RP is at a dangerous low

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RP is at a dangerous low

Post by peoplearestrange » #125778

So kinda got on the subject of this from the "naming policy" thread and a brief natter in adminland.

RP, in my opinion, seems to be rather low of late. To the point where HoP wordlessly giving out access seems normal and the bar is somewhere to pass through into maint easily or just get a bottle of flammable liquid.

Of course I understand as always "We don't want to make this bay" excuse and I'm not going to suggest people like medical doctors stop and try to talk to patients or anything as "wild" as that. But people have stopped having conversations, people have stopped building atmosphere and the whole experince has become wildly gamey.
Gang for example, I always thought could be actually quite a fun RP gamemode. The mob bosses could haul up somewhere, with a throne room, command their underlings to do their bidding and issue commands. Bartering or threatening the other gangs. But instead its becoming DA with a few extra team members highlighted by G symbol.

SO, that said. What do we do? How do we avoid just becoming a coded difference of goon or hippie. How do we make TG stand out again as a LiteRP server?

Firstly if you think the same, try RPing a bit more, strike up a conversation, talk to people as you play your job role. React to things in the mindset of a character you've created. Even if your RPing as John Quest or some crap, think what they might say or do or react to. EVEN if no one replies in kind. If you keep it up someone will, and you will be rewarded with that connection.

I'd like to push for some more extended rounds with admin interaction only in indroducing other roles or central messages, rather than just simply spawning a generic antag or Xeno's or something standard (though xeno's can be played fairly well).

I'd also invite captains/head of staff to act as a bunch of heads. Talk to each other, solve problems as a think tank. Actually use the communications console and talk/ask central command questions. (If I'm admining I always try to go out my way to respond to central requests).
Pray for interesting gimmicks, not just the standard "can I be a shadowling/blood demon for all my TC's" and admins might actually want to reply/respond.

Anyone else have any ideas?
oranges wrote:singulo.io is the center point of rational and calm debate, where much of tg's issues are worked out in a fun and family friendly environment
miggles wrote:it must have been quite the accomplishment, killing a dead butterfly
WeeYakk wrote:If you take a step back from everything watching the community argue janitor related changes is one of the most surreal and hilarious things about this game. Four pages of discussing the merits of there being too much or too little dirt in a video game.
Operative wrote:Vote PAS for headmin! Get cucked and feel good getting cucked.
TheNightingale wrote:I want to get off Mr. Scones's Wild Ride...
NikNakFlak wrote:Excuse you, I was doing intentional bug testing for the well being of the server. I do not make mistakes.
Fragnostic wrote:stop cucking the first shitshow ever that revolved around me.
This is my moment, what are you doing?!
Anonmare wrote:Oranges gestures at the thread, it shudders and begins to move!
Saegrimr wrote:
callanrockslol wrote:all you have to do is ban shitters until the playbase improves/ceases to exist, whichever comes first.
Screemonster wrote:hellmoo is the mud for grown adults who main reaper in overwatch
Kor wrote:
confused rock wrote:...its like if we made fire extinguishers spawn in emergency boxes and have them heal you when you put out fires rather than them being in wall storages...
Are you having a stroke
bandit wrote:you are now manually GLORFing
MrStonedOne wrote:The best part about the election is when I announce my pick because I'm just as surprised as everybody else.
PM:[USER]->IrishWristWatch0: Yeah, im make it on but how im make the station to to sun and not go to sun

OOC: Francinum: Five Rounds at PAS's
"You are destinied to defeat Dr. Uguu and his 5 Robot Masters
(All-Access-Man, ShootyBlackCoat Man, ChloralHydrate Man, Singulo Man and TeleportArmor Man)"
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by DrPillzRedux » #125784

If I pray for RP stuff all I get is a cookie. If I pray for dumb killing shit I become a morph or get a sword or something.

