.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #657460

RedBaronFlyer wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 10:28 pm I've played on this a few times on Starbloom and I liked it a lot! My only concern is that some areas seem a bit tight and would be hard to move around in if there were multiple people, but that could just be because I'm used to the massive rooms and hallways that other stations have. I'm curious to see how this will play on a full server, since I usually only saw 20-30-ish people on this map when it was having play sessions on Starbloom.

I don't know if explosions are multi-z level (because I tend to be far away from the action), but I imagine that one issue would be that an explosion on level 2-3 in the middle of the hallway would absolutely suck and essentially cut the map in two. I know there are elevators on the farthest sides of the hallway, but tram has shown that all it takes is one guy sitting in the tram sending the tram from east to west again and again to completely shut it down.

In regards to the size of the map, it's something that somewhat concerns me, because many parts of the ship (sans recreation areas) are purposefully designed to feel like a Spaceship's halls and decks, with many individual workspaces like Xenobiology not having the usual amount of space for players. What I hope this will do is encourage more diversified positions within a role ie. Scientists spreading out around the different positions instead of all working on Xenobio, or possibly encourage interesting renovations done to a workplace to make it function differently.

As for the second, explosions only effect the floor they are currently on, not ceilings or the floor below (aside from breaches). The North Star will teach players to be far more prepared to tackle multiz challenges!
Edit: Or they'll die, in which case "lmao"
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by EmpressMaia » #657461

Getting a proper ship is awesome. This will make for great stories.
Space submarine RP time :)
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by InfiniteGalaxies » #657462

Glad to see a map I put soul, sweat, time and support into getting into /tg. Had some great time on the map, especially making deck 1. The multi z is used greatly here, and I love the deadly maintenance falls. (4 floors). Would love to play it on Manuel.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #657466

Agux909 wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 9:54 pm Yesss, looks dope, I love big ships. Are there any plans to make space around it behave differently from other stations? As in, entering hyperspace or changing location (something like shipstation, for example)
There's a few unique mechanics relating to the ship I'm eager to show off, but they need a bit of code work. Once they're in and functioning I'll be talking about them.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Troxonater » #657471

It would be interesting if you could "drive" the ship and go on voyages, but that would basically be its own game mode tbh. But imagine if you had to go to different systems to get resources, all with their own set of challenges. That would be an interesting way to manage z levels I think. idk what the limitations on z levels is I'm not a coder.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by CMDR_Gungnir » #657509

Alright, so. I'm gonna be particularly critical on this. Please understand it's just out of a desire to see it be the best that it possibly can. I adored Starbloom, and I adored this map, and thus I want to see it become the best that it possibly can.

I assume the section at the "front" is Departures? I like it. A good trick. But it leaves Arrivals feeling...out of place. Why was this ship constructed with a giant shuttle-sized hole in it for the shuttle to land in? I'd suggest having the shuttle dock adjacent like it does in Departures, but if you can't get that to fit, why not have it be a closed in "bay" like up north in Cargo? Assuming that's possible, of course. If it's not then fair enough, feel free to ignore this point.

I see prisoner spawns in the Psych's area. I like this idea on paper, it's very good from an environmental storytelling and roleplay perspective. But Psychologist is also a role that is extremely commonly empty, especially on low/dead pop. Sec usually at least has one person who can check on them, let them out, or do whatever. But Psych will usually be empty and thus an AI would be required...which creates an issue if there's also no AI as is fairly common on dead pop hours.

The version used here appears to be from before we removed the mini-kitchen in the Bar. Now, I don't mind it, I think it's good and lets the bartender make some treats to go along with their drinks. Serving a slice of cake with the coffee is a cute aesthetic for a cafe. But having a Chef Spawn in that makes it much more Their Space. I see this leading to unnecessary arguments and fights, and "It's a Kitchen so that means it's Mine. I spawned here."

And...that's all that really leapt out at me immediately. There's other stuff that's obviously WiP and going to be changed, and empty spaces. I'm really excited to see what you do with it, and what you have in mind for it. I think other than a bit of signage to help people learn it (due to how different its layout is from other stations), I think it has a chance to be something great.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #657520

CMDR_Gungnir wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 9:07 am Alright, so. I'm gonna be particularly critical on this. Please understand it's just out of a desire to see it be the best that it possibly can. I adored Starbloom, and I adored this map, and thus I want to see it become the best that it possibly can.