Admins need to help encourage RP and I don't just mean the requests for dildos.
thot_slayer wrote:don't be a degenerate online if you don't want people to treat you like a degenerate morty
bandit wrote:what is this

a correct post by pillz
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #125790

i'm seeing a lot of meme names that are direct references to metal greg salad often and also mononymous people who wordlessly murderbone people once they get antag. now i'm not one of those guys who thinks everyone should have names like Roger Jones and whatnot (I play SPACE CAVEMAN, A BIG FUCKING BABY, and OFFICER FRIENDLY) but i think if you're gonna have a goofball name you should atleast try to roleplay that goofball character.

i think one thing that'd go a long way is admins not banning the shit out of people per se but giving them bwoimps when FOR INSTANCE the clown and mime spend the entire round slipping and beating someone trying to bait them into escalating into a valid kill and conversion game mode players go around slaughtering nonconverted crewmembers (the past 3 rev rounds i've played I've had revs attempt to murder me on arrival)

but do ban revs for flooding the station with plasma and lubing everything because that's fucking annoying.

roleplaying is f u n
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by EndgamerAzari » #125794

All three of the characters I play are siblings, so when I wind up getting a position I wasn't prepared to play I'll say things like "this is really my brother's specialty" or "I think they sent me to my sister's shift". Explaining your own incompetence/lack of enthusiasm for a position in-character really helps with the immersion of the round, I've found. I don't mean "don't do your job and RP it away," but for God's sake, if you're gonna grumble, at least make it an in-character grumble. It's really just little things like that that make it feel more like an RPG.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #125795

EndgamerAzari wrote:All three of the characters I play are siblings, so when I wind up getting a position I wasn't prepared to play I'll say things like "this is really my brother's specialty" or "I think they sent me to my sister's shift". Explaining your own incompetence/lack of enthusiasm for a position in-character really helps with the immersion of the round, I've found. I don't mean "don't do your job and RP it away," but for God's sake, if you're gonna grumble, at least make it an in-character grumble. It's really just little things like that that make it feel more like an RPG.
yeah, i have different job specializations for each of my characters. i need more character slots, 3 is not enough, i need atleast 7.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by imblyings » #125796

Some people, especially when violent interactions are involved, refuse to take the first step in lowering their guard and initiate a non-violent interaction/let's play pretend for a bit. There could be all sorts of reasons, maybe they have something to lose, maybe they don't want to get exploited for it and kicked to deadchat, maybe they just derive more fun from winning/getting high scores. With gang, it's no wonder people don't stop to talk or make throne rooms etc. because the game mode and combat system simply isn't designed around it. Time you spend doing that is time frankly better spent converting, spraying and killing if your goal is to not get massacred near round-start, and people already have difficulties achieving just that.

I personally still think RP MEANINGFUL NON-COMBAT INTERACTION happens. It's sparse but it's there, like a bunch of miners moaning together about how it's not worth doing anything because there's a wizard, or snarky conversations between the crew and the AI.

Extended coming back on a rare basis would be neat though, the playerbase has demonstrated that it can play along rather than gun for the violent interaction path each time when they get their hype on for an event but then it takes some skill and luck to pull off an event that engages players like that.
Last edited by imblyings on Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by Remie Richards » #125797

Super Aggro Crag wrote:
EndgamerAzari wrote:All three of the characters I play are siblings, so when I wind up getting a position I wasn't prepared to play I'll say things like "this is really my brother's specialty" or "I think they sent me to my sister's shift". Explaining your own incompetence/lack of enthusiasm for a position in-character really helps with the immersion of the round, I've found. I don't mean "don't do your job and RP it away," but for God's sake, if you're gonna grumble, at least make it an in-character grumble. It's really just little things like that that make it feel more like an RPG.
yeah, i have different job specializations for each of my characters. i need more character slots, 3 is not enough, i need atleast 7.
If you're a byond member you get 5 SS13 character saveslots.
as well as the little byond icon you can choose to display or hide.
Idk if a couple dollars a month is worth it for you but there you go.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by Helios » #125798

There's RP, every single time "Adolf Hitler" joins the server.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by Montyblancs » #125800

RP really makes memorable moments, but there's a large amount of situations where typing in a verbose dialogue detailing the intense horrors of your inner demons and your deep, dark past is going to get you stunned and murdered.

I've tried playing barkeep a couple of times, but the state of the bar usually ends with maybe one person trying to strike something up, and 10 greyshirts screaming in and tabling everyone and everything they can find. Don't even get me started with security. You can barely even tell a person why you're arresting them without you getting murdered, or your arrestee being dragged off.

Your gang example is flawed in that leaders are the only people that can recruit, so they're forced to be roaming the station converting everything they can. Not to mention the sudden eruptions of gunfire that occur if you're found out as a leader, too. One of my most memorable rounds, however, was my gang capturing an enemy leader after our dominator got destroyed. Instead of killing her on the spot, we agreed the station is the real enemy, and helped her defend her dominator. It was a hopeless cause, but it was damn good fun.

The long and short of it is that generally if you're somewhere public and not moving, someone is probably going to fuck with you, antag or not, and that's probably stopping a lot of people from actually RPing.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by onleavedontatme » #125809

Most spontaneous situations end up disrupting something, and once a disruption occurs that doesnt involve antagonists someone is very often banned.

Most attempts at something weird involving antags will end up with someone coming along and silently killing/spacing the person who tried to play nice.

Any time the round dares to go around 40 minutes with more than 2 people dead some admin starts hammering the ERT button or spawns aliens on everyone.

If an event disrupts the round too much there is often an admin complaint.

People get very, very upset when the round deviates at all from the norm, and the norm is silent murder sprees with the crew sitting around with 0 to do until it happens.

The game code/rules are really not set up to encourage the interactions you are looking for.

EDIT: There is a ban request up right now for a guy throwing sunglasses. I'm not saying thats good RP but it shows how littlw disruption to the typical round people are willing to put up with.

There is also a recently closed ban appeal for someone who got banned for bringing fuel to an engine.

Killing antags or killing people as antag are the only really safe things you can do, otherwise you get punished by players (murder) or admins.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by DrPillzRedux » #125819

Kor got it spot on. The whole reason RP circlejerks even exist these days is because they're people you can actually RP with. Try it with other randoms in other places and you get murdered or wordlessly left there. Everyone's about winning or doing just game mechanics. The game has become sec vs antags and it's dumb.
thot_slayer wrote:don't be a degenerate online if you don't want people to treat you like a degenerate morty
bandit wrote:what is this

a correct post by pillz
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by Ricotez » #125821

You don't need to tell your long and tragic backstory to every person you cross in the corridors, you use it to put your experiences in perspective for your character and base your actions on that.

I do always enjoy it when caught traitors in Interrogation notice I'm actually listening to them, and they make up some sobstory about how they have a family to support. Treat backstories like the SS13 lore, keep it vague and fill in the blank spots with whatever you need.
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by TheNightingale » #125822

Ricotez wrote:I do always enjoy it when caught traitors in Interrogation notice I'm actually listening to them, and they make up some sobstory about how they have a family to support. Treat backstories like the SS13 lore, keep it vague and fill in the blank spots with whatever you need.
I haven't seen that happen in a long time. Now it's just ";SHTICURITY" and "I dindu nuffin".
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by John_Oxford » #125826

Not everyone takes the time to RP, because not every single person on the station will continue to RP.

If i stop and try to talk to you as a security officer (RP) as opposed to stun+cuff+brig+search you. Its a hell of alot more likely you'll turn around and blow my brains out with a revolver, instead of trying to talk and make a excuse.

Everyone takes the easy way, and that's to avoid inefficencys [SEE: RP]

No one likes "Loosing" at the game, RPing opens such oppurtunities.

-shitpost line-

You could just go to Hypartia if you want RP so bad, and don't like the game-esqe aspect of Tg.
Also, we are a lite-rp server, not a:

John Oxford places his arse into the red stool, he moves his arm outside his jacket pocket, he puts his hand into his jacket pocket, he places his fingers firmly around a cigerette packet contained inside of his right jacket pocket. He uses his arm muscles to pull the cigerette packet out of his right jacket pocket. He blinks, he sighs, he blinks, he opens the pack of cigerettes that he got from his right jacket pocket by using his right hand to extract it from his right jacket pocket.

RP < Gameplay/Core Mechanics

This was discussed before, the general population of the planet would take the easy way to accomplish something. The easy way to enjoyment is winning (Be it as a traitor, or killing said traitor), now, don't get me wrong, extensive, drawn out RP stories have a very satisifying end (I used to play the shit out of hypartia) But no one is going to take the time to RP because its not as easy as playing TG as a arcade esque game.