I assume the section at the "front" is Departures? I like it. A good trick. But it leaves Arrivals feeling...out of place. Why was this ship constructed with a giant shuttle-sized hole in it for the shuttle to land in? I'd suggest having the shuttle dock adjacent like it does in Departures, but if you can't get that to fit, why not have it be a closed in "bay" like up north in Cargo? Assuming that's possible, of course. If it's not then fair enough, feel free to ignore this point.

I see prisoner spawns in the Psych's area. I like this idea on paper, it's very good from an environmental storytelling and roleplay perspective. But Psychologist is also a role that is extremely commonly empty, especially on low/dead pop. Sec usually at least has one person who can check on them, let them out, or do whatever. But Psych will usually be empty and thus an AI would be required...which creates an issue if there's also no AI as is fairly common on dead pop hours.

The version used here appears to be from before we removed the mini-kitchen in the Bar. Now, I don't mind it, I think it's good and lets the bartender make some treats to go along with their drinks. Serving a slice of cake with the coffee is a cute aesthetic for a cafe. But having a Chef Spawn in that makes it much more Their Space. I see this leading to unnecessary arguments and fights, and "It's a Kitchen so that means it's Mine. I spawned here."

And...that's all that really leapt out at me immediately. There's other stuff that's obviously WiP and going to be changed, and empty spaces. I'm really excited to see what you do with it, and what you have in mind for it. I think other than a bit of signage to help people learn it (due to how different its layout is from other stations), I think it has a chance to be something great.
The very front of the ship is departures, while I would love an indented dock for shuttles, there are many, many different kinds of emergency shuttles and I'm not particularly keen on having most if not all of them ram through the entire front half of the ship a-la Monastery Shuttle. Arrivals is instead the sliver by the fore [EDIT: port] side of the first floor, which uses the pubby arrivals shuttle. Otherwise, space is a premium on this map, and I've needed to remove a lot of good mapping to fit in elements that are essential to a TG map.

It's my intention for this map to be played on mid/high pop, and I'd likely gate it behind such to prevent these deadpop hours that plague the North Star. In relation to the issue of perma prisoners in the psych ward, they're there because perma is still WIP.

In an updated screenshot you'll see I removed the chef spawn from the bar minikitchen. A larger bar is fine, but I generally like the minikitchen a little more and intend on keeping it until I've seen it in practice. The kitchen and dining room themselves have been upgraded to accommodate the need for a place where chefs can socially cook and talk, with a small sushi bar.
Last edited by Cheshify on Tue Nov 29, 2022 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #657521

Troxonater wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:16 am It would be interesting if you could "drive" the ship and go on voyages, but that would basically be its own game mode tbh. But imagine if you had to go to different systems to get resources, all with their own set of challenges. That would be an interesting way to manage z levels I think. idk what the limitations on z levels is I'm not a coder.
While I agree, I don't currently have any plans on providing alternate planets to travel to, as that's a MASSIVE project including the addition of multiple mining planets (which I'm not sure is currently wanted)
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by CMDR_Gungnir » #657527

Cheshify wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 3:45 pm
The very front of the ship is departures, while I would love an indented dock for shuttles, there are many, many different kinds of emergency shuttles and I'm not particularly keen on having most if not all of them ram through the entire front half of the ship a-la Monastery Shuttle. Arrivals is instead the sliver by the fore aft side of the first floor, which uses the pubby arrivals shuttle. Otherwise, space is a premium on this map, and I've needed to remove a lot of good mapping to fit in elements that are essential to a TG map.

It's my intention for this map to be played on mid/high pop, and I'd likely gate it behind such to prevent these deadpop hours that plague the North Star. In relation to the issue of perma prisoners in the psych ward, they're there because perma is still WIP.

In an updated screenshot you'll see I removed the chef spawn from the bar minikitchen. A larger bar is fine, but I generally like the minikitchen a little more and intend on keeping it until I've seen it in practice. The kitchen and dining room themselves have been upgraded to accommodate the need for a place where chefs can socially cook and talk, with a small sushi bar.
We're definitely in agreement there, but I apologize if I worded it poorly, my suggestion was for the Arrivals Shuttle to either pull up alongside the ship the way that the Departure Shuttle will, or for the Arrival Shuttle to be a proper dock. Being just a Hole is a major structural weakpoint and feels kinda weird. I've made a diagram to try and show what I meant.Image

This is entirely reasonable and honestly a good idea. It's a very big map and when Starbloom trialed OCE rounds and only like, 3 people showed up, it definitely felt very lonely. Also valid point on why the perma prisoner spawns are there.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore the bar's mini kitchen. And I love what you've done with the proper kitchen and dining room as well. I definitely think they're big improvements and I love 'em. If the chef spawn is removed from it, then all of my complaints with it are gone. After all, there's a proper kitchen and that mini-kitchen is straight up a part of the bar.