TL;DR Game is easier to enjoy if you play it like a arcade, RP is difficult, go back to hyparita
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TechnoAlchemist wrote:you where always right john, you where always right
>implying the admin conspiracy wasen't just confirmed by a admin.
see, i told you motherfuckers.
NikNakFlak wrote:this isn't a game you can't just post whenever you want
I don't even know what the fuck tg is.


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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by John_Oxford » #125829

DrPillzRedux wrote:Kor got it spot on. The whole reason RP circlejerks even exist these days is because they're people you can actually RP with. Try it with other randoms in other places and you get murdered or wordlessly left there. Everyone's about winning or doing just game mechanics. The game has become sec vs antags and it's dumb.

Double Post, bite me.

It has become a Crew VS Antag game, because not everyone is willing to RP, some people just want to win.

A server where everyone RP'd to a certain extend would be awesome, but only in a perfect world would that actually occur.
Bill Rowe - Used for everything // SYS-OP - AI // SYS-USR - Cyborg

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TechnoAlchemist wrote:you where always right john, you where always right
>implying the admin conspiracy wasen't just confirmed by a admin.
see, i told you motherfuckers.
NikNakFlak wrote:this isn't a game you can't just post whenever you want
I don't even know what the fuck tg is.


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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by invisty » #125872

I agree that the problem isn't for a lack of desire for RP, but instead a newer set of players who are just in it to win it.

I think that if we bought back gameplay mechanics that said "no, your fate is in the hands of others and there is no safe path to winning" then perhaps the attitudes of these people might take a turn for the better.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by ThanatosRa » #125873

invisty wrote:I agree that the problem isn't for a lack of desire for RP, but instead a newer set of players who are just in it to win it.

I think that if we bought back gameplay mechanics that said "no, your fate is in the hands of others and there is no safe path to winning" then perhaps the attitudes of these people might take a turn for the better.
Or they'll leave. You know, Win-Win.
my forum gimmick is that no one knows who i am

gender is irrelevant NO UR IRRELEVANT
u a bish
y u heff 2 b med
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by DrPillzRedux » #125891

That's part of the appeal to Lifeweb. Barely anyone plays to win there, most just want some interesting story and RP happens along the way. At least from my time there.

Back on to the topic of people getting mad when others deviate from the gameplay/winning mindset is how people get mad at those who hang out and RP. The latest bar gang was friendly and would chat up those who wanted to RP. They never really comprised of people who'd sit in an area the whole time as an important job as they are mostly players who have been here longer and know better. Only one didn't and would roll chaplain, but now goes to the brig whenever cult is called because he didn't know he was affecting others. These guys didn't really deserve the heat they got when all they did was RP while trying not to be a nuisance to other players. Some of it may have been weird to others but for the most part it seems the big thing was "not contributing to the game", as per all the posts about them.

Then you look at the bar gang of 2012, who were the ultimate collection of some of the worst players known to tgstation. They'd beat people up in the bar, help each other if one was an antag, kill anyone who spoke to them in any negative tone, break into places for fun, mug people in the halls, and a whole lot of other bad stuff. This was what really kicked in the rules regarding metafriends when the admins finally cracked down on it at the time. These guys deserved to be hated and shit talked. I sure know because I was one of them.

People say GO TO BAY, yet don't realize how heavily restricted and enforced that place is. That kind of forced RP and knowledge, to me, isn't fun. It kills any natural, enjoyable feeling RP. Tgstation allows for a mix of gameplay and RP by design yet the current community mindset turns all those who want to do it away.
thot_slayer wrote:don't be a degenerate online if you don't want people to treat you like a degenerate morty
bandit wrote:what is this

a correct post by pillz
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by lumipharon » #125896

People will shit on other people if they can, for kicks.
So to avoid bein shat on, you gotta powergame.

That's pretty much the gist of it, really.

When gang was first proposed I was super hyped for RP gangs - but the simple truth is, that trying to RP puts you at a massive disadvantage compared to gangs/sec who don't RP.
It's basically an arms race of powergaming.

Yesterday when I tried to just have a casual chat with a chemist, the fucker exploded into a blob right next to me, which was pretty hilarious, but the sad fact is, unless the majority of people want to rp, rping handicaps you.

It's another reason why I would prefer a more bay style med system. What MisterPerson said to me basically highlights it for me - That people mindlessly charging at people wielding machine guns and swords is good.
I on the other hand completely disagree - if combat was way more lethal, and had mor serious consequences then havin to click yourself with a bruisepack, maybe, just maybe, people would focus less on combat and more on other aspects of the game.

Or more likely people would just bitch about having to rely on other human beings for anything in a multiplayer RP game. Meh.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by Zilenan91 » #125902

I've said it before and I'll say it again, without mechanics that encourage RP, it will NEVER be something /tg/station will do. Ever.

Something else that also hurts it quite badly is stuns. You know those things that prevent you from doing anything? Those things that allow your opponent to act fully while you can still do nothing? You know that thing called typing that makes it easier for you to die and be permanently taken out of the round because you couldn't dodge said stuns? This is the problem. The only way we'll EVER get /tg/station to become more RP oriented is if we nerf the majority of our stuns to be minor disruptions instead of fight-winning instances.

A game that does stuns very well is Dota 2. Stuns in Dota 2 are something that are good and also fun because their durations are so short. Unless stacked by many heroes, they aren't very deadly on their own, relying on the damage of others or the person who casted it being dumped onto the target.

Long story short, it's not fun being able to stun someone for 5+ seconds and then start beating on them while they can't do anything. It is fun stunning somebody for 1 or 2 seconds and running around trying to get those MLG disarms and kill each other.
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by onleavedontatme » #125906

>aliens abduct someone
>he gets the objective "the oxygen is killing everyone, get rid of it and save them!"
>he immediately grabs the whole armory and adminhelps asking if he can just kill everyone
>he gets told yes
>I tell him no but he can cause death by breaking windows because it makes sense with his flavour text
>other admins tease me in asay for "expecting rp on tg" and taking flavour text seriously

Im triggered. Even with the guy who designed aliens in dead chat saying abductees werent meant to be full on antags.

I support traitors being able to kill whoever because they have boring objectives otherwise but why cant we have even one thing that doesnt translate to autorifle spree.

Names left out cause this is not about the particular people involved, but the mindset that is common.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by captain sawrge » #125907

What if antags could turn objectives in before a round ends and earn telecrystals for each objective completed (possibly based on the difficulty of the objective) and just keep getting objectives until round end
Green text would be given for reaching a certain amount of objectives completed, or maybe just make it competitive between the antags, ie traitor with 5 objectives wins since everyone else got like 2-4.
Certain antags could just have several objectives at once, maybe need to complete x amount from each category for a victory.
Maybe even an uplink option to reroll your objectives for like 2 TC.

idk if this is a good idea or not but it'd at least encourage traitors to fulfill objectives more maybe? could also prevent rounds from stagnating as much, since traitors would keep getting objectives over and over.
Last edited by captain sawrge on Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by TheNightingale » #125908

Hrm... alright, what if an antagonist's licence-to-kill only applies when in pursuit of their objective (or after it's fulfilled)?
Your objective is to steal a jetpack. You buy a revolver, go to the autolathe, print seventeen .357 speedloaders, and kill a full fifth of the crew before being caught and executed. This isn't good!
Your objective is to absorb the HoP. You mutesting them, but they escape and PDA Security; when the HoS comes and duels you, you kill them. This is good.
Your objective is to remove oxygen from the station. You steal the Armory and kill everyone. This isn't good!
Your objective is to steal the CE's magboots. You buy an emag, pizza bomb and energy sword, emag into Engineering and slay the CE, steal his magboots and gib him, then flood plasma, subvert the AI and hijack the shuttle. This is good.

If you're going to powergame play-to-win murderbone everyone, you have to actually play to win (by getting your greentext).
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by captain sawrge » #125910

I think encouraging people to stay away from murderboner and focus on objectives (also murderboner is literally anti-play-to-win?) is a much better solution than trying to add restrictions on antag. Restricting antags just ends up with rounds stagnating even more.

You're not going to get roleplay out of people having nothing better to do. You're going to get roleplay out of interesting conflict.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by oranges » #125913

Make it turnbased, and you have to write at least 50 words before you can take your turn
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by NikNakFlak » #125914

For once, I agree with sawrge. The multiple objective thing is a good idea. Now traitors will have dick measuring contests with greentext instead of amount of kills. Slightly different, but slightly better in my opinion since greentext doesn't always mean murder and could lead to interesting conflict since they could just get a bunch of steal objectives.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by Zilenan91 » #125915

Adding incentives for antags to do their objectives isn't the way to go about it. All that will do is make them even more powerful. No, the way to go about it would be to systematically nerf antags killing power.