I just hadn't had a chance to see any updated screenshots (I'm guessing they aren't posted yet? Which is fair enough).

But with that you've honestly addressed all of my major concerns (other than the bit with Arrivals, which I've clarified and hopefully made up for my initial poor wording), I'm very excited to see how this progresses.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #657528

CMDR_Gungnir wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:33 pm We're definitely in agreement there, but I apologize if I worded it poorly, my suggestion was for the Arrivals Shuttle to either pull up alongside the ship the way that the Departure Shuttle will, or for the Arrival Shuttle to be a proper dock. Being just a Hole is a major structural weakpoint and feels kinda weird. I've made a diagram to try and show what I meant.
That looks fine, I'll implement that.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #657531

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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by CMDR_Gungnir » #657538

Oh hell yeah that looks fuckin' sick, I like that.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Epicgamer545 » #657556

Glad to see a another map on the horizon. The only thing I hope for is that it isn’t too confusing/sparse.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #657612

Escape Pods: Doesn't make sense for a ship to have them all spread out, why, that would mean that there's always an escape pod nearby! Far too convenient, following masterclasses of escape pod design like Halo CE and Starship Troopers, we're sticking all our escape pods together in one worn-down room so that way nothing bad can happen to them :)
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #658006

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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #658007

It's not improved, the old one was much nicer but didn't really fit cargo's need.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #658024

What needs doing?
Some funny code unique to the map
PLENTY of private testing on the map
People telling me what works and what doesn't work
Some more decal work probably

Deck 1: Engineering and Cargo
Deck 2: Medical and Science (Mostly)
Deck 3: Service and Dorms
Deck 4: Command and Security (Plus AI SAT!)
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by medeelel18 » #658094

I'd like to point out that chemistry/pharmacy is missing the scanner / purity detector. Also it would be good if you put like a basic medkit in medbay lobby so medical doesnt get tided shiftstart by an ass-istant.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #658096

medeelel18 wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 3:00 am I'd like to point out that chemistry/pharmacy is missing the scanner / purity detector. Also it would be good if you put like a basic medkit in medbay lobby so medical doesnt get tided shiftstart by an ass-istant.
Good points, implemented.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by EmpressMaia » #658099

Am I blind or is there no toxins lab
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by NoobskyBoi » #658101

Add a floor above the top floor. Allows for more doing stuff with sec as a traitor.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Armhulen » #658131

NoobskyBoi wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 7:17 am Add a floor above the top floor. Allows for more doing stuff with sec as a traitor.
yeah what thiss station needs is more zlevels
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #658137

EmpressMaia wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:58 am Am I blind or is there no toxins lab
Deck 4, Fore Starboard Maint.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #658138

NoobskyBoi wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 7:17 am Add a floor above the top floor. Allows for more doing stuff with sec as a traitor.
So greedy, I give you FOUR Z LEVELS and now you want FIVE?
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by RedBaronFlyer » #658144

Oh neat, I missed the update post somehow. I like the opening up of cargo, it greatly reduced the amount of chokepoints. I like it! The only thing that stuck out after looking at it is that it feels like the bounty cube console and the ordering console could be swapped. The ordering console is usually right next to the cargo desk so that the person putting in orders can talk to the CT at the front desk and/or let the techie grab the reqi. form and put it in a folder incase security comes asking questions later.

Other station examples of this kind of design. (Tramstation, (OLD but mostly the same) Deltastation, Metastation, and Icebox)
tramstation front desk.PNG
deltastation front desk.PNG
metastation front desk.PNG
icebox front desk.PNG
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Super Aggro Crag wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:11 pm I assume he did it elsewhere because it's fucking goofball and he never half-asses his shitty ideas, he full asses them so both cheeks are absolutely slathered in shit
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Epicgamer545 » #658149

I just realized how massive this is really going to be as a AI. Going to have to step my game up and speedrun finding a random door on cameras. At least AI gets one third of the highest deck though. Very expansive yet compact and a lot of effort is put into it in general. Can’t wait to give it a try on Manuel.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Bepis » #658164

Only thing about Cargo I dislike is the mech hanging out in front of the Warehouse, wish it was tucked away in a corner or in the warehouse proper. Just makes getting crates out at roundstart a bit of a pain.