You see, basing my opinion off of Lifeweb, as even the best combat class in the entire game, it's a fucking achievement to kill 3 or 4 people, much less than the 15-20 that routinely happens on /tg/. It's so EASY to murder tons of people, and that's kind of a problem both thematically and in gameplay because there eventually becomes this snowball that the dude has so many stuns that it's impossible to kill him. Thetmatically, things like traitors are supposed to be these quiet agents that slip in, do their objectives, and get out, but murdering is so much more fun than stealing a jetpack or some boots that 99% of the time it's the thing players actually do instead of what they're supposed to do.

Keep in mind, I'm not saying traitors should be defenseless or oldling levels of quiet bullshit, I'm just saying that traitors and cults being as lethal and stunny as they are decentivises RP because you can just die instantly to some chucklefuck with either a taser or a piece of paper.
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by TheNightingale » #125916

Competition between antagonists sounds interesting. I have a feeling giving traitors more TC would mean they'd just buy more eswords/ebows/revolvers, though (or just "Hey, Cap, can I borrow your hand tele? I'll give you 2TC for it!").

Antagonists need to be powerful and alert to deal with play-to-win Security; and Security needs to be powerful and alert to not get steamrolled by play-to-win antags. It's a vicious circle of revolvers and tasers.
Last edited by TheNightingale on Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by captain sawrge » #125917

The idea is like, theft objectives would have a drop-off zone where you stash the item to get your reward, or kill objectives you might have to do it in a certain area or maybe even a certain way based on what job you are? (IDK how reasonable that one is, but like, "Kill So and So the engineer and make it look like an accident" as a doctor, maybe poisoning them?) or taking a photo of the corpse (could just give camera as a free tool for the sake of murder objectives) and setting it at a drop-off point. Then you get more TCs and can buy gear to suit your next objective. Would be neat if you could drop old gear at drop off spots too for a partial refund. Maybe objectives could get progressively more difficult too, like starting by stealing something like the CMO's jumpsuit and progressing to stealing an e-gun than the spare ID, or assassinating an assistant then an engineer and then a head. Would also be neat if objectives were sometimes competitive, for example two traitors get assigned the same target, first to turn in evidence of the kill gets the TC reward, loser has his objective re-rolled.

edit: People are right about traitors just using the bonus TC to buy a bunch of weapons. Maybe nerfing how much TC traitors start with so they can't buy the stronger gear without having completed a few objectives first?
Last edited by captain sawrge on Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by lumipharon » #125918

But it doesn't work - most objectives rely on not just doing a task, but ensuring it stays done until round end (person stays dead, smuggling stolen item out of station).
If you just kill X and get more tc, or steal the cap laser and get more tc, it's pretty retarded, and essentially is just giving you more tc to murderbone with (what else are you going to use 40 tc for?)

Also Zil, how will removing stuns help RP? What the difference between stunning someone and perma'in them/murdering them, and shooting them in the face with a revolver twice?
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by Zilenan91 » #125919

I didn't say removing stuns. I said nerf them.

Giving you a hypothetical situation here, say you're a sec officer. Grey Tide over there is smashing a window. You want to arrest him. Currently, you tase him, cuff him, and you're done, but if stuns were nerfed to the point you couldn't cuff people during a stun, Tide over there would be incentivised to organically RP himself being arrested because he knows you can't do it by force without you killing him.

It's how Lifeweb does it, and it's pretty great.
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by captain sawrge » #125920

lumipharon wrote:But it doesn't work - most objectives rely on not just doing a task, but ensuring it stays done until round end (person stays dead, smuggling stolen item out of station).
If you just kill X and get more tc, or steal the cap laser and get more tc, it's pretty retarded, and essentially is just giving you more tc to murderbone with (what else are you going to use 40 tc for?)
If anything like what I suggested ever got implemented, traitor objectives would probably need to be rebalanced a lot. I guess the idea is mainly to have more specific and difficult objectives as a tradeoff for being able to turn them in mid-round.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by captain sawrge » #125922

Zilenan91 wrote:I didn't say removing stuns. I said nerf them.

Giving you a hypothetical situation here, say you're a sec officer. Grey Tide over there is smashing a window. You want to arrest him. Currently, you tase him, cuff him, and you're done, but if stuns were nerfed to the point you couldn't cuff people during a stun, Tide over there would be incentivised to organically RP himself being arrested because he knows you can't do it by force without you killing him.

It's how Lifeweb does it, and it's pretty great.
Officers in Lifeweb have access to some of the only stun weapons in the game and even they usually forego stuns to simply murder anyone breaking the law.
Saying Lifeweb having no stuns promotes RP is just not true, because the biggest reason Lifeweb has less emphasis on stunbased combat is because combat in that game is extremely lethal.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by Zilenan91 » #125924

Thing is, Cerbs straight up killing people breaking the law is heavily frowned upon, and yes, cerbs do have access to stun weapons, but the reason they kill you is because you can still kick his groin into dust and hobble away if he's arresting you. But to be honest, the reason cerbs straight up kill everyone already is because of no rewls ladz. The people they're arresting are within their right to kill the shit out of them, and on /tg/, they aren't, so cerbs take the easier route.

Alternatively, what should be happening in that case, assuming the Baron didn't specifically ask for their head on a pike, is the Cerb threatening the person with their weapon from afar. Now due to how stats work, cerbs are scary motherfuckers to anyone but a migrant, so you'll slow your ass down and talk to him. He'll ask for you to come in quietly, and since you don't want to die, you will. That's the end of it.
Last edited by Zilenan91 on Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by captain sawrge » #125925

Without something like Bay's auto-aim, you're literally never going to get a situation like that. Even in Lifeweb cerbs are incredibly easy to outrun if they don't stun you straightaway, since they're covered in armor and most people are just wearing normal clothes.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by TheNightingale » #125928

Zilenan91 wrote:Giving you a hypothetical situation here, say you're a sec officer. Grey Tide over there is smashing a window. You want to arrest him. Currently, you tase him, cuff him, and you're done, but if stuns were nerfed to the point you couldn't cuff people during a stun, Tide over there would be incentivised to organically RP himself being arrested because he knows you can't do it by force without you killing him.
Let's be realistic here... Tide over there gets up from your stun and runs away. You give chase, and he pulls a spray bottle and slips you; you drop your taser, he takes it, empties the clip/magazine/charge (???) into you, and runs again.

An "aim" mode (like Bay) might help; take aim at someone, and if they do any action (including use the radio), you fire. Suddenly, Mr. Tide can't move without being tased, and you're free to RP out the arrest.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by Zilenan91 » #125929

Thing about that situation is that the sec officer is still playing the same game as we are right now. If stuns were nerfed, /tg/ will be a fundamentally different game with much less of an emphasis on combat. Players will be more incentivised to slow down for a second and talk since stuns won't be as insanely lethal.
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by Zilenan91 » #125930

captain sawrge wrote:Without something like Bay's auto-aim, you're literally never going to get a situation like that. Even in Lifeweb cerbs are incredibly easy to outrun if they don't stun you straightaway, since they're covered in armor and most people are just wearing normal clothes.

If you run from a cerb while you're wanted, you're a dead motherfucker. There's no real way to sugarcoat that, since if even a single person, including a cerb, has any form of ranged weapon like a bow or a crossbow, he just shoots you in the leg, and then you repeat a much more aggressive version of the above situation. Also them sprinting at you is a thing, as is throwing rocks at your head which is incredibly robust.
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by DrPillzRedux » #125931

I don't see how giving rewards in-game to buy more death machines by killing people is going to promote RP.
thot_slayer wrote:don't be a degenerate online if you don't want people to treat you like a degenerate morty
bandit wrote:what is this

a correct post by pillz
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by invisty » #125933

Before we get too heavy into "how can we change the gameplay to better encourage RP" (which is an incredibly complex topic and would require a big combat overhaul), I think it would be useful to hear from the players who do not agree with RP being a core component of /tg/station's environment. More specifically, those players/coders/admins who feel the game is largely defined by the antagonists vs security/command and dynamic and traitors-dead-shuttle-call round lifecycle.