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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #658165

So! We ran a single test round on Manuel just to see if the map would work, and then another stress test on Terry. The major bug I don't know how to fix is a weird overlay error involving space being overtop everything, but aside from a big list of minor tweaks to make the general consensus is positive!
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #658169

Just finished up the player suggested changes, including what Bepis and RedBaronFlyer suggested.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Bepis » #658180

Appreciated, thanks
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by medeelel18 » #658206

ok slightly contreversial but I dont think the medical tables in treatment room should be reinforced, just only because I dont think any stations share such qualities in medical.

Also is it possible to be notified when the next map test run is so I can hop on and see the map im quite bought into the idea of this. Is there a channel in the discord where this is announced or is there a planned date?
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by RedBaronFlyer » #658235

Aw I just realized I missed the test rounds of this map that happened yesterday. I would have thought there'd be an announcement, a discord notification, or something.

I just saw the announcement now on the Manuel discord, but it didn't have a @ ping.
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Super Aggro Crag wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:11 pm I assume he did it elsewhere because it's fucking goofball and he never half-asses his shitty ideas, he full asses them so both cheeks are absolutely slathered in shit
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #658242

RedBaronFlyer wrote: Tue Dec 06, 2022 4:23 pm Aw I just realized I missed the test rounds of this map that happened yesterday. I would have thought there'd be an announcement, a discord notification, or something.

I just saw the announcement now on the Manuel discord, but it didn't have a @ ping.
The manuelcord due to not being an official TGstation discord does not (for some reason) give admins ping perms. I posted about it in #tgstation-general and #admin-auditorium though, where I'll likely be announcing the next tests.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #658243

medeelel18 wrote: Tue Dec 06, 2022 6:16 am ok slightly contreversial but I dont think the medical tables in treatment room should be reinforced, just only because I dont think any stations share such qualities in medical.

Also is it possible to be notified when the next map test run is so I can hop on and see the map im quite bought into the idea of this. Is there a channel in the discord where this is announced or is there a planned date?
I post about it in Manuel's #admeme-propaganda as well as the places listed in the above post.
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #658408

Holy SHIT let's look at the North Star's newest feature! Thanks to Fikou (99% his work, he's a genius), we've managed to implement a new innate station trait system, meaning that the North Star has a station trait that it will always spawn with. What is this trait? Well...


Taking inspiration from the Trek Uniforms PR done way back, all crew of the North Star will be outfit with uniforms more suitable to boldly go where no spaceman has gone before.

It will choose between one of four styles (The Original Series, The Next Generation, Voyageur, or Enterprise) and apply it to all jobs. Command has a yellow jumpsuit, medsci a blue one, engsec a red one, and service-cargo a green one. A grey assistant outfit may be available in the future, too!
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Agux909 » #658409


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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by TheSmallBlue » #658411

fuck yes fuck yes fuck yes fuck yes fuck yes fuck yes ufck yes i hope i REALLY hope you or fikou are planning on adding some sort of scrolling background to emphasize the ship aspect
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #658412

TheSmallBlue wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 12:27 am fuck yes fuck yes fuck yes fuck yes fuck yes fuck yes ufck yes i hope i REALLY hope you or fikou are planning on adding some sort of scrolling background to emphasize the ship aspect
Performance wise this may not be a great idea, but I wish. I love the uniform aspect so much that I BEGGED fikou for it and he was a genuine champ with helping me (who can't code for shit)
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by TheSmallBlue » #658413

hmm, how feasible would it be to do something like the space background of the emergency shuttle/pods? it isn't really scrolling its instead like a gif i think?
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #658414

TheSmallBlue wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 12:41 am hmm, how feasible would it be to do something like the space background of the emergency shuttle/pods? it isn't really scrolling its instead like a gif i think?
I think it might be, but I don't have any idea on how to dothat on a large scale while keeping it looking good
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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Agux909 » #658416

It should only surround the ship up to max viewing distance from inside and, while the effect is active, gib anyone stepping out.

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Re: The North Star: A Nanotrasen Exploratory Vessel [WIP]

Post by Cheshify » #658466

Agux909 wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 1:12 am It should only surround the ship up to max viewing distance from inside and, while the effect is active, gib anyone stepping out.
I don't think that's a good idea either, but something to consider for sure.
Shout out to Riggle
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