After all, if we don't address the concerns of all parties, you're just going to hit a brick wall of misunderstandings.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by Zilenan91 » #125934

We give them an open platform to voice their opinions. If they choose not to do this, then that's on them.
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Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by iamgoofball » #125935

Maybe we should stop shoehorning roleplay and realism into everything because the vocal minority wants to stuff it in.

If this server as a whole wanted more RP, players wouldn't be playing with meme names and doing low rp stuff.

If we take away the low RP, they'll just leave. They play here because of how it's low rp ss13. They aren't going to magically change their minds and start doing hardcore roleplay.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by Deitus » #125936

i came to tg for a fun mix of rp AND gameplay.

we stopped doing that a while ago.
whenever i try to type something out and attempt to rp, i usually end up on a table and/or injected with something before i can even get "say wait a sec" in.

all this talk of reforming things is nice and all, but i can about half past guarantee that nothing will change. sorry if im being grim about things (read: realistic), but just be happy with what little we have, guys; naivety never solves anything.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by Zilenan91 » #125937

Exactly goofball. Forcing a level of RP is bad, and that's why people hate Bay. Ideally, what you want are mechanics that organically make players go to a level of RP suiting the mechanics and other players.
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Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #125941

I want them to leave.

I RP every round. Last night I acquired a chicken outfit and role played Hedy Algebra larping as her fursona, Henwig Algebra. I clucked a lot. I died eventually but it was Ok cuz I had fun.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by onleavedontatme » #125947

Wouldnt work for traitors because theyre the driving force of the round and their objectives are very dull.

Abductees are supposed to be a fun weird sideshow.

And there has to be a middle ground bewteen forcing rp and silent death match.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by Scott » #125948

Kor wrote:>aliens abduct someone
>he gets the objective "the oxygen is killing everyone, get rid of it and save them!"
>he immediately grabs the whole armory and adminhelps asking if he can just kill everyone
>he gets told yes
>I tell him no but he can cause death by breaking windows because it makes sense with his flavour text
>other admins tease me in asay for "expecting rp on tg" and taking flavour text seriously

Im triggered. Even with the guy who designed aliens in dead chat saying abductees werent meant to be full on antags.

I support traitors being able to kill whoever because they have boring objectives otherwise but why cant we have even one thing that doesnt translate to autorifle spree.

Names left out cause this is not about the particular people involved, but the mindset that is common.
I always thought admins were responsible for the increasing frequency of murderbone and reduced RP, but I am still surprised at this.

Remove admins.
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by Zilenan91 » #125951

Kor wrote:Wouldnt work for traitors because theyre the driving force of the round and their objectives are very dull.

Abductees are supposed to be a fun weird sideshow.

And there has to be a middle ground bewteen forcing rp and silent death match.

I think you missed my point. By nerfing stuns, it would make combat far more responsive to every party involved, so it would make players feel like taking risks (rping, aka standing still) will be much less of a risk than it is currently, while also making the combat only slightly less deadly than it is. It would organically tell players that RPing out of situations could be more fun and more rewarding than silently stunning and killing someone due to it being much harder.
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by PKPenguin321 » #125952

listen, as long as we have more RP than Hippie (which we do) we're good
"RP" on hippie doesn't exist at all, and is pretty much the main reason that server is so abysmally shit (aside from the numerous other things wrong with it). it's at the point where the lack of RP actually hurts the gameplay by making things less fun.

we're at a good level. the game is still fun and we still have RP, which is light, but not so light that the game itself is suffering because of it.
if things could stay the way they are right now it'd be pretty much perfect.
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: RP is at a dangerous low

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #125954

Zilenan91 wrote:
Kor wrote:Wouldnt work for traitors because theyre the driving force of the round and their objectives are very dull.

Abductees are supposed to be a fun weird sideshow.

And there has to be a middle ground bewteen forcing rp and silent death match.

I think you missed my point. By nerfing stuns, it would make combat far more responsive to every party involved, so it would make players feel like taking risks (rping, aka standing still) will be much less of a risk than it is currently, while also making the combat only slightly less deadly than it is. It would organically tell players that RPing out of situations could be more fun and more rewarding than silently stunning and killing someone due to it being much harder.
it'd also make security's job a shitload harder to do so they'd just start passing out lethal guns and shooting shitters instead of arresting them.
